dynamic html buttons in javascript code - javascript

So I am using javascript, jQuery, and HTML here. Basically I have a dynamic number of buttons that are being created, and will each call a function using unique variables. The variables are held in a json variable. Here is the code as it is:
var box = "<font size=\"2\">The following assassins are in your current location:<br/><table width = \"100%\">";
for (var i=0; i<info.length; i++) {
if(userid != info[i].playerid){
box += "<tr><td>"+info[i].name+" | rank: "+info[i].rank+"</td><td align=\"right\"><input id='attack' type='button' onclick='loadAttack(userid, info[i].playerid, info[i].name, info[i].rank, location)' value='Attack'/></td></tr>";
box += "</table></font>";
The box looks fine, with the proper names, ranks, and buttons. The problem is when a button is pushed, info is undefined. I think this is because the button doesn't get its own copy of it, and is out of the bounds of the array at the end of the loop. I am struggling to think of a solution, some way of passing the onclick function a unique variable?

box += "<tr><td>"+info[i].name+" | rank: "+info[i].rank+"</td><td align=\"right\"><input id='attack' type='button' onclick='loadAttack(userid, info["+i+"].playerid, info["+i+"].name, info["+i+"].rank, location)' value='Attack'/></td></tr>";
That should work. Although if I were you I would consider rewriting it to not use inline event handlers and maybe building the HTML with jQuery or the native DOMElement creation methods rather than concatenating strings of HTML. It makes it a lot more maintainable in the long run.


$("#myTextArea").val() returns an empty string

I'm having an issue where my textarea value is returning an empty string. I have a modal which opens on a dblclick event where there's a textarea and a button. I want that when the button is clicked the text written in the textarea is fetched and stored in a variable to be used in other functions. By the way when I click on the button the returned text is "".
the textarea html is:
<textarea id="text-comment" placeholder="Insert a new comment" style="min-width:100%"></textarea>
the button html is:
<button class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" id="edit">Edit</button>`
the function code is:
$(document).on('click', '#edit', function(){ //edits the selected note
var classes = $(selectedNote).attr("class").toString().split(' ');
var id = classes[2];
var newText = $("#text-comment").val();
console.log("new text is: "+newText);
$(selectedNote).attr("title", newText);
for(var i = 0; i < temporaryNotes.length; i++) {
if(temporaryNotes[i]["ref"] == id) {
temporaryNotes[i]["text"] = newText;
for(var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
if(notes[i]["ref"] == id) {
notes[i]["text"] = newText;
I'm going to go on a limb here. The limb might break but who knows?
I believe your modal's contents are defined within the HTML itself. Perhaps you have <div class="modal-content"> or something - I don't know what modal plugin you're using (but if I ever write one, it will use <script type="text/html"> specifically to prevent this issue...)
The problem with defining modals in this way is that the "template" contents are themselves part of the document, even if the "base" one is never shown. The modal plug-in can then call cloneNode on the template and render that as the modal. Simple, right?
Not quite. IDs must be unique on the page, so any modal plug-in that uses cloneNode to render will end up with duplicate IDs all over the place.
To find out if this is the case, try running this code when your modal is visible on-screen:
This will show how many elements have that ID (whereas #text-comment may just stop after the first one). This value should be exactly 1. If it is 2 (or worse, more!) then you do indeed have a badly implemented modal plugin.
Without knowing exactly which plugin you're using nor how it works, I would suggest finding some way to uniquely identify the displayed modal as opposed to the template, and don't use IDs inside the template.
You'll need to use your browser's Developer Tools to do this, but as an example if your modal appears with class="modal-display" then you could do something like this:
var button = $(this),
container = button.closest(".modal-display"),
textarea = container.find("textarea"),
value = textarea.val();
This kind of "relative search" for elements is much more flexible, and it will help you in future to learn this kind of thing. But for now, it should work around the issue of the duplicate IDs.

Sending an array in a javascript function with append

So here is the situation, im creating a clickable dynamic table by adding row with a button. Each row have informations and can be clicked (the entire row). I look for a way to send the information of the row I clicked to another js function who will copie the row in another dynamic table. But here is the trick : to create a clickable row, I use the function .append and I create the row in a < a> tag which will use href="function_to_add_the_copied_row" to call the other function.
The problem is I cant find out the good syntax. Any suggestion for syntax or other way to do the trick would be appreciated. Here is my code :
//javascript function to make clickable rows
var infos = modules_found[i].split("\\t");
//word ="'Row number : "+infos[0]+"'";
$(".targets").append('<li> <div class="ui-grid-a"><div class="ui-block-a ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a">'+infos[0]+'</div><div class="ui-block-b">'+infos[1]+'</div><div class="ui-block-c">'+infos[2]+'</div></div><div class="ui-block-b ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a">'+infos[3]+'</div><div class="ui-block-b">'+infos[4]+'</div><div class="ui-block-c">'+infos[5]+'</div></div></div></li>');
//javascript function who receive the array and add the copied row
function transferArray(infos)
alert("in transferArray function");
$(".copied").append('<li> <div class="ui-grid-a"><div class="ui-block-a ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a">'+infos[0]+'</div><div class="ui-block-b">'+infos[1]+'</div><div class="ui-block-c">'+infos[2]+'</div></div><div class="ui-block-b ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a">'+infos[3]+'</div><div class="ui-block-b">'+infos[4]+'</div><div class="ui-block-c">'+infos[5]+'</div></div></div></li>');
Here is a high level approach (assuming you know jQuery): instead of wrapping your row inside A tag, better way is to have register a click event listener on your table (via jQuery APIs and not in HTML). In that click handler you can get the index of row clicked easily (make use of jQuery APIs) and once you have the rowindex, you can easily clone the row and move it to somewhere else.
typically how this is handled - if you are not using some type of javascript library like Angular or Knockout is to just store data in the actual HTML with data attributes. you can make as many data attributes as you want as long as they start with data-
$(".targets").append('<li data-id="xx" data-name="xx" data-custom=""> <a href="...
then I would recommend using jQuery click handler on every row by giving them all a class , ex.
$(".targets").append('<li class="rowClick" data-id="xx" data-name="xx" data-custom=""> <a href="...
then handle the click like this
$(document).on('click' , 'rowClick' , function(e){
var $this = $(this);
//get data of row clicked
var idClicked = $this.attr('data-id');
var nameClicked = $this.attr('data-name');
// you also have the full HTML of the clicked row if you need to copy somewhere
var rowHtml = $(".copied").append($this);
You're already using jQuery , so use it to handle the click and then you have the element clicked as a jQuery object right there . You can use native javascript function to handle the click and pass data like you were , but you already are using jQuery and that will automatically bring in a lot more data for you.
Finally, I used native javascript function since the suggested solution didn't work, even if it looks all legit. So here is what I have done:
//append the js function
$(".FindTable").append('<li id="addedFindRow"><div class="ui-grid-a"><div class="ui-block-a ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a">'+infos[0]+'</div><div class="ui-block-b">'+infos[1]+'</div><div class="ui-block-c">'+infos[2]+'</div></div><div class="ui-block-b ui-grid-b"><div class="ui-block-a">'+infos[3]+'</div><div class="ui-block-b">'+infos[4]+'</div><div class="ui-block-c">'+infos[5]+'</div></div></div></li>');
function copyrow(info0,info1,info2,info3,info4,info5)
//use data
This is quite heavy, but that will do. Would be more chaotic if there was more parameters thought.

dynamically created form depending on <select> does not work

I'm developing a website which must display particular forms for various products depending on the value that the user selects (in <select>) - so a number various forms are created dynamically in a loop by means of a javascript function (buildform() ). The code does not work, e.g. the forms are not created/appended to the wrappers. I narrowed down the problem where i think the problem relates to a different values for the jquery selectors/div-id's (#ecorpproductwrapper"+ecorp_eprodselectid).
When I use (just as a test) #ecorpproductwrapper" (without the variable ecorp_eprodselectid; see also in code below under ALTERNATIVE WORKS) the code works fine, e.g. the forms are built. I checked by means of the console that the ecorpproductwrapper"+ecorp_eprodselectid values are the same for the div-id's and jquery selectors, so I dont understand what goes wrong?
Pls see the simplified code below:
for(var i=0;i<5;i==){
var ecorp_eprodselectid; //will have various values
//function to build form depending on selected value in <select class= eprodtype"+ecorp_eprodselectid >
$(".eprodtype"+ecorp_eprodselectid).focus(function () {
var previous;
// Store the current value on focus and on change
previous = this.value; //old select value
}).change(function() {
var optionsform = buildform(this.value);
console.log('append form'+optionsform);
//NEXT 2 lines doe NOT WORK
$("#ecorpproductwrapper"+ecorp_eprodselectid).children().remove(); //remove previous form
//ALTERNATIVE works: $('#ecorpproductwrapper').children().remove(); //remove previous tariif struct form
//ALTERNATIVE works: $('#ecorpproductwrapper').append(optionsform);
var str = "#ecorpproductwrapper"+ecorp_eprodselectid;
console.log('STRING ECORP PRODUCT APPEND: '+str);
console.log('change eprod val: '+this.value);
previous = this.value;
});//$("").focus(function () {
}//for i
//function to build form
var buildform = function(ecorp_eproductid) {
//some code here
//NEXT LINE does not work:
form += '<td> <div id="ecorpproductwrapper'+ ecorp_eprodselectid+'"> </div> </td> </tr>'; //cell with wrapper for ecorp product info
//ALTERNATIVE WORKS: form += '<td> <div id="ecorpproductwrapper"> </div> </td> </tr>'; //cell with wrapper for ecorp product info
//some code here; returns form
}//function buildform
I think you forgot to add ecorp_eprodselectid in your function.
var buildform = function(ecorp_eprodselectid ) {
Few things we assume concerning given text above:
You know this.value works
console.log shows optionsform have HTML that it should have. Not said in OP but if not, the function does not work. function seems to be missing already var buildform = function(someVar) as noted by buysDB
As I cannot see your code, I would try first clear everything 100% by chaning this:
No need for append if you have no intention to keep anything in DIV.
If you have text also in (#ecorpproductwrapper"+ecorp_eprodselectid) which is why you use children(), consider selecting the DIV that can be cleared.
If that still does not work, something is left out that needs consideration.

IE8 not displaying JSON data using JQUERY in a list

I'm developing an asynchronous database searching tool. It currently works with firefox and chrome, but has one enormous hiccup with internet explorer (version 8).
Students can enter their prospective MCAT and GPA scores and then jquery sorts out the schools where they place in the top 25% or the middle 50%. Basically, it's a neurotic premed student's dream (or nightmare).
The jquery cycles through the JSON data, displaying each item that matches the criteria in a <li> item. Again, it works great in ff and chrome, but in internet explorer it refuses to display the list items. It does, however, display the proper count of items, which means that the json data is going through properly.
After searching through stackoverflow I saw some commentary (colorful, often!) on how IE refuses to allow placing elements in tables and some other innerhtml elements using jquery.
I'm wondering if this is the problem, and though I found a similar problem on this question I can't quite figure out how to adapt it for my project (I'm new to javascript).
Any help would be wonderful. The code can be found below.
$.getJSON("schoolgrabber.php?jsoncallback=?", function(data){
//loop through the items in the array
for(var x=0; x < data.length; x++){
if( MCAT >= data[x].TopPercentileMCAT && data[x].TopPercentileMCAT!=''){
var li = $("<li>").appendTo("#schoollist");
var school= data[x].School;
//add the actual information into the li using a chain event
//the event begins by appending an <a> tag, with the name of the school inside (text(data[x].School)
//then it adds a unique id, which is the iteration number the counter is on above (x)
//then it adds the url, and adds the school variable, which allows the schools to be clicked over to the results page
//then it puts all of that inside li, as declared above (slightly backwards, but hey)
$("<a>").text(data[x].School).attr("id",x).attr("href", "results.php?school=" + school).appendTo(li);
$("#schoollist li").addClass("school");
var quantity = $(".school").length;
Instead of using jQuery and chaining to build up your DOM, try instead to build out a string of the HTML you want rendered and add that completed string just the one time.
Not only might it fix your bug, but you'll also get better performance. What I'm doing is building up the list's full HTML and calculating the quantity. Then, when I'm completely finished building the HTML, I add it to the DOM. IMO the way I have below is also more readable. Note that I haven't tested this, but you should get the idea:
$.getJSON("schoolgrabber.php?jsoncallback=?", function(data){
//loop through the items in the array
var html = [];
var parentElement = $("#schoollist");
var quantity = 0;
for(var x=0; x < data.length; x++){
if( MCAT >= data[x].TopPercentileMCAT && data[x].TopPercentileMCAT!=''){
var school= data[x].School;
html.push("<li class=\"school\">");
html.push(" <a id=\"" + x + "\" href=\"results.php?school=" + school "\">");
html.push( data[x].School);
html.push(" </a>");
Remember that everytime you alter the DOM the browser has to do a bunch of stuff to update the webpage. This is costly. You want to avoid adding/grabbing from the DOM as much as possible and instead "batch" your alterations (As a side note, if you want to alter the DOM alot without "batching", take a look at the jquery detach method).
Good luck, hope this works for you!

Dynamically generated form field loses value when new field is added

I am generating a dynamic fieldset with javascript. For adding fields, I use the following function (this function actually adds more than one field)
//add test
function addTest() {
var location = document.getElementById('addTestLocation');
var num = document.getElementById('addTestCount');
var newnum = (document.getElementById('addTestCount').value -1)+ 2;
num.value = newnum;
location.innerHTML += "<div id='testContainer_"+newnum+"'><label for='test_"+newnum+"'>Test name: </label><input type='text' name='test_"+newnum+"' id='test_"+newnum+"'/> <a href='javascript: removeTest("+newnum+")'>- Remove test</a><br/><br/><span id='addObjectLocation'></span><br/><select id='select_"+newnum+"'><option>True or False</option><option>Single choice</option><option>Multiple choice</option><option>Short definition</option><option>Fill in the blanks</option></select><input type='hidden' id='addObjectCount' value='0'/> <a href='javascript:addObject();'>+ add question</a><br/><br/><hr/><br/></div>";
I use innerHTML instead of append because there is a lot of code i'd have to append, the markup is so much shorter this way.
Now, my problem is that whenever I add (or remove) a field, all the data from the other dynamically generated data would be lost. How can I fix this? Saving the value and then adding it to every field would be again, very complicated in my case. Any ideas?
Setting the innerHTML of the parent element causes the entire content to be serialized and then re-parsed, losing all the values in the process (the values aren't serialized back into value attributes). I can think of three workarounds:
Create your outer div (the testContainer) using createElement, set its innerHTML and then append the div into the parent element
Create all the elements using DOM. It's trivial to create a bunch of helper functions to make creating the elements easier.
Use jQuery which does all this for you: $(location).append('html goes here');
