so suppose that clicking something would lead to a new content being loaded to the screen hence the height of document changes and whereas previously there are no scroll bars, now there actually are scrollbars...
how do I detect something like that happening using jquery
binding resize event onto window only detects window resize whereas binding it into document doesn't work
Please don't use the DOMSubtreeModified event. It is old, deprecated and not well-supported by browsers. In 99,9 % of the cases, there is a different event you can listen on. Most likely you are one of those people using jQuery and doing some AJAX stuff, so please take a look at their AJAX docs.
These are all available events. You would have to detect $(document).bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function() { ... }); and check for a dimension change to the previous firing.
var height = $(this).height(),
width = $(this).width();
$(document).bind('DOMSubtreeModified', function() {
if($(this).height() != height || $(this).width() != width) {
This event is firing every time anything is done to the DOM. Therefore it will slowdown your browser.
We should get a better alternative. Could you please give us more information to your scenario?
Here is the solution.
// ajdust margins when page size changes (ie rotate mobile device)
$(window).resize(function() {
// Do something more useful
console.log('doc height is ' + $(window).height());
You could try a percentage scrolled event like this one:
You might need to add a check to see whether the vertical scrollbar is present:
var hasVScroll = document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.clientHeight;
I'm working with the window.resize event and I found an issue that I was not expecting.
See the following code:
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
if(windowWidth == "1263"){
window.onresize = resizeTest;
function resizeTest(){
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
if(windowWidth === 1263){
Using either of the snippets above, I can only get the "doSomething" function to run if I manually and slowly (pixel by pixel) resize the window to make sure that it hits the desired pixel width.
If I rapidly resize the window the function does not run. It is as if the resize occured too quickly and javascript did not have enough time to evaluate the window's width.
So, is there a particular rate at which the resize event fires?
There really is no such thing as an "average rate" because how fast these events occur is entirely dependent upon local circumstances (more explained on this below). And, it wouldn't be something you could rely on for your coding either. Instead, you need to code your solution differently to look for the size to cross some threshold (greater than or less than some trigger value) rather than be equal to some specific value.
The browser has some optimizations for certain types of user initiated events that can occur rapidly such as mouse move events, scrolling events and resize events. This is done to prevent large amounts of (usually unnecessary) events from piling up in the queue waiting to be processed and then for it to take minutes for the host javascript to process all those events.
As such, when you process such an event, only the latest position is reported, not all the in-between positions. So, you simply cannot write code like you are writing expecting to see an exact width that the user resizes through.
How many of these events there are depends entirely upon how fast you process each event and how fast the host computer is. The faster both are, the more of these events you will see, the slower you take to process a given event, the fewer events you will see. There is no "average" because it's entirely dependent upon the situation.
Usually, what one would do is to code for when a size exceeds or crosses a certain value rather than exactly when it equals a certain value.
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
if(windowWidth >= 1263){
FYI, in some cases, what you really want to know is when is the user done resizing or done scrolling (or has paused their movement) and you specifically don't want to process all the intermediate events. That is often done with a short timer as you can see illustrated here (this shows a scroll event, but the concept would be the same for a resize event):
More efficient way to handle $(window).scroll functions in jquery?
window.resize does not fire at rate of $(window).width()++ pixels like you might think it would, it's actually kind of sporatic. You need a range between two numbers basically.
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
console.log(windowWidth); // This will show you exactly what your JS is receiving.
With this script you'll see the numbers go something like 1200,1205,1214,1216,1221,1224,1228,1229 and ect.
So your function might look like:
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
if (windowWidth > 1255 && windowWidth < 1275) {
First of all pardon me if this is a duplicate , but I have been trying solutions from other posts but none of them seems to work for me.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
I want to set the min-height and min-width of a div with the current width and height of the document. The Event should trigger on every resize of the document window.
This is what I have tried so far:
$(document).ready(function() {
function reset_demensions() {
doc_height = $(document).height();
doc_width = $(document).width();
$(".flicker-div").css("min-width", doc_width + "px");
$(".flicker-div").css("min-height", doc_height + "px");
alert("From - Function" + doc_width + "x" + doc_height);
$(window).resize(function() {
The problem I am facing:
First time when the window loads it shows me the correct width and height. But when I try to resize the window manually two problems are being noticed:
1> The function is called twice i.e. alert box
2> The captured height of the document doesn't change.
3> The captured width of the document keeps increasing rapidly , and the values are not garbage as it's static for every run.
Test Run OUTPUT:
On Load:
On Resize:
I am sure I missed something here , might be something very silly. Kindly help me figure this out.
I think your mistake is that you are capturing the height of the DOCUMENT .. instead of the window.
You are changing the window size and expecting the document size to change.
change your code to check for $(window).height() and $(window).width()
First you don't need the + 'px';
When you reload your browser after refreshing. it should be working or?
A few days ago i had the same issue and recognized its because of the document.width/document.height.
Is it possible to calculate the same with window.width/window.height?
the function is called every step you resize your window but you can add a timeout, so it will be only once executed. --> timeout plugin
Not sure if this will make a difference, but you don't need to have your function definitions nested in the onready function. It may be having some effect on the scope of the function/garbage collection etc? You can safely define the functions before the onready, as it won't be called until the document is ready. Also take out the alert from where it is. Doing that has caused me many a browser crash because of the speed that the event fires and it tries to fire an alert when you resize the window!
You might want to try $(window).width() too as that might explain your cumulative results as your document is getting bigger as you resize your div, especially if there is padding/margins involved somewhere.
Is there a way to reinitialize stellar.js on browser/window resize so that the element offsets get readjusted?
First of all, it sounds like you might be having an issue with horizontal alignment (assuming it's a vertical site). If so, it's likely that you only need to disable horizontal scrolling:
horizontalScrolling: false
If this doesn't solve your issue, Stellar.js has an undocumented feature that allows you to refresh the plugin.
For example, let's assume you used Stellar.js like this:
You can refresh it with the following:
So, to refresh it on resize, you could do something like this:
$(window).resize(function() {
Hopefully this should fix everything for you.
After a bit of sleuthing, I've figured this one out. In my case, I have 'slides', which contain my stellar elements, and they are sized to full width/height of the viewport. I needed to resize them for tablet orientation change.
winHeight = $(window).height();
$("#scrollWrapper > div").height(winHeight);
// Find out all my elements that are being manipulated with stellar
var particles = $(window).data('plugin_stellar').particles;
// Temporarily stop stellar so we can move our elements around
// data('plugin_stellar') let's me access the instance of stellar
// So I can use any of its methods. See stellar's source code
$.each(particles, function(i, el){
// destroy() sets the positions to their original PIXEL values.
// Mine were percentages, so I need to restore that.
this.$element.css('top', '');
// Once the loop is finished, re-initialize stellar
if(particles.length - 1 == i){
If it doesn't matter that the elements get set to their original pixel values for left/top, then you can just call destroy & init one after the other:
If you instantiate stellar on an element (i.e., $("#element").stellar(); instead of $.stellar();) then replace "window" with your selector.
I also noticed odd offsets on mobiles that may be caused by the way Firefox/Chrome resizes the webview when scrolling down, when the location bar becomes visible again?
The answer to your question is in a section of the documentation: "Configuring everything":
// Refreshes parallax content on window load and resize
responsive: false,
So, this is false by default. To enable this, use .stellar( {responsive:true} )
The real question is... why is this disabled by default? It seemed to fix the problem I was noticing, except for iOS.
The CSS3 resize property can be assigned to arbitrary elements. I'm looking for a way to detect such a resize on, say, divs (I don't mind it only working in Firefox at the moment):
div {
resize: horizontal;
overflow: hidden;
Unfortunately, the onresize event seems not to be fired on the div. How can I detect in JavaScript when such a user-instantiated resize has happened?
Edit: FWIW I had opened a bug report over at Mozilla. If you want to track it:
Resizing is like a style change. As such it can be observed with a MutationObserver. The more specific ResizeObserver is probably even better:
let observer = new ResizeObserver(function(mutations) {
console.log('mutations:', mutations);
let child = document.querySelector('textarea');
observer.observe(child, { attributes: true });
Listen to DOMAttrModified events. Got the idea from this answer, this jsFiddle appears to work in Firefox 8 (if you open the console).
Since the resize event clearly doesn't work (currently, at least), you can try one of these alternative options:
Use a combination of mousedown, mousemove and/or mouseup to tell whether the div is being / has been resized. If you want really fine-grained control you can check in every mousemove event how much / if the div has been resized. If you don't need that, you can simply not use mousemove at all and just measure the div in mousedown and mouseup and figure out if it was resized in the latter.
Poll every 200ms or so (depending on your needs) and compare the current size with the last known size. See setTimeout().
You can use the ResizeSensor class of the css-element-queries polyfill from
It allows you to call a javascript function on size changes for all types of elements, not only for window. It sets up a real sensor, not a javascript setTimeout poll.
Use it like this:
new ResizeSensor($('#myelement'), function() {
console.log("myelement's size has changed");
Supported browsers are: all incl. IE6+.
This seemed to work pretty well for me:
$("body").on('mousedown mousemove', ".resizeItem", function () {
"Use a combination of mousedown, mousemove and/or mouseup"
as per Felixs answer.
Especially useful when combining a custom search result panel with Dev Extremes Scroll View and you want full control over it.
$("body").on('mousedown mousemove', ".scrollContainer", function () {
var h = $(this).height() - 20;
$(".scrollArea").dxScrollView('instance').option('height', h);
According to this site it only works in internet explorer 9.
Try this fiddle:
Is there a way to tell if you have scrolled passed the center of the web page or in other words, when you have scrolled passed exactly half of the web page and your scrollbar is situated in the lower half of the browser window?
I want to be able to trigger this:
$('.pineapple-man').show(); when I have scrolled down passed half of the page?
Is this possible at all?
Your help would be so kind!
You can get the pixel amount of an element has been scrolled by using .scrollTop(). To listen to scroll events use .scroll().
When you want to identify the halfway, use height of the scroll:
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() > $('body').height() / 2) {
If you are scrolling some other element than the whole window/body, please feel free to change the selectors.
To make the showing one-timer, add the removal of scroll event listener, by adding the following after the .show() call:
I guess you want to do something like this:
if($(document).scrollTop() > $(document).height()/2){
where scrollTop() gets the current horizontal position and height() defines the document height.
See the scroll event and the scrollTop method.
you can use the focus event if you scroll down to it (just like jQuery uses for their comments)
jQuery('selector').focus(function() {