I am working on a project that requires end users to be able draw in the browser much like svg-edit and send SVG data to the server for processing.
I've started playing with the Raphael framework and it seems promising.
Currently I am trying to implement a pencil or freeline type tool. Basically I am just drawing a new path based on percentage of mouse movement in the drawing area. However, in the end this is going to create massive amount of paths to deal with.
Is it possible to shorten an SVG path
by converting mouse movement to use
Curve and Line paths instead of line
Below is draft code I whipped up to do the job ...
// Drawing area size const
var SVG_WIDTH = 620;
var SVG_HEIGHT = 420;
// Compute movement required for new line
var xMove = Math.round(SVG_WIDTH * .01);
var yMove = Math.round(SVG_HEIGHT * .01);
// Min must be 1
var X_MOVE = xMove ? xMove : 1;
var Y_MOVE = yMove ? yMove : 1;
// Coords
var start, end, coords = null;
var paperOffset = null;
var mouseDown = false;
// Get drawing area coords
function toDrawCoords(coords) {
return {
x: coords.clientX - paperOffset.left,
y: coords.clientY - paperOffset.top
$(document).ready(function() {
// Get area offset
paperOffset = $("#paper").offset();
paperOffset.left = Math.round(paperOffset.left);
paperOffset.top = Math.round(paperOffset.top);
// Init area
var paper = Raphael("paper", 620, 420);
// Create draw area
var drawArea = paper.rect(0, 0, 619, 419, 10)
drawArea.attr({fill: "#666"});
drawArea.mousedown(function (event) {
mouseDown = true;
start = toDrawCoords(event);
$("#startCoords").text("Start coords: " + $.dump(start));
drawArea.mouseup(function (event) {
mouseDown = false;
end = toDrawCoords(event);
$("#endCoords").text("End coords: " + $.dump(end));
drawArea.mousemove(function (event) {
coords = toDrawCoords(event);
$("#paperCoords").text("Paper coords: " + $.dump(coords));
// if down and we've at least moved min percentage requirments
if (mouseDown) {
var xMovement = Math.abs(start.x - coords.x);
var yMovement = Math.abs(start.y - coords.y);
if (xMovement > X_MOVE || yMovement > Y_MOVE) {
paper.path("M{0} {1}L{2} {3}", start.x, start.y, coords.x, coords.y);
start = coords;
Have a look at the Douglas-Peucker algorithm to simplify your line.
I don't know of any javascript implementation (though googling directed me to forums for google maps developers) but here's a tcl implementation that is easy enough to understand: http://wiki.tcl.tk/27610
And here's a wikipedia article explaining the algorithm (along with pseudocode): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer%E2%80%93Douglas%E2%80%93Peucker_algorithm
Here is a drawing tool which works with the iPhone or the mouse
However also look at Daves "game utility" #
http://irunmywebsite.com/raphael/raphaelsource.php which generates path data as you draw.
I'm working on something similar. I found a way to incrementally add path commands by a little bypass of the Raphael API as outlined in my answer here. In the modern browsers I tested on, this performs reasonably well but the degree to which your lines appear smooth depends on how fast the mousemove handler can work.
You might try my method for drawing paths using line segments and then perform smoothing after the initial jagged path is drawn (or as you go somehow), by pruning the coordinates using Ramer–Douglas–Peucker as slebetman suggested, and converting the remaining Ls to SVG curve commands.
I have a simillar problem , I draw using the mouse down and the M command. I then save that path to a database on the server. The issue I am having is to do with resolution. I have a background image where the users draw lines and shapes over parts of the image, but if the image is displayed on one resolution and the paths are created in that resolution then reopened on a different perhaps lower resolution, my paths get shifted and are not sized correctly. I guess what I am asking is : is there a way to draw a path over an image and make sure no matter the size of the underlying image the path remains proprtionally correct.
I am trying to recreate this visualization using p5.js. I have some trouble understanding how to create the coordinates for the new points and plot them on my canvas.
The data is a series of negative-positive values that need to be plotted below and above an X-axis respectively (from left to right). This is a sample:
"Daphne Blake",0
"Daphne Blake",-1
"Daphne Blake",-1
"Daphne Blake",-5
"Daphne Blake",-3
"Daphne Blake",2
So I know that I have to map the values between a certain negative and positive height so I've demarcated those heights as follows:
let maxNegativeHeight = sketch.height - 120;
let maxPositiveHeight = sketch.height/4;
For mapping the input I thought of creating a new function called mapToGraph which takes in the roll_value, the old X position, max height and min height. This would map the old values to a new incremented X position and a vertical height:
const mapToGraph = (value, oldXPos, maxHeight, minHeight) => {
const newXPos = oldXPos + 10;
const newYPos = sketch.map(value, 0, maxHeight, minHeight, maxHeight);
return [newXPos, newYPos];
In my draw function, I am drawing the points as follows:
sketch.draw = () => {
for(let i = 0; i < data.getRowCount(); i++) {
let character = data.getString(i, "character");
if(character === 'Daphne Blake'){
// Draw a horizontal line in the middle of the canvas
sketch.line(0, sketch.height/2, sketch.width, sketch.height/2);
// Plot the data points
let value = data.getNum(i, "roll_value");
let [newX, newY] = mapToGraph(value, 0, maxNegativeHeight, maxPositiveHeight);
console.log(newX, newY);
sketch.point(newX, newY);
However, this does not plot any points. My console.log shows me that I am not processing the numbers correctly, since all of them look like this:
10 -3
cardThree.js:46 Daphne Blake
cardThree.js:55 10 -4
cardThree.js:46 Daphne Blake
cardThree.js:55 10 -4
cardThree.js:46 Daphne Blake
What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this and plot the points like the visualization I linked above?
Here is the full code of what I've tried (live link to editor sketch).
This is the full data
In your code newX is always 10 since you always pass 0 as the second argument to mapToGraph. Additionally the vertical displacement is always very small and often negative. Since you are using newY directly rather than relative to the middle of the screen many of the points are off screen.
I try to create a coloring pixels game with Canvas.
As of right now, I render a few rects via strokeRect that can be painted onClick via fillRect.
Since the canvas is not full screen but just a fixed size I need to calculate the offset. When I have the coordinates I just divide the x with the rect width (10).
Here is the code I have.
First I get the correct cursor position:
function getCursorPosition(canvas, event) {
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const x = event.clientX - rect.left
const y = event.clientY - rect.top
return { x: x, y: y };
Then I will calculate where to fillRectso it seems that I filled the strokeRect on exactly that position:
const paint = (e, isClick) => {
if (!isDrawing && !isClick) {
const coordinates = getCursorPosition(canvas, e);
let rectX = Math.floor(coordinates.x / 10);
let rectY = Math.floor(coordinates.y / 10);
// stop drawing when it's outside of the bounds (i have a grid 100 x 100)
if (rectX > 99 || rectY > 99) {
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(rectX * 10, rectY * 10, 10, 10);
The Problem:
So that works like a charm. But today I installed React-zoom-pan-pinch
Obviously, after I zoom into the canvas everything is messed up since the getCursorPosition function has to do more work. I need to calculate the new correct position after zooming. But I can't figure out how.
So after I zoom in and I click on the rects (pixels), the colored rect appears on the far right and far bottom. So it's very off right now.
The package gives me this function onZoom that gets these parameters: ReactZoomPanPinchRef and event. These have many attributes on them for example x, y, offsetX, .. and many more.
I tried several combinations but I can't get it to work.
The question:
How can I calculate the new Cursor Position relative to my Canvas so I can draw rectangles over it? What is the calculation I need to make given all the attributes that the onZoom event/props give me.
Here are all the attributes from this package:
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a list of props that ReactZoomPanPinchRef and event gives me. I could make screenshots but it's a long list.
What I found out so far:
I found a react drawing boar repo made with react + canvas.
He uses a mousewheel function which you can see here:
Also this matrix I could locate here:
Never heard of that. But maybe I need something like that.
Also the package react-zoom-pan-pinch provides in the onZoom function this parameter:
ReactZoomPanPinchRef that has state on it that looks like that:
So I went back and tried this out like so:
let rectX = Math.floor((coordinates.x + zoomState.offsetX) / rectSize);
let rectY = Math.floor((coordinates.y + zoomState.offsetY) / rectSize);
Now it's much better but the further I zoom in the worse it gets.
Last but not least, here is a codesandbox where you can try this all out:
Relevant files: index.js + components\canvas.js
If you need any more information please let me know.
Thx guys appreciate it.
So far it seems you've been fiddling with the offset of the zoom state. The offset however is perfectly captured by canvas.getBoundingClientRect() as it still returns the position of the top left corner even after the CSS transform.
The problem lies in your conversion to the rectX and rectY: by zooming in or out the size of your rectangles change, which is not yet reflected in your calculations. The following snippet solves this issue:
const scale = zoomState?.scale ?? 1;
let rectX = Math.floor(coordinates.x / (rectSize * scale));
let rectY = Math.floor(coordinates.y / (rectSize * scale));
A working example can be witnessed in this fork of your CodeSandbox.
Given a plain web video of say 30s:
<video src="my-video.mp4"></video>
How could I generate its volume level chart?
level| ******
| * * **
| * * * **
|** * *** *
| ** * * * *
+---------------*-*-----************------+--- time
0 30s
video is and quiet
loud here here
Plain JavaScript, please. No libraries.
There are several ways to do this depending on what the usage is.
For accuracy you could measure in conventional volumes and units such as RMS, LUFS/LKFS (K-weighted, loudness), dBFS (full-scale dB) and so forth.
The simple naive approach is to just plot the peaks of the waveform. You would be interested in the positive values only. To just get the peaks you would detect direction between two points and log the first point when the direction changes from upward to downwards (p0 > p1).
For all approaches you can finally apply some form of smoothing such as weighted moving average (example) or a generic smoothing algorithm to remove small peaks and changes, in case of RMS, dB etc. you would use a window size which can be combined with bin-smoothing (an average per segment).
To plot you will obtain the value for the current sample, assume it to be normalized and draw it as line or point to canvas scaled by plot area height.
Mini-discussion as to loading the source data
To address some of the questions in the comments; these are just off the top of my heads to give some pointers -
Since Web Audio API cannot do streaming on its own you have to load the entire file into memory and decode the audio track into a buffer.
Pros: works (analysis part), fast analysis when data is eventually ready, works fine for smaller files, if cached the URL can be used without re-downloading
Cons: long initial load time/bad UX, possible memory hog/not good for large files, audio is "detached" from video sync-wise, forces reuse of URL*, if large and/or cache is not in place the file will have to be downloaded again/streamed, currently causes issues in some browsers/versions (see example below).
*: There is always the option of storing the downloaded video as blob in IndexedDB (with its implications) and use an Object-URL with that blob to stream in the video element (may require MSE to work properly, haven't tried myself).
Plotting while streaming:
Pros: Cheap on memory/resources
Cons: the plot cannot be shown in full until the entire file has been played through, the user may skip/jump parts, may not finish
Side-loading a low-quality mono audio-only file:
Pros: audio can be loaded into memory independent of video file, results in good enough approximation for level use
Cons: can delay initial loading of video, may not be ready in time before video starts, will require additional processing in advance
Server-side plotting:
Pros: can be plotted when uploaded, can store raw plot data that is provided as meta-data when video is requested, low bandwidth, data ready when video starts (assuming data is representing averages over time-segments).
Cons: require infrastructure on server that can separate, analyze and produce the plot-data, depending on how the data is stored may require database modification.
I've might left out or missed some points, but it should give the general idea...
This example measures conventional dB of a given window size per sample. The bigger the window size the smoother the result, but will also take more time to calculate.
Note that for simplicity in this example pixel position determines the dB window range. This may produce uneven gaps/overlaps depending on buffer size affecting the current sample value, but should work for the purpose demonstrated here. Also for simplicity I am scaling the dB reading by dividing it by 40, a somewhat arbitrary number here (ABS is just for the plotting and the way my brain worked (?) in the late night/early morning when I made this :) ).
I added bin/segment-smoothing in red on top to better show longer-term audio variations relevant to things such as auto-leveling.
I'm using a audio source here but you can plug in a video source instead as long as it contains an audio track format that can be decoded (aac, mp3, ogg etc.).
Besides from that, the example is just that, an example. It's not production code so take it for what it is worth. Make adjustments as needed.
(for some reason the audio won't play in Firefox v58beta, it will plot though. Audio plays in Chrome, FF58dev).
var ctx = c.getContext("2d"), ref, audio;
var actx = new (AudioContext || webkitAudioContext)();
var url = "//dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/a6s1qq4lnwj46uj/testaudiobyk3n_lo.mp3";
ctx.font = "20px sans-serif";
ctx.fillText("Loading and processing...", 10, 50);
ctx.fillStyle = "#001730";
// Load audio
fetch(url, {mode: "cors"})
.then(function(resp) {return resp.arrayBuffer()})
.then(function(buffer) {
// Get data from channel 0 (you will want to measure all/avg.)
var channel = buffer.getChannelData(0);
// dB per window + Plot
var points = [0];
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
ctx.moveTo(x, c.height);
for(var x = 1, i, v; x < c.width; x++) {
i = ((x / c.width) * channel.length)|0; // get index in buffer based on x
v = Math.abs(dB(channel, i, 8820)) / 40; // 200ms window, normalize
ctx.lineTo(x, c.height * v);
// smooth using bins
var bins = 40; // segments
var range = (c.width / bins)|0;
var sum;
for(x = 0, v; x < points.length; x++) {
for(v = 0, i = 0; i < range; i++) {
v += points[x++];
sum = v / range;
ctx.lineTo(x - (range>>1), sum * c.height); //-r/2 to compensate visually
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#c00";
// for audio / progressbar only
c.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + c.toDataURL() + ")";
c.width = c.width;
ctx.fillStyle = "#c00";
audio = document.querySelector("audio");
audio.onplay = start;
audio.onended = stop;
audio.style.display = "block";
// calculates RMS per window and returns dB
function dB(buffer, pos, winSize) {
for(var rms, sum = 0, v, i = pos - winSize; i <= pos; i++) {
v = i < 0 ? 0 : buffer[i];
sum += v * v;
rms = Math.sqrt(sum / winSize); // corrected!
return 20 * Math.log10(rms);
// for progress bar (audio)
function start() {if (!ref) ref = requestAnimationFrame(progress)}
function stop() {cancelAnimationFrame(ref);ref=null}
function progress() {
var x = audio.currentTime / audio.duration * c.width;
ref = requestAnimationFrame(progress)
body {background:#536375}
#c {border:1px solid;background:#7b8ca0}
<canvas id=c width=640 height=300></canvas><br>
<audio style="display:none" src="//dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/a6s1qq4lnwj46uj/testaudiobyk3n_lo.mp3" controls></audio>
I am trying to recreate the game Asteroids. This is a sample of the code for the Ship object constructor (I am using a constructor function and not an object literal because this doesn't work properly when referring to variables in a literal):
function Ship(pos) {
var position = pos ? pos : view.center;
var segments = [
new Point(position) + new Point(0, -7.5), // Front of ship
new Point(position) + new Point(-5, 7.5), // Back left
new Point(position) + new Point(0, 3.5), // Rear exhaust indentation
new Point(position) + new Point(5, 7.5) // Back right
this.shipPath = new Path.Line({
segments: segments,
closed: true,
strokeColor: '#eee',
strokeWidth: 2
this.velocity = new Point(0, -1);
this.steering = new Point(0, -1);
this.rot = function(ang) {
this.steering.angle += ang;
this.shipPath.rotate(ang, this.shipPath.position);
this.drive = function() {
this.shipPath.position += this.velocity;
var ship = new Ship();
var path = new Path({
strokeColor: '#ddd',
strokeWidth: 1
function onFrame(event) {
I've left out the key handlers which is how the ship is steered, but basically what they do is call the this.rot() function with different angles depending whether the right or left buttons were clicked.
Basically my problem is that according to this, when steering the ship, the ship should rotate around its shipPath.position, which would leave that point travelling in a straight line as the ship revolves around it. Instead this is happening:
The curly bit in the path is from when I continuously steered the ship for a few seconds. Why is this happening? If the ship is revolving around its position, why should the position judder sideways as the ship rotates?
Here is a link to where I've got this working on my own website: http://aronadler.com/asteroid/
I would have loved to put this on jsbin or codepen but despite hours work I have never been able to actually get the paperscript working in javascript.
Here is a sketch. Because for some reason Sketch won't let arrow keys being detected I've given it an automatic constant rotation. The effect is the same.
The reason for this is that path.bounds.center is not the center of the triangle. The default center for rotation is path.bounds.center. See sketch. The red dots are bounds.center, the green rectangles are the bounds rectangle.
You want to rotate around the triangle center (technically centroid) which can be calculated by finding the point 2/3 of the way from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.
Here's some code to calculate the centroid of your triangle:
function centroid(triangle) {
var segments = triangle.segments;
var vertex = segments[0].point;
var opposite = segments[1].point - (segments[1].point - segments[2].point) / 2;
var c = vertex + (opposite - vertex) * 2/3;
return c;
And an updated sketch showing how the center doesn't move, relative to your triangle, as it is rotated, when calculating the centroid.
And I've updated your sketch to use the centroid rather than position. It now moves in a straight line.
I've a problem with my SVG map.
I use jVectorMap to create a custom map and I need to write the name of every field in the center of the field.
The example is: JSFiddle Example (zoom in the right side to see the text)
I can find the center of every field with this function:
jvm.Map.prototype.getRegionCentroid = function(region){
if(typeof region == "string")
region = this.regions[region.toUpperCase()];
var bbox = region.element.shape.getBBox(),
xcoord = (bbox.x + bbox.width/2),
ycoord = (bbox.y + bbox.height/2);
return [xcoord, ycoord];
but my problem is that I want to rotate the text for align it with the top line of the relative field.
I've tried with getCTM() function but it give me always the same values for every field.
How can I find the right rotation angle of every field?
Thank you to all!
Looks like squeamish ossifrage has beaten me to this one, and what they've said would be exactly my approach too...
Essentially find the longest line segment in each region's path and then orient your text to align with that line segment whilst trying to ensure that the text doesn't end up upside-down(!)
Here's a sample jsfiddle
In the $(document).ready() function of the fiddle I'm adding labels to all the regions but you will note that some of the regions have centroids that aren't within the area or non-straight edges that cause problems - Modifying your map slightly might be the easiest fix.
Here are the 3 functions I've written to demonstrate the principles:
addOrientatedLabel(regionName) - adds a label to the named region of the map.
getAngleInDegreesFromRegion(regionName) - gets the angle of the longest edge of the region
getLengthSquared(startPt,endPt) - gets length squared of line seg (more efficient than getting length).
addOrientatedLabel() places the label at the centroid using a translate transform and rotates the text to the same angle as the longest line segment in the region. In SVG transforms are resolved right to left so:
transform="translate(x,y) rotate(45)"
is interpreted as rotate first, then translate. This ordering is important!
It also uses text-anchor="middle" and dominant-baseline="middle" as explained by squeamish ossifrage. Failing to do this will cause the text to be misaligned within its region.
getAngleInDegreesFromRegion() is where all the work is done. It gets the SVG path of the region with a selector, then loops through every point in the path. Whenever a point is found that is part of a line segment (rather than a Move-To or other instruction) it calculates the squared length of the line segment. If the squared length of the line segment is the longest so far it stores its details. I use squared length because that saves performing a square root operation (its only used for comparison purposes, so squared length is fine).
Note that I initialise the longestLine data to a horizontal one so that if the region has no line segments at all you'll at least get horizontal text.
Once we have the longest line, I calculate its angle relative to the x axis with Math.atan2, and convert it from radians to degrees for SVG with (angle / Math.PI) * 180. The final trick is to identify if the angle will rotate the text upside down, and if so, to rotate another 180 degrees.
I've not used SVG before so my SVG code might not be optimal, but it's tested and it works on all regions that consist mostly of straight line segments - You will need to add error checking for a production application of course!
function addOrientatedLabel(regionName) {
var angleInDegrees = getAngleInDegreesFromRegion(regionName);
var map = $('#world-map').vectorMap('get', 'mapObject');
var coords = map.getRegionCentroid(regionName);
var svg = document.getElementsByTagName('g')[0]; //Get svg element
var newText = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","text");
newText.setAttribute('font-family', 'MyriadPro-It');
newText.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + coords[0] + ',' + coords[1] + ') rotate(' + angleInDegrees + ')');
var textNode = document.createTextNode(regionName);
Here's my method to find the longest line segment in a given map region path:
function getAngleInDegreesFromRegion(regionName) {
var svgPath = document.getElementById(regionName);
/* longest edge will default to a horizontal line */
/* (in case the shape is degenerate): */
var longestLine = { startPt: {x:0, y:0}, endPt: {x:100,y:0}, lengthSquared : 0 };
/* loop through all the points looking for the longest line segment: */
for (var i = 0 ; i < svgPath.pathSegList.numberOfItems-1; i++) {
var pt0 = svgPath.pathSegList.getItem(i);
var pt1 = svgPath.pathSegList.getItem(i+1);
if (pt1.pathSegType == SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS) {
var lengthSquared = getLengthSquared(pt0, pt1);
if( lengthSquared > longestLine.lengthSquared ) {
longestLine = { startPt:pt0, endPt:pt1, lengthSquared:lengthSquared};
}/* end if dealing with line segment */
}/* end loop through all pts in svg path */
/* determine angle of longest line segement relative to x axis */
var dY = longestLine.startPt.y - longestLine.endPt.y;
var dX = longestLine.startPt.x - longestLine.endPt.x;
var angleInDegrees = ( Math.atan2(dY,dX) / Math.PI * 180.0);
/* if text would be upside down, rotate through 180 degrees: */
if( (angleInDegrees > 90 && angleInDegrees < 270) || (angleInDegrees < -90 && angleInDegrees > -270)) {
angleInDegrees += 180;
angleInDegrees %= 360;
return angleInDegrees;
Note that my getAngleInDegreesFromRegion() method will only consider the longest straight line in a path if it is created with the PATHSEG_LINETO_ABS SVG command... You'll need more functionality to handle regions which don't consist of straight lines. You could approximate by treating curves as straight lines with:
if (pt1.pathSegType != SVGPathSeg.PATHSEG_MOVETO_ABS )
But there will be some corner cases, so modifying your map data might be the easiest approach.
And finally, here's the obligatory squared distance method for completeness:
function getLengthSquared(startPt, endPt ) {
return ((startPt.x - endPt.x) * (startPt.x - endPt.x)) + ((startPt.y - endPt.y) * (startPt.y - endPt.y));
Hope that is clear enough to help get you started.
Querying getCTM() won't help. All that gives you is a transformation matrix for the shape's coordinate system (which, as you discovered, is the same for every shape). To get a shape's vertex coordinates, you'll have to examine the contents of region.element.shape.pathSegList.
This can get messy. Although a lot of the shapes are drawn using simple "move-to" and "line-to" commands with absolute coordinates, some use relative coordinates and other types of line. I noticed at least one cubic curve. It might be worth looking for an SVG vertex manipulation library to make life easier.
But in general terms, what you need to do is fetch the list of coordinates for each shape (converting relative coordinates to absolute where necessary), and find the segment with the longest length. Be aware that this may be the segment between the two end points of the line. You can easily find the orientation of this segment from Math.atan2(y_end-y_start,x_end-x_start).
When rotating text, make life easy for yourself by using a <g> element with a transform=translate() attribute to move the coordinate origin to where the text needs to be. Then the text won't shoot off into the distance when you add a transform=rotate() attribute to it. Also, use text-anchor="middle" and dominant-baseline="middle" to centre the text where you want it.
Your code should end up looking something like this:
var svg = document.getElementsByTagName('g')[0]; //Get svg element
var shape_angle = get_orientation_of_longest_segment(svg.pathSegList); //Write this function
var newGroup = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","g");
var newText = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg","text");
newGroup.setAttribute("transform", "translate("+coords[0]+","+coords[1]+")");
newText.setAttribute('font-family', 'MyriadPro-It');
var textNode = document.createTextNode("C1902");