Are there any jquery plugins that can simulate the acceleration on an iphone when scrolling - doesnt have to be exactly like it but anything remotely similar. I cant seem to find anything.
Along the same lines, are there any really, good examples of smooth javascript scrolling out there? Most javascript scrolling seems jittery in one way or another.
Hey, I've used iScroll in a previous project, it runs really smooth (particularly on the 3GS/4). There are several examples and and a demo on the site.
try easing plugin. there are loads of different animation options.
Here's the site I'm talking about:
Basically, I love the scrolling effect on tapping the up and down arrow keys. Other smooth scrolling libraries I found were too slow and clunky. I want to make something that works exactly like this.
I tried going through the minified script used on the page after beautifying it, but there just seems to be a whole lot going on.
That's a Parallax style scrolling. Like #RobertHarvey pointed on his comment. There are so many libraries since it has become very popular. This Library has examples of how it can be implemented. If you do a google search on parallax libraries for JS you will find a ton.
I've created a website using SUPERSCROLLORAMA plugin. I wasn't aware of the problems with parallax scrolling on iPad and iPhone. I've found out a little bit to late, and I'm thinking about the ways to solve this.
If I understand correctly, events are disabled on this devices while scrolling. So will I be able to make website act as it should, if I disable the native scrolling and implement another one, via JavaScript plugin?
I've already disabled the original scrolling using Alnitak's answer from this question. I've tried to find some plugins to activate scrolling again, but the problem is, it has to be binded to the document since animations are fired there... Do you know the plugin that will do the trick? Is my solution even correct, or there is no solution for my case, I need to rewrite the script from scratch?
You can use parallax scrolling plugin that works on mobile browsers (iOS too).
Have a look at Skrollr. It doesn't depend on any other library, it has optional mobile js file and is very easy to use. Just read the documentation.
I'm working on a few html5 screens which will be embedded inside native mobile apps (for ios and android).
I obviously don't want to reinvent things here, and would like to use a stable framework on the javascript side of things.
I tried using JQuery Mobile but it is way more than I need, plus they kind of force you to do things their way.
All I need is to have an element which can be (vertically) scrolled by swiping (without visible scrollbars), but I couldn't find how that can be done with JQM easily (without all of their widgets, themes and defaults).
I also tried jGestures but it did not work at all.
Any ideas what will be the best approach?
I found this jquery plugin which does what I need:
You can use -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; which uses the native inertia scrolling built into the phone. Works really well. There is a scrollbar, but I'm sure some clever positioning could solve that.
More info here:
And here:
Hope that helps :)
edit: Sorry, just realised you need it to work on android. I doubt this does. For iOS though this works a treat. So, half an answer!
I am playing around and trying to build a parallax website - yes, I know they are an annoying fad but I would still like to have a go. So, for inspiration, I have been looking at various examples of good parallax websites and came across this one:
It has smooth scrolling using the mouse wheel, scrollbar, and anchor links. I have been searching for jQuery plugins that would achieve this effect but can only seem to find ones that use internal page links - anchor or ID's (detailed below) - but, not mouse wheel and scrollbar. There is a good chance that I am searching using the wrong keywords. Does anyone know the correct terminology to find these plugins or know any plugins that would achieve this effect?
On a side note, I am currently learning jQuery and Javascript but am in the very early stages - still trawling through codeacademy and not made it onto any real world code yet. So at the moment I am playing with plugins as a way of learning but hopefully in a few months I can build my own stuff!
Smooth scrolling to anchor tags or ID's: (*courtesy of #DrunkRocketeer)
And, another example of a parallax website using a similar technique for scrolling:
Try this one.
It has got
jQuery event listener too so you can have scroll path configured with parallax script.
I think you have to combine several of these effects in order to make something that resembles the Landrover site. A Smooth scroll script, a scroll path script and a parallax script.
This is an interesting site for the path element of that website:
Though the best way to find out how these sites work is to examine them! Some cool sites useing parallax:
I hope this was of some help/inspiration!
Have you seen yahoo's ipad/tablet home page? The swipe effect for flipping through headlines is impressive. I have seen some workarounds in jquery (using the cycle plugin + the touchwipe plugin) but these all simply detect user gesture and then run the x- absolute position animation, rather than actually track the user's gesture. Know of a solution similar to yahoo's?
Found the solution:
Used the "snap-to" option to re-create the carousel effect.
Swipe JS is a good one. If this is the effect that you are looking for -
Not sure, but there is jQuery Mobile.