Facebook XFBML is not rendering in Internet Explorer 8 - javascript

I put up this test page to illustrate this issue: (dead Link)
Every browser I've tested on has worked but in Internet Explorer 8. The odd part is that Internet Explorer 8 doesn't even report an error, WOW, and that is something. So right now I'm stuck with to nothing to work on or debug. What have I overlooked?

So somehow the xmlns attribute that I had previously set to the HTML tag was gone, probably me undoing things like crazy.
Here is how it should be if anyone encounters this issue:
<html xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml">

<html xmlns:fb="http://ogp.me/ns/fb#">
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1">
<fb:like href="http://www.facebook.com" send="false" layout="button_count" width="500" show_faces="true"></fb:like>
Even this is not working in the IE. It is opening a pop up url=http://www.facebook.com/connect/connect_to_external_page_reload.html and that's that. On Debugging I see it is not picking up the xmlns. Same code works fine in FF and Chrome and I am able to see on my facebook wall also but not if I do through IE.


window.opener is null... didn't use to be

In our software, we have a page with a link that opens a page within the same site in a new tab using target='_blank'. When the user is done working on that newly opened page, they click a button and when the page refreshes, it calls the following code.
window.opener.location.href = window.opener.location.href; window.close();
This has worked fine for ages but within the last week or so stopped working in all browsers. I can't seem to find anything when I google it about a new security restriction being implemented that would cause this. Any idea what's going on and how to get it working again? I've tested the following code in chrome, firefox, edge and IE11. In all but IE11 window.opener is null. In IE it is not. Is there possibly a new security setting in browsers that would cause this?
click me
alert(window.opener === null);
I am not sure which version of chrome browser you tested your code on. To avoid "tab-napping" attacks, many browsers have started implementing noopener behavior by default for anchors that target _blank.
Chrome enabled noopener behavior in release 88.
Safari also enabled this in release 68.
I couldn't find any reference to IE 11 change. But it's worth trying adding rel="opener" in anchor tags with target=_blank

Jqmath producing strange behaviour, incorrect rendering

I am using jqmath for math rendering.Here is the complete code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="jquery-1.4.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="jqmath-etc-0.4.0.min.js"></script>
<title>Displaying maths</title>
<p>If $ax^2+bx+c=0$ with $a≠0$, then:
It is working perfectly in firefox but not in chrome 32 and IE 8.I checked the compatibility and it says jqMath is compatible with both the versions.So why it is not working?
The strange part is that the home page of jqmath is working perfectly and when I write math expressions in the text area available for practice on the homepage, that is also being rendered properly.So where is the problem?
The symbols are appearing but are scattered.It seems the problem is only with divide-by e.g. 2/3.If I visit homepage of jqmath using same version of chrome and write the same expressions in the test area provided, they are rendered correctly.
jqMath uses built-in MathML in browsers that have it, namely Firefox and recent versions of Safari (webkit). Sadly I.E. and Chrome are not so advanced (though old versions of I.E. could use the MathPlayer plugin for MathML), so jqMath has to use its own .css file to help with formatting. This explains the solution you found.

WebDav (httpFolder behaviour, open as WebDav-folder) does not work anymore in IE11 - what workaround?

Microsoft IE8 and IE9 used to offer functionality to start
a WebDAV explorer on a Windows computer from within a WebPage:
function fnDavStart(oSpanObj, sPath) {
oSpanObj.navigateFrame(sPath, "_blank");
<div ID=davDiv>
<SPAN ID=oWebDavHelper style="behavior:url('#default#httpFolder');" onclick = "fnDavStart this, 'https://webdav.myserver.com')">
Click here for WebDAV folder
Now the method navigateFrame() and/or the behaviour "httpFolder" seems to be gone in IE11.
How to get similar functionality in IE11?
You can force IE to render like IE9 with this code in your meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9">
It will make all IE versions (even the ones not yet released) to render pages and javascrit like IE9.
I havent used the behaviour approach before, but have you checked if the SharePoint OpenDocuments object still works?
Open Now
Here's some code with the js embedded in java.

Why does jquery internet explorer and opera throw undefined jquery($) error?

I have a script running file while in chrome and safari, but when i try testing it on Internet explorer and Opera i get an undefined error when using '$'.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http:////ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript">
Can someone figure out what's wrong with this? I guess it's something to do with the way IE and Opera do things in the background but i have no idea how to go about fixing this.
I've tried moving where i define jquery but nothing. Tried moving all the js to the bottom of the doc as well but nothing.
The script has a lot more code to it for button presses and blur methods but that would take up a lot of space and seeing as teh script falls over on the document ready method i thought it would be a waste but if you feel it should be there please let me know.
The only thing odd about your code is the URL.
should be
or (so you can freely switch between HTTP and HTTPS):
If that isn't the issue, then it must be in some code you aren't sharing with us.

Having issues with jquery on internet explorer

I am having issues getting some jquery to work on internet explorer...sometimes it seems to work, and sometimes it doesn't seem to work. Having no issues with chrome/firefox though, i don't understand what can be the cause of these issues.
I am not including the jquery source from the file, but rather putting the file inline the file. I have split it up into a few lines like they do in the actual jquery.min.js though, so that shouldn't be causing any issues.
The rest of the HTML is all on one line though, could the length of this line be causing issues? When clicking some of the links on the page and the listners should activate on the click() function it just opens up the windows explorer tool instead of catching it and having e.preventDefault() activating.
I could show you guys the source for the JS, but I know that is working properly, as I said its fine on chrome/firefox, so I feel there is some hidden issue I don't know about for internet explorer. I have listed all of the possible details and causes of this issue....help please? Thanks to any information and I can answer any questions to get this working :)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="application/octet-stream" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><!-- JQUERY 1.7.2 HERE --></head><body><!-- HTML IS HERE WITH LOTS OF DIVS --><!-- JQUERY CODE HERE --></body></html>
Had the same issues with javascript, that was running perfectly under Chrome and Firefox and seemed to totally not load on IE, and I was amazed to find out that Internet explorer is not executing your javascript if you have console.log in your code, used for debugging (or other purposes), and thanks to stackoverflow I understood about this.
So if everything in IE seems to work fine with Dev. tools open (F12) then after removing console.log from your scripts everything will be ok.
If you have any console.log statements, take them out. If developer tools are enabled (F12), IE will work. Otherwise, it will stop executing code with console.log.
The best way to test this is open the developer tools, and then see if the code works in IE. If it does, then removing the statements should fix the problem.
