I am writing an iOS application that utilizes the camera. I want an image (and ultimately a control element or two) overlayed over the camera picture.
This already works. However the overlay prevents the default control elements for Flash, HDR and camera selection from receiving touch events.
Below is my code. Is there a way to make myOverlay pass through or ignore events?
var overlayImage = Titanium.UI.createImageView({
width: 100,
height: 100,
backgroundImage: 'img/picture.png'
var myOverlay = Titanium.UI.createView();
success: successMethod,
error: errorMethod,
cancel: function(e) {},
overlay: myOverlay,
saveToPhotoGallery: true,
allowEditing: false,
mediaTypes: ['public.image']
You can try var myOverlay = Titanium.UI.createView({touchEnabled: false}); and it should pass events according to the Appcelerator docs.
I've disabled the autoplay-option in the Edge Animate Composition.
Now I would like to bind these animation with the waypoints.js so i need to call the animation by javascript.
This is my HTML
<div id="StageTwo" class="EDGE-4436041"></div>
This is the Javascript
AdobeEdge.loadComposition('animation_bereitstellung', 'EDGE-4436041', {
scaleToFit: "both",
bScaleToParent: "true",
centerStage: "horizontal",
minW: "0px",
maxW: "undefined",
width: "650px",
height: "463px"
}, {"dom":{}}, {"style":{"${symbolSelector}":{"isStage":"true","rect":["undefined","undefined","500px","356px"],"fill":["rgba(255,255,255,1)"]}},"dom":{}});
The problem: I've multiple animations on a single site.
I think the easiest way to do this is to call the Adobe Edge API with a bootstrapCallback in a manner similar to the following:
var waypoint = new Waypoint({
element: document.getElementById('basic-waypoint'),
handler: function() {
window.AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback(function(compId) {
var comp = AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-4436041");
//either to play the stage
var stage = comp.getStage().play();
//or to play a symbol inside the stage
var mySymbol = comp.getStage().getSymbol("symbol");
Hope that helps!
I don't understand how to close a modal or an element with PhanthomJS using sendEvent().
For example I tried to do it using the code below or using CaperJS click and clickLabel and many others things but it's not working.
var webpage = require('webpage').create();
var url = 'http://sourceforge.net/';
webpage.viewportSize = { width: 1280, height: 800 };
webpage.onLoadFinished = function(status) {
var coords = webpage.evaluate(function() {
var firstLink = document.querySelector('a.btn');
return {
x: firstLink.offsetLeft,
y: firstLink.offsetTop
webpage.sendEvent('mousedown', coords.x, coords.y ,'left');
Here is the element I would like to skip.
The offsetLeft and offsetTop only give the offset based on a parent element. You would have to sum all the element offsets up to the root node. That's at least what CasperJS does.
If this notice is static, you can determine the coordinates once and use them every time. Based on the screenshot (444,330) seems good as a replacement for coords.x, coords.y.
You can also simply use a synthentic mouse click as described here which is what CasperJS does, but in combination with a specific position. This is a plain synthetic click:
function click(el){
var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
true /* bubble */, true /* cancelable */,
window, null,
0, 0, 0, 0, /* coordinates */
false, false, false, false, /* modifier keys */
0 /*left*/, null
Also, you have two callbacks (onLoadFinished and function in webpage.open) for when the page is loaded. You should have only one, so you don't run into problems when when one of them is called. After you click, it's best to wait a little with setTimeout and let the page change before taking the screenshot.
Im looking for a solution too open the PhotoSwipe gallery with a
img link. So there is a IMG with a gallery icon. And i want if the
user click on it that the gallery open.
Have someone an idea how i can handel that?
I found this out. But this open on load the gallery.
<script type="text/javascript">
(function(window, PhotoSwipe){
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
options = {
preventHide: true
instance = PhotoSwipe.attach( window.document.querySelectorAll('#Gallery a'), options );
}, false);
}(window, window.Code.PhotoSwipe));
Best regargs
I just started working with photoSwipe so I am not positive this will work but it seems to me you only have to call instance.show(0) on a click event.
Assuming I have this element on the page: <a id="launch-gallery" href="#">Click to launch gallery</a> I could add this jQuery click event to launch the gallery:
evt.preventDefault(); // prevent regular click action
instance.show(0); // Make sure 'instance' variable is available to this function
If you are not using jQuery, you can do the same thing in native JavaScript (but a little more verbose).
I hope this helps.
Note that I use php (ajax) to deliver the image locations and sizes, so you'll still have to define the json data yourself.
This is how I did it with Jquery:
$('.element').off(); //in case it's a dynamically changing element
$('.element').on("click tap", function () {
var dataForPhpScript = $(this).parents('.gallery').attr("data-attr"); //data for php script
$.getJSON('urlToPHPFunction?dataID=' + dataForPhpScript, function (json) {
And here is the photoswipe opening function:
function openPhotoSwipe(jsonData) {
var pswpElement = document.querySelectorAll('.pswp')[0];
// define options (if needed)
var options = {
// history & focus options are disabled on CodePen
history: false,
focus: false,
showAnimationDuration: 0,
hideAnimationDuration: 0
var gallery = new PhotoSwipe(pswpElement, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, jsonData, options);
note that jsonData is supposed to look somewhat like this:
src: 'https://placekitten.com/600/400',
w: 600,
h: 400
src: 'https://placekitten.com/1200/900',
w: 1200,
h: 900
I realise this answer is late, but since this came on top while just googling something entirely different (but photoswipe related), I thought maybe this would be useful!
I'm implementing an OpenLayers SelectFeature control, and trying to position an JQuery UI dialog widget right on top of the selected feature. To use the JQuery UI Position utility, it requires either a DOM element or an Event.
The onSelect callback of the SelectFeature control gives me an OpenLayers.Feature.Vector object representing the selected feature. From this, how do I get either the DOM element of the selected feature, or the Event object of the click event?
var selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(clientsLayer, {
hover : false,
clickout: false,
multiple: false,
onSelect: function(feature) {
// how do I get the DOM element of the feature
// or alternately, the click event of the selection?
You are doing it right.
If you do a console.log(feature) You'll see that it returns an object with CLASS_NAME =
onSelect: function(feature) {
I see.
You could add event listeners
var selectControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(clientsLayer, {
hover: false,
clickout: false,
multiple: false,
eventListeners: {
featurehighlighted: function (event) {
Is it something like this you look for ?
onSelect: function onFeatureSelect(event) {
var feature = event.feature;
if ( feature.layer.name == 'theone') {
Note I have also posted this answer at How do I get the DOM element from openlayers vector feature
If you want to find the position of the mouse or feature on hover so you can display a custom overlay, create a custom hover control and define the featurehighlighted function as follows:
var featureHoverControl = new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature([myLayer], {
id: 'featureHoverControl',
hover: true,
autoActivate: true,
highlightOnly: true,
renderIntent: "temporary",
eventListeners: {
featurehighlighted: function(e) {
// either use the mouse's position when the event was triggered
var mouseXPosition = this.handlers.feature.evt.x;
var mouseYPosition = this.handlers.feature.evt.y;
// or retrieve the feature's center point
var featureCenterLonLat = e.feature.geometry.bounds.getCenterLonLat();
var featureCenterPoint = map.getPixelFromLonLat(featureCenterLonLat);
// display your custom popup here
// e.g. showTooltip(e.feature.attributes.name, featureCenterPoint.x, featureCenterPoint.y)
featureunhighlighted: function(e) {
// hide your custom popup here
// e.g. hideTooltip()
If you require access to the SVG element representing your layer/feature (in the event you are using a third-party library and you don't feel like modifying the source code), use either of the following lines (depending if you require the layer or feature):
var layerElement = map.getLayersByName("My Layer")[0].features.root;
var layerElementId = map.getLayersByName("My Layer")[0].features.root.id;
var featureElementId = map.getLayersByName("My Layer")[0].getFeaturesByAttribute("name","My Feature Name")[0].geometry.components[0].id;
Note that since this only grabs the element's id, you'll still need to use an appropriate method to grab a reference to the element itself. Something like either of the following:
var elementReference1 = document.getElementById(featureElementId);
var elementReference2 = jQuery('#'+featureElementId)[0];
Since I asked this problem, I made a script which allows the elements to move together, but with problems. :(
$('<div class="elem '+classes+'" style="width: 210px; height: 30px" data-modby="'+ui.draggable.attr("data-for")+'"><p>'+text+'</p></div>')
grid: 10,
maxHeight: 120,
maxWidth: 600,
minHeight: 30,
minWidth: 210,
containment: ".box-section"
grid: [10,10],
containment: ".box-section",
scroll: false,
helper: "original",
start: function(event, ui) {
posTopArray = [];
posLeftArray = [];
if ($(this).hasClass("r-active")) {
$(".elem.r-active").each(function(i) {
thiscsstop = $(this).css('top');
if (thiscsstop == 'auto') thiscsstop = 0;
thiscssleft = $(this).css('left');
if (thiscssleft == 'auto') thiscssleft = 0;
posTopArray[i] = parseInt(thiscsstop);
posLeftArray[i] = parseInt(thiscssleft);
begintop = $(this).offset().top;
beginleft = $(this).offset().left;
drag: function(event, ui) {
var topdiff = $(this).offset().top - begintop;
var leftdiff = $(this).offset().left - beginleft;
if ($(this).hasClass("r-active")) {
$(".elem.r-active").each(function(i) {
$(this).css('top', posTopArray[i] + topdiff);
$(this).css('left', posLeftArray[i] + leftdiff);
The actual problem is the moved elements have to stay in the containment box (called .box-section and if I have a single element it works fine. Also if i have two elements has not the same width, if i pick the sorter one and drag, I can pull out the longer of the container.
Also, if I move them fast (like a ninja) they will slip, and they won't be in the same grid they used to be.
30 percent solved since:
I'm going to make a new thingy which can drag and drop items to a box, and resize them.
My problem is that, I can't make them move together. But with some rules.
Rule one: They must move based on a 10x10px grid.
Rule two: They can't move outside their frame.
(Resize is an issue which i simply can't imagine, so I don't care about it, resize will be later)
I made a fiddle for it here: http://jsfiddle.net/9fueY/ you can see this.
In the right side, you can see inputs and a and a checkbox (and on hover a button).
The checkbox is the draggable object, drag it to the image. Now you have some text or a star appeared on the left.
If you type anything to the inputs, it refreshes the text.
OnHover the right boxes you can see a button. By clicking on it, will make a clone of the first element. Drag it inside.
If you click to a right-side box, it will glow blue. Click to two boxes on the right, makes all the two textfields glow blue in the image.
Now this is the case when i want them to move together. :D
What's your opinion, what should I do with this?
Thank you very much. - Répás
There is a plugin i developed for dragging elements together. Please do use it if it makes sense.