First - this site is incredible. I've learned a ton of great things here!
I'm using a jquery based slider program to display a sequence of pictures (a series of books). Beneath the slider window I've positioned a "PDF" buttons. I'm trying to sort how to have the button download the file associated with whatever image is currently displayed in the slider box. So if "Picture #3" is showing in the slider window I need the PDF button to be associated with the respective #3 file. I believe I need to change each button's attributes dynamically to match what's showing in the slider window.
You can view the beta site at beta
I suspect I'll need some sort of javascript to snag the click event and feed it to the button's attributes. That's as far as my shaky legs can carry me with this one. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm a real noob at this and learning slowly so use small words!
You're on the right track. I think this would probably work, but I'm not used to culling from arrays of jQ elements.
Put the filename into an alt tag in your list items, then use this script:
$('#download-button').click( function() {
var left_pos = $('ul').css('left');
var win_width = $('ul').innerWidth();
left_pos = left_pos * (-1) /* Will convert from negative to positive */
var slide_num = left_pos/win_width;
var slides = $('ul').find('li');
$(this).attr('src', 'path/to' + slides[slide_num].attr('alt'));
Also, upon checking the living DOM while playing around with the slider, I noticed that it seemed to jump a bit if you changed directions toward the end of/beginning of the slides. You may want to investigate that
I have been trying to trigger two animations placed at two different places simultaneously to move them away from each other via JavaScript - {{id}}.className. But as soon as the animation begins, the second element with id - p2 displaces automatically from its original position just before the animation starts.
Here is my Codepen link. And yeah, I'm using Bootstrap with this.
Can anyone help me out?
You remove all the class values from your two divs when you click on button.
So just replace :
e2.className = "pop2";
e1.className = "pop1";
By :
That will add the new class (pop1 and pop2) to the others existing by default (col-sm-7 and col-sm-5) and it work perfectly.
I am trying to create some time line effect. It will have couple of points for each time with designated picture inside a circle.
I want them to be clickable. When I click, I want another picture(plane) to move from its current location to where it is clicked within 1 second and shrink and disappear. Something similar to following GIF.
I have found couple of examples but I couldn't put them together to achieve what I want. I really searched a lot but couldn't solve it on my own. I am an iOS developer and no background on web development.
I will appreciate if you can help me on this.
Give a relative position to the timeline. Then you can get the position of a clicked circle, and assign it to the movable one. Add CSS transitions to have a better visual result.
Example using jQuery:
$(document).on("click", ".point", function () {
var $this = $(this);
var $abs = $(".is-absolute");
$abs.css("top", $this.position().top);
$abs.css("left", $this.position().left);
I am working on building a schedule. So far it's pretty straight-forward. There is one bit of functionality I am having issues with.
I have an ul that has a fixed height to allow scrolling. There are "Labels" (li.dayLabel) withing the ul that separate the hours. What I am trying to do is to have it so that when a label is scrolled out of view it will change the text in the placeholder to it's text. Then once that works, I need it to work in reverse. So when they label scrolls back into view it updates the placeholder. Basically, I am trying to make the placeholder be a title for the available items until another label is then scrolled out of view. This is for scrolling from the top. So as you scroll down the list the placeholder is meant to be a title for the section you are viewing until you reach another section and it takes its place. Then when you scroll back down I need it to replace the text with the previous li.dayLabel so the sections stay organized. I hope this makes sense.
You can see what I am trying to do by looking at the original that I am basing this off of. Notice how the placeholder changes as you scroll down the list and changes back when you scroll back up.
Demo: jsFiddle // Note: line 54 is the part that is in question
I originally used:
$(".snlf-schedule-list li.dayLabel:visible:first").text();
as the :first selector is suppose to only match a single element.
I later tried:
$(".snlf-schedule-list li.dayLabel:visible").filter(":eq(0)")
as this is suppose to be the same thing.
It seems that when an element is out of view it still is considered :visible I believe this is my issue.
Am I doing this completely wrong? I was under the impression that when you scroll an element like this it should no longer be :visible. After reading the documentation I have learned that this is not the correct selector to use.
It would appear that scrollTop is how I should be doing this. Now I have used scrollTop for scrolling down pages to disable animations when not in view but I am not clear on how to untilize this for a ul with scrollbars.
I tried:
var _first = $('li.dayLabel:first'); // next element to scroll out of view?
if( $(this).scrollTop() > (_first.offset().top+_first.height())) {
// Out of view
} else {
// in view
Updated Demo: jsFiddle
But it seems to be redundant as it's already calculating the first element so I am not sure how to get the correct element (the next one that's about to scroll out of view.) Then I need this to work when they scroll back up...
Any insight on this is much appreciated. Hopefully it's something simple I am just over complicating or missing completely.
The solution for my case was:
// Set placeholder text on scroll
var _scrollCagePositionTop = $(".snlf-schedule-list").offset().top;
var _first = $('li.dayLabel:first'); // first dayLabel element
var _lastOffText = $(_first).text();
$("li.dayLabel").each(function() {
if ($(this).offset().top < _scrollCagePositionTop) {
_lastOffText = $(this).text();
What I did was set the known position of the top of the scroll cage (_scrollCagePositionTop)
When the user scrolls I set a variable _lastOffText that keeps track of the last item text content when scrolled out of view (less offset top than the palceholder). I then set this value to the placeholder.
This method allows me to have the proper text in my placeholder when the user scrolls up or down.
To fix the issue of an empty placeholder when the user scrolls back to the top I just set the default of _lastOffText to be the text of the first label ($(_first).text())
Hope others find this useful.
Here is the working demo: jsFiddle Final
I have an UIWebView with a huge book in it. I'm changing it's font size via javascript, using "document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.webkitTextSizeAdjust='150%';
Html-page gets larger, but the scroll position remains the same, causing text to shift out of a users sight.
The only idea that I have, is really weird and inefficient:
Wrap every word in <span> tags;
find the first onscreen <span> and remember it's id;
resize font;
scroll to span, that I've found in step 2.
Is there a better way to preserve the position, that user was reading?
Finally I've found an acceptable way:
Before changing font size I use a little javascript to find and store a position of a first letter on a page:
var range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(0,0); // get a range of a first onscreen letter
var textContainer = range.startContainer.parentNode;// get an element to which it belongs
var path = getElementXPath(textContainer); // get an XPath for that element (this function is not biult in, but you can find it in some other question)
path+='|'+range.startOffset; // stick XPath and index of the letter together
After that I change the font size, find needed element by XPath, insert invisible <a> right before my letter, scroll to that invisible <a>, don't forget to remove it.
Done. That is not a stragihtforward idea, but at least it works and does not consume to much of CPU or RAM, like the idea that I'have explained in original question.
Here is the place to get getElementXPath() function
edit: I don't want to just take content from different pages and load it into the current page. What I really want to do is load different html files that will be interactive within the television. I have found that it is difficult to do this because you can't load html files into DIV's and you can't click on links through a transparent png file.
I am building a website for a tv show that my friends and I make called Every Single Day.
here you can see the mock up of what I have so far:
as of right now, the image I am using is just one big image that I sliced up with Photoshop.
What my goal is, is to use some sort of script to make it so the outside television will stay in place statically and the web-content within the television will transition without reloading the outer-most television.
I wanted to combine this technique with something similar to the fss slider script to allow each page on the site to slide, making it look like it is a continuation of the room. -Perhaps this isn't even the best way to achieve my desired result.
I have all of my images drawn and sliced, all I need now is some direction in what exactly to search for to find the pieces I am looking for.
Thank you very much, I am pleased to have joined this community,
cooper reid
Edit 5: (Shows addition content.)
Edit 4:
This demo includes panning to specific frames.
var h = $('.clickable div').height(); //height of a single content DIV
var divCount = 0;
$('.clickable div').each(function() { divCount++; }); //count number of content DIVs
$('.pan').click(function(e) {
e.preventDefault(); //prevent default action (of <a>)
if ($('.content div').is(':animated')) return false; //disable click while animating
var x = $(this).attr('href'); x = $(x).index(); //get index of destination element
$('.content div').animate({top: -x*h +'px'}, 2000); //animate to destination
$('#tv-right').click(function() {
if ($('.content div').is(':animated')) return false; //disable click while animating
$('.content div').animate({top: '-='+h+'px'}, 2000); //animation
//if last div then go back to the start
if ($('.content div:last').css('top') == (-h * (divCount - 1)) +"px") {
$('.content div').stop().animate({ top: '0px' }, 1000);
Edit 3:
Ok, check this demo out. Clicking on the right side of the TV (where you may put some buttons) will scroll the content in the screen. When you reach the last content section, the next click will return to the first content section. I layered the content so the background divs scroll behind the TV image and the content scrolls above (so you can click on it. There are a few other tricks thrown in but look it over and you should get the idea.
Edit 2: (Click the TV to see the transition. This has content divs instead of just a background image).
Edit: Check out this demo:
I would first cut out the screen part of the TV and save it has a .png with transparency so you can see what is behind the screen portion of the TV.
Then you can add a background image and animate that with jQuery to slide into view the portion you would like to display.
I *personally wouldn't use any slices, kind of an old school technique for when most people didn't have high speed connections.
Wrap everything inside the outer television in a <div>
Create seperate HTML pages that just has the HTML of the content that you want inside the television.
Use jQuery's AJAX get method to get the HTML for the page without refreshing it.
e.g. Your "single" image is in a <td> with ID "rightframe". So when rightframe is clicked, you might want to get the html of a page called single.html and put that inside the television (let's assume your <div> or <table> that has the code has ID content):
$('#rightframe').click(function() {
$.get('single.html', function(data) {
Edit: For the sliding part, you would have to create two separate tables/divs side by side, one for the current page, and one for the page that is being loaded. Then you could use a jQuery plugin like Slidy to transition between them.
Personally I think it would be much cooler if you could put an animated GIF of TV white noise on the television while the page is loading :)
Something along the following: