jQuery UI .sortable() with jQuery 1.2.x - javascript

I'm in need of implementing functionality equal to that of jQuery UI's Sortable method:
However, I'm not able to use a version of jQuery 1.3+. There is another functionality on the pages that are dependent on the older version which ceases to work when upgrading the older version of jQuery.
I need to implement this either using raw JS or an older version of jQuery. Is there a jQuery plugin or something of the like that is available to facilitate?

What are the other functionalities that cease to work?Cause I had some issues as well by upgrading to 1.3.2 earlier this week, but it came down to a certain syntax change from 1.2 to 1.3. So it was easily fixed.
For you it might of course be very much different...


Fullscreen paging without jquery

I'd like to such behavior to my project, but I use ember fastboot, so I cant use jQuery
is there some non-jquery plugins like fullPage.js?
Here is example what I need:
As per the comments, you can always use the pure Javascript version of fullpage.js itself:
Demo online
It hasn't been as highly tested as the jQuery one, but it seems there are not many complains about it.

How to make a jquery script compatible with jquery 2.x.x

I'd like to use this multi-level push menu in my webapplication. But the problem with this plugin is that it needs an older version of jQuery. It will crash in combination with v2.x.x of jQuery.
The owner has done this on purpose, so that older browser versions are covered with the plugin as well.
So I'd like to convert/migrate this script to make it compatible with the latest version of jQuery, the only problem is, is that jQuery isn't my 'thing' (yet). I'm not sure where to start, what to remove of what to add in the script.
My question basically is, can someone point me into the right direction to get this script working with the latest version of jQuery?
I'd really really appreciate any help!
Use Version2 from the Multilevel Push Menu download page! ::link:: ...
I downloaded that version, and changed from jquery-1.10.2 to jquery-2.0.3 ... and it's working perfectly! Here's a jsfiddle: jsfiddle.net/vLrp51g3
As suggested by A. Wolf, you can use migrate jquery js file to handle the older jquery version. Since the remaining plugins/scripts of your webpage might require latest jquery, you could use the getScript() function to load the migrate jquery for only the pushmenu plugin! Therefore, you should probably use the code provided below for your requirement...
$.getScript( "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.min.js", function() {
$.getScript('js/jquery.multilevelpushmenu.min.js', function() {

Get easy commenter and Bootstrap to work with same version of jQuery?

I am using bootstrap 3 and jQuery version 1.10.2
I am also using easy commenter and they require jQuery version 1.5.2 I have tried to just keep version 1.10.2 , just keep version 1.5.2 and keep both of them. But in every case one of them does not behave as expected. With version 1.5.2 the collapsible menu in header stops working with version 1.10.2 easy commenter stops working. How should I deal with this problem?
Here is a link to the page I am working on http://8mags.com/lessons/php/phpcalendar.php
Use the newer JQuery plus the migrate plugin
The correct answer is: If the "easy commenter" plugin doesn't work with a current version of jQuery, rather than one from three years ago, you want to find a different plugin or take the existing one and modify it so that it works with the current jQuery. The differences between 1.5.2 and 1.11.2 (the current version as of this writing) aren't really all that big, and are easily updated.
If you don't want to do that (why not?), then you can use both versions of jQuery on your page, but it doubles the size of an already-large library, increasing page load time.
Here's how:
<script src="jquery-1.5.2.js"></script>
<script src="easy-commenter.js"></script>
var $old = jQuery.noConflict(true);
<script src="jquery-1.11.2.js"></script>
<!-- all your other plugins and such, including bootstrap -->
You load jQuery 1.5.2, load the easy commenter plugin, then use noConflict to release both the $ and jQuery symbols, and load jQuery 1.11.2.
When you want to use the easy commenter plugin, use $old rather than $.

jQuery plugin for browser that doesn't support placeholders

Placeholders has always been an issue in IE8 or IE9. As a workaround for this,
I used jQuery plugin that enables placeholder to browsers who does not support this. Since my jQuery is 1.5, I used v1.8.7 of that plugin because $.valHooks is undefined. But what happened is that it seemed didn't work since my placeholders doesn't behave properly in IE8/IE9.
I have already included the jQuery.placeholder.js in my project and since it was stated there that to invoke this is you use this, $('input, textarea').placeholder();. Still i did not work. Are there other ways needed to do before using the plugin.
My placeholder issues are during submission of form and also when replacing the placeholder of 1 textbox.
Your help is greatly appreciated. ;)
You could try using http://modernizr.com
It's a plugin which detects features the user's browser supports. If it's not supported, a jQuery plugin makes it happen!

How to create something like jQuery Accordion?

We need to create a FAQ page that has a requirement that clicking the title will open up the answer.
jQuery Accordion popped immediately to mind, and I have spent the last couple of days trying to get that to work with our code.
In short, it can't (at least, not easily) because migrating our version of jquery up from 1.7.1 causes a number of our other controls to break.
All of our controls load from a Template, like the one below:
<?php include(SITE_ROOT.'lib/templates/masterPage.php'); ?>
I could modify masterPage.php to use the latest jquery, but then we would need to stop all of our software department to spend the next few months regression testing. The company is not ready for that.
I have gotten Accordion to work with 1.8.3 and up (see fiddle, but we are locked into 1.7.1 for now.
Is there something else out there that I can use to create this effect besides the latest jQuery?
Is there anything in HTML5? I can use that.
You can create an accordion with HTML 5 and CSS3 see http://www.expression-web-tutorial.com/accordion-menu-tutorial.html
This is a really nice accordion with just plain CSS3, though if you support IE lower than 9, it won't be useful, as it use pseudo classes.
There's also this other one that I remember adapting to my needs on a project I made about a year ago.
Again, CSS3, IE will cause issues.
You could try another accordion plugin, there 2 that are bundled with the two best frontend frameworks available
I believe foundation 4 may be compatible with your version of jQuery
Bootstrap should work too.
^^^ This is an older version of bootstrap, the newest version might be compatible too. might be worth checking if you go down this route as you would want to be on the latest stable release really.
I prefer foundation by miles though
Foundation don't seem to mention that any specific version of jQuery is required and there seems to be people using zurb foundation 5 with jquery 1.1..... and you can just choose the accordion using the customise tab http://foundation.zurb.com/develop/download.html#customizeFoundation
