I am trying to convert my jQuery script into javascript. I have a problem there..
I have a script that creates a node
var new_node = document.createElement("div");
new_node.innerHTML = html;
When i do this
It works fine. But I want to do it javascript way. I have tried using appendChild function but it gives some strange results.
Please help me out with this.
You're comparing jQuery's after with appendChild, but they do very different things. after puts the element after the reference element, appendChild puts it inside it.
You probably want insertBefore (with the reference node being link's nextSibling).
var link = /* ... get the `a` element from somewhere ... */;
var new_node = document.createElement("div");
new_node.innerHTML = html;
link.parentNode.insertBefore(new_node, link.nextSibling);
If link is the last thing in its parent, that's fine; link.nextSibling will be null and insertBefore accepts null as the reference node (it means "insert at the end").
Assuming you already have a node instantiated as link, you could do what you want this way in plain Javascript:
The link node would have to be the last node in its container. Otherwise you would have to find link's nextSibling and use insertBefore to put new_node in its proper place.
Good day everyone,
I am currently trying to append a metadata file. Sorry in advance if I did anything wrong, I am unfamiliar with editing XML codes in JS.. Thanks!
Currently, I am having difficulty getting the results that I expected. I am trying to insert 2 new nodes one nested over the other into the newParentTestNode.
I want to add a couple of nodes within the TestNode as seen in the results I want.. I can't seem to find a solution online. Please do help thanks!
I am currently getting this result:
But the result I want is:
xmlTest: function (evt) {
if(this.item.metadata_standard_name == "Correct Data"){
xmlString = this.item.sys_xml_clob;
var metadataXmlString = jQuery.parseXML(xmlString);
let newParentTestNode = metadataXmlString.getElementsByTagName("gmd:MTTEST")
newNode = metadataXmlString.createElement("TestNode")
newNode2 = metadataXmlString.createElement("TestNode2")
let addMe = newNode.appendChild(newNode2)
xmlString = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(metadataXmlString);
appendChild() returns the node that is appended not the parent node.
This means that newNode.appendChild(newNode2) returns newNode2, which you'll then append to your root node, effectively removing TestNode2 from TestNode and appending it directly to MTTEST.
You don't need to assign the result of appendChild to a new addMe variable because appendChild modifies the structure in-place, so you gain nothing from the return value (as you already have variables referencing both the parent and the child element). So in the end you just need to append newNode (which will already contain newNode2) to newParentTestNode.
Can someone please explain to me, why
var Node = document.createElement("testing");
var Parent = document.createElement("testingOne")
produces a different result from
var Node = document.createElement("testing");
var Parent = document.createElement("testingOne")
In the second snippet the element testingOne doesn't even get included. Why does the piping do this?
Your first example will result in
Parent will contain the testingOne and the hi element will be appended to it.
While the second example will result in
Because Parent will contain the hi element, which is returned by the appendChild method.
Say I have a list like this:
<ul id='dom_a'>
I know how to insert elements in the ul tag with:
Element.insert('dom_a', {bottom:"<li>bar</li>"});
Since the string I receive contains the dom id, I need to insert the inner HTML instead of the whole element. I need a function to do this:
insert_content('dom_a', {bottom:"<ul id='dom_a'><li>bar</li></ul>"});
And obtain:
<ul id='dom_a'>
How should I do this with Prototype ?
Here is the solution I have come up with, can anyone make this better ?
Zena.insert_inner = function(dom, position, content) {
dom = $(dom);
position = position.toLowerCase();
content = Object.toHTML(content);
var elem = new Element('div');
elem.innerHTML = content; // strip scripts ?
elem = elem.down();
var insertions = {};
$A(elem.childElements()).each(function(e) {
insertions[position] = e;
I think you could parse the code block in your variable, then ask it for its innerHTML, and then use insert to stick that at the bottom of the actual node in the DOM.
That might look like this:
var rep_struct = "<ul id='dom_a'><li>bar</li></ul>";
var dummy_node = new Element('div'); // So we can easily access the structure
$('dom_a').insert({bottom: dummy_node.childNodes[0].innerHTML});
I think you can slim down the code a bit by simply appending the innerHTML of the first child of temporary element:
Zena.insert_inner = function(dom, position, content) {
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = content;
var insertions = {};
insertions[position] = d.firstChild.innerHTML;
Element.insert(dom, insertions);
Not too much of an improvement though, example here.
I've been looking into the Prototype Documentation and I found this: update function.
By the way you described it, you could use the update function in order to find the current bottom content and then update it (just like innerHTML) by adding the desired code plus the previous stored code.
You could use regular expression to strip the outer element.
Element.Methods.insert_content = function(element, insertions) {
var regex = /^<(\w+)[^>]*>(.*)<\/\1>/;
for (key in insertions) {
insertions[key] = regex.exec(insertions[key])[2];
Element.insert(element, insertions);
$('dom_a').insert_content({bottom:"<ul id='dom_a'><li>bar</li></ul>"});
If you are using PrototypeJS, you might also want to add script.aculo.us to your project. Builder in script.aculo.us provides a nice way to build complex DOM structures like so:
var myList = Builder.node("ul", {
id: "dom_a"
Builder.node("li", "foo"),
Builder.node("li", "bar"),
After this, you can insert this object which should be rendered as HTML anywhere in the DOM with any insert/update functions (of PrototypeJS) or even standard JavaScript appendChild.
$("my_div").insert({After: myList});
Note that in PrototypeJS insert comes in 4 different modes: After, Before, Top and Bottom. If you use insert without specifying a "mode" as above, the default will be Bottom. That is, the new DOM code will be appended below existing contents of the container element as innerHTML. Top will do the same thing but add it on top of the existing contents. Before and After are also cool ways to append to the DOM. If you use these, the content will be added in the DOM structure before and after the container element, not inside as innerHTML.
With Builder however, there is one thing to keep in mind, .. okay two things really:
i. You cannot enter raw HTML in the object as content... This will fail:
Builder.node("ul", "<li>foo</li>");
ii. When you specify node attributes, keep in mind that you must use className to signify HTML attribute class (and possibly also htmlFor for for attribute... although for attribute seems to be deprecated in HTML5(?), but who does not want to use it for labels)
Builder.node("ul", {
id: "dom_a",
className: "classy_list"
I know you are scratching your head because of point i. > What, no raw HTML, dang!
Not to worry. If you still need to add content which might contain HTML inside a Builder created DOM, just do it in the second stage using the insert({Before/After/Top/Bottom: string}). But why'd you want to do it in the first place? It would be really good practice if you wrote an once for all function that generates all kinds of DOM elements rather than stitching in all sorts of strings. The former approach would be neat and elegant. This is something like the inline style versus class type of question. Good design should after all separate content from meta content, or formatting markup / markdown.
One last thing to keep handy in your toolbox is Protype's DOM traversal in case you want to dynamically insert and delete content like a HTML Houdini. Check out the Element next, up, down, previous methods. Besides the $$ is also kinda fun to use, particularly if you know CSS3 selectors.
I so miss jQuery. I'm working on a project where I need to get my hands dirty with good 'ol plain Javascript again.
I have this scenario:
Via javascript, I want to be able to insert a new node before or after any of those children. While javascript has an insertBefore, there is no insertAfter.
Insert before would work fine on the above to insert a node before any one of those:
parent.insertBefore(newNode, child3)
But how does one insert a node AFTER child3? I'm using this at the moment:
for (i=0,i<myNodes.length,i++){
myParent.insertBefore(newNode, myNodes[i+1])
That is inserting my newNode before the next sibling node of each of my nodes (meaning it's putting it after each node).
When it gets to the last node, myNodes[i+1] become undefined as I'm now trying to access a array index that doesn't exist.
I'd think that'd error out, but it seems to work fine in that in that situation, my node is indeed inserted after the last node.
But is that proper? I'm testing it now in a few modern browsers with no seemingly ill effects. Is there a better way?
Pure JavaScript actually has a method for what you want:
The functionality of insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) is described as:
Inserts the specified node before a reference node as a child of the current node. If referenceNode is null, then newNode is inserted at the end of the list of child nodes.
And since myNodes[i+1] is outside of the array bounds, it returns undefined, which is treated as null in this case. This means you get your desired behavior.
Edit: Link to the W3 specification of insertBefore()
Modern Solution
If you want to position based on child, simply use before or after
child1.before(newNode) // [newNode, child1, child2]
// or
child1.after(newNode) // [child1, newNode, child2]
If you want to position based on parent, use prepend or append
parent.prepend(newNode) // [newNode, child1, child2]
// or
parent.append(newNode) // [child1, child2, newNode]
Advanced usage
You can pass multiple values (or use spread operator ...).
Any string value will be added as a text element.
child1.after(newNode, "foo") // [child1, newNode, "foo", child2]
const list = ["bar", newNode]
parent.prepend(...list, "fizz") // ["bar", newNode, "fizz", child1, child2]
Mozilla Docs
before - after
prepend - append
Can I Use - 95% Mar 2021
To insert item as a last node use :parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, null);
Also when not iterating through children (just inserting after referenceNode) this might be useful:
parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling);
I got this code is work to insert a link item as the last child
var cb=function(){
//create newnode
var link=document.createElement('link');
//insert after the lastnode
var nodes=document.getElementsByTagName('link'); //existing nodes
var lastnode=document.getElementsByTagName('link')[nodes.length-1];
lastnode.parentNode.insertBefore(link, lastnode.nextSibling);
var raf=requestAnimationFrame||mozRequestAnimationFrame||
if (raf)raf(cb);else window.addEventListener('load',cb);
I have a function
function toggleSelectCancels(e) {
var checkBox = e.target;
var cancelThis = checkBox.checked;
var tableRow = checkBox.parentNode.parentNode;
how can I get a jQuery object that contains tableRow
Normally I would go $("#" + tableRow.id), the problem here is the id for tableRow is something like this "x:1280880471.17:adr:2:key:[95]:tag:". It is autogenerated by an infragistics control. jQuery doesn't seem to getElementById when the id is like this. the standard dom document.getElementById("x:1280880471.17:adr:2:key:[95]:tag:") does however return the correct row element.
Anyways, is there a way to get a jQuery object from a dom element?
~ck in San Diego
jQuery can take the DOM elements, try with:
You should be able to pass the element straight in, like this:
I have tested this by creating a reference to a div, then passing it straight into jQuery and it creates the jQuery object for you.
You can call the jQuery function on DOM elements: $(tableRow)
You can also use the closest method of jQuery in this case:
var tableRowJquery = $(checkBox).closest('tr');
If you want to keep using your ID, kgiannakakis (below), provided an excellent link on how to escape characters with special meaning in a jQuery selector.
See this for how you should escape the id.
var r = $(document.getElementById("XXXX----ID Of Your Row----XXXX"));
now, if document.getElementById doesn't return undefined you can use r as any regular jquery object.