Create continous or neverending scrolling effect in webpage? - javascript

Here is what I am thinking:
I have long web page and when the user reaches the end, I don't want the scrolling to stop just then, but I want to reload the page again from the bottom and continue the scrolling.
As the user scrolls to the bottom, I want the top of the website to be removed from the top and placed at the bottom in a smooth way and this effect has be vice versa also. I mean if user scrolls up at the top of the page, then the footer must load at the top and continue in this fashion.

Yes, Infinite Scroll can do this. There is also a jQuery plugin.
Now whether you should do this... that's an entirely different question. Personally I find this behaviour extremely annoying.


How to stop user input interrupting "ScrollIntoView" whilst in progress

I am creating a site where there are sections stacked in rows, and each row takes up the full viewport.
I don't want the site to be scrollable normally, and would instead like the site to "snap" to the bottom of each section, so that I can then play out the animations taking up the full view port.
I took the approach of listening to scroll events, and then triggering a nextsection.ScrollIntoView when the user had scrolled far enough to snap to the next view.
This doesn't work well though, as the ScrollIntoView is interupted by user scroll activity, including the latent scrolling of the mouse that hangs around for about 300ms after you've scrolled.
I managed to get it sort of working by using a setTimeout(scrollIntoView(), 400), but this takes too much time and relies on the user not interacting with the site after scrolling.
I made a CodePen (here) showing the type of setup I'm working with, however to see the issue you need to open it as a webpage itself, as CodePen doesn't perform a smooth animation when using ScrollIntoView and just jumps there.
I need a smooth and uninterruptable animation as the site switches from one section to another, but as of yet I've found no working ways to implement this.
Thanks for any answers.

Delayed / animated scroll presentation

Anyone knows what I can use to create an scroll effect like the one of this website?
When mouse wheel is used the presentation pages are shown one by one and the user is forced to stay some seconds at least on the page (if he doesn't use the right navigation).
I built my site using React. It has a pinned site navigation menu on the left, a pinned page navigation menu (to navigate through the current presentation pages) on the right and the main content on the middle. I need to apply this effect to the main content only and keep the right and left parts as they are.
The effect itself
Animation ideas

Jquery Horizontal 'locked' scroll on element

Im looking to create this effect here
The only problem is that for my specific use case I need this to be just one section on a normal page (not possible with this plugin).. so when the user scrolls to this section they get locked into a scroll that only goes horizontally for 5 slides then goes back into a normal scroll and so continues on down the page... I cant seem to find anything related to achieving this (that works).. very greatful for any pointers.

implementing a floating sidebar in HTML, which stays visible within the boundaries of page header and page footer

I have seen several questions about floating or fixed sidebars on Stackoverflow, but I could find none that covers this scenario.
Take a look at this page as an example:
When the page is scrolled up, the sidebar also scrolls up with it, until its top edge hits the top of the window. As the scrolling continues, the side bar stays fixed in its place until the page footer reaches up and pushes the sidebar up with itself.
Therefore, the sidebar is always trapped between the page header and the page footer, but within that limitation, it tries to stay visible as much as possible.
This is done by using javascript. I was wondering if you guys have already achieved something like this, or if you know of a solution, that you can share here.
Thank you.
This is a great tutorial on how to acheive this effect through jQuery...
It uses jQuery .addClass() to add a class to the element when a certain scroll position is reached.
And the respective .removeClass() when the user scrolls back past.

Javascript scrolling menu that starts only after a certain ways down the page

I want a scrolling menu that begins at a certain part of the page (like under the header), but stays there till you scroll down and it hits the top of your browser window, then follows you down the rest of the page.
Anyone have any clue how to do this? I can't find it anywhere on the net. I've seen others similar to it, but none that move to the top of the window.
There's a great example on gmail when you are viewing an email. The toolbar stays at the top of the email box, but once you scroll past the email box, it follows you down the page.
I know that position:absolute;top:0; will make it stay at the top without the fluid motion (I hate it because it looks sloppy).
** edit **
I really only need to know how to detect that the menu div is at the top of your page. I can do a mock thing where if you scroll down how ever far the menu div is, it will start scrolling down, but I'd rather actually get whether the menu div is past the browser window or not.
It's a mixed position of fixed and absolute, you will handle.scroll event and switch between that.
You can find an example here
Creating a floating box which stays within a div
