Why doesn't these links work in IE7? - javascript

I don't understand why I cannot click the tags on top in IE7 on this website
It says javascript error but I debugged with Firefox and I don't get any error...
Could you give me some help ?

Here is where it crashes on IE :
document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue(__flash__toXML("http://www.sanstitre.ch/drupal/sites/default/files/files/projects/WM 1976/videos/P1030297.flv","460","345")) );
document.getElementById("") returns null

You can try debug this problem with Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=e59c3964-672d-4511-bb3e-2d5e1db91038 or Fiddler tool (see http://www.fiddler2.com/fiddler2/) which works as a proxy and can help also in the most of situation. At least you will see whether and what HTTP trafic IE send.
With fiddeler you will be able compare HTTP trafic in IE7 with the trafic in Firefox.


Can't send Tokbox "signals" on Firefox

I can send use Tokbox to send "signals", i.e., text messages, on Chrome v36 but not Firefox v32.
Unfortunately Tokbox's JS library TB.min.js is minified so I can't easily figure out the problem. Here's the errors I'm seeing:
no element found ClientEvent:1
TypeError: c is undefined TB.min.js:331
Line 331 of TB.min.js:
Just tested OpenTokRTC chat (built 100% with OpenTok) on firefox and chrome, they seem to be working
Here's the sample code of how OpenTokRTC is using signaling for chat: https://github.com/opentok/OpenTokRTC/blob/master/public/js/room.js#L297

prompt() with Internet Explorer 8

I am having a hard time figuring out a solution for my problem. Here's a code snippet:
var ans = prompt("Mot de passe", '');
if (ans != '' && ans != null)
__doPostBack('__Page', ans);
window.location = "../Erreurs/NotAuthorized.aspx";
This code works really great with Internet Explorer 9. But my client is exclusively working with Internet Explorer 8 so I tested it with ieTester in IE8. But the problem is that the prompt doesn't show and it automatically redirect because the input had an empty string ('').
So how do I fix this to work with Internet Explorer 8?
IE has an setting in Internet Options to allow or deny prompt().
(source: adamhaskell.net)
By default in IE8, this setting is off. Consequently, calls to prompt() are ignored and "" is returned by them.
You shouldn't use prompt() anyway. Use a form.
It looks like a security thing specific to IE- 8 for sure, I don't have other versions to test. Calling prompt() produces a warning about a scripted window asking for information. I can click to allow and after refreshing the page, the prompt box appears as expected.
If you are going to insist on using prompt(), you will probably have to stipulate that security settings on the target machines are configured to allow it.
Microsoft developer website tells us that "prompt()" is deprecated and now normally blocked for security reasons:
"By default, this method is blocked by the information bar in the Internet zone. This helps prevent malicious sites from initiating spoofing attacks. "
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536673.aspx
From this report it looks like it's a known bug in IETester?

Errors with Prototype.js on Internet Explorer

When I run try to access a website using prototype on internet explorer I'm getting the following errors:
Does anyone know what it could be coming from ?
Check it out : http://groups.google.com/group/prototype-scriptaculous/browse_thread/thread/d013706eb6de2f93?pli=1

(NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED) through firefox same code works for safari

I am getting (NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED) error when I try to access the Javascript code through firefox.I get this error in the contents tab of HTTPFOX.
I googled and set the parameters of browser in config file as specified in this site but it still doesn't work.
Can somebody suggest whats going wrong since the same code works fine for safari browser..
If anyone is interested in a solution to this, I believe it's to do with the plugin noscript. Disabling it fixed this, but I have yet to work out what part of noscript was causing the issue. Will update if I find out.
Edit:My issues was with a twitter auth callback. In the Advanced settings of noscript under ABE, in the SYSTEM ruleset, on the line "Accept from LOCAL" I added "*.twitter.com". This allowed callback requests from *twitter.com to return to a local address.
On my macbook I had to uninstall firefox completely to correctly get the content of an ajax response with httpfox. This also implies to remove the firefox profile bij removing this Firefox folder (I could only find it via the terminal and not via Finder):
/Users/<YOURUSER>/Library/Application Support/Firefox
Then install firefox again and install the httpfox add-on.
I tried many cache settings also by entering about:config in the firefox URL however without succes. Be aware that removing the profile settings like I describe will also remove all your personal firefox customization. It concerned firefox 18.0.2 and httpfox 0.8.11.
We used to get the same error when our JavaScript made an XMLHTTPRequest to the server. On the server side, we had java, and the java response, the content type was not explicitly set to "text/html". When that was done
the error went away.

IE's execCommand not working when inserting image

I am using nicedit WYWIWYG editor and all is well in the land of the good web browser but once again MS has cause me frustration through its IE incarnation!
For some reason this command
is returning false unlike all other browsers, therefore not executing properly
These are my params:
cmd "insertImage" String
args "javascript:nicImTemp();" String
Anyone shed any light? I've ensured that the "allow scripting of Microsoft web browser control" is enabled in the security settings
As an XSS-attack-surface-reduction, Internet Explorer 6 and later do not permit a "javascript:" URL as the source of an IMG tag. Specify a HTTP/HTTPS/FILE URI instead and your code should work.
In IE8 you have to put focus() on your editing area first.
