Javascript uses a prototype-based model for its objects. Nevertheless, the language is very flexible, and it is easy to write in a few lines functions which replace other kind on constructs. For instance, one can make a class function, emulating the standard class behaviour, including inheritance or private members. Or one can mimcìic functional tools by writing, for instance, a curry function which will take a function and some of its arguments and return the partially applied function.
I was wondering whether it is possible to do the reverse and imitate the prototypal method in more classical languages. In particular I have been thinking a bit whether it is possible to imitate prototypes in Python, but the lack of support for anonymous functions (more general than lambdas) leaves me stuck.
Is it possible to write some functions to mimic propotypes in class-based languages, in particular in Python?
EDIT Let me give some example of how one could go implementing such a thing (but I'm not really able to do it all).
First, the thing which most closely resembles Javascript objects is a Python dictionary. So we could have simple objects like
foo = {
'bar': 1,
'foobar': 2
Of course we want to add method, and this is not a problem as long as the method fits in a lambda
foo = {
'bar': 1,
'foobar': 2,
'method': lambda x: x**2
So now we can call for instance
>>> 4
Now if we had arbitrary functions as methods we could go on like this. First we need the functions inside foo to have access to foo itself; otherwise they are just ordinary functions and not methods.
I guess one could do this by applying a makeObject function to foo, which loops through foo values and, whenever finds a value that is callable, modifies its __call__ attribute to pass foo as its first argument.
At this stage we would have self standing objects, which can be declared without the need of creating classes.
Then we need to be able to give foo a prototype, which can be passed as a second argument of the makeObject function. The function should modify foo.__getattr__ and foo.__setattr__ as follows: whenever the attribute is not found in foo, it should be searched in foo.prototype.
So, I think I would be able to implement this, expect for one thing: I cannot think any ways to declare methods more complicated than lambdas, except for declaring them beforehand and attaching them to my object. The problem is the lack of anonymous functions. I asked here because maybe some Python guru could find some clever way to circumvent this.
It's much easier in Python than in JS. Your JS code could be replaced with this in Python:
>>> class Foo(object):
... pass
>>> foo = Foo()
>>> = 1
>>> foo.foobar = 2
Then you can add methods dynamically as well
>>> foo.method = lambda x: x**2
>>> foo.method(2)
For methods more complicated than lambdas, you declare them as functions, and they will have access to foo itself, no problems:
>>> def mymethod(self, bar, foobar):
... = bar
... self.foobar = foobar
>>> foo.mymethod = mymethod
>>> foo.mymethod(1,2)
>>> foo.foobar
Or for that matter:
>>> mymethod(foo, 3, 4)
>>> foo.foobar
Same thing.
So as you see, doing what your example is in Python is almost ridiculously simple. The question is why. :) I mean, this would be better:
>>> class Foo(object):
... def __init__(self, bar, foobar):
... = bar
... self.foobar = foobar
... def method(self, x):
... return x**2
Each time you read some property of Python object, method __getattribute__ is called, so you can overload it and completely control access to object's attributes. Nevertheless, for your task a bit different function - __getattr__ - may be used. In contrast to __getattribute__ it is called only if normal lookup for an attribute failed, i.e. at the same time, as prototype lookup in JavaScript starts. Here's usage:
def __getattr__(self, name):
if hasattr(prototype, name)
return getattr(prototype, name)
raise AttributeError
Also pay attention to this question, since it has some notes on old and new style objects.
This implementation contains one important enhancement over otherwise similar implementations in other answers and on the internet: the correct inheritance of methods from the prototype. If a value obtained from the prototype is a a bound instance method -- and to cover weird corner cases the method is also actually bound to that prototype -- then the method's underlying function is extracted and a new method binding that function to the calling object is returned
import types
import inspect
class Proto(object):
def __new__(self, proto, *args, **kw):
return super(Proto, self).__new__(self, *args, **kw)
def __init__(self, proto, *args, **kw):
self.proto = proto
super(Proto, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def __getattr__(self, name):
attr = getattr(self.proto, name)
# key trick: rebind methods from the prototype to the current object
if (inspect.ismethod(attr) and attr.__self__ is self.proto):
attr = types.MethodType(attr.__func__, self)
return attr
except AttributeError:
return super(Proto, self).__getattr__(name)
This should fully implement prototypal inheritance as I understand it.
One restriction is that classes inheriting from Proto must have Proto first in their MRO because __new__ and __init__ have the prototype as the first parameter, which they drop when they delegate to super.
Here is a use example:
from prototypal import Proto
class A(Proto):
x = "This is X"
def getY(self):
return self._y
class B(Proto):
_y = "This is Y"
class C(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return "So you want "+name
class D(B,C):
a = A(None) # a has no proto
b = B(a) # a is the proto for b
print b.x
print b.getY() # this will not work in most implementations
d = D(a) # a is the proto for d
print d.x
print d.getY()
print d.z
Here is the gist
Short version, yes but it's a bit more complicated than JS.
From Metaclass programming in Python :
>>> class ChattyType(type):
... def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
... print "Allocating memory for class", name
... return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
... def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
... print "Init'ing (configuring) class", name
... super(ChattyType, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)
>>> X = ChattyType('X',(),{'foo':lambda self:'foo'})
Allocating memory for class X
Init'ing (configuring) class X
>>> X, X().foo()
(<class '__main__.X'>, 'foo')
Also check What is a metaclass in Python.
Edit : Check Prototype based OO, which is the closest thing you will get, but it will always come down to either using a lambda or just defining the function outside and adding a pointer to it to the class object.
I know this is quite old, but I though I'd add my $.02:
The only problematic thing here is adding methods. JavaScript has a far more elegant syntax with its function literals, and it's truly hard to beat that. Lambda's don't quite cut it. So my solution was to add an awkward method method for adding methods.
Doctests are included in the gist, and it all works.
Updated gist to no longer use method instance method. However, we still need to define the function beforehand.
At any rate, the most important part of prototypal object model is implemented in that gist. Other things are simply syntactic sugar (would be nice to have them, but it doesn't mean prototypal object model cannot be used).
I've read various "there is no truly private data in Python instances" posts, but we're all aware of using closures in Perl and JavaScript to effectively achieve private data. So why not in Python?
For example:
import codecs
class Secret:
def __private():
secret_data = None
def __init__(self, string):
nonlocal secret_data
if secret_data is None:
secret_data = string
def getSecret(self):
return codecs.encode(secret_data, 'rot_13')
return __init__, getSecret
__init__, getSecret = __private()
Now we do:
>>> thing = Secret("gibberish")
>>> thing.getSecret()
>>> dir(thing)
['_Secret__private', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'getSecret']
What can you do to the instance thing to get read access to the original string (ignoring my weak encryption) or write access to it?
I'm teaching my students about Python classes this week and I'm trying to understand why, given closures, the techniques for JavaScript & Perl won't work for Python.
If you just want to access the original, it's not that hard, since Python function implement a rather thorough inspection api. You can access the original secret with something like this:
thing = Secret("gibberish")
# __init__ doesn't need to be used here; anything defined within the closure will do
And, hey! We get the original value.
It is harder---but not impossible---to modify the value (see here). Modified for this setup:
import ctypes
thing = Secret("gibberish")
cell = ctypes.py_object(thing.__init__.__func__.__closure__[0])
new_value = ctypes.py_object('whatever')
ctypes.pythonapi.PyCell_Set(cell, new_value)
You wouldn't ordinarily do this but you can dig into the instance with module inspect.
>>> thing = Secret("gibberish")
>>> thing.getSecret()
>>> import inspect
>>> inspect.getclosurevars(thing.getSecret).nonlocals['secret_data']
>>> inspect.getclosurevars(thing.__init__).nonlocals['secret_data']
Given one of the functions within the closure, you can access the closure's variables. I haven't yet found a way to modify the variable.
So it's not impossible if you are willing to go to some effort. Why you would do that in the normal course of programming I don't know.
I want to better understand how objects in Ruby have access methods defined in classes and modules. Specifically, I want to compare and contrast it with JavaScript (which I'm more familiar with).
In JavaScript, objects look up methods on the object itself and if it can't find it there, it'll look for the method on the prototype object. This process will continue until reaching Object.prototype.
// JavaScript Example
var parent = {
someMethod: function () {
console.log( 'Inside Parent' );
var child = Object.create( parent );
child.someMethod = function () {
console.log( 'Inside Child' );
var obj1 = Object.create( child );
var obj2 = Object.create( child );
obj1.someMethod(); // 'Inside Child'
obj2.someMethod(); // 'Inside Child'
In the JavaScript example, both obj1 and obj2 don't have the someMethod function on the object itself. The key to note is that:
There's one copy of the someMethod function in the child object and both obj1 and obj2 delegate to the child object.
What this means is that neither obj nor obj2 have copies of the someMethod function on the objects themselves.
If the child object didn't have the someMethod function defined, then delegation would continue to the parent object.
Now I want to contrast this with a similar example in Ruby:
# Ruby Example
class Parent
def some_method
put 'Inside Parent'
class Child < Parent
def some_method
puts 'Inside Child'
obj1 =
obj2 =
obj1.some_method # 'Inside Child'
obj2.some_method # 'Inside Child'
Here are my questions:
Does obj1 and obj2 in the Ruby code each own a copy of the some_method method? Or is it similar to JavaScript where both objects have access to some_method via another object (in this case, via the Child class)?
Similarly, when inheritance is taken into account in Ruby, does each Ruby object have a copy of all of the class and superclass methods of the same name?
My gut tells me that Ruby objects DO NOT have separate copies of the methods inherited from their class, mixed-in modules, and superclasses. Instead, my gut is that Ruby handles method lookup similarly to JavaScript, where objects check if the object itself has the method and if not, it looks up the method in the object's class, mixed-in modules, and superclasses until the lookup reaches BasicObject.
Does obj1 and obj2 in the Ruby code each own a copy of the some_method method? Or is it similar to JavaScript where both objects have access to some_method via another object (in this case, via the Child class)?
You don't know. The Ruby Language Specification simply says "if you do this, that happens". It does, however, not prescribe a particular way of making that happen. Every Ruby implementation is free to implement it in the way it sees fit, as long as the results match those of the spec, the spec doesn't care how those results were obtained.
You can't tell. If the implementation maintains proper abstraction, it will be impossible for you to tell how they do it. That is just the nature of abstraction. (It is, in fact, pretty much the definition of abstraction.)
Similarly, when inheritance is taken into account in Ruby, does each Ruby object have a copy of all of the class and superclass methods of the same name?
Same as above.
There are a lot of Ruby implementations currently, and there have been even more in the past, in various stages of (in)completeness. Some of those implement(ed) their own object models (e.g. MRI, YARV, Rubinius, MRuby, Topaz, tinyrb, RubyGoLightly), some sit on top of an existing object model into which they are trying to fit (e.g. XRuby and JRuby on Java, Ruby.NET and IronRuby on the CLI, SmallRuby, smalltalk.rb, Alumina, and MagLev on Smalltalk, MacRuby and RubyMotion on Objective-C/Cocoa, Cardinal on Parrot, Red Sun on ActionScript/Flash, BlueRuby on SAP/ABAP, HotRuby and Opal.rb on ECMAScript)
Who is to say that all of those implementations work exactly the same?
My gut tells me that Ruby objects DO NOT have separate copies of the methods inherited from their class, mixed-in modules, and superclasses. Instead, my gut is that Ruby handles method lookup similarly to JavaScript, where objects check if the object itself has the method and if not, it looks up the method in the object's class, mixed-in modules, and superclasses until the lookup reaches BasicObject.
Despite what I wrote above, that is a reasonable assumption, and is in fact, how the implementations that I know about (MRI, YARV, Rubinius, JRuby, IronRuby, MagLev, Topaz) work.
Just think about what it would mean if it weren't so. Every instance of the String class would need to have its own copy of all of String's 116 methods. Think about how many Strings there are in a typical Ruby program!
ruby -e 'p ObjectSpace.each_object(String).count'
# => 10013
Even in this most trivial of programs, which doesn't require any libraries, and only creates one single string itself (for printing the number to the screen), there are already more than 10000 strings. Every single one of those would have its own copies of the over 100 String methods. That would be huge waste of memory.
It would also be a synchronization nightmare! Ruby allows you to monkeypatch methods at any time. What if I redefine a method in the String class? Ruby would now have to update every single copy of that method, even across different threads.
And I actually only counted public methods defined directly in String. Taking into account private methods, the number of methods is even bigger. And of course, there is inheritance: strings wouldn't just need a copy of every method in String, but also a copy of every method in Comparable, Object, Kernel, and BasicObject. Can you imagine every object in the system having a copy of require?
No, the way it works in most Ruby implementations is like this. An object has an identity, instance variables, and a class (in statically typed pseudo-Ruby):
struct Object
object_id: Id
ivars: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
class: *Class
A module has a method dictionary, a constant dictionary, and a class variable dictionary:
struct Module
methods: Dictionary<Symbol, *Method>
constants: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
cvars: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
A class is like a module, but it also has a superclass:
struct Class
methods: Dictionary<Symbol, *Method>
constants: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
cvars: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
superclass: *Class
When you call a method on an object, Ruby will look up the object's class pointer and try to find the method there. If it doesn't, it will look at the class's superclass pointer and so on, until it reaches a class which has no superclass. At that point it will actually not give up, but try to call the method_missing method on the original object, passing the name of the method you tried to call as an argument, but that's just a normal method call, too, so it follows all the same rules (except that if a call to method_missing reaches the top of the hierarchy, it will not try to call it again, that would result in an infinite loop).
Oh, but we ignored one thing: singleton methods! Every object needs to have its own method dictionary as well. Actually, rather, every object has its own private singleton class in addition to its class:
struct Object
object_id: Id
ivars: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
class: *Class
singleton_class: Class
So, method lookup starts first in the singleton class, and only then goes to the class.
And what about mixins? Oh, right, every module and class also needs a list of its included mixins:
struct Module
methods: Dictionary<Symbol, *Method>
constants: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
cvars: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
mixins: List<*Module>
struct Class
methods: Dictionary<Symbol, *Method>
constants: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
cvars: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
superclass: *Class
mixins: List<*Module>
Now, the algorithm goes: look first in the singleton class, then the class and then the superclass(es), where however, "look" also means "after you look at the method dictionary, also look at all the method dictionaries of the included mixins (and the included mixins of the included mixins, and so forth, recursively) before going up to the superclass".
Does that sound complicated? It is! And that's not good. Method lookup is the single most often executed algorithm in an object-oriented system, it needs to be simple and lightning fast. So, what some Ruby implementations (e.g. MRI, YARV) do, is to decouple the interpreter's internal notion of what "class" and "superclass" mean from the programmer's view of those same concepts.
An object no longer has both a singleton class and a class, it just has a class:
struct Object
object_id: Id
ivars: Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
class: *Class
singleton_class: Class
A class no longer has a list of included mixins, just a superclass. It may, however, be hidden. Note also that the Dictionaries become pointers, you'll see why in a moment:
struct Class
methods: *Dictionary<Symbol, *Method>
constants: *Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
cvars: *Dictionary<Symbol, *Object>
superclass: *Class
visible?: Bool
Now, the object's class pointer will always point to the singleton class, and the singleton class's superclass pointer will always point to the object's actual class. If you include a mixin M into a class C, Ruby will create a new invisible class M′ which shares its method, constant and cvar dictionaries with the mixin. This mixin class will become the superclass of C, and the old superclass of C will become the superclass of the mixin class:
M′ =
methods = M->methods
constants = M->constants
cvars = M->cvars
superclass = C->superclass
visible? = false
C->superclass = *M'
Actually, it's little bit more involved, since it also has to create classes for the mixins that are included in M (and recursively), but in the end, what we end up with is a nice linear method lookup path with no side-stepping into singleton classes and included mixins.
Now, the method lookup algorithm is just this:
def lookup(meth, obj)
c = obj->class
until res = c->methods[meth]
c = c->superclass
raise MethodNotFound, meth if c.nil?
Nice and clean and lean and fast.
As a trade-off, finding out the class of an object or the superclass of a class is slightly more difficult, because you can't simply return the class or superclass pointer, you have to walk the chain until you find a class that is not hidden. But how often do you call Object#class or Class#superclass? Do you even call it at all, outside of debugging?
Unfortunately, Module#prepend doesn't fit cleanly into this picture. And Refinements really mess things up, which is why many Ruby implementations don't even implement them.
Let's continue working with your example in an IRB session and see what we might learn:
> obj1.method(:some_method)
=> #<Method: Child#some_method>
> obj1.method(:some_method).source_location
=> ["(irb)", 8]
> obj2.method(:some_method)
=> #<Method: Child#some_method>
> obj2.method(:some_method).source_location
=> ["(irb)", 8]
Ah ok, so two objects of the same class have the same Method. I wonder if that's always true...
> obj1.instance_eval do
> def some_method
> puts 'what is going on here?'
> end
> end
=> nil
> obj1.some_method
what is going on here?
=> nil
> obj2.some_method
Inside Child
=> nil
> obj1.method(:some_method)
=> #<Method: #<Child:0x2b9c128>.some_method>
> obj1.method(:some_method).source_location
=> ["(irb)", 19]
Well that's interesting.
James Coglan has a nice blog post which is offers a better explanation of much of this than I will at
It might also be interesting to consider when any of this is important. Think about how much of this system is an implementation detail of the interpreter and could be handled differently in MRI, JRuby, and Rubinius and what actually needs to be consistent for a Ruby program to execute consistently in all of them.
More food for thought
> obj1.instance_eval do
> def some_method
> puts "Inside Instance"
> super
> end
> end
=> :some_method
Inside Instance
Inside Child
In Douglas Crockford's book "Javascript: The Good Parts" he provides code for a curry method which takes a function and arguments and returns that function with the arguments already added (apparently, this is not really what "curry" means, but is an example of "partial application"). Here's the code, which I have modified so that it works without some other custom code he made:
Function.prototype.curry = function(){
var slice = Array.prototype.slice,
args = slice.apply(arguments),
that = this;
return function() {
// context set to null, which will cause `this` to refer to the window
return that.apply(null, args.concat(slice.apply(arguments)));
So if you have an add function:
var add = function(num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2;
add(2, 4); // returns 6
You can make a new function that already has one argument:
var add1 = add.curry(1);
add1(2); // returns 3
That works fine. But what I want to know is why does he set this to null? Wouldn't the expected behavior be that the curried method is the same as the original, including the same this?
My version of curry would look like this:
Function.prototype.myCurry = function(){
var slice = [].slice,
args = slice.apply(arguments),
that = this;
return function() {
// context set to whatever `this` is when myCurry is called
return that.apply(this, args.concat(slice.apply(arguments)));
(Here is a jsfiddle of the example)
var calculator = {
history: [],
multiply: function(num1, num2){
this.history = this.history.concat([num1 + " * " + num2]);
return num1 * num2;
back: function(){
return this.history.pop();
var myCalc = Object.create(calculator);
myCalc.multiply(2, 3); // returns 6
myCalc.back(); // returns "2 * 3"
If I try to do it Douglas Crockford's way:
myCalc.multiplyPi = myCalc.multiply.curry(Math.PI);
myCalc.multiplyPi(1); // TypeError: Cannot call method 'concat' of undefined
If I do it my way:
myCalc.multiplyPi = myCalc.multiply.myCurry(Math.PI);
myCalc.multiplyPi(1); // returns 3.141592653589793
myCalc.back(); // returns "3.141592653589793 * 1"
However, I feel like if Douglas Crockford did it his way, he probably has a good reason. What am I missing?
Reader beware, you're in for a scare.
There's a lot to talk about when it comes to currying, functions, partial application and object-orientation in JavaScript. I'll try to keep this answer as short as possible but there's a lot to discuss. Hence I have structured my article into several sections and at the end of each I have summarized each section for those of you who are too impatient to read it all.
1. To curry or not to curry
Let's talk about Haskell. In Haskell every function is curried by default. For example we could create an add function in Haskell as follows:
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add a b = a + b
Notice the type signature Int -> Int -> Int? It means that add takes an Int and returns a function of type Int -> Int which in turn takes an Int and returns an Int. This allows you to partially apply functions in Haskell easily:
add2 :: Int -> Int
add2 = add 2
The same function in JavaScript would look ugly:
function add(a) {
return function (b) {
return a + b;
var add2 = add(2);
The problem here is that functions in JavaScript are not curried by default. You need to manually curry them and that's a pain. Hence we use partial application (aka bind) instead.
Lesson 1: Currying is used to make it easier to partially apply functions. However it's only effective in languages in which functions are curried by default (e.g. Haskell). If you have to manually curry functions then it's better to use partial application instead.
2. The structure of a function
Uncurried functions also exist in Haskell. They look like functions in "normal" programming languages:
main = print $ add(2, 3)
add :: (Int, Int) -> Int
add(a, b) = a + b
You can convert a function in its curried form to its uncurried form and vice versa using the uncurry and curry functions in Haskell respectively. An uncurried function in Haskell still takes only one argument. However that argument is a product of multiple values (i.e. a product type).
In the same vein functions in JavaScript also take only a single argument (it just doesn't know it yet). That argument is a product type. The arguments value inside a function is a manifestation of that product type. This is exemplified by the apply method in JavaScript which takes a product type and applies a function to it. For example:
print(add.apply(null, [2, 3]));
Can you see the similarity between the above line in JavaScript and the following line in Haskell?
main = print $ add(2, 3)
Ignore the assignment to main if you don't know what it's for. It's irrelevant apropos to the topic at hand. The important thing is that the tuple (2, 3) in Haskell is isomorphic to the array [2, 3] in JavaScript. What do we learn from this?
The apply function in JavaScript is the same as function application (or $) in Haskell:
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ a = f a
We take a function of type a -> b and apply it to a value of type a to get a value of type b. However since all functions in JavaScript are uncurried by default the apply function always takes a product type (i.e. an array) as its second argument. That is to say that the value of type a is actually a product type in JavaScript.
Lesson 2: All functions in JavaScript only take a single argument which is a product type (i.e. the arguments value). Whether this was intended or happenstance is a matter of speculation. However the important point is that you understand that mathematically every function only takes a single argument.
Mathematically a function is defined as a morphism: a -> b. It takes a value of type a and returns a value of type b. A morphism can only have one argument. If you want multiple arguments then you could either:
Return another morphism (i.e. b is another morphism). This is currying. Haskell does this.
Define a to be a product of multiple types (i.e. a is a product type). JavaScript does this.
Out of the two I prefer curried functions as they make partial application trivial. Partial application of "uncurried" functions is more complicated. Not difficult, mind you, but just more complicated. This is one of the reasons why I like Haskell more than JavaScript: functions are curried by default.
3. Why OOP matters not
Let's take a look at some object-oriented code in JavaScript. For example:
var oddities = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].filter(odd).length;
function odd(n) {
return n % 2 !== 0;
Now you might wonder how is this object-oriented. It looks more like functional code. After all you could do the same thing in Haskell:
oddities = length . filter odd $ [0..9]
Nevertheless the above code is object-oriented. The array literal is an object which has a method filter which returns a new array object. Then we simply access the length of the new array object.
What do we learn from this? Chaining operations in object-oriented languages is the same as composing functions in functional languages. The only difference is that the functional code reads backwards. Let's see why.
In JavaScript the this parameter is special. It's separate from the formal parameters of the function which is why you need to specify a value for it separately in the apply method. Because this comes before the formal parameters, methods are chained from left-to-right.
add.apply(null, [2, 3]); // this comes before the formal parameters
If this were to come after the formal parameters the above code would probably read as:
var oddities = length.filter(odd).[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
apply([2, 3], null).add; // this comes after the formal parameters
Not very nice is it? Then why do functions in Haskell read backwards? The answer is currying. You see functions in Haskell also have a "this" parameter. However unlike in JavaScript the this parameter in Haskell is not special. In addition it comes at the end of the argument list. For example:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
The filter function takes a predicate function and a this list and returns a new list with only the filtered elements. So why is the this parameter last? It makes partial application easier. For example:
filterOdd = filter odd
oddities = length . filterOdd $ [0..9]
In JavaScript you would write:
Array.prototype.filterOdd = [].filter.myCurry(odd);
var oddities = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].filterOdd().length;
Now which one would you choose? If you're still complaining about reading backwards then I have news for you. You can make Haskell code read forwards using "backward application" and "backward composition" as follows:
($>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
a $> f = f a
(>>>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)
f >>> g = g . f
oddities = [0..9] $> filter odd >>> length
Now you have the best of both worlds. Your code reads forwards and you get all the benefits of currying.
There are a lot of problems with this that don't occur in functional languages:
The this parameter is specialized. Unlike other parameters you can't simply set it to an arbitrary object. Hence you need to use call to specify a different value for this.
If you want to partially apply functions in JavaScript then you need to specify null as the first parameter of bind. Similarly for call and apply.
Object-oriented programming has nothing to do with this. In fact you can write object-oriented code in Haskell as well. I would go as far as to say that Haskell is in fact an object-oriented programming language, and a far better one at that than Java or C++.
Lesson 3: Functional programming languages are more object-oriented than most mainstream object-oriented programming languages. In fact object-oriented code in JavaScript would be better (although admittedly less readable) if written in a functional style.
The problem with object-oriented code in JavaScript is the this parameter. In my humble opinion the this parameter shouldn't be treated any differently than formal parameters (Lua got this right). The problem with this is that:
There's no way to set this like other formal parameters. You have to use call instead.
You have to set this to null in bind if you wish to only partially apply a function.
On a side note I just realized that every section of this article is becoming longer than the preceding section. Hence I promise to keep the next (and final) section as short as possible.
4. In defense of Douglas Crockford
By now you must have picked up that I think that most of JavaScript is broken and that you should shift to Haskell instead. I like to believe that Douglas Crockford is a functional programmer too and that he is trying to fix JavaScript.
How do I know that he's a functional programmer? He's the guy that:
Popularized the functional equivalent of the new keyword (a.k.a Object.create). If you don't already do then you should stop using the new keyword.
Attempted to explain the concept of monads and gonads to the JavaScript community.
Anyway, I think Crockford nullified this in the curry function because he knows how bad this is. It would be sacrilege to set it to anything other than null in a book entitled "JavaScript: The Good Parts". I think he's making the world a better place one feature at a time.
By nullifying this Crockford is forcing you to stop relying on it.
Edit: As Bergi requested I'll describe a more functional way to write your object-oriented Calculator code. We will use Crockford's curry method. Let's start with the multiply and back functions:
function multiply(a, b, history) {
return [a * b, [a + " * " + b].concat(history)];
function back(history) {
return [history[0], history.slice(1)];
As you can see the multiply and back functions don't belong to any object. Hence you can use them on any array. In particular your Calculator class is just a wrapper for list of strings. Hence you don't even need to create a different data type for it. Hence:
var myCalc = [];
Now you can use Crockford's curry method for partial application:
var multiplyPi = multiply.curry(Math.PI);
Next we'll create a test function to multiplyPi by one and to go back to the previous state:
var test = bindState(multiplyPi.curry(1), function (prod) {
return back;
If you don't like the syntax then you could switch to LiveScript:
test = do
prod <- bindState multiplyPi.curry 1
alert prod
The bindState function is the bind function of the state monad. It's defined as follows:
function bindState(g, f) {
return function (s) {
var a = g(s);
return f(a[0])(a[1]);
So let's put it to the test:
See the demo here:
BTW this entire program would have been more succinct if written in LiveScript as follows:
multiply = (a, b, history) --> [a * b, [a + " * " + b] ++ history]
back = ([top, ...history]) -> [top, history]
myCalc = []
multiplyPi = multiply Math.PI
bindState = (g, f, s) -->
[a, t] = g s
(f a) t
test = do
prod <- bindState multiplyPi 1
alert prod
alert (test myCalc .0)
See the demo of the compiled LiveScript code:
So how is this code object oriented? Wikipedia defines object-oriented programming as:
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that represents concepts as "objects" that have data fields (attributes that describe the object) and associated procedures known as methods. Objects, which are usually instances of classes, are used to interact with one another to design applications and computer programs.
According to this definition functional programming languages like Haskell are object-oriented because:
In Haskell we represent concepts as algebraic data types which are essentially "objects on steroids". An ADT has one or more constructors which may have zero or more data fields.
ADTs in Haskell have associated functions. However unlike in mainstream object-oriented programming languages ADTs don't own the functions. Instead the functions specialize upon the ADTs. This is actually a good thing as ADTs are open to adding more methods. In traditional OOP languages like Java and C++ they are closed.
ADTs can be made instances of typeclasses which are similar to interfaces in Java. Hence you still do have inheritance, variance and subtype polymorphism but in a much less intrusive form. For example Functor is a superclass of Applicative.
The above code is also object-oriented. The object in this case is myCalc which is simply an array. It has two functions associated with it: multiply and back. However it doesn't own these functions. As you can see the "functional" object-oriented code has the following advantages:
Objects don't own methods. Hence it's easy to associate new functions to objects.
Partial application is made simple via currying.
It promotes generic programming.
So I hope that helped.
Reason 1 - not easy to provide a general solution
The problem is that your solution is not general. If the caller doesn't assign the new function to any object, or assigns it to a completely different object, your multiplyPi function will stop working:
var multiplyPi = myCalc.multiply.myCurry(Math.PI);
multiplyPi(1); // TypeError: this.history.concat is not a function
So, neither Crockford's nor your solution can assure that the function will be used correctly. Then it may be easier to say that the curry function works only on "functions", not "methods", and set this to null to force that. We might only speculate though, since Crockford doesn't mention that in the book.
Reason 2 - functions are being explained
If you asking "why Crockford didn't use this or that" - the very likely answer is: "It wasn't important in regard to the demonstrated matter." Crockford uses this example in the chapter Functions. The purpose of the sub-chapter curry was:
to show that functions are objects you can create and manipulate
to demonstrate another usage of closures
to show how arguments can be manipulated.
Finetuning this for a general usage with objects was not purpose of this chapter. As it is problematic if not even impossible (see Reason 1), it was more educational to put there just null instead if putting there something which could raise questions if it actually works or not (didn't help in your case though :-)).
That said, I think you can be perfectly confident in your solution! There's no particular reason in your case to follow Crockfords' decision to reset this to null. You must be aware though that your solution only works under certain circumstances, and is not 100% clean. Then clean "object oriented" solution would be to ask the object to create a clone of its method inside itself, to ensure that the resultant method will stay within the same object.
But what I want to know is why does he set this to null?
There is not really a reason. Probably he wanted to simplify, and most functions that make sense to be curried or partially applied are not OOP-methods that use this. In a more functional style the history array that is appended to would be another parameter of the function (and maybe even a return value).
Wouldn't the expected behavior be that the curried method is the same as the original, including the same this?
Yes, your implementation makes much more sense, however one might not expect that a partially applied function still needs to be called in the correct context (as you do by re-assigning it to your object) if it uses one.
For those, you might have a look at the bind method of Function objects for partial application including a specific this-value.
From MDN:
thisArg The value of this provided for the call to fun. Note that this
may not be the actual value seen by the method: if the method is a
function in non-strict mode code, null and undefined will be replaced
with the global object, and primitive values will be boxed.
Hence, if the method is in non-strict mode and the first argument is null or undefined, this inside of that method will reference Window. In strict mode, this is null or undefined. I've added a live example on this Fiddle.
Furthermore passing in nullor undefined does not do any harm in case the function does not reference this at all. That's probably why Crockford used null in his example, to not overcomplicate things.
I have a very common pattern of "given a Foo, return a Bar," for example, given a user_id, return a User.
Is there a conventional naming pattern for these sorts of functions? Following Joel on Software, I've personally used a lot of bar_from_foo(), but I rarely see other people do this and it quickly becomes verbose, e.g.
widgets = user_widgets_from_user(user_from_param_map(params))
Is there a conventional way to name, or namespace (e.g. User.from_map()) in any of the popular languages out there? I am particularly interested in Python but any language you can think of would br useful.
I would take advantage of Clojure's naming flexibility and call it:
(defn foo->bar [] ...)
To me that makes the intent quite clear and it's pretty short.
In Python, and various other OO languages, this should be a constructor on Bar that takes a single Foo as its only argument. Since Python doesn't do method overloading (and attempts to emulate it are usually fragile), if Bar.__init__ already takes a different signature, then the convention is exactly your last one. Importantly, this is usually defined as a class method rather than a static method (for the benefit of subclasses):
class Bar:
def from_foo(cls, f):
'''Create a new Bar from the given Foo'''
ret = cls()
# ...
If you want to convert something into another, for example a string to an integer, the method is to be defined on the receiver, and hence its class is clear, so you should not put the receiver class as part of the method name: String#to_i, not String#string_to_i. This in one of the core ideas of object oriented programming (polymorphism).
If the receiver is too general to be assigned such method, for example if user_id is a mere string, and defining a method on String to convert it to a User does not look right, then you should define a constructor method on the class that you expect the return value to be: or User.from_id.
I think it depends a lot on context and choosing a meaningful metaphor. ActiveRecord for instance uses the class method "find" for finding records in the database, a more meaningful idea than "input a user_id, output a user". For example:
For conversions, I usually like to write the conversion methods to make it easy to use in higher order functions. For example in ruby, conversions are often done with to_* instance methods, for example to convert a Foo to a Bar it would make sense to have a to_bar method for all foos, so you could write:
foo = # make a new Foo
bar = foo.to_bar # convert it to a Bar
And then to convert a bunch of foos, you could simply:
bars =
Ruby also tends to have Foo.parse(str) for converting a string to the object.
For javascript, I like having class methods (which I got from standard ml), for example:
Foo.toBar = function(foo) {
return new Bar(...);
And then you can map over it as well (using underscore in this example):
var bars =, Foo.toBar);
the Standard ML convention is structure (class) methods. Example fn types:
Foo.toBar : foo -> bar
Foo.fromBar : bar -> foo
And you'd use it like:
val bar = Foo.toBar foo;
val bars = map Foo.toBar foos;
Why placing the type of the parameter the name of the function? I think it would be clearer something like
a_bar = bar_from(a_foo)
then you can rely on dynamic dispatch or overload in many languages... for example in Python the implementation could try to call x.toBar() if present or it could check for a global registry like Bar_builders[type(x)](x); in Lisp you could rely on methods; in C++ on overloads...
class Complex
constructor: (#a, #b) ->
conjugate: -> new Complex(#a, -#b)
class ComplexSon extends Complex
constructor: (#a, #b) ->
#c = 3.14
magnitude: -> #a*#a + #b*#b
I have defined the following method:
dumpMethods = (klass) ->
Test cases:
dumpMethods(Complex) == ['conjugate', 'constructor']
# success
dumpMethods(ComplexSon) == ['conjugate', 'constructor', 'magnitude']
# fails, returns ['constructor', 'magnitude']
What is the correct definition of dumpMethods?
Javascript (and consequently coffee script) use prototypal objects.
I suggest you read about it because the matter is rather complex.
Trying to summarize, each object has a prototype. The prototype is itself an object, has its own properties, and also has a prototype, and so on.
The chain of prototypes actually defines the class hierarchy. So in you case, ComplexSon will have a prototype that is Complex, that will have a prototype that is Object itself, the root of all object hierarchies in javascript.
When you call a method on an instance, javascript will search for that method on that instance, then in its prototype, then up on the chain. The first one found is the method it will execute.
As in most programming languages, you can go "up" the hierarchy and see superclasses, but rarely you can go down cause it is rarely needed by the language interpreter itself. However there are some workarounds, like ones used by prototype, to know the subclasses of a given class, but AFAIK they are not in the lauage itself, most often they simply keeps track of defined classes.
Regarding the methods, in your code you are looking at the properties of ComplexSon, that correctly consist of only two methods. The other one (coniugate) is not there cause it is reached via the prototype, you can list them all by recursively going up the prototype chain.
Based on Gianni's answer I ended up with the following implementation.
dumpMethods traverses against the root class, Object, but avoids listing the methods in Object.
dumpMethods = (klass) ->
res = []
k = klass.prototype
while k
names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(k)
res = res.concat(names)
k = Object.getPrototypeOf(k)
break if not Object.getPrototypeOf(k) # suppress Object