I'd like to open the page in the image below, but only showing the green part in the new window. Hiding the menu and the header to the user.
function openNewWindow() {
var pr = window.open("Page.aspx", "page", "width=700, height=400");
pr.onload() = function() {
pr.document.getElementById("header").style.display = 'none';
Is it possible to set some kind of offset for the page in the new window? Like left:-40px and top:-20px or something similar? I know top and left positions the new window rather than its content, but is there something I can do to change the position of the actual content?
Is there a work-around or another solution with the same result?
When I click Click I want Page.aspx (image above) to open in a new window, but without menu and header showing.
how about you open a page that shows an iframe which loads your page -- and then you can set your iframe width/height to what you need and whether to provide scrolling or not?
something like this:
<!-- this is page2.aspx -->
<!-- header -->
<!-- menu -->
<iframe id="abc"...></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
var page = ... //retrieve the value of the parameter "url" passed to us (you can find how to do this by googling)
document.getElementById( "abc" ).src = page; //set the iframe url to the parameter passed
then your function becomes:
function openNewWindow() {
window.open("Page.aspx?url=http://page/to/load", "page", "width=700, height=400");
Load the whole page, but hide the header and menu using Javascript:
newwindow.onload = function() {
newwindow.document.getElemementById('header').style.display = 'none';
newwindow.document.getElemementById('menu').style.display = 'none';
(or use JQuery's .hide() method)
Load the whole page, but add an extra stylesheet which sets the header and menu to hidden:
#header, #menu {display:none !important;}
when you serve the page, use a different template which doesn't include the header and menu, etc. All things being equal, this would probably be the best option, but I can't really give any advice on this without knowing a whole load more about your code.
(all of the above assumes that you have the IDs in your header and menu that I've specified; change as appropriate)
Agree with Spudley, but if that's not possible you might be able to get by with negative margins. Like this:
body { margin: -50px 0 0 -50px }
I want to load a page using a link and depending on which link I click on, I want to change the margin on the page.
If I click on link 1, I want the margin to be 0, but if I click on link 2 I want it to be 350.
Is there a way to load a page and set the margin of an element if I know the ID in JavaScript? I'm quite happy to use JavaScript to open the page.
I don't want to use jQuery.
Add link as below:
link 1
link 2
On Page.html write javascript as
<body onload="setmargin()">
function setmargin() {
var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
{//set margin as you want}
{//set margin as you want}
I am normally used to "window.open" to open a popup window into a new URL. How can open a window into a new URL, shadow out/grey out the current window, and on close remove the shadow background.
Is it best to use jQuery to do this? Could I use the default libraries without use jquery plugins?
I want to do something like this and then "disable" my shadow on unload. Hopefully that uses core jQuery libraries or standard javascript calls. I want to avoid using any plugins besides jQuery.
var popup = window.open('http://google.com', 'popup');
$(window).unload(function() {
if(!popup.closed) {
Basically, you can open the popup and set that window the beforeunload. In short, something like this:
popup = window.open("", "name", "width=400, height=300")
popup.onbeforeunload = function() { $('#shadow').hide();}
I created a fiddle for you.
So you want to build your own modal box using jQuery instead of using an existing plugin? ...OK, let's play (as it was already pointed out, using popups is not a user-friendly solution):
Your check list :
- the trigger
- the shadow layer
- the modal box size and position
- add content to modal and display it along the shadow
1) The trigger is a simple html link to open the content inside the modal
open url
... we will pass the size of the modal via data-width and data-height (HTML5) attributtes.
2) The shadow layer is the html structure that we will append to the body after the trigger. We can set the structure in a js variable
var shadow = "<div class='shadow'></div>";
3) As we mentioned, the size of the modal is set through some data-* attributes in the link. We would need to do some math
var modalWidth = $(this).data("width");
var modalHeight = $(this).data("height");
var modalX = (($(window).innerWidth()) - modalWidth) / 2; // left position
var modalY = (($(window).innerHeight()) - modalHeight) / 2; // top position
NOTE : $(this) is our trigger selector .myModal that we'll get inside an .on("click") method later on. BTW, the .on() method requires jQuery v1.7+
4) Now we need to create the modal's html structure and pass the content href. We'll create a function
function modal(url) {
return '<div id="modal"><a id="closeModal" title="close" href="javascript:;"><img src="http://findicons.com/files/icons/2212/carpelinx/64/fileclose.png" alt="close" /></a><iframe src="' + url + '"></iframe></div>';
... as you can see, our structure contains a close button to remove the modal and the shadow layer. The function also gets a parameter when is called (url) which allows to set the src attribute of the iframe tag.
NOTE : we have to use the iframe tag to open external urls, however we should always consider the same origin policy and other security restrictions when using iframes.
So now, we need to put together all the events after we click on our .myModal trigger, which are appending both the shadow and the modal box to the body and to remove them when we click on the close button so
$(".myModal").on("click", function(e) {
// get size and position
modalWidth = $(this).data("width");
modalHeight = $(this).data("height");
modalX = (($(window).innerWidth()) - modalWidth) / 2;
modalY = (($(window).innerHeight()) - modalHeight) / 2;
// append shadow layer
"opacity": 0.7
// append modal (call modal() and pass url)
"top": modalY,
"left": modalX,
"width": modalWidth,
"height": modalHeight
// close and remove
$("#closeModal").on("click", function() {
$("#modal, .shadow").remove();
}); // on
STYLE : of course we will need some basic CSS style to make our modal elements work properly:
.shadow {width: 100%; height: 100%; position: fixed; background-color: #444; top: 0; left:0; z-index: 400}
#modal {z-index: 500; position: absolute; background: #fff; top: 50px;}
#modal iframe {width: 100%; height: 100%}
#closeModal {position: absolute; top: -15px; right: -15px; font-size: 0.8em; }
#closeModal img {width: 30px; height: 30px;}
BONUS : you could also bind a keyup event to close the modal using the escape key
$(document).keyup(function(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
$("#modal, .shadow").remove();
}); //keyup
LAST NOTE : the code is subject to many improvements and optimization but is a basic layout of what many lightboxes do. My last recommendation : use fancybox for more advanced functionality ... sometimes it doesn't worth the effort to re-invent the wheel ;)
Using Javascript to create new popup windows is so 1990's, not to mention not very user-friendly. What you're looking for, both UI-wise and looks-wise is a modal dialog; there's billions of examples and pre-packaged jquery snippets on how to create modal dialogs, and most client-side UI frameworks such as jQuery UI, YUI and Bootstrap have modal dialog functionality built-in. I'd recommend diving into those.
Try jquery plugins such as fancybox http://fancybox.net/
Basically, you need to attach an event listener to your new window to run the disableShadow() function in your webpage.
If you add this to your code I think it should work.
popup.unload(function() { disableShadow() });
Adapted From: Attach an onload handler on a window opened by Javascript
You should use the beforeUnload event of the window instance returned by the window.open() call, like this:
popup = window.open('relative_url', 'popup');
$(popup).bind('beforeunload', function() {
Note that the URL must be on the same domain in order for the opener window to interact with the popup!
See the fiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/hongaar/QCABh/
You can open a new window, and when it closes you can execute a function in the opener window.
I'll do a quick example by writing the script right into the new window, but you could also just include it in the HTML that is used for the new window if a link is supplied for the popup:
$("#popupBtn").on('click', openPopup); //using a button to open popup
function openPopup() {
var left = ($(window).width()/2)-(200/2),
top = ($(window).height()/2)-(150/2),
pop = window.open ("", "popup", "width=400, height=300, top="+top+", left="+left),
html = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
html += '<head>';
html += '<title>My Popup</title>';
html += '<scr'+'ipt type="text/javascript">';
html += 'window.onbeforeunload = function() { window.opener.fadeoutBG(); }';
html += '</sc'+'ript>';
html += '</head>';
html += '<body bgcolor=black>';
html += '<center><b><h2 style="color: #fff;">Welcome to my most excellent popup!</h2></b></center><br><br>';
html += '<center><b><h2 style="color: #fff;">Now close me!</h2></b></center>';
html += '</body></html>';
window.fadeoutBG = function() { //function to call from popup
Using a fixed cover that is faded in will also prevent any clicks on elements on the page, and you could even attach a click handler to the cover with pop.close() to close the popup if the cover is clicked, just like a modal would close if you clicked outside it.
One of the advantages of calling a function on the parent page from the popup is that values can be passed from the popup to the parent, and you can do a lot of stuff you otherwise could'nt.
All you need is standard javascript function showModalDialog. Then your code will look like
var url = 'http://google.com';
var optionalReturnValue = showModalDialog(url);
//Following code will be executed AFTER you return (close) popup window/dialog
As hongaar stated Opera does not like showModalDialog. And it does not fire on(before)unload when popup is closed either. To make workaround you need timer (window.setTimeout) to periodically check if window still exists. For further details look here
Why don't you just use jQuery UI? I know that you don't want another library but is rather extension of jQuery rather then another lib since it can live without it.
It have great deal of widget and every one of them can be changed,configured.
What is best that it can viewed with different themes, even you can create one with they're theme roller fast and easy, and it can be modularized. Just take what you need in current project.
Check this out:
It's really simple to use. With this you can open modal dialog with frame to different url. On close event you can do whatever you want.
Try ColorBox
its simple and easy to use
quick example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/example1/colorbox.css" />
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js"></script>
//Examples of how to assign the ColorBox event to elements
$(".iframe").colorbox({iframe:true, width:"80%", height:"80%"});
<a class='iframe' href="http://google.com">Outside Webpage (Iframe)</a>
You can also try this out ...
Examples here
try http://thickbox.net/ in modal type, examples: http://thickbox.net/#examples
I've done this as well.
First off, some URLs simply WILL NOT WORK in an (iframe) modal window; I can't say if it'll work in the browser-supported native modal windows as I haven't tried this. Load google or facebook in an iframe, and see what happens.
Second, things like window onunload events don't always fire (as we've seen some people already).
The accepted answer version will also only work on a static page. Any reloading (even F5 on the page) will cause the shadow to hide. Since I can't comment on the accepted answer, I at least wanted this to be known for anyone else looking at these results.
I've taken a less technical approach to solving this problem in the past: polling.
<script type="text/javascript">
function openWindow(url)
var wnd = window.open(url);
var timer = null;
var poll = function()
if(wnd.closed) { alert('not opened'); clearInterval(timer); }
timer = setInterval(poll, 1000);
click me
See the link above for an example. I tested in IE, FF, and Chrome. My timer is every 1 second, but the effort on the browser is so low you could easily drop this down to 100 ms or so if you wanted it to feel more instant.
All you'd have to do in this example is, after calling window.open, call your "show shadow" function and instead of alerting when you close, call your "hide shadow" function and it should achieve what you're looking for.
I have the following initiation in my JavaScript; I’m always using the code shown in github by the way. The full code can be seen here
/* Application Specific Variables */
contentSelector = '.tab-content,.page-content,article:first,.article:first,.post:first',
$content = $(contentSelector).filter(':first'),
contentNode = $content.get(0),
$menu = $('#menu,#nav-sub,.nav,.nav-sub:first').filter(':first'),
activeClass = 'active selected current youarehere open',
activeSelector = '.active,.selected,.current,.youarehere, .open',
menuChildrenSelector = '> li,> ul > li',
/* Application Generic Variables */
$body = $(document.body),
rootUrl = History.getRootUrl(),
scrollOptions = {
duration: 800,
The problem lies in :
contentSelector = '.tab-content,.page-content,article:first,.article:first,.post:first',
and in:
$menu = $('#menu,#nav-sub,.nav,.nav-sub:first').filter(':first'),
When the menu clicked in .nav, has to change the .page-content.
When the menu is clicked in .nav-sub, the content has to be replaced in .tab-content
The problem is, both menu's change .page-content, instead of just either tab-content or page-content.
Any idea how to change this?
Fix your content select
Change from
contentSelector = '.tab-content,.page-content,article:first,.article:first,.post:first'
contentSelector = '.tab-content, .page-content, .article:first, .post:first'
History.js isn't replacing the wrong content; ajaxify-html5.js (the script you are using) is doing exactly as it was designed:
If the user clicks on an internal link (and the link does not have the no-ajaxy class), then the script intercepts the click, stops the browser from loading the page, and initiates an Ajax request for the page.
Note that this includes all internal links on the page, not just ones in the menu.
When the Ajax request is complete, the script replaces the content on the current page with the content from the response (and does some other clever things like set the activeClass on the right menu item, update the page title and run scripts from the response).
The script uses the first element found with contentSelector as the "content" node. This does not depend on which link the user clicked on.
If you want to "ajaxify" only menu links, you can change (line 95):
to call .ajaxify() on your menu element instead.
If you want to update a different element with the new content, you can change (line 145):
$content.html(contentHtml).ajaxify().css('opacity',100).show(); /* you could fade in here if you'd like */
to update another element instead.
A new "google related" bar shows up at the bottom of my website. It displays links to my competitors and other things like maps, etc. It is tied in with users using the google toolbar. If anyone has any ideas on how I can disable from displaying on my web side I would sure appreciate it.
Taken from http://harrybailey.com/2011/08/hide-google-related-bar-on-your-website-with-css/
Google inserts an iframe into your html with the class .grelated-iframe
So hiding it is as simple as including the following css:
iframe.grelated-iframe {
display: none;
Google removed div and frame names and put everything to important so original answer no longer works on my site. We need to wait for the iframe to be created and then hide it by classname. Couldn't get .delay to work, but this does...today anyway.
$(document).ready(function() {
Following javascript code tries to find the google related iframe as soon as the window finishes loading. If found, it is made hidden, else an interval of one second is initialized, which checks for the specified iframe and makes it hidden as soon as it is found on page.
$(window).load(function (){
var giframe = null;
var giframecnt = 0;
var giframetmr = -1;
giframe = $("body > iframe.notranslate")[0];
if(giframe != null)
$(giframe).css("display", "none");
giframetmr = setInterval(function(){
giframe = $("body > iframe.notranslate")[0];
if(giframe != null) {
$(giframe).css("display", "none");
} else if(giframecnt >= 20)
}, 1000);});
Find the parent DIV element that contains the stuff in the bar. If it has an id or name attribute, and you can control the page CSS then simply add a rule for the element, i.e. if you see something like
<div id="footer-bar-div".....
then add a CSS rule
#footer-bar-div {display:none ! important}
This will not work if the bar is inside an iframe element, but even in that case you should be able to hide it using javascript, but you will need to find the name/id of the frame, i.e.:
var badFrame = document.getElementById('badFrameId').contentWindow;
if the frame has a name, then instead you should access it with:
var badFrame = window.frames['badFrameName']
There is also a chance that the bar is generated on-the-fly using javascript. If it is added to the end of the page you can simply add a <noscript> tag at the end of your content - this will prevent the javascript from executing. This is an old trick so it might not always work.
Ok, I have 2 iframes inside a parent page (for whatever reason).
I have a navigation menu on parent page, which changes the source of iframe #1...
iFrame #1's job, is to display ANOTHER navigation menu... Like a subnavigation menu...
Now, how can I upon clicking an li inside iFrame #1, change the source of iframe #2? They're both on the same parent page...
Aside from failing miserably, I also get a warning from Chrome's Dev tools -
Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL file:///C:/website/index.html from frame with URL file:///C:/website/news/navigator.html. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Here's some code to make things slightly clearer:
<!-- HTML for the parent page itself -->
<iframe id="frameone" src=""></iframe>
<iframe id="frametwo" src=""></iframe>
<button onclick="onenav('test.html')">Change 1st frame</button>
<!-- The following is the HTML that is loaded inside "frameone" -->
<button onclick="twonav('test2.html')">Change 2nd frame</button>
// Javascript
var one = document.getElementById('frameone');
var two = document.getElementById('frametwo');
function onenav(x){
one.src = x;
function twonav(y){
two.src = y;
To me, this makes sense, since this is all being executed on the parent page... On loading, I query the dev tools and I can see that both, 'one' and 'two' have frame elements... The first button works, the second one, doesn't...
Works for me when using parent.twonav
var links = [
'javascript:\'<button onclick="parent.twonav(1)">Change 2nd frame</button>\'',
var one, two;
window.onload=function() {
one = document.getElementById('frameone');
two = document.getElementById('frametwo');
function onenav(idx) {
function twonav(idx) {
How did you try to change the iframe source?
parent.document.getElementById('2').src = "the new url";
Did you try something like this? I assumed from your message that the id of the 2nd iframe is 2.