JavaScript source file not loading in IE8 Popup - javascript

I have an issue where the JavaScript source file is loading in popup for IE6, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. But the same source file is not loading up in IE8.
As a result of this the HTML is not being replaced in the Popup and I am getting an error in IE8 popup saying tinyMCE is not defined
I have referred to Formatting this JavaScript Line and solved issue on all browsers except IE8.
The JavaScript function is as follows:
function openSupportPage() {
var features="width=700,height=400,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=yes";
winId.document.write('<html><head><title>' + document.title + '</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/default.css" type="text/css">\n');
var winDoc = winId.document;
var sEl = winDoc.createElement("script");
sEl.src = "../js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js";/*TinyMCE source file*/
winId.document.write('<script type="text/javascript">\n');
winId.document.write('function inittextarea() {\n');
winId.document.write('tinyMCE.init({ \n');
winId.document.write('elements : "content",\n');
winId.document.write('theme : "advanced",\n');
winId.document.write('readonly : true,\n');
winId.document.write('mode : "exact",\n');
winId.document.write('theme : "advanced",\n');
winId.document.write('readonly : true,\n');
winId.document.write('setup : function(ed) {\n');
winId.document.write('ed.onInit.add(function() {\n');
window.setTimeout(function () {/*using setTimeout to wait for the JS source file to load*/
winId.document.write('</head><body onload="inittextarea()">\n');
winId.document.write(' \n');
var hiddenFrameHTML = document.getElementById("HiddenFrame").innerHTML;
hiddenFrameHTML = hiddenFrameHTML.replace(/&/gi, "&");
hiddenFrameHTML = hiddenFrameHTML.replace(/</gi, "<");
hiddenFrameHTML = hiddenFrameHTML.replace(/>/gi, ">");
winId.document.write('<textarea id="content" rows="10" style="width:100%">\n');
winId.document.write(document.getElementById(top.document.forms[0].id + ":supportStuff").innerHTML);
var hiddenFrameHTML2 = document.getElementById("HiddenFrame2").innerHTML;
hiddenFrameHTML2 = hiddenFrameHTML2.replace(/&/gi, "&");
hiddenFrameHTML2 = hiddenFrameHTML2.replace(/</gi, "<");
hiddenFrameHTML2 = hiddenFrameHTML2.replace(/>/gi, ">");
}, 300);
Additional Information:
Screen shot of the page
Rendered HTML
Original JSPF
please help me with this one.

Why are you using actual DOM functions to add the <script> tag that includes tinymce.js but everything else is using document.write?
I think that's also where your problem lies, as <head> is within <html>, which is not yet closed where you want to append said <script> tag.
Otherwise, you could use the existing <script> tag in the popup to add the code that includes the required external javascript file. If that makes any sense.
So, basically I'm saying, try it the same way as everything else is in your script, using document.write.
(quick addition) I'm not saying this is the 'best' way to do this, I would recommend creating an actual page instead of dynamically creating one in the popup. But in this scenario, I think what I wrote earlier might solve the problem you are having.


Button not showing in Plone, onclick also not working

I am editing a plone page to open an Excel document on a specific sheet. I created two buttons to see if either would appear as actual buttons and use the JS function I reference. With this code the exact part of the page looks like the image below.
Why is only text showing instead of the button and why is the onclick attribute not working?
Note: I have changed to links to the spreadsheet for posting it on here but the link has been tested on other webpages
<script type="text/javascript">
function Open_Excel_File(path,sheet)
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
if (!fso.FileExists(path))
alert("Cannot open file.\nFile '" + path + "' doesn't exist.");
var myApp = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
if (myApp != null)
myApp.visible = true;
Book =;
var excel_sheet = Book.Worksheets(sheet).Activate;
else {
alert ("Cannot open Excel application");
<button onclick='Open_Excel_File("file://///fs-01\Departments\Underwriting\Statistical%20Data%20and%20Medical%20Information\Statistics\Cancers\Cancer%20Statistics%\Cancer%20Statistics%.xlsx", "Vulvar Ca");'>Open File</button>
<input type="button" onclick="Open_Excel_File('file://///fs-01\deps\uw\stat%20Data%20and%20Medical%20Information\Statistics\Cancers\Cancer%20Statistics%202018\Cancer%20Statistics%.xlsx', 'VCA');'>OPEN FILE</input>
your onclick value is not a function, it is the result of a function call. Try to change that to onclick="Open_Excel_File"; You'll have to provide the file path at some point
Accessing file system from browser is super restricted for security matters, the only way I see fit is to have a file input and using what user provides
Also Plone filter out a bounce of potential "nasty" tags through a specific configurable tool.
It seems to me that you have injected the in the source HTML of a Page (document) type.
If so, you will see in your browser that in, the page source code, the script tag has been totally stripped away.
a correct way to inject some js in your page, is to load it as portal_javascript resource (plone<=4) or in resource_registry (plone>=5).
tha nasty way is to access, in the ZMI, at https://yourseite:8080/Plone/portal_transforms/safe_html/ and configure it to accept script tags inside a document (all document in your site actually).
If this answer does not satisfy you try to ask in the official community:

Jquery altering background-url in IE

I ran into a problem using jquery in IE for a background-url. I have some html (that contains a style with a background-url) that I make a jquery object from. After that I change some properties in this object and want back the outerhtml. This all works fine in chrome, but in IE it changes the background url a bit (removing slashes and adding quotes) because of this the url is not working anymore. I can add more slashes for IE, but I was wondering why this happens and if there is a better solution?
So the following peace of code will give the same html back in chrome as was put in, but in IE it has been altered:
function test() {
var logo = '<div class=\"item__img\" style=\"background-image: url(graphic?path=avatars\\OSDAFIJ-Employee_Large.JPEG?ts=1433171332313)\"></div>';
var $logo = $(logo);
var logoOuterHtml = $logo.prop('outerHTML'); + " || " + logoOuterHtml);
alert(logo === logoOuterHtml);

Featherlight, JavaScript source for dynamic content

I'm evaluating Featherlight lightbox and I'm not able to implement code that satisfies my use case. I need a lightbox that will be used as a report viewer which displays dynamically created content assigned to a JavaScript variable. The value of the string is a valid HMTL5 page.
I've looked at the iframe example, but it depends upon a static iframe being in the DOM. That's not what I need.
I've reviewed this GitHub issue and this jsfiddle and I'm not able to successfully modify the fiddle to display a string.
This is an example of the string I would like to display:
var s = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Title of the document</title></head><body><p>Content of the document......</p></body></html>';
Is this possible and if so how?
I expect that $.featherlight() will be called manually in response to a button click.
The solution I came up with was to modify the Featherlight source code in 2 places as indicated in this block of code (currently around line 383).
iframe: {
process: function(url) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred();
var $content = $('<iframe/>')
.attr('src', url)
.attr('id', this.namespace + '-id') // [KT] 10/31/2016
.css(structure(this, 'iframe'))
.on('load', function() {if ($ {deferred.resolve($ } else {deferred.resolve($content)} ; }) // [KT] 10/31/2016
// We can't move an <iframe> and avoid reloading it,
// so let's put it in place ourselves right now:
.appendTo(this.$instance.find('.' + this.namespace + '-content'));
return deferred.promise();
The id attribute is added to the iframe so content can be added by JavaScript, like this:
var s = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Title of the document</title></head><body><p>Content of the document......</p></body></html>';
var oIframe = document.getElementById('featherlight-id'); // Featherlight's iframe
var iframeDoc = (oIframe.contentDocument || oIframe.contentWindow.document);;
This then works:
$.featherlight({iframe: 'about:blank', iframeWidth: '96%' });
The 2nd modification is required so that the url 'about:blank' doesn't raise an error.
I also modified the css so as to get the scroll bars to work as needed.
Edit: the issue with Featherlight not opening an iframe when the url is abount:blank has been fixed as of version 1.5.1.
Edit 2: Using v1.5.1, this works without having to make a modification to Featherlight to add an id to to the iframe:
var s = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Title of the document</title></head><body><p>Content of the document......</p></body></html>';
$.featherlight({iframe: 'about:blank'});
var $iframe = $('.featherlight iframe');
$iframe.ready(function () {
The accepted SO answer was used for this solution.

jquery thickbox reference problem

Completely restated my question:
Problem: Losing reference to an iFrame with Mozilla firefox 3.6 and 4.0
More info:
- Works fine in internet explorer 8 64-bit and 32-bit version.
How to reproduce? In Mozilla: Open the editor accordion menu. Click the 'editor openen' link, in the editor fill in some random text, then click 'bestand opslaan'. Fill in a name and click on 'save'. The content of the editor will be downloaded in HTML format.
Close the save file dialog box by clickin outside of it or on the specified buttons. Click on the 'bestand opslaan' button again and try to save your content to a file. You'll see nothing happening.
The problem isn't there in IE8. Try opening it in there.
Firebug tells me this the second time you open the save dialog:
iFrame.document is null
Example Link:
More info:
- switched from thickbox to colorbox to try and resolve this issue and because thickbox isn't supported for a long time now.
- colorbox gives me the same problem so I don't think it is this.
- tried googling for iframe reference error and like, found nothing.
- tried putting the iframe code outside of the div that is called by the colorbox script, it retains it reference but not when I put it back inside that div.
Thanks to: JohnP who offered to open a 'hunt' on this.
I thought maybe the saveFile.php file was causing trouble to the parent of the iframe but after removing it from the action variable in the editor.php script it still fails with the same error after you open the dialog for a second time.
Can someone maybe write a script that iterates through iframes by name and when the rignt iframe is found reference it to a var? I want to try it but don't know how..
I can't explain why it's work the first time for Firefox, but in Firefox the function to used for get iframe is different of IE : How to get the body's content of an iframe in Javascript?.
So, replace your JavaScript function "saveToFile" to this :
function saveToFile() {
var saveAsFileName = document.getElementById('saveAs_filename').value;
var currentContent = tinyMCE.editors["editor_textarea"].getContent();
var editorFileName = document.getElementById('editor_filename');
var iFrameTag = document.getElementById('saveAs_Iframe');
var iFrame;
if ( iFrameTag.contentDocument )
{ // FF
iFrame = iFrameTag.contentDocument;
else if ( iFrame.contentWindow )
{ // IE
iFrame = iFrameTag.contentWindow.document;
var inframeEditorFileName = iFrame.getElementById('editor_filename');
var inframeEditorContent = iFrame.getElementById('editor_textarea');
editorFileName.value = saveAsFileName;
inframeEditorFileName.value = saveAsFileName;
inframeEditorContent.value = currentContent;
I replace the function with Firebug and it's works for me.
Update :
You can also used a crossbrowser solution, more simple, thanks to jQuery :
function saveToFile() {
var saveAsFileName = document.getElementById('saveAs_filename').value;
var currentContent = tinyMCE.editors["editor_textarea"].getContent();
var editorFileName = document.getElementById('editor_filename');
editorFileName.value = saveAsFileName;

Javascript function that returns a DOM when input is html content

I want a Javascript function that returns a correct DOM when input is HTML content.
I have used the follwing function for the same. Here input is HTML content and output is DOM.
function htmltoelement(elementHTML)
var temDiv = document.createElement('div');
temDiv.innerHTML = elementHTML;
return temDiv;
This function works well for Firefox, but not for IE or Chrome, when the HTML is broken.
I need a suggestion for a function that works fine on all the browsers even when HTML is broken.
With "broken" HTML (which I am assuming is invalid) the way it is interpreted is largely up to the browser and the mode that the browser is in. The DOCTYPE at the top will dictate how the innerHTML property is parsed when it is set. For XHTML, it will give you some odd results because "broken" HTML will mess up your entire page. The function you are using is correct, but it seems you need to check your input for compliance before attempting to create the div.
You can achieve this by writing it out to a hidden iframe:
<iframe id="frame" style="display:none"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
function htmltoelement(elementHTML)
var temp = document.getElementById('frame');
// Cross-browser way to get the iframe document
var idoc = (temp.contentWindow || temp.contentDocument);
if (idoc && idoc.document) idoc = idoc.document;
// Put the HTML in the iframe
idoc.write("<html><body>" + elementHTML + "</body></html>");
temDiv = document.createElement('div');
temDiv.innerHTML = idoc.body.innerHTML;
return temDiv;
The hidden IFRAME seems to be necessary, document.createElement('iframe') didn't work in Opera.
