Representing a div as a Javascript object? - javascript

I want to show a list of various pets on my page. Each pet would linked to a javascript object representing that pet. This is the code for my Pet class:
function Pet()
var id, name, var color, var photo;
this.getHtml = function()
// Should return the html of a div representing the pet.
return html;
} = function()
//Find out whether pet is for sale, show a buy form, etc
// Snip
Using this object, I want to do this:
var cat = new Pet(); = 1; = 'Cat';
cat.color = 'Black'; = '';
var dog = new Pet(); = 2; = 'Dog';
dog.color = 'White'; = '';
By running this code, I want to get the following two divs to be added to my page:
<div id="pet_1">
Pet name: Cat <br>
Color: Black <br>
<img src='' alt='Cat' /><br>
<input type='button' value='Buy This Pet' onclick = 'cat.Buy()';/>
<div id="pet_2">
Pet name: Dog <br>
Color: White <br>
<img src='' alt='Dog' /><br>
<input type='button' value='Buy This Pet' onclick = 'dog.Buy()';/>
The questions I have are:
1) What's the best way to write the pet.getHtml() function so that it would produce the above output? I would really prefer to not store the html inside a string within my javascript, rather I'd prefer if a template div could be stored outside the javascript somewhere, and each time that div's html is retrieved, the necessary info inserted, and the html code of the new div is returned.
2) Also, certain elements within the new div (such as the buy button) should be linked to the object that produced them, e.g the 'Buy now' buttons of the cat/dog div call the; and; methods when clicked.
How can this be accomplished?

There are two options here. You can either try a full blown client side MVC system for this. Personally I would recommend you look at backbone it's minimalistic and has a very lightweight View with no rendering/ui defaults.
Or write your own micro MVC system.
As for the views you can use a templating engine like EJS or jQuery tmpl.
An EJS view would be
<div id="<%= id %>">
Pet name: <%= name %><br>
Color: <%= color %><br>
<img src='<%= url %>' alt='<%= name %>' /><br>
<input type='button' value='Buy This Pet'/>
Then your code would look like :
function render() {
var container = container || $("<div></div>").appendTo(parent);
new EJS({url: view_url}).update(container[0], {
color: this.color,
url: this.url,
var that = this;
container.find(":button").click(function() {;
As for jQuery tmpl
<script id="petTemplate" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div id="${id}">
Pet name: ${name}<br>
Color: ${color}<br>
<img src='${url}' alt='${name}' /><br>
<input class="buy" type='button' value='Buy This Pet'/>
function render() {
var that = this;
$( "#petTemplate" ).tmpl( [{
color: this.color,
url: this.url,
}] ).appendTo( parent ).find(".buy:button").click(function() {;

Take a look at javascript templates. jQuery has a plugin in beta to accomplish this. Here are the docs.
There is a really good library called Pure that lets you integrate templates into a bunch of javascript frameworks.
Of course there are lots of docs on the subject on Google


HTML elements in template strings in JS

I have problem with adding HTML elements in my template string. I want to add new lines in my <li> element, but <br> is interpreted like string.
let movieDescription = document.createTextNode(`${moviesData[i].title} <br> ${moviesData[i].year} <br> ${moviesData[i].genre} <br>${moviesData[i].summary}`);
How can I add <br> element in template string?
As you have already been informed, <br> is HTML not text. So you'll need to parse the Template Literal in order to render line breaks correctly. The most common way to do it is by using the property .innerHTML, although I've read plenty of posts and blogs about how crappy it is, I've never had a problem with it. In this example, we are using insertAdjacentHTML() (note the template literal has <div>s and <hr>s):
var movieDescription = `
<div>Title: ${moviesData[i].title}</div>
<div>Year: ${moviesData[i].year}</div>
<div>Genre: ${moviesData[i].genre}</div>
<div>Summary: ${moviesData[i].summary}</div>
document.querySelector('.dock').innerHTML = movieDescription;
An alternative method is insertAdjacentHTML(). It's like innerHTML on steroids.
it's faster and safer than innerHTML
it allows us to specifically determine where the insertion should be relating to the target element:
beforebegin: inserted HTML <div>target element</div>
afterbegin: <div> inserted HTML target element</div>
beforeend: <div>target element inserted HTML </div>
afterend: <div>target element</div> inserted HTML
It doesn't overwrite content like innerHTML does.
It's verbose.
var dock = document.querySelector('.dock');
var i;
var moviesData = [{
title: 'Pulp Fiction',
year: '1994',
genre: 'Drama-Crime',
summary: "You will know , my name is the Lord, when I lay my vengance upon thee!"
}, {
title: 'Reservoir Dogs',
year: '1992',
genre: 'Drama-Crime',
summary: "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right! Here I am stuck in the middle with you"
for (i = 0; i < moviesData.length; i++) {
var movieDescription = `
<div>Title: ${moviesData[i].title}</div>
<div>Year: ${moviesData[i].year}</div>
<div>Genre: ${moviesData[i].genre}</div>
<div>Summary: ${moviesData[i].summary}</div>
dock.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', movieDescription);
<div class='dock'></div>
A text node contains... well... text. It does not contain other html elements, and thus when you create one it will interpret the <br> as text and display it as is.
What you want would be a collection of TextNodes and HTMLBRElement.
const movieDescription = [
That is quite awkward to do. Instead, you probably want to use Element.innerHTML on the element you want to add this description to.
const html = `${moviesData[i].title} <br> ${moviesData[i].year} <br> ${moviesData[i].genre} <br>${moviesData[i].summary}`;
document.querySelector('.my-movie-description').innerHTML = html;
A similar method exists to add a single TextNode to an element. This is Element.innerText.
I have witten a html templating engine to render dynamic data at browser.
Codepen example
var moviesData = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
moviesData.push( {
"title" : "title " + i,
"year" : 2000 + i,
"genre" : "action",
"summary" : "summary " + i
body {
background-color: #a3d5d3;
.movie {
margin: 0.5em 1em ;
padding : 0.2em 0.5em;
border: 1px solid;
<div jstl-autorun jstl-foreach="${moviesData}" jstl-foreach-var="movieData">
<div class="movie">
here is the link for the template engine
I hope it's useful for you.

Async loading a template in a Knockout component

I'm pretty experienced with Knockout but this is my first time using components so I'm really hoping I'm missing something obvious! I'll try and simplify my use case a little to explain my issue.
I have a HTML and JS file called Index. Index.html has the data-bind for the component and Index.js has the ko.components.register call.
<div data-bind="component: { name: CurrentComponent }"></div>
var vm = require("SectionViewModel");
var CurrentComponent = ko.observable("section");
ko.components.register("section", {
viewModel: vm.SectionViewModel,
template: "<h3>Loading...</h3>"
I then have another HTML and JS file - Section.html and SectionViewModel.js. As you can see above, SectionViewModel is what I specify as the view model for the component.
<span data-bind="text: Section().Name"></span>
var SectionViewModel = (function() {
function SectionViewModel() {
this.Section = ko.observable();
$.get("http://apiurl").done(function (data) {
this.Section(new SectionModel(data.Model)); // my data used by the view model
ko.components.get("dashboard", function() {
component.template[0] = data.View; // my html from the api
return SectionViewModel;
exports.SectionViewModel = SectionViewModel;
As part of the constructor in SectionViewModel, I make a call to my API to get all the data needed to populate my view model. This API call also returns the HTML I need to use in my template (which is basically being read from Section.html).
Obviously this constructor isn't called until I've called applyBindings, so when I get into the success handler for my API call, the template on my component is already set to my default text.
What I need to know is, is it possible for me to update this template? I've tried the following in my success handler as shown above:
ko.components.get("section", function(component) {
component.template[0] = dataFromApi.Html;
This does indeed replace my default text with the html returned from my API (as seen in debug tools), but this update isn't reflected in the browser.
So, basically after all that, all I'm really asking is, is there a way to update the content of your components template after binding?
I know an option to solve the above you might think of is to require the template, but I've really simplified the above and in it's full implementation, I'm not able to do this, hence why the HTML is returned by the API.
Any help greatly appreciated! I do have a working solution currently, but I really don't like the way I've had to structure the JS code to get it working so a solution to the above would be the ideal.
You can use a template binding inside your componente.
The normal use of the template bindign is like this:
<div data-bind="template: { name: tmplName, data: tmplData }"></div>
You can make both tmplData and tmplName observables, so you can update the bound data, and change the template. The tmplName is the id of an element whose content will be used as template. If you use this syntax you need an element with the required id, so, in your succes handler you can use something like jQuery to create a new element with the appropriate id, and then update the tmplname, so that the template content gets updated.
Another option is to use the template binding in a different way:
<div data-bind="template: { nodes: tmplNodes, data: tmplData }"></div>
In this case you can supply directly the nodes to the template. I.e. make a tmplNodes observable, which is initialized with your <h3>Loading...</h3> element. And then change it to hold the nodes received from the server.
because nodesdoesn't support observables:
nodes — directly pass an array of DOM nodes to use as a template. This should be a non-observable array and note that the elements will be removed from their current parent if they have one. This option is ignored if you have also passed a nonempty value for name.
So you need to use the first option: create a new element, add it to the document DOM with a known id, and use that id as the template name. DEMO:
// Simulate service that return HTML
var dynTemplNumber = 0;
var getHtml = function() {
var deferred = $.Deferred();
var html =
'<div class="c"> \
<h3>Dynamic template ' + dynTemplNumber++ + '</h3> \
Name: <span data-bind="text: name"/> \
setTimeout(deferred.resolve, 2000, html);
return deferred.promise();
var Vm = function() {
self = this;
self.tmplIdx = 0;
self.tmplName = ko.observable('tmplA');
self.tmplData = ko.observable({ name: 'Helmut', surname: 'Kaufmann'});
self.tmplNames = ko.observableArray(['tmplA','tmplB']);
self.loading = ko.observable(false);
self.createNewTemplate = function() {
// simulate AJAX call to service
getHtml().then(function(html) {
var tmplName = 'tmpl' + tmplIdx++;
var $new = $('<div>');
return self;
ko.applyBindings(Vm(), byName);
div.container { border: solid 1px black; margin: 20px 0;}
div {padding: 5px; }
.a { background-color: #FEE;}
.b { background-color: #EFE;}
.c { background-color: #EEF;}
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="byName" class="container">
Select template by name:
<select data-bind="{options: tmplNames, value: tmplName}"></select>
<input type="button" value="Add template"
data-bind="click: createNewTemplate"/>
<span data-bind="visible: loading">Loading new template...</span>
<div data-bind="template: {name: tmplName, data: tmplData}"></div>
<div id="tmplContainer" style="display:none">
<div id="tmplA">
<div class="a">
<h3>Template A</h3>
<span data-bind="text: name"></span> <span data-bind="text: surname"></span>
<div id="tmplB">
<div class="b">
<h3>Template B</h3>
Name: <span data-bind="text: name"/>
component.template[0] = $(data)[0]
I know this is old, but I found it trying to do the same, and the approcah helped me come up with this in my case, the template seems to be an element, not just raw html

Data binding while manipulating the DOM not working with Angular, Knockout

I am looking to implement Angular, Knockout or another to data-bind a wizard-style application form proof-of-concept (no server-side code). However I appear to be breaking the data bindings when I clone the data-bound div.
The first few steps of the application form capture data, while the later steps present the data back to the user to allow them confirm what was entered. I am manipulating the DOM by inserting the appropriate step when 'next' is pressed and taking out the last step when 'previous' is pressed. I do this using detatch, clone and remove.
Can anyone give advise on the approach they would take to make this work, and what frameworks I should look at?
Below is pseudocode to give an idea of the structure. The pseudo-data-binding-code is just how I thought it would work, I'm not bedded to any framework.
<div id="wizard">
<div id="step1">Enter your name: <input type="text" id="name" /></div>
<div id="actions"><input type="button" value="Previous" /><input type="button" value="Next" onClick="goNext();" /></div>
<div id="steps">
<div id="stepA">Enter your age: <input type="text" id="age" databind="theAge" /></div>
<div id="stepB">The age you entered - {{ theAge }} is too young!</div>
<div id="stepC">Enter your favourite colour: <input type="text" id="faveColour" databind="faveCol" /></div>
<div id="stepD">Hi {{ name }}. You are {{ age }} years old and your favourite colour is {{ faveCol }}</div>
function goNext() {
// figure out which step is next
insertStepIntoWizard(step, index, title);
function insertStepIntoWizard(step, index, title) {
var element = step.detach();
wizard.steps('insert', index, {
title: title,
content: element.clone()
console.log('insertStepIntoWizard - just inserted ' + step.attr('id') + ' into wizard position ' + index);
I think you're thinking in terms of having your view reflect your entity model, which is basically templating. If you're looking to use Knockout/Angular, consider using it's view model to manage page state / flow / actions, in addition to controlling the entity. (Writing jQuery code to poke about with the DOM and clone, show/hide, etc is no fun). #sabithpocker makes a similar point.
Working example: I'm familiar with Knockout, and have created an example jsFiddle of your scenario:
I've used the template tag to house each section of the wizard, and all steps point to the same model/entity within the viewmodel.
To emphasise what's happening with the publish/subscribe nature of the bindings:
The user input is also relayed at the bottom of the page.
The form title is dynamic, as well as the 'step'
ko.computed is used to 'compute' the full name and if there are any 'steps' left to go
Knockout-specific: Notice the occurrence of brackets popping up around the place. This is one thing that may catch you out occasionally if you choose to learn Knockout. It just means that you're evaluating the binding container to get the value.
View model
<h3 data-bind="text: currentStep().name"></h3>
<div data-bind="template: { name: 'wizard-step1' }, visible: currentStep().id === 0"></div>
<div data-bind="template: { name: 'wizard-step2' }, visible: currentStep().id === 1"></div>
<div data-bind="template: { name: 'wizard-step3' }, visible: currentStep().id === 2"></div>
<input type="button" value="Next step" data-bind="click: onNext, visible: hasNextSteps" />
<input type="button" value="Submit" data-bind="click: onSubmit,visible: !hasNextSteps()" />
<div data-bind="visible: submitResultMessage, text: submitResultMessage"></div>
<h3>Your inputs</h3>
<div data-bind="visible: questions.fullName">Full name: <span data-bind="text: questions.fullName"></span></div>
<div data-bind="visible: questions.age">Age: <span data-bind="text: questions.age"></span>
<div data-bind="visible: questions.favouriteColour">Favourite colour: <span data-bind="text: questions.favouriteColour"></span>
<script type="text/html" id="wizard-step1">
First name: <input data-bind="value: questions.firstName, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'" />
Last name: <input data-bind="value: questions.lastName, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'" />
<script type="text/html" id="wizard-step2">
Age: <input data-bind="value: questions.age, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'" />
<script type="text/html" id="wizard-step3">
Favourite colour: <input data-bind="value: questions.favouriteColour, valueUpdate:'afterkeydown'" />
// Entity for holding form data.
var FormData = function() {
var self = this;
self.firstName = ko.observable("");
self.lastName = ko.observable("");
self.age = ko.observable("");
self.favouriteColour = ko.observable("");
self.fullName = ko.computed(function() {
if (!self.firstName() && !self.lastName()) {
return "";
return self.firstName() + " " + self.lastName();
// Quick handling for managing steps of the wizard
var wizardSteps = [
{ id: 0, name: "Wizard step 1"},
{ id: 1, name: "More questions"},
{ id: 2, name: "Last step"}
var ViewModel = function() {
var self = this;
// Properties
self.questions = new FormData();
self.currentStep = ko.observable(wizardSteps[0]);
self.submitResultMessage = ko.observable();
// Actions
self.onNext = function() {
var currentIndex = self.currentStep().id;
if (self.hasNextSteps()) {
// Move forward one step on the wizard
self.currentStep(wizardSteps[currentIndex + 1]);
self.onSubmit = function() {
self.submitResultMessage("Data is now submitted ");
// Page control
self.hasNextSteps = ko.computed(function() {
var currentIndex = self.currentStep().id;
return currentIndex < wizardSteps.length - 1;
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());
What most of the bleeding edge javascript frameworks is trying to do is attempting to manage the huge amount of code in current applications where large amount of business logic is implemented with javascript in client side. So they are mostly trying to provide you with some architecture to organize your code to make it easy to manage, read and scale.
In your case you are trying to neglect the architecture like MVC or MVWhatever they are providing and use the framework to do some templating, If I understand you correctly. For that you can better get the help of some templating engine in javascript like handlebars and use it to manually render your data stored in your current javascript app.
see it here
Simply re-initialize your bindings.
This solves my problem when using knockout.
When you change the main DOM element which is actually being referenced for MVVM, it turn-out that any change or re-structuring that element hampers the dom relationship.
Eventually, though the placement of the item looks same but technically, in java script engine it is not. So the problem occurs.
In order to fix something like this, simply have a constructor which will initialize or re-initialize the mapping for a particular element in DOM.
Hope that solves your problem.
function ReInitializeVM()
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, document.getElementById("userDetails"));
The function can be called everytime where you feel the need of re-initializing the bindings. Calling the function will remove any binding on the element with id "userDetails" and then the applyBindings can be called to initialize the binding. This will invoke bindings for any new/changed element.

Using Knockout with repeated user controls

I have a web page that contains a list of games. Each game is presented by a user control, that contains a few labels that hold the properties of the game (time, scores, players, etc.). So the same user control is repeated a few times on the page.
The data changes every minute to support live covarage of the game.
I was hoping to use knockout to update all labels in the user control, but since every user control should bind to a different game data, and a user control cannot have its own view model, I dont know what is the best approach to this scenario.
I need something like a dynamic ViewModel and a dynamic data-bind attributes, but I couldnt find any information on the subject.
Here is a demonstration of the template binding using both data and foreach with the same template. You can see in the JS that the data is the type, a game, but we are dislpaying them separately in the HTML.
<!-- ko if: favoriteGame -->
<h1>Favorite Game</h1>
<div data-bind="template: { name: 'gameTemplate', data: favoriteGame }"></div>
<!-- /ko -->
<h1>All Games</h1>
<div data-bind="template: { name: 'gameTemplate', foreach: games }"></div>
<script type="text/ko" id="gameTemplate">
<span class="gameName" data-bind="text: name"></span>
<span data-bind="text: publisher"></span>
<input data-bind="value: score" />
<button data-bind="click: $parent.favoriteGame">Favorite</button>
var Game = function(data) { = ko.observable( || "");
this.publisher = ko.observable(data.publisher || "");
this.score = ko.observable(data.score || 0);
var ViewModel = function(init) {
var self = this;
self.favoriteGame = ko.observable(); = ko.observableArray(ko.utils.arrayMap(init, function(g) {
return new Game(g);
Note that the click: $parent.favoriteGame binding selects the favorite game directly. Knockout passes the current context as the first parameter to function bindings, and since observables are functions, this updates the observable directly, without needing a wrapper function.
You can take a look at this in this fiddle. Its not perfectly clear what you where after, you don't have any code in your question. I hope this isn't too far off.

Dynamically adding items into view and posting back to controller (ASP.NET MVC 4)

I have a ASP.NET MVC 4 app with model, that contains and colection (IEnumerable<T> or IList<T>), i.e.:
class MyModel
public int Foo { get; set; }
public IList<Item> Bar { get; set; }
class Item
public string Baz { get; set; }
And I render the data in view with classic #for..., #Html.EditorFor... ad so on. Now there's a need to add on client side to add dynamically new items and then post it back to server.
I'm looking for an easy solution to handle the adding (in JavaScript), aka not manually creating all the inputs etc. Probably to get it somehow from editor template view. And to add it the way that when the form is submitted back to server the model binder will be able to properly create the IList<T> collection, aka some smart handling of inputs' names. I read a bunch of articles, but nothing that was easy and worked reliably (without magic strings like collection variable names, AJAX callbacks to server, ...).
So far this looks promising, but I'd like to rather rely on rendering (items known in advance) on server.
I'm not sure what do you mean 'collection variable names' and probably my solution is kind of magic you noticed.
My solution is based on copying existing editor for element and altering input names via Javascript.
First of all, we need to mark up our editor. This is a code of form outputs editor for collection
#for (var i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++)
<div class="contact-card">
#Html.LabelFor(c => Model[i].FirstName, "First Name")
#Html.TextBoxFor(c => Model[i].FirstName)
<br />
#Html.LabelFor(c => Model[i].LastName, "Last Name")
#Html.TextBoxFor(c => Model[i].LastName)
<br />
#Html.LabelFor(c => Model[i].Email, "Email")
#Html.TextBoxFor(c => Model[i].Email)
<br />
#Html.LabelFor(c => Model[i].Phone, "Phone")
#Html.TextBoxFor(c => Model[i].Phone)
<hr />
Our editor is placed into div with class contact-card. On rendering, ASP.NET MVC gives names like [0].FirstName, [0].LastName ... [22].FirstName, [22].LastName to inputs used as property editors. On submitting Model Binder converts this to collection of entities based both on indexes and property names.
Next we create javascript function that copies last editor and increases index in brackets by 1. On submitting it adds additional element to collection:
var lastContent = $("#contact-form .contact-card").last().clone();
$("#contact-form .contact-card").last().after(lastContent);
$("#contact-form .contact-card")
.each(function () {
var currentName = $(this).attr("name");
var regex = /\[([0-9])\]/;
var newName = currentName.replace(regex, '[' + (parseInt(currentName.match(regex)[1]) + 1) + ']');
$(this).attr('name', newName);
VOILA!! On submitting we will get one more element!
At the end I did similar stuff what STO was suggesting, but with the custom (non-linear) indices for collections suggested by Phil Haack.
This uses manual naming of elements (so I'm not binding directly to the model) and I can use custom instances (for empty element templates). I've also created some helper methods to generate me the code for the instance, so it's easier to generate code for actual instances from the model or empty ones.
I did this with help of Backbone (for file uploader) where i insert template whenever user click #addButton
#using Telerik.Web.Mvc.UI
ViewBag.Title = "FileUpload";
Layout = "~/Areas/Administration/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml";
<div id="fileViewContainer" class="span12">
<h2>File upload</h2>
#foreach(var fol in (List<string>)ViewBag.Folders){
<span style="cursor: pointer;" class="uploadPath">#fol</span><br/>
#using (Html.BeginForm("FileUpload", "CentralAdmin", new { id = "FileUpload" }, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<label for="file1">Path:</label>
<input type="text" style="width:400px;" name="destinacionPath" id="destinacionPath"/><br />
<div id="fileUploadContainer">
<input type="button" class="addButton" id="addUpload" value="Add file"/>
<input type="button" class="removeButton" id="removeUpload" value="Remove file"/>
<input type="submit" value="Upload" />
<script type="text/template" id="uploadTMP">
<p class="uploadp"><label for="file1">Filename:</label>
<input type="file" name="files" id="files"/></p>
Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().Scripts(c => c.Add("FileUploadInit.js"));
$(document).ready(function () {
var appInit = new AppInit;
window.FileUploadView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize: function () {
_.bindAll(this, 'render', 'addUpload', 'removeUpload', 'selectPath');
render: function () {
var tmp = _.template($("#uploadTMP").html(), {});
return this;
events: {
'click .addButton': 'addUpload',
'click .removeButton': 'removeUpload',
'click .uploadPath': 'selectPath'
addUpload: function (event) {
removeUpload: function (event) {
selectPath: function (event) {
var AppInit = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "defaultRoute"
defaultRoute: function (actions) {
var fileView = new FileUploadView({ el: $("#fileViewContainer") });
In Controller you keep your code
I Hope this will help.
