Bitwise operations - what the heck is going on? - javascript

I've got the following JavaScript script for generating a 2D maze:
* 3 June 2003, [[:en:User:Cyp]]:
* Maze, generated by my algorithm
* 24 October 2006, [[:en:User:quin]]:
* Source edited for clarity
* 25 January 2009, [[:en:User:DebateG]]:
* Source edited again for clarity and reusability
* 1 June 2009, [[:en:User:Nandhp]]:
* Source edited to produce SVG file when run from the command-line
* 7 January, 2011 [[:en:User:SharkD]]:
* Source converted to JavaScript
* This program was originally written by [[:en:User:Cyp]], who
* attached it to the image description page for an image generated by
* it on en.wikipedia. The image was licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0/GFDL.
/* Recreate a math function that exists in Java but not JavaScript. */
Math.nextInt = function (number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * number)
/* Recreate a system function that exists in Java but not JavaScript.
* Uncomment either WScript.Echo() or alert() depending on whether you are
* running the script from the Windows command-line or a Web page.
function println(string)
// if inside Windows Scripting Host
// if inside a Web page
// alert(string)
/* Define the bit masks */
var Constants =
QUEUED : 16,
IN_MAZE : 32
/* Construct a Maze with specified width, height, and cell_width */
function Maze(width, height, cell_width) {
if (width)
this.width = width;
this.width = 20;
if (height)
this.height = height;
this.height = 20;
if (cell_width)
this.cell_width = cell_width;
this.cell_width = 10;
this.maze = []
/* The maze generation algorithm. */
this.createMaze = function() {
var width = this.width
var height = this.height
var maze = this.maze
var x, y, n, d;
var dx = [ 0, 0, -1, 1 ];
var dy = [ -1, 1, 0, 0 ];
var todo = new Array(height * width);
var todonum = 0;
/* We want to create a maze on a grid. */
/* We start with a grid full of walls. */
for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
maze[x] = []
for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
if (x == 0 || x == width - 1 || y == 0 || y == height - 1) {
maze[x][y] = Constants.IN_MAZE;
else {
maze[x][y] = 63;
/* Select any square of the grid, to start with. */
x = 1 + Math.nextInt(width - 2);
y = 1 + Math.nextInt(height - 2);
/* Mark this square as connected to the maze. */
maze[x][y] &= ~48;
/* Remember the surrounding squares, as we will */
for (d = 0; d < 4; ++d) {
if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & Constants.QUEUED) != 0) {
/* want to connect them to the maze. */
todo[todonum++] = ((x + dx[d]) << Constants.QUEUED) | (y + dy[d]);
maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] &= ~Constants.QUEUED;
/* We won't be finished until all is connected. */
while (todonum > 0) {
/* We select one of the squares next to the maze. */
n = Math.nextInt(todonum);
x = todo[n] >> 16; /* the top 2 bytes of the data */
y = todo[n] & 65535; /* the bottom 2 bytes of the data */
/* We will connect it, so remove it from the queue. */
todo[n] = todo[--todonum];
/* Select a direction, which leads to the maze. */
do {
d = Math.nextInt(4);
while ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & Constants.IN_MAZE) != 0);
/* Connect this square to the maze. */
maze[x][y] &= ~((1 << d) | Constants.IN_MAZE);
maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] &= ~(1 << (d ^ 1));
/* Remember the surrounding squares, which aren't */
for (d = 0; d < 4; ++d) {
if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] & Constants.QUEUED) != 0) {
/* connected to the maze, and aren't yet queued to be. */
todo[todonum++] = ((x + dx[d]) << Constants.QUEUED) | (y + dy[d]);
maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]] &= ~Constants.QUEUED;
/* Repeat until finished. */
/* Add an entrance and exit. */
maze[1][1] &= ~Constants.WALL_ABOVE;
maze[width - 2][height - 2] &= ~Constants.WALL_BELOW;
/* Called to write the maze to an SVG file. */
this.printSVG = function () {
println("<svg width=\"" + (width * cell_width) + "\" height=\"" + (height*cell_width) + "\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
+ " <g stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\">\n" + this.drawMaze() + " </g>\n</svg>\n");
/* Main maze-drawing loop. */
this.drawMaze = function () {
var x, y;
var width = this.width;
var height = this.height;
var cell_width = this.cell_width
var outstring = ""
for (x = 1; x < width - 1; ++x) {
for (y = 1; y < height - 1; ++y) {
if ((this.maze[x][y] & Constants.WALL_ABOVE) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine(x * cell_width, y * cell_width, (x + 1) * cell_width, y * cell_width);
if ((this.maze[x][y] & Constants.WALL_BELOW) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine(x * cell_width, (y + 1) * cell_width, (x + 1) * cell_width, (y + 1) * cell_width);
if ((this.maze[x][y] & Constants.WALL_LEFT) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine(x * cell_width, y * cell_width, x * cell_width, (y + 1) * cell_width);
if ((this.maze[x][y] & Constants.WALL_RIGHT) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine((x + 1) * cell_width, y * cell_width, (x + 1) * cell_width, (y + 1) * cell_width);
return outstring
/* Draw a line, either in the SVG file or on the screen. */
this.drawLine = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return " <line x1=\"" + x1 + "\" y1=\"" + y1 + "\" x2=\"" + x2 + "\" y2=\"" + y2 + "\" />\n";
/* Initialization method that will be called when the program is
* run from the command-line. Maze will be written as SVG file. */
function main(args) {
var m = new Maze();
/* execute the program */
I would like to extend the script such that it creates a six axis 3D maze. However, in order to do so I have to understand the bitwise operations and what they are being used for. Could someone please explain to me why the original author chose to use bitwise operations, and what it is exactly they are doing in the script?
[edit - conclusion]
Since the problem is now solved, FYI here's the 3D version of the script:
* 3 June 2003, [[:en:User:Cyp]]:
* Maze, generated by my algorithm
* 24 October 2006, [[:en:User:quin]]:
* Source edited for clarity
* 25 January 2009, [[:en:User:DebateG]]:
* Source edited again for clarity and reusability
* 1 June 2009, [[:en:User:Nandhp]]:
* Source edited to produce SVG file when run from the command-line
* 7 January, 2011 [[:en:User:SharkD]]:
* Source converted to JavaScript and third axis added
* This program was originally written by [[:en:User:Cyp]], who
* attached it to the image description page for an image generated by
* it on en.wikipedia. The image was licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0/GFDL.
/* Recreate a math function that exists in Java but not JavaScript. */
Math.nextInt = function (number) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * number)
/* Recreate a system function that exists in Java but not JavaScript.
* Uncomment either WScript.Echo() or alert() depending on whether you are
* running the script from the Windows command-line or a Web page.
function println(string)
// if inside Windows Scripting Host
// if inside a Web page
// alert(string)
/* Define the bit masks */
var WALL_ABOVE = 1;
var WALL_BELOW = 2;
var WALL_LEFT = 4;
var WALL_RIGHT = 8;
var WALL_FRONT = 16;
var WALL_BACK = 32;
var QUEUED = 64;
var IN_MAZE = 128;
/* Construct a Maze with specified lenx, leny, and cell_width */
function Maze(lenx, leny, lenz, cell_width) {
if (lenx)
this.lenx = lenx;
this.lenx = 20;
if (leny)
this.leny = leny;
this.leny = 20;
if (lenz)
this.lenz = lenz;
this.lenz = 8;
if (cell_width)
this.cell_width = cell_width;
this.cell_width = 10;
this.maze = []
/* The maze generation algorithm. */
this.createMaze = function() {
var lenx = this.lenx
var leny = this.leny
var lenz = this.lenz
var maze = this.maze
var x, y, z, n, d;
var dx = [ 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0 ];
var dy = [ -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
var dz = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1 ];
var todo = new Array(leny * lenx * lenz);
var todonum = 0;
/* We want to create a maze on a grid. */
/* We start with a grid full of walls. */
/* Except for the outer walls which are left open? */
for (x = 0; x < lenx; ++x) {
maze[x] = []
for (y = 0; y < leny; ++y) {
maze[x][y] = []
for (z = 0; z < lenz; ++z)
if (x == 0 || x == lenx - 1 || y == 0 || y == leny - 1 || z == 0 || z == lenz - 1) {
maze[x][y][z] = IN_MAZE;
else {
/* Select random square of the grid, to start with. */
x = 1 + Math.nextInt(lenx - 2);
y = 1 + Math.nextInt(leny - 2);
z = 1 + Math.nextInt(lenz - 2);
/* Mark this square as connected to the maze. */
maze[x][y][z] &= ~(QUEUED + IN_MAZE);
/* Remember the surrounding squares, as we will... */
for (d = 0; d < 6; ++d) {
if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]][z + dz[d]] & QUEUED) != 0) {
/* ...want to connect them to the maze. */
todo[todonum++] = [x + dx[d], y + dy[d], z + dz[d]];
maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]][z + dz[d]] &= ~QUEUED;
/* We won't be finished until all is connected. */
while (todonum > 0) {
/* We select one of the squares next to the maze. */
n = Math.nextInt(todonum);
x = todo[n][0];
y = todo[n][1];
z = todo[n][2];
/* We will connect it, so remove it from the queue. */
todo[n] = todo[--todonum];
/* Select a random direction, which leads to the maze. */
do {
d = Math.nextInt(6);
while ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]][z + dz[d]] & IN_MAZE) != 0);
/* Connect this square to the maze. */
maze[x][y][z] &= ~((1 << d) | IN_MAZE);
maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]][z + dz[d]] &= ~(1 << (d ^ 1));
/* Remember the surrounding squares, which aren't... */
for (d = 0; d < 6; ++d) {
if ((maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]][z + dz[d]] & QUEUED) != 0) {
/* ...connected to the maze, and aren't yet queued to be. */
todo[todonum++] = [x + dx[d], y + dy[d], z + dz[d]];
maze[x + dx[d]][y + dy[d]][z + dz[d]] &= ~QUEUED;
/* Repeat until finished. */
/* Add an entrance and exit. */
maze[1][1][1] &= ~WALL_ABOVE;
maze[lenx - 2][leny - 2][lenz - 2] &= ~WALL_BELOW;
/* Called to write the maze to an SVG file. */
this.printSVG = function () {
println("<svg lenx=\"" + (lenx * cell_width) + "\" leny=\"" + (leny * lenz * cell_width) + "\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"\">\n"
+ " <g stroke=\"black\" stroke-lenx=\"1\" stroke-linecap=\"round\">\n" + this.drawMaze() + " </g>\n</svg>\n");
/* Main maze-drawing loop. */
this.drawMaze = function () {
var x, y, z;
var lenx = this.lenx;
var leny = this.leny;
var lenz = this.lenz;
var cell_width = this.cell_width
var outstring = ""
for (x = 1; x < lenx - 1; ++x) {
for (y = 1; y < leny - 1; ++y) {
for (z = 1; z < lenz - 1; ++z) {
var z_pos = z * leny * cell_width;
if ((this.maze[x][y][z] & WALL_ABOVE) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine
x * cell_width,
y * cell_width + z_pos,
(x + 1) * cell_width,
y * cell_width + z_pos
if ((this.maze[x][y][z] & WALL_BELOW) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine
x * cell_width,
(y + 1) * cell_width + z_pos,
(x + 1) * cell_width,
(y + 1) * cell_width + z_pos
if ((this.maze[x][y][z] & WALL_LEFT) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine
x * cell_width,
y * cell_width + z_pos,
x * cell_width,
(y + 1) * cell_width + z_pos
if ((this.maze[x][y][z] & WALL_RIGHT) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine
(x + 1) * cell_width,
y * cell_width + z_pos,
(x + 1) * cell_width,
(y + 1) * cell_width + z_pos
if ((this.maze[x][y][z] & WALL_FRONT) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine
x * cell_width + cell_width/3,
(y + 1) * cell_width - cell_width/3 + z_pos,
(x + 1) * cell_width - cell_width/3,
y * cell_width + cell_width/3 + z_pos
if ((this.maze[x][y][z] & WALL_BACK) != 0)
outstring += this.drawLine
x * cell_width + cell_width/3,
y * cell_width + cell_width/3 + z_pos,
(x + 1) * cell_width - cell_width/3,
(y + 1) * cell_width - cell_width/3 + z_pos
return outstring
/* Draw a line, either in the SVG file or on the screen. */
this.drawLine = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return " <line x1=\"" + x1 + "\" y1=\"" + y1 + "\" x2=\"" + x2 + "\" y2=\"" + y2 + "\" />\n";
/* Initialization method that will be called when the program is
* run from the command-line. Maze will be written as SVG file. */
function main(args) {
var m = new Maze();
/* execute the program */

The most common reason to use bitwise operations is because they are fast and allow for compact storage of information in integers.
That said, this script appears to be using them as flags on each square in the grid.
Take a look at the following code:
/* Define the bit masks */
var Constants =
QUEUED : 16,
IN_MAZE : 32
Each of these constants occupies one bit in an integer. To check if the flag is set, all you need to do is determine if its bit location is set to 1 (typically by ANDing with that number and comparing to 0). To set a flag, you simply set that bit value (typically by ORing with the number). This is what the bitwise operators are doing.


Javascript device compass data always starts at ~90 degrees

I'm using code from here and here to determine which way the phone is facing when looking through the camera.
After initialization, the code seems very fluid and consistent. The problem is that it seems no matter which way my device is pointing when I load the code, that becomes 90 degrees (actually 89.7ish). This is an obvious issue because now I can't simply say dir < 45 && dir > 315 = "south".
Is this due to my specific hardware/software? (Pixel XL, Chrome mobile) or am I doing something wrong in the code?
update: I experience the same behavior with complex compasses like this one from ArcGIS and this Marine Compass demo.
Here is the full code:
function compassHeading(alpha, beta, gamma) {
// Convert degrees to radians
var alphaRad = alpha * (Math.PI / 180);
var betaRad = beta * (Math.PI / 180);
var gammaRad = gamma * (Math.PI / 180);
// Calculate equation components
var cA = Math.cos(alphaRad);
var sA = Math.sin(alphaRad);
var cB = Math.cos(betaRad);
var sB = Math.sin(betaRad);
var cG = Math.cos(gammaRad);
var sG = Math.sin(gammaRad);
// Calculate A, B, C rotation components
var rA = - cA * sG - sA * sB * cG;
var rB = - sA * sG + cA * sB * cG;
var rC = - cB * cG;
// Calculate compass heading
var compassHeading = Math.atan(rA / rB);
// Convert from half unit circle to whole unit circle
if(rB < 0) {
compassHeading += Math.PI;
}else if(rA < 0) {
compassHeading += 2 * Math.PI;
// Convert radians to degrees
compassHeading *= 180 / Math.PI;
return compassHeading;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent) {
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', function(eventData) {
let tiltLR = eventData.gamma;
let tiltFB = eventData.beta;
let dir = eventData.alpha;
deviceOrientationHandler(tiltLR, tiltFB, dir);
}, false);
function deviceOrientationHandler(tiltLR, tiltFB, dir) {
document.getElementById("tiltLR").innerHTML = 'tiltLR: ' + Math.ceil(tiltLR);
document.getElementById("tiltFB").innerHTML = 'tiltFB: ' + Math.ceil(tiltFB);
let heading = compassHeading(dir, tiltFB, tiltLR);
if (heading >= 0 && heading < 90) {
document.getElementById("direction").innerHTML = 'direction: S (' + heading + ')';
} else if (heading >= 90 && heading < 180) {
document.getElementById("direction").innerHTML = 'direction: W (' + heading + ')';
} else if (heading >= 180 && heading < 270) {
document.getElementById("direction").innerHTML = 'direction: N (' + heading + ')';
} else if (heading >= 270 && heading <= 360) {
document.getElementById("direction").innerHTML = 'direction: E (' + heading + ')';
} else {
document.getElementById("direction").innerHTML = 'direction: ? (' + heading + ')';

Pixel by pixel collision detection pinball

I'm currently working on a Pinball game using the HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript. Right now I'm getting a hard time with the pixel by pixel collision, which is fundamental because of the flippers.
Right now my Bounding Box Collision seems to be working
checkCollision(element) {
if (this.checkCollisionBoundingBox(element)) {
console.log("colision with the element bounding box");
if (this.checkCollisionPixelByPixel(element)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
checkCollisionBoundingBox(element) {
if (this.pos.x < element.pos.x + element.width && this.pos.x + this.width > element.pos.x && this.pos.y < element.pos.y + element.height && this.pos.y + this.height > element.pos.y) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
I've tried several ways of implementing the pixel by pixel one but for some reason it does not work perfectly (on walls, on images, on sprites etc). I'll leave them here:
checkCollisionPixelByPixel(element) {
var x_left = Math.floor(Math.max(this.pos.x, element.pos.x));
var x_right = Math.floor(Math.min(this.pos.x + this.width, element.pos.x + element.width));
var y_top = Math.floor(Math.max(this.pos.y, element.pos.y));
var y_bottom = Math.floor(Math.min(this.pos.y + this.height, element.pos.y + element.height));
for (var y = y_top; y < y_bottom; y++) {
for (var x = x_left; x < x_right; x++) {
var x_0 = Math.round(x - this.pos.x);
var y_0 = Math.round(y - this.pos.y);
var n_pix = y_0 * (this.width * + (this.width * (this.actual-1)) + x_0; //n pixel to check
var pix_op =[4 * n_pix + 3]; //opacity (R G B A)
var element_x_0 = Math.round(x - element.pos.x);
var element_y_0 = Math.round(y - element.pos.y);
var element_n_pix = element_y_0 * (element.width * + (element.width * (element.actual-1)) + element_x_0; //n pixel to check
var element_pix_op =[4 * element_n_pix + 3]; //opacity (R G B A)
if (pix_op == 255 && element_pix_op == 255) {
console.log("Colision pixel by pixel");
/*console.log("This -> (R:" +[4 * n_pix] + ", G:" +[4 * n_pix + 1] + ", B:" +[4 * n_pix + 2] + ", A:" + pix_op + ")");
console.log("Element -> (R:" +[4 * element_n_pix] + ", G:" +[4 * element_n_pix + 1] + ", B:" +[4 * element_n_pix + 2] + ", A:" + element_pix_op + ")");
console.log("Collision -> (x:" + x + ", y:" + y +")");
console.log("This(Local) -> (x:" + x_0 + ", y:" + y_0+")");
console.log("Element(Local) -> (x:" + element_x_0 + ", y:" + element_y_0+")");*/
/*ball vector*/
var vector = {
x: (x_0 - Math.floor(this.imgData.width / 2)),
y: -(y_0 - Math.floor(this.imgData.height / 2))
//console.log("ball vector -> ("+vector.x+", "+vector.y+") , Angulo: "+ Math.atan(vector.y/vector.x)* 180/Math.PI);
//this.angle = (Math.atan2(vector.y, vector.x) - Math.PI) * (180 / Math.PI);
//normal vector
var normal = {
x: (x_0 - (this.imgData.width / 2)),
y: -(y_0 - (this.imgData.height / 2))
//Normalizar o vetor
var norm = Math.sqrt(normal.x * normal.x + normal.y * normal.y);
if (norm != 0) {
normal.x = normal.x / norm;
normal.y = normal.y / norm;
var n_rad = Math.atan2(normal.y, normal.x);
var n_deg = (n_rad + Math.PI) * 180 / Math.PI;
console.log("Vetor Normal -> (" + normal.x + ", " + normal.y + ") , Angulo: " + n_deg);
//Vetor Velocidade
var velocity = {
x: Math.cos((this.angle * Math.PI / 180) - Math.PI),
y: Math.sin((this.angle * Math.PI / 180) - Math.PI)
console.log("Vetor Velocidade -> (" + velocity.x + ", " + velocity.y + ") , Angulo: " + this.angle);
//Vetor Reflexao
var ndotv = normal.x * velocity.x + normal.y * velocity.y;
var reflection = {
x: -2 * ndotv * normal.x + velocity.x,
y: -2 * ndotv * normal.y + velocity.y
var r_rad = Math.atan2(reflection.y, reflection.x);
var r_deg = (r_rad + Math.PI) * 180 / Math.PI;
console.log("Vetor Reflexao -> (" + reflection.x + ", " + reflection.y + ") , Angulo: " + r_deg);
this.angle = r_deg;
return true;
return false;
The ball class
class Ball extends Element {
constructor(img, pos, width, height, n, sound, angle, speed) {
super(img, pos, width, height, n, sound);
this.angle = angle; //direction [0:360[
this.speed = speed;
move(ctx, cw, ch) {
var rads = this.angle * Math.PI / 180
var vx = Math.cos(rads) * this.speed / 60;
var vy = Math.sin(rads) * this.speed / 60;
this.pos.x += vx;
this.pos.y -= vy;
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch);
this.draw(ctx, 1);
Assuming a "flipper" is composed of 2 arcs and 2 lines it would be much faster to do collision detection mathematically rather than by the much slower pixel-test method. Then you just need 4 math collision tests.
Even if your flippers are a bit more complicated than arcs+lines, the math hit tests would be "good enough" -- meaning in your fast-moving game, the user cannot visually notice the approximate math results vs the pixel-perfect results and the difference between the 2 types of tests will not affect gameplay at all. But the pixel-test version will take magnitudes more time and resources to accomplish. ;-)
First two circle-vs-circle collision tests:
function CirclesColliding(c1,c2){
var dx=c2.x-c1.x;
var dy=c2.y-c1.y;
var rSum=c1.r+c2.r;
Then two circle-vs-line-segment collision tests:
// [x0,y0] to [x1,y1] define a line segment
// [cx,cy] is circle centerpoint, cr is circle radius
function isCircleSegmentColliding(x0,y0,x1,y1,cx,cy,cr){
// calc delta distance: source point to line start
var dx=cx-x0;
var dy=cy-y0;
// calc delta distance: line start to end
var dxx=x1-x0;
var dyy=y1-y0;
// Calc position on line normalized between 0.00 & 1.00
// == dot product divided by delta line distances squared
var t=(dx*dxx+dy*dyy)/(dxx*dxx+dyy*dyy);
// calc nearest pt on line
var x=x0+dxx*t;
var y=y0+dyy*t;
// clamp results to being on the segment
return( (cx-x)*(cx-x)+(cy-y)*(cy-y) < cr*cr );

Brownian motion simulation does not properly simulate particle collisions

I am trying to create a simulation for experimenting with the Brownian motion. The idea is to make numerous particles (points) each moving randomly and colliding with each other, while conserving the total energy. That, I did succeed programming.
Now the problematic part is to make these point-like particles collide with a big circle and program the collision correctly. The difference is I made the particles move towards a totally random angle after their collision with each other, but when they collide with the circle, their previous path and speed, together with the circle's path and speed determines the result. So what I tried to do is to convert to a coordinate system attached to the center of the circle, calculate the collision point of every particle, which entered into the circle in the previous step, then calculate the angle in which they arrived. Now then the momentum of the particle is decomposed into two components: the tangential component remains the same, while the radial component changes according to the laws of collisions. This affects the motion of the circle as well. After calculating all the collisions, we move back to the original reference system, and draw all the objects.
The code can be found below, and it seems to be broken. I guess I was mistaken when calculating with the angles, because some particles can be shown arriving to the circle at one point, then "exiting" through the other side of it. I just lost track in following it all. I'm a complete newbie to programming, so be... um... gentle, please. :) Another strange thing is that the circle trends to move to a direction it started to move early, which is not what it supposed to do.
The mass of the particles are given, the mass of the circle is calculated with it's radius.
You can find the simulation on this website:
It is not finished yet, but the start button works fine. :)
The part of the code I'm asking about is here: (shall I give you the whole code?)
function animateParticles() {
if ($('N').value != particleCount || $('S').value != circle.R) {
switch (activeGraph) {
case '#graph':
chartOptions.title.text = 'Távolság';
chartOptions.axisY.title = 'd [px]';
if ( > lastAnim + 22) {
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// Particles step and collide
for (var i in particle) {
// Particle steps
particle[i].x += particle[i].vx;
particle[i].y += particle[i].vy;
// If not in the circle
if ((circle.x - particle[i].x) * (circle.x - particle[i].x) + (circle.y - particle[i].y) * (circle.y - particle[i].y) > circle.R * circle.R) {
// Collides with some of the rest of the particles
for (var j = 1; j <= $('N').value; j += Math.ceil(particleCount / (Math.random() * 50 + 50))) {
// If that's not in the circle as well
if ((circle.x - particle[j].x) * (circle.x - particle[j].x) + (circle.y - particle[j].y) * (circle.y - particle[j].y) > circle.R * circle.R) {
// If not himself
if (j != i) {
if (particle[i].coll == 0) {
// Collide
if (Math.pow((particle[i].x - particle[j].x), 2) + Math.pow((particle[i].y - particle[j].y), 2) <= 4) {
var tkpx = (particle[i].vx + particle[j].vx) / 2;
var tkpy = (particle[i].vy + particle[j].vy) / 2;
var fi = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI;
var index;
var ix = particle[i].vx;
var iy = particle[i].vy;
particle[i].vx = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((ix - tkpx), 2) + Math.pow((iy - tkpy), 2)) * Math.cos(fi) + tkpx;
particle[i].vy = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((ix - tkpx), 2) + Math.pow((iy - tkpy), 2)) * Math.sin(fi) + tkpy;
particle[j].vx = -Math.sqrt(Math.pow((ix - tkpx), 2) + Math.pow((iy - tkpy), 2)) * Math.cos(fi) + tkpx;
particle[j].vy = -Math.sqrt(Math.pow((ix - tkpx), 2) + Math.pow((iy - tkpy), 2)) * Math.sin(fi) + tkpy;
if (particle[i].coll >= 1) {
particle[i].coll -= 1;
// Collision with the walls
if (particle[i].x >= canvas.width) {
var temp;
temp = particle[i].x - canvas.width;
particle[i].x = canvas.width - temp;
particle[i].vx *= -1
if (particle[i].x <= 0) {
var temp;
temp = -particle[i].x;
particle[i].x = temp;
particle[i].vx *= -1;
if (particle[i].y >= canvas.height) {
var temp;
temp = particle[i].y - canvas.height;
particle[i].y = canvas.height - temp;
particle[i].vy *= -1;
if (particle[i].y <= 0) {
var temp;
temp = -particle[i].y;
particle[i].y = temp;
particle[i].vy *= -1;
// Circle steps and collides with particles
var cu = 0;
var cv = 0;
for (var i in particle) {
if ((circle.x - particle[i].x) * (circle.x - particle[i].x) + (circle.y - particle[i].y) * (circle.y - particle[i].y) < circle.R * circle.R) {
var pu;
var pv;
var px;
var py;
var px0;
var py0;
var t;
var t2;
var Tx;
var Ty;
var fi;
var p;
var q;
var cuu;
var cvv;
px = particle[i].x - circle.x;
py = particle[i].y - circle.y;
pu = particle[i].vx - circle.vx;
pv = particle[i].vy - circle.vy;
px0 = px - particle[i].vx;
py0 = py - particle[i].vy;
// Calculating the meeting point of the collision
t = (-(px0 * pu + py0 * pv) - Math.sqrt(circle.R * circle.R * (pu * pu + pv * pv) - Math.pow(px0 * pv - py0 * pu, 2))) / (pu * pu + pv * pv);
t2 = ((px - px0) * (px - px0) + (py - py0) * (py - py0)) / Math.sqrt(pu * pu + pv * pv) - t;
Tx = px0 + t * pu;
Ty = py0 + t * pv;
//console.log("TX: ", Tx);
//console.log("TY: ", Ty);
// Calculating the angle
if (Tx > 0 && Ty >= 0) {
fi = 2 * Math.PI - Math.atan(Ty / Tx);
else if (Tx < 0 && Ty >= 0) {
fi = Math.PI - Math.atan(Ty / Tx);
else if (Tx < 0 && Ty < 0) {
fi = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan(Ty / Tx);
else if (Tx > 0 && Ty < 0) {
fi = -Math.atan(Ty / Tx);
else if (Tx = 0 && Ty >= 0) {
fi = 3 / 2 * Math.PI;
else if (Tx = 0 && Ty < 0) {
fi = Math.PI / 2;
//console.log("FI:", fi);
p = pu * Math.cos(fi) + pv * Math.sin(fi);
q = -pu * Math.sin(fi) + pv * Math.cos(fi);
cuu = 2 * q / (circle.M + 1);
cvv = 0;
q *= (1 - circle.M) / (1 + circle.M);
cu += cuu * Math.cos(-fi) + cvv * Math.sin(-fi);
cv += -cuu * Math.sin(-fi) + cvv * Math.cos(-fi);
//console.log("CU: ", cu);
//console.log("CV: ", cv);
pu = p * Math.cos(-fi) + q * Math.sin(-fi);
pv = -p * Math.sin(-fi) + q * Math.cos(-fi);
px = Tx + t2 * pu;
py = Ty + t2 * pv;
particle[i].x = px + circle.x;
particle[i].y = py + circle.y;
particle[i].vx = pu + circle.vx;
particle[i].vy = pv + circle.vy;
// Moving circle
circle.vx += cu;
circle.vy += cv;
circle.x += circle.vx;
circle.y += circle.vy;
for (var i in particle) {
while ((circle.x - particle[i].x) * (circle.x - particle[i].x) + (circle.y - particle[i].y) * (circle.y - particle[i].y) < circle.R * circle.R) {
particle[i].x += circle.vx / Math.abs(circle.vx);
particle[i].y += circle.vy / Math.abs(circle.vy);
circlePath.push({x: circle.x, y: circle.y});
if ( > lastDraw + 500) {
y: Math.sqrt((circle.x - canvas.width / 2) * (circle.x - canvas.width / 2) + (circle.y - canvas.height / 2) * (circle.y - canvas.height / 2)),
x: (items.length + 1) / 2
lastDraw =;
for (var i in particle) drawParticle(particle[i]);
lastAnim =;
animation = window.requestAnimationFrame(animateParticles);

Cylinder partially visible WebGL

I am designing a cylinder in WebGL 1.0 (which is based on OpenGL ES 2.0).
It started off as a n-sided polygon (n slices) with m stacks. Its normals are specified as follows:
Even though the polygon/cylinder is being drawn correctly, its faces aren't visible from every angle. They can only be seen from the inside as the following images show:
My goal is to have a fully visible cylinder like the following one (no top/bottom faces required):
Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? Code below:
//End if stacks = 0
if (this.stacks <= 0) return;
this.vertices = [];
this.indices = [];
this.normals = [];
//--- Vertices & Normals ---
var angle;
var alpha = 360 / this.slices;
var zCoord = 0;
// (N) stacks -> (N + 1) faces -> (faces * this.slices) vertex
for ( var stackIndex = 0; stackIndex < this.stacks + 1; stackIndex++) {
//Reset angle for each face of the stack
angle = 0;
for ( var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < this.slices; sliceIndex++) {
this.vertices.push(Math.cos(angle * degToRad)); //X
this.vertices.push(Math.sin(angle * degToRad)); //Y
this.vertices.push(zCoord); //Z
this.normals.push(Math.cos(angle * degToRad)); //X
this.normals.push(Math.sin(angle * degToRad)); //Y
this.normals.push(zCoord); //Z
//Updating angle
angle = angle + alpha;
//Updating z coordinate
zCoord = zCoord + (1 / this.stacks);
//--- Indices ---
var stackInc; stackIndex = 0; sliceIndex = 0;
for (stackIndex = 0; stackIndex < this.stacks; stackIndex++) {
stackInc = stackIndex * this.slices;
for (sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < this.slices; sliceIndex++) {
if (sliceIndex != this.slices - 1) {
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc);
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc + this.slices);
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc + this.slices + 1);
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc + this.slices + 1); //this.slices
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc + 1); //0
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc); //int4
//Handling last face which uses repeated vertices
else {
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc);
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc + this.slices);
this.indices.push(stackInc + this.slices);
this.indices.push(stackInc + this.slices);
this.indices.push(sliceIndex + stackInc); //int4
Regardless of face normals, WebGL defines the front- and back-face based on the order in which you define the triangle.
Having this triangle:
\ /
\ /
\ /
If you add the vertices to the index in order A, B, C (clock wise), and you don't see them, you need to switch the order in A, C, B (counter clock wise).
This is because of this:

Nokia Here Maps calculating the centroid of a polygon (e.g triangle) generates wrong results

As the topic says i have a polygon and want to calculate the center of mass (centroid). I take the geo-coordinates, transform them into pixel cooridinates use the formula found on and transform the the calculated pixels back into geo-coordinates.
The result seems just wrong (i can't post pictures). The relevant code snippet is:
this.drawPolygonCenter = function (mapService, coords) {
var sumY = 0;
var sumX = 0;
var partialSum = 0;
var sum = 0;
var cm = mapService.getCurrentMapReference();
var points = [];
coords.forEach(function (c, idx) {
console.log("x: " + points[idx].x + " y: " + points[idx].y);
var n = points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {
partialSum = points[i].x * points[i + 1].y - points[i + 1].x * points[i].y;
sum += partialSum;
sumX += (points[i].x + points[i + 1].x) * partialSum;
sumY += (points[i].y + points[i + 1].y) * partialSum;
var area = 0.5 * sum;
var div = 6 * area;
var x1 = sumX / div;
var y1 = sumY / div;
console.log("Centroid: x= " + x1 + " y= " + y1); // debug
var pinLocation = cm.pixelToGeo(Math.ceil(x1), Math.ceil(y1));
var pin = this.createCenterPin(pinLocation);
cm.objects.add(new; // debug
I reckon your calculation has a rounding error is due switching between pixels and lat/longs - there is no need to do this - you can work with lat/longs directly.
You can add a getCentroid() method to the Polygon class as shown: = function (arg) {
var signedArea = 0,
len = this.path.getLength(),
centroidLongitude = 0,
centroidLatitude = 0;
for (i=0; i < len; i++){
var a = this.path.get(i),
b = this.path.get( i + 1 < len ? i + 1 : 0);
signedArea +=
((a.longitude * b.latitude) - (b.longitude * a.latitude));
centroidLongitude += (a.longitude + b.longitude) *
((a.longitude * b.latitude) - (b.longitude * a.latitude));
centroidLatitude += (a.latitude + b.latitude) *
((a.longitude * b.latitude) - (b.longitude * a.latitude));
signedArea = signedArea /2;
centroidLongitude = centroidLongitude/ (6 * signedArea);
centroidLatitude = centroidLatitude/ (6 * signedArea);
return new nokia.maps.geo.Coordinate(centroidLatitude, centroidLongitude);
You can call polygon.getCentroid() (e.g. to add a marker) as follows:
Note, you may still get some edge effects of your Polygon crosses the 180th meridian.(use the isIDL()method to check) . In this case you may need to add 360 to each latitude prior to making the calculations, and substract it from the final result.
