need some jquery if-else statement help - javascript

the code below is broken, but I'm not sure how. I've definitely made some big assumptions here as a newbie.
I'm basically trying to create an if else where imBannerRotater functions on #cast if the variable is true and #pram if it is false.
How could I fix this to get that result?
The # are URLs.
if (mmjsRegionName == 'CO')
return_type: 'json',
data_map: {
image_name: 'name',
url_name: 'url'
image_url: '#',
base_path: '#',
return_type: 'json',
data_map: {
image_name: 'name',
url_name: 'url'
image_url: '#',
base_path: '#',

var $target = $('#cast'); // or whatever you want as a default
if (mmjsRegionName == 'CO'){
$target = $('#cast');
$target = $('#param');
return_type: 'json',
data_map: {
image_name: 'name',
url_name: 'url'
image_url: '#',
base_path: '#',
Little refactored, but should get you there.
(Though I'm not sure what you mean by "if the variable is true"--check if (mmjsRegionName){ instead of comparing it to a string maybe?)
If it is a true/false case, you may be better off using this:
$(mmjsRegion?'#cast':'#param').imBannerRotater({ // note the in-line if statement
return_type: 'json',
data_map: {
image_name: 'name',
url_name: 'url'
image_url: '#',
base_path: '#',

If you are testing whether mmjsRegionName is true or false, then your if statement should just be:
if(mmjsRegionName) { ...

The best way to do it would be to create a variable and change it to either "cast" or "pram"
var myID = "pram";
if (mmjsRegionName == 'CO') {
myID = "cast";
$('#' + myID.imBannerRotation({
//your script here...


Ext.Defer gives getAsynchronousLoad Error

I've just defined a combobox. Firstly it loads a countrylist and when select a value it's fire a change event which doing a ajax query to DB within searching service;
The thing; this configuration works pretty well when I click and open combobox items. But when I'm typing to combobox's field it's fires listener's store.load and because of none of country selected yet, the search query url gives not found errors of course.
xtype: 'countrycombo',
itemId: 'countryName',
afterLabelTextTpl: MyApp.Globals.required,
allowBlank: false,
flex: 1,
// forceSelection: false,
// typeAhead: true,
// typeAheadDelay: 50,
store: {
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
// isSynchronous: true,
url: MyApp.Globals.getUrl() + '/country/list?limit=250',
// timeout: 300000,
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data'
pageSize: 0,
sorters: 'description',
autoLoad: true
listeners: {
change: function (combo, countryId) {
var cityStore = Ext.getStore('cityCombo');
.setUrl(MyAppp.Globals.getUrl() + '/city/view/search?query=countryid:'+ countryId);
// Ext.defer(cityStore.load, 100);
I've tried several things as you see in code above to set a delay/timeout for load during typing to combobox text field; Ext.defer, timeoutconfig on proxy, typeAhead config on combo but none of them worked!
I thought that Ext.defer is the best solution but it gives this error:
Uncaught TypeError: me.getAsynchronousLoad is not a function at load (ProxyStore.js?_dc=15169)
How can I set a delay/timeout to combobox to fires load function?
Instead of Ext.defer(cityStore.load, 100);
try using this :
}, 300);
If this doest work, try increasing your delay
or you can put a logic before loading
like this :
if(countryId.length == 5){
This will ensure that you Entered the right values before loading
Hope this helps, and Goodluck on your project
well.. I've tried to implement #Leroy's advice but somehow Ext.defer did not fire cityStore.load. So I keep examine similar situations on google and found Ext.util.DelayedTask
So configured the listerens's change to this and it's works pretty well;
listeners: {
change: function (combo, countryId) {
var alert = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(function () {
Ext.Msg.alert('Info!', 'Please select a country');
var cityStore = Ext.getStore('cityCombo');
cityStore.getProxy().setUrl(MyApp.Globals.getUrl() + '/city/view/search?query=countryid:'+ countryId);
if (typeof countryId === 'number') {
} else {

Selectize: Setting Default Value in onInitialize with setValue

I have a web application with multiple Selectize objects initialized on the page. I'm trying to have each instance load a default value based on the query string when the page loads, where ?<>=<KeywordID>. All URL parameters have already been serialized are are a dictionary call that.urlParams.
I know there are other ways to initializing Selectize with a default value I could try; but, I'm curious why calling setValue inside onInitialize isn't working for me because I'm getting any error messages when I run this code.
I'm bundling all this JavaScript with Browserify, but I don't think that's contributing to this problem.
In terms of debugging, I've tried logging this to the console inside onInititalize and found that setValue is up one level in the Function.prototype property, the options property is full of data from load, the key for those objects inside options corresponds to the KeywordID. But when I log getValue(val) to the console, I get an empty string. Is there a way to make this work or am I ignoring something about Selectize or JavaScript?
module.exports = function() {
var that = this;
this.selectize = $(this).container.selectize({
valueField: 'KeywordID', // an integer value
create: false,
labelField: 'Name',
searchField: 'Name',
preload: true,
allowEmptyOptions: true,
closeAfterSelect: true,
maxItems: 1,
render: {
option: function(item) {
return that.template(item);
onInitialize: function() {
var val = parseInt(that.urlParams[], 10); // e.g. 5
load: function(query, callback) {
url: that.url,
type: 'GET',
error: callback,
success: callback
After sprinkling in some console.logs into Selectize.js, I found that the ajax data hadn't been imported, when the initialize event was triggered. I ended up finding a solution using jQuery.when() to make setValue fire after the data had been loaded, but I still wish I could find a one-function-does-one-thing solution.
module.exports = function() {
var that = this;
this.selectize = $(this).container.selectize({
valueField: 'KeywordID', // an integer value
create: false,
labelField: 'Name',
searchField: 'Name',
preload: true,
allowEmptyOptions: true,
closeAfterSelect: true,
maxItems: 1,
render: {
option: function(item) {
return that.template(item);
load: function(query, callback) {
var self = this;
$.when( $.ajax({
url: that.url,
type: 'GET',
error: callback,
success: callback
}) ).then(function() {
var val = parseInt(that.urlParams[], 10); // e.g. 5
You just need to add the option before setting it as the value, as this line in addItem will be checking for it:
if (!self.options.hasOwnProperty(value)) return;
inside onInitialize you would do:
var val = that.urlParams[]; //It might work with parseInt, I haven't used integers in selectize options though, only strings.
var opt = {id:val, text:val};
Instead of using onInitialize you could add a load trigger to the selectize. This will fire after the load has finished and will execute setValue() as expected.
var $select = $(this).container.selectize({
// ...
load: function(query, callback) {
// ...
var selectize = $select[0].selectize;
selectize.on('load', function(options) {
// ...
Note that for this you first have to get the selectize instanze ($select[0].selectize).
in my case it need refresh i just added another command beside it
i added this
$select[0].selectize.options[opt].selected = true;
and changes applied
but i dont know why?
You can initialize each selectize' selected value by setting the items property. Fetch the value from your querystring then add it as an item of the items property value:
const selectedValue = getQueryStringValue('name') //set your query string value here
valueField: 'id',
labelField: 'title',
preload: true,
options: [
{ id: 0, title: 'Item 1' },
{ id: 1, title: 'Item 2' },
items: [ selectedValue ],
Since it accepts array, you can set multiple selected items

Creating new tags in a Select2 tag textarea

I have an input (textarea) that has Select2's tags applied to it. So when a user types in the name of an item that exists in my data base, it shows a list of matching items and the user can select one and a tag is created.
Here is my code so far for basic tag functionality:
placeholder: "Usual suppliers...",
minimumInputLength: 1,
multiple: true,
id: function(e) {
return + ":" +;
ajax: {
url: ROOT + 'Ajax',
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST',
data: function(term, page) {
return {
call: 'Record->supplierHelper',
q: term,
page_limit: 10
results: function(data, page) {
return {
results: data.suppliers
formatResult: formatResult,
formatSelection: formatSelection,
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
var data = [];
$(element.val().split(",")).each(function(i) {
var item = this.split(':');
id: item[0],
title: item[1]
Is there a way for a new tag to be created if the text typed does not exist? Initially I thought this could some how be done by delimiting with spaces, but some items (supplier names) will have spaces in them, so that won't work.
I think when no matches are found the user needs to somehow "create" the tag by pressing a button that could appear in the drop down box, but I have no idea how to do this.
How can I allow users to create new tags that may have spaces in them and still be able to carry on adding more tags, existing or otherwise?
Yes you can do it. There is a example in the documentation. Look at
createSearchChoice: function(term, data) {
if ($(data).filter( function() { return this.text.localeCompare(term)===0;
}).length===0) {
return {id:term, text:term};
multiple: true,
data: [{id: 0, text: 'story'},{id: 1, text: 'bug'},{id: 2, text: 'task'}]
You have to create a function like createSearchChoice, that returns a object with 'id' and 'text'. In other case, if you return undefined the option not will be created.

ExtJS submit form to download file

Having a really hard time figuring this out. I need to submit a form in an ExtJS application and then download the data in a .CSV file. The problem is, the way ExtJS has me submitting the form with "isUpload" the parameters I'm POSTing are being sent as "mulitpart/form-data" and I can't consume them or parse them. I have multiple values of the same input field name.
field: A
field: B
field: C
When I submit for my grids they go over as multiple instances like above. As soon as I introduce "isUpload" to the form they go overs as:
field: A,B,C
My program reads field as "A,B,C" and not three separate instances of field!
Here's my code. Interesting that when I examine in Firebug the Params tab looks correct, but the POST tab has then all in one value.
I just recently added the parameters to the url to try and fake it out!
url : '/cgi-bin/cgijson007.pgm' + '?' + parameters,
form : myForm,
params : parameters,
standardSubmit : true,
isUpload : true
isUpload: true only defines that you want to upload a file along with fields, so multipart is correct. To download I recommend you to use a hidden frame. For that use a helper defined within a Namespace.
helper.util.HiddenForm = function(url,fields){
if (!Ext.isArray(fields))
var body = Ext.getBody(),
frame = body.createChild({
form = body.createChild({
action: url,
Ext.each(fields, function(el,i){
if (!Ext.isArray(el))
return false;
id: 'hiddenform-' + el[0],
name: el[0],
value: el[1]
return frame;
// Use it like
helper.util.HiddenForm('my/realtive/path', [["fieldname","fieldValue"]]);
If the server answer with a download the save window will popup.
Below is how I handler a post download on a grid listing:
First, I create html form container with hidden filed contains the parameters to post, and also a submit function.
var txtFileId = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Hidden', { name: 'fid', value: 0 });
var dwFrm = Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', {
autoEl: { tag: 'form', method: 'POST', target: '_BLANK',
action: '/download/files' }, style: { hidden: true },
items: [txtFileId, {
xtype: 'hidden', name: 'userId', value: '1111'
submit: function (fid) {
if (fid) {
Second, I dock the above component into grid's toolbar
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
dockedItems: [Ext.create("Ext.Toolbar", {
dock: "top", items: [
{ text: "Download Selected",
handler: function () {
var sm = grid.getSelectionModel();
if (!sm.hasSelection()) return null;
var recs = sm.getSelection();
This works perfectly. Arrays included.
downloadFile: function (url, params) {
var body = Ext.getBody(),
frame = body.createChild({
tag: 'iframe',
cls: 'x-hidden',
id: 'hiddenform-iframe',
name: 'iframe'
form = body.createChild({
tag: 'form',
method: 'POST',
cls: 'x-hidden',
id: 'hiddenform-form',
action: url,
target: 'iframe'
for (var i in params) {
if (Ext.isArray(params[i])) {
for (var j = 0; j < params[i].length; j++) {
tag: 'input',
type: 'hidden',
cls: 'x-hidden',
id: 'hiddenform-' + i,
name: i,
value: params[i][j]
} else {
tag: 'input',
type: 'hidden',
cls: 'x-hidden',
id: 'hiddenform-' + i,
name: i,
value: params[i]
return frame;

How do I stop ext-js from adding limit=25 to my JSON query?

The following code is working. The problem is the request is being sent with &_dc=1299207914646&limit=25 appended to every request sent to the server. Nothing I can do changes the limit=25. Ideally I want no additional parameters sent to the server. I would make do however with being able to set the limit to 10000 or something. I AM able to add other parameters but nothing I do removes the limit=25. I would also like to get rid of the &_dc parameter although I don't know why it has been added it is not causing a problem.
Any ideas?
note: some weird problem with code formatting below?
Ext.regModel('Image_', { // window.Image is protected in ie6 !!!
fields: ['id', 'key', 'value']
var store = new{
model: 'Image_',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
var store = new{
model: 'Image_',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
autoload: 'false',
url: '/couchdb/test/_design/blah/_view/by_surname2?startkey=%22r%22&endkey=%22r\u9999%22',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'rows'
var listView = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
title:'Simple ListView <i>(0 items selected)</i>',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
store: store,
multiSelect: true,
viewConfig: {
emptyText: 'No images to display'
headers: [{
text: 'File',
flex: 50,
dataIndex: 'value'
text: 'Last Modified',
flex: 35,
dataIndex: 'key'
text: 'Size',
dataIndex: 'id',
flex: 15,
cls: 'listview-filesize'
// little bit of feedback
listView.on('selectionchange', function(view, nodes){
var l = nodes.length;
var s = l != 1 ? 's' : '';
listView.setTitle('Simple ListView <i>('+l+' item'+s+' selected)</i>');
In your Proxy, set
limitParam: undefined,
pageParam: undefined,
startParam: undefined,
noCache: false,
You can modify your store limit when you load the store.
In this case, I am asking to set the limit to 50.
_dc=1299207914646 is unique cache-buster param added to GET requests. If you don't want to have them in the url, you can disable them by setting disableCaching parameter to false.
But I would recommend you to set the method of you store to POST and pass the parameters using POST rather than GET method. That way you can have clean URLs and also hide the data being sent.
You can override getParams method of the
For example, in my project I added custom boolean parameter embeddedParams and if I dont want to add ExtJS parameters to a request I set it to false in a store proxy:
* Added embeddedParams option
Ext.define('Ext.lib.overrides.ServerProxy', {
override: '',
* Add or not pagination, grouping, sorting and filtering parameters to the request. Defaults to true.
embeddedParams: true,
* #private
* Copy any sorters, filters etc into the params so they can be sent over the wire
getParams: function (operation) {
var me = this,
params = {},
isDef = Ext.isDefined,
groupers = operation.groupers,
sorters = operation.sorters,
filters = operation.filters,
page =,
start = operation.start,
limit = operation.limit,
simpleSortMode = me.simpleSortMode,
simpleGroupMode = me.simpleGroupMode,
pageParam = me.pageParam,
startParam = me.startParam,
limitParam = me.limitParam,
groupParam = me.groupParam,
groupDirectionParam = me.groupDirectionParam,
sortParam = me.sortParam,
filterParam = me.filterParam,
directionParam = me.directionParam,
hasGroups, index;
if (me.embeddedParams && pageParam && isDef(page)) {
params[pageParam] = page;
if (me.embeddedParams && startParam && isDef(start)) {
params[startParam] = start;
if (me.embeddedParams && limitParam && isDef(limit)) {
params[limitParam] = limit;
hasGroups = me.embeddedParams && groupParam && groupers && groupers.length > 0;
if (hasGroups) {
// Grouper is a subclass of sorter, so we can just use the sorter method
if (simpleGroupMode) {
params[groupParam] = groupers[0].property;
params[groupDirectionParam] = groupers[0].direction || 'ASC';
} else {
params[groupParam] = me.encodeSorters(groupers);
if (me.embeddedParams && sortParam && sorters && sorters.length > 0) {
if (simpleSortMode) {
index = 0;
// Group will be included in sorters, so grab the next one
if (sorters.length > 1 && hasGroups) {
index = 1;
params[sortParam] = sorters[index].property;
params[directionParam] = sorters[index].direction;
} else {
params[sortParam] = me.encodeSorters(sorters);
if (me.embeddedParams && filterParam && filters && filters.length > 0) {
params[filterParam] = me.encodeFilters(filters);
return params;
store: Ext.create('', {
proxy: {
type: 'ajax', // or 'direct', 'jsonp' / 'scripttag'
embeddedParams: false
add the limit property to your store...
and might not hurt to try pagesize....
and see if either of these help.
Edit : also try
in your proxy.
found that last piece from...
You can modify the limit param using
To remove the _dc parameter on extjs 4 you can set:
noCache: false
or just uncheck the box if you're using architect 2.
Specifically for Json, to get rid of _dc parameter, in your proxy object, set the config option given by Tharahan:
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
api: {
read: 'app/data/something.json',
update: 'app/data/something.json'
reader: {
type: 'json',
writer: {
type: 'json',
noCache: false
EDIT: (sorry, I did not look at the post date, but lost so much time with it) Please note that the global Ext.Loader.setConfig({disableCaching: false}); does not affect subclasses of which need this specific option (at least in development with sencha touch 2.2.0).
