I am creating a pacman game in javascript to learn the language, and the most elements of it are done nicely except of.... the 4 ghosts AI. Right now I am using a pretty basic approach (like searching for x and y and try to get closer to pacman, if the ghosts hits a wall or other ghost e tries to unstuck himself by going into a random direction until it hits another wall or ghost). The thing is, this approach is just not good at all, most of the times ghosts get stuck between them for some time, or go to very erratic directions.
What I want to ask is, what could be an approach for constructing this AI considering this is javascript? I am not asking for already done code here, just some ideas to get me unstuck on this.
PS: I've thought of graphs and Disjktra et all, but, considering that the game is in a matrix and calculating 4 graphs + path every 250ms can be a lot costy....
This is a very thorough introduction into specifically Pac-Man AI. It's very well written and I thoroughly recommend it.
For general pathfinding have a look at A*.
EDIT: Decided to add actual sprites and animations instead of using fillRects.
Currently drawing all this on a canvas.
I have an update function and a draw function.
Within the update function, i loop through all the people and update their positions slightly. Then I call the draw function which renders it onto the canvas.
Currently all the do is slide around the bounds of the map but I think it'll add a lot more polish to the game if the little guys have a small walking animation.
The people are all drawn with a fillRect() function. I figured a small animation where the people rotate side to side when moving would be a nice effect. However, i'm not sure how to go about this as well as best practices.
Do you guys have any idea on how to achieve this effect? It seems like if I want to do what im looking for, i would need to then keep track of more states within the people. eg. isTiltedLeft, isTiltedRight, tiltDuration, etc etc. This seems a bit complicated(?) but maybe this is the only way.
Since you don't have any specific code questions, you're generally on the right path. There's a lot of different states to manage, and you'll need to track each of them. If things seem complex, they sure can be. People spend lots of money to run games nicely. A lot of code needs to run very fast in order to make these experiences.
Common things I've found useful to know:
Use a sin wave to add a bounce to your animation.
Use Math.Atan2 to find the angle between two points
Understand how to convert between Radians and Degrees
Use Composition over inheritance as much as possible.
I'm always happy to chat about game dev, feel free to look up my contact info and reach out. Happy Coding!
Im looking to create an ellipse with a feathered or soft edge, as if it has been drawn with a spray can. I cant get my head around it...?? :-i
Any Help will be truly appreciated.
You have to break this down further. Pretend you have a friend who has never seen anything drawn with a spray can, so they have no idea what that looks like. Your goal is to give your friend a piece of paper, a pencil, and a list of steps they can follow to create the effect even though they've never seen it before.
Write down a series of steps (in English, not in code) that your friend could follow using the pen and paper. Remember that your friend has never seen the effect before, so you have to be as specific as possible. Try to break steps down into smaller sub-steps whenever possible. Maybe try watching videos of the effect in slow motion to figure out exactly what's going on.
When you have the list of steps written down, that's an algorithm that you can think about implementing with code.
Even though this doesn't feel like programming, this process of breaking your main goal down into several smaller steps is at the core of programming (especially creative coding).
That being said, I can help you get started by offering several approaches you might want to play with.
Just use an image stamp. Draw the effect beforehand and then just draw that image to the canvas, optionally randomly rotating and coloring it.
Or draw a series of circles, maybe getting more transparent as they get further from the center.
Or draw a random dot within a random range at a random angle. Do this several times per frame.
With web i usually just use the native scroll mechanisms. They are fast, reliable and there is no coding involved.
But, while working more and more in Unity, i have discovered that the available plugins for scroll, even the big ones such as Unity.UI or NGUI are simply awful. I have asked around, and found out that it is like that in most platforms. The physics is plain bad.
I did a bunch of research and i have tried a few solutions, from NGUI scrollView, to web iScroll.js and so on. I have found no solution as perfect as the original Apple's PastryKit. Now, PastryKit is old, deprecated, has no API and as hard to read as hieroglyphs.
But what is important is that while making it, they have managed to exactly recreate the iOS kinetic scroll physics behavior.
I am not trying to implement PastryKit , i am trying to find out how it works. I am trying to understand and replicate.
I am trying to find out the easings/formulas they use and logical conditions they use them in. Apple has a crazy way of writing confusing JS, so even tho i am a full stack developer, i am having a hard time tracing everything down. And i figured few brains is better than one, so lets see, does anyone understand this file? :D
IN SHORT (so there are no misunderstandings): I am trying to extract a set of physics rules from this file, which i can use as guidelines in order to write my own implementation of scroll on any platform i choose. :)
for example: 'normal' scroll is defined by {>300ms && >10px}, apple uses the following bezier curve when easing the animation of slowdown. cubic-bezier.com/#.25,.46,.1,.94
UPDATE: We solved this a while ago. We discovered how Apple does it's momentum.
After many hours of dissecting the algorithm, we concluded that Apple is in fact using magic numbers. And the magic number is: (drumroll) momentum * 0.95.
Basically, while the touch lasts, apple lets you move the screen 1:1.
On touch end Apple would get momentum by dividing number of pixels that the user had swiped, and time that the user has swiped for. If the number of pixels was less than 10 or time was less than 0.5, momentum would be clamped to zero.
Anyways, once the momentum (speed) was known to us, they would multiply it by 0.95 in every frame, and then move the screen by that much.
So idiotically simple and elegant, that it hurts. :)
I'm relatively new to HTML and Javascript, but I'm knee deep in the Udacity interactive 3D course and have gotten my hands dirty with some three.js + WebGL. And I've been able to make and somewhat understand this:
So far.(having a hard time understanding the API and getting cannon.js and really any interesting mechanics to work, any advice for learning APIs like threejs?)
I was wondering if anyone could provide any input for someone whose end goal is to make a game that is somewhat like a demi-version of: REZ, Exteel, Armored Core or Zone of The Enders versus mode.
My goal is implementing: rail shooting(w/ cannon.js?), health bars, NPC boss battles with different stages, animated movements, a cross-hair, level bounds, concepts of upgrades to a character.
To be really specific, a 5 level game with PointerLockControl + shooting interface, where each level pass requires bringing a boss' health bar down to zero. The enemy would have a vulnerable mesh area where if bullet objects hit it, it'd trigger a collision event where its health decreased. If health<= 25 it speeds up and becomes harder to kill. After its death the screen blacks out and restarts with a new boss and so on. I'd want to put in victory screens, failure screens and if possible, cut scenes where I guess I'd disable user control and enable some kind of path cinematic camera. And preferrably for this to all be in the browser like Quake, BUT if something like this isn't possible, I'd try something else.
Sorry if this question is too broad or weird, I want to work on video games for a living, I will appreciate any feedback I get, I just want to know if someone more experienced can look at what kind of game I want to make and recommend some up to date material or helpful sites.
Currently I'm working with webGL and threejs, I've looked into Unity3D but I can't develop that on my Linux machine. Far FARR down the line I'd like make full blown games in C++.
Design as specifically as possible, because then you will have lots of small tasks whose role in the greater whole is known. Then if you don't know what to do on any given day, just look at your design, your map, and pick a piece that you can do that day.
Sorry if this answer is not specific to WebGL but you have asked broadly.
Hi I'm working on learning 3d game development and I'm starting with JavaScript and the html5 canvas and I was wondering if I were to have a 3d model do I draw the entire model(front, back, etc) and let the web browser decide what to render or should I try to just draw the sides that are in view of the camera? I ask this because I can see how it would be faster to do the latter of the 2 but that can get very complex and I'll need to do quite a bit more research to find how to do that.
It's up to you, but it depends at least in part whether it's more expensive to spend the time clipping the model or just to render the entire thing dumbly.
Modern GPUs are pretty fast at drawing tons of geometry, so you often won't optimize the geometry sent to the card. However, it sounds like you're using the 2D canvas and writing your own rasterizer, so it may well be faster for you to do some quick optimization. Profiling and experimenting will turn up the right answer for your particular project.
If you're just learning I wouldn't worry overly about performance at this point but instead making sure you get the fundamental ideas and math down.