Javascript - storing the index of all array values in a variable - javascript

Say I have an array in JS: var fruits = [apple,orange,banana]
I want to store the index of each fruit in variables such that at any point in time, if I add more stuff to the array, I will still know that the index of apple is X. So in this case, 0 is apple, but if I add something to the beginning of that away, the index of apple changes.
The more verbose way I can think of is to loop through the array
for (var i=0;i<fruits.length;i++) {
switch(fruits[i]) {
var indexApple = i;
Another way I can think of is use the value of the arrays as the variable name.
for (var i=0;i<fruits.length;i++) {
//psedo code
var 'index' + fruits[i] = i;
So in the end I'd have var indexApple = 0, indexOrange = 1, etc. THe key to the second method is to be able to create a dynamic variable by concatenating the string 'index' and the value of the array to create that variable. Not sure how to do that.
Note: Ideally I want the variables that store the index to be dynamically generated. Such that I only I can modify/add to the fruits array, and a new variable will be generated to store the index.

it seems like ensuring your the value of the index is legitimate will be difficult. i would include jquery and use the inArray method which returns the index of the item in the array.
function showIndexes() {
var appleIndex = $.inArray(fruits, "Apple"); //returns 0
var guavaIndex = $.inArray(fruits, "Guava"); //returns -1
appleIndex = $.inArray(fruits, "Apple"); //returns 1
guavaIndex = $.inArray(fruits, "Guava"); //returns 0

The simplest solution is simply to build an Object which gives you nearly O(1) lookup time, and will scale with your array:
function LinkFruits(fruits) {
FruitLookup = {}
fruits.forEach((fruit,ind) => FruitLookup[fruit] = ind)
Now you can simply "lookup" your index from the FruitLookup table when needed like:
console.log("The index of apple is",,"and for orange is",
Now if you modify your array you simply need to run LinkFruits(fruits).
Technical Note: If you want to fully automate this process you can look into Array.observe() which is now deprecated. Or overload the push and pop methods of this array to trigger the update before falling back to the default prototype methods.


Javascript Nested Loop Pushing to Array

I am relatively new to programming and am having some issues with a project I am working on.
msg.newCG2 = [];
if(msg.campaignGroup[j].col10 === msg.newCG[j]){
msg.groupTotals = msg.groupTotals + msg.campaignGroup[j].col11;
msg.newCG2.push(msg.newCG[i], msg.groupTotals)
Basically, for each one of the "IDs" (integers) in msg.newCG, I want to look for each ID in msg.campaignGroup and sum up the totals for all listings with the same ID, from msg.campaignGroup.col11 - then push the ID and the totals to a new array - msg.newCG2.
When I run the code, the first item sent through processes, but grinds to a halt because of memory. I assume this is because of an error in my code.
Where did this code go wrong? I am sure that there are better ways to do this as a whole, but I am curious where I went wrong.
There is a typo in your second for loop and the push needs to happen inside the outer loop.
msg.newCG2 = [];
if(msg.campaignGroup[j].col10 === msg.newCG[i]){
msg.groupTotals = msg.groupTotals + msg.campaignGroup[j].col11;
msg.newCG2.push(msg.newCG[i], msg.groupTotals)
How about:
msg.newCG2 = [];
for (i=0; i < msg.newCG.length; i++) {
var groupTotal = 0;
for (j=0; j < msg.campaignGroup.length; j++) {
if (msg.campaignGroup[j].col10 === msg.newCG[i]){
groupTotal = groupTotal + msg.campaignGroup[j].col11
Rather than looping 1.2M times, it would be more efficient to use a single-pass over the 4000 campaign groups, grouping by id to create an array of totals for all ids -- I like using the reduce() function for this:
var cgMap = msg.campaignGroups.reduce(function(arr, grp) {
var grpid = grp.col10;
var count = grp.col11;
var total = arr[grpid] || 0;
arr[grpid] = total + count;
I know, the reduce(...) function is not the easiest to grok, but it takes the second arg (the empty array) and passes it, along with each campaign group object in turn, to that inline function. The result should be a simple array of group totals (from col11), indexed by the group id (from col10).
Now, it's just a matter of returning the totals for those 300 ids found in msg.newCG -- and this map() function does that for us:
var cgOut = {
return cgMap[gid]; // lookup the total by group id
I've made some assumptions here, like the group ids are not terribly large integers, and are rather closely spaced (not too sparse). From the original code, I was not able to determine the format of the data you are wanting to return in msg.newCG2. The final push() function would append 2 integers onto the array -- the output group id and the total for that group. Having pairs of group ids and totals interleaved in a flat array is not a very useful data structure. Perhaps you meant to place the total value into an array, indexed by the group id? If so, you could re-write that line as:
msg.newCG2[msg.newCG[i]] = msg.groupTotals;

array undefined after pushing to object

I'm pushing an object into an array of objects. One of the properties of the object (which is an array) is showing up as undefined, after the object is pushed to the array. If you look at my code below, where it says, "WHY IS THIS SHOWING IN CONSOLE?" - it doesn't make sense because if the array is undefined, it should have been undefined in both of the previous two checks (where it says "THIS IS NOT SHOWING IN CONSOLE."). This is driving me crazy. SOS. Please help.
var pathCopy = unit.path; // THIS IS AN ARRAY AND IT IS NOT EMPY
var directionCopy = unit.direction;
if (pathCopy.length < 1) {
var object = {
'type': 'move',
'time': gameTime,
'vector': pathCopy,
'direction': directionCopy
if (object.vector.length < 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < currentGameEvents.length; i++) {
if (currentGameEvents[i].vector.length < 1) {
I’m not sure how or why, but your example works, if I insert the undefined variables (i.e. I replaced unit.path with [345,34623,52] or something that is an array literal).
The only difference to that is, that you actually assign the reference to that array, instead of declaring a new array.
var pathCopy = unit.path; // pathCopy and unit.path are the SAME array
var pathCopy = [345,346,345]; // pathCopy is a completely NEW array
To fix this, try something like
var pathCopy = unit.path.slice(); // pathCopy is a completely NEW array that contains the same values as unit.path
whenever you want to copy an array; add .slice() at the end!
Again, this is deducing from the only difference between your code and what I tried, and this is probably the reason, why your code doesn’t work.
Another assumption is that currentGameEvents is an Array. Your code wouldn’t work at all, otherwise. I’m mentioning this because the title states that you were trying to push to an object, which isn’t possible.

Reordering an array in javascript

there are many questions/answers dealing with this topic. None match my specific case. Hopefully someone can help:
I have an array of indexes such as:
var indexes = [24, 48, 32, 7, 11];
And an array of objects that look similar to this:
var items = [{
name : "whatever",
selected : false,
loading : true,
progress : 55,
complete : false
name : "whatever 2",
selected : false,
loading : false,
progress : 100,
complete : true
Each integer within the indexes array corresponds to the actual index of an object within the items array.
Lastly I have a variable which defines the new insert position within the items array:
var insertindex = ??
What I would like to do is to take all objects in the items array that have the indexes stored in the indexes array, remove them, then finally place them back, all next to each other at a specified index defined by the variable insertindex.
I have been trying to use splice() by copying the objects at each index to a temporary array, then removing them from the original array, then finally looping through this new temporary array and putting them back into the original items array at the new positions, but seems to be hitting a mental brick wall and cannot get it to work correctly.
To summarize, I simply want to take all objects from the items array that match an index defined in the indexes array, put them together and reinsert them at a predefined index, back into the items array.
To help with conceptual visualization. If you think of the app as a javascript file manager, allowing the reordering of multiple file selections which do not have to be adjacent. The indexes array defining the current selection and the items array defining the list of files. And finally the rearoderindex defines the new insert position that all selected files should move to.
EDIT: As was rightly suggested here is the code I am playing with right now:
function reorder(items, indexes, insertindex){
var offset = 0;
var itemscopy = items.slice(0); //make shallow copy of original array
var temparray = new Array(); // create temporary array to hold pulled out objects
//loop through selected indexes and copy each into temp array
for(var i=0, len=indexes.length; i<len; i++){
array[i] = itemscopy[self.cache.selecteditems[i]];
//remove all selected items from items array
for(var i=0, len=indexes.length; i<len; i++){
items.splice(indexes[i], 1);
//finally loop through new temp array and insert the items back into the items array at the specified index, increasing the index each iteration using the offset variable.
for(var i=0, len=temparray.length; i<len; i++){
items.splice((insertindex+offset), 0, array[i]);
I'm aware this is pretty horrible and that looping three times should not be necessary. But I've been trying lots of different methods, some working when reordering in one direction, some in the other an mostly, not at all. I figured I would look to optimize the function later, once I have it working with accuracy.
I'm certain I must be doing something extremely stupid or completely overlooking something, but for the life of me I can't work out what right now.
If you don't care about order of indexes array, I'd suggest another short solution:
items.splice.apply(items, [insertIndex, 0].concat(indexes.sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
})).map(function(i, p) {
return p > 1 ? items.splice(i - p + 2, 1).pop() : i;
To make it short I used method, which is not supported by old IE browsers. However it is always easy to use a shim from MDN.
You can use the .splice() function to add elements to an array, as well as removing items from it. The general principle is:
Sort indexes into ascending numeric order
Iterate over indexes, removing the element at that index (adjusting for the number of removed items) and storing it in a removedItems array
Add the removedItems array back in at the required index
The code to do that would look something like this:
var removedItems = [];
// sort indexes
indexes.sort(function(a, b) {
if(a < b) return -1;
else if(b < a) return 1;
return 0;
for(var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
var index = indexes[i];
removedItems.push(items.splice(index - removedItems.length, 1));
var insertIndex = 1;
items.splice.apply(items, [insertIndex, 0].concat(removedItems));
Take a look at this jsFiddle demo.

Can I loop through 2 objects at the same time in JavaScript?

related (sort of) to this question. I have written a script that will loop through an object to search for a certain string in the referring URL. The object is as follows:
var searchProviders = {
"google": "",
"bing": "",
"msn": "search.msn",
"yahoo": "",
"mywebsearch": "",
"aol": "",
"baidu": "",
"yandex": ""
The loop I have used to loop through this is:
for (var mc_u20 in mc_searchProviders && mc_socialNetworks) {
if(!mc_searchProviders.hasOwnProperty(mc_u20)) {continue;}
var mc_URL = mc_searchProviders[mc_u20];
if ( != -1) {
return false;
Now I have another object let's call it socialNetworks which has the following construct:
var socialNetworks = {"facebook" : "" }
My question is, can I loop through both of these objects using just one function? the reason I ask is the variable mc_u20 you can see is passed back to the mc_trackerReport function and what I need is for the mc_u20 to either pass back a value from the searchProviders object or from the socialNetworks object. Is there a way that I can do this?
EDIT: Apologies as this wasn't explained properly. What I am trying to do is, search the referring URL for a string contained within either of the 2 objects. So for example I'm doing something like:
var mc_refURL = document.referrer +'';
And then searching mc_refURL for one of the keys in the object, e.g. "", "" etc. 9this currently works (for just one object). The resulting key is then passed to another function. What I need to do is search through the second object too and return that value. Am I just overcomplicating things?
If I understand your question correctly, you have a variable mc_refURL which contains some URL. You want to search through both searchProviders and socialNetworks to see if that URL exists as a value in either object, and if it does you want to call the mc_trackerReport() function with the property name that goes with that URL.
E.g., for mc_refURL === "" you want to call mc_trackerReport("yahoo"), and for mc_ref_URL === "" you want to call mc_trackerReport("facebook").
You don't say what to do if the same URL appears in both objects, so I'll assume you want to use whichever is found first.
I wouldn't create a single merged object with all the properties, because that would lose information if the same property name appeared in both original objects with a different URL in each object such as in an example like a searchProvider item "google" : "" and a socialNetworks item "google" : "".
Instead I'd suggest making an array that contains both objects. Loop through that array and at each iteration run your original loop. Something like this:
var urlLists = [
for (i = 0; i < urlLists.length; i++) {
for (mc_u20 in urlLists[i]) {
if ([i][mc_u20]) != -1) {
return false;
The array of objects approach is efficient, with no copying properties around or anything, and also if you later add another list of URLs, say programmingForums or something you simply add that to the end of the array.
You could combine the two objects into one before your loop. There's several approaches here:
How can I merge properties of two JavaScript objects dynamically?
var everything = searchProviders;
for (var attrname in socialNetworks) { everything[attrname] = socialNetworks[attrname]; }
for(var mc_u20 in everything) {
// ...
for (var i = 0; i < mc_searchProviders.length; i++) {
var searchProvider = mc_searchProviders[i];
var socialNetwork = mc_socialNetworks[i];
if (socialNetwork != undefined) {
// Code.
Or am i horribly misunderstanding something?

How can I find the number if I search for “Addendum” using JavaScript?

I have an object like the following:
var RevenueCodes = {
41020: "Addendum",
41040: "Cardiology Assessment",
41060: "Chiropractic Assessment",
41290: "Neurology File Review - CAT",
41240: "Neurology Assessment"
How can I find the number if I search for “Addendum” using JavaScript?
You can use to enumerate object properties.
var RevenueCodes = {
41020: "Addendum",
41040: "Cardiology Assessment",
41060: "Chiropractic Assessment",
41290: "Neurology File Review - CAT",
41240: "Neurology Assessment"
for (var propertyName in RevenueCodes) {
if (RevenueCodes[propertyName] === "Addendum") {
console.log("property name: %s", propertyName);
I would have two vars, RevenueByCode and CodeByRevenue, the former being what you have and the latter being the same except with the key/values reversed, so you can get constant time lookup at the expense of having to (possibly) set up the second variable by looping over the first.
You can do
var code;
for (var key in RevenueCodes) {
var val = RevenueCodes[key];
if (val === 'Addendum') code = key;
to get the code (you should optimize a bit) and you can also use the same loop structure to setup your other lookup, if you want to do that.
var number;
for(var key in RevenueCodes) { // iterate
if(RevenueCodes.hasOwnProperty(key) && RevenueCodes[key] === "Addendum") {
// if it's not a prototype property and the value is Addendum, store key
// as number and stop the loop
number = key;
Javascript has direct way of doing this. You need to loop through all the keys, compare the values and then choose the right one.. If you want to do this repeatedly, you need to build the reverse map once and use it...
