JavaScript DOM references not holding up - javascript

For some reason ss.transition() does not affect the appropriate DOM elements after ss.goTo() is triggered by an onclick. The ss.transition() call under //Init does work as expected. I assume this is a scope problem. Little help?
var ss = {};
ss.goTo = function(i) {
ss.old = ss.current;
ss.current = ss.slides[i];
ss.transition = function() { = "none"; = "block";
// Hooks
ss.div = document.getElementById("slides"); = ss.div.getElementsByTagName("a");
// References
ss.slides = [];
for (i in {
if ([i].rel == "slide") {
ss.first = ss.slides[0];
ss.last = ss.slides[ss.slides.length-1];
// Init
ss.current = ss.first;
ss.old = ss.last;

for (i in {
You shouldn't use the loop over an Array or, in this case, NodeList. You'll get member properties you don't want, like item and length. You also can't rely on the items being returned in any particular order; it is very likely that at least ss.last will not be what you expect. If it's a non-item property, will definitely fail with an exception, breaking the script.
The correct loop for a sequence is the old-school C construct:
for (var i= 0; i<; i++)
Also, where are you binding the calls to goTo? If you are doing it in a loop with a function inside you, you may well also have the classic loop closure problem. See eg. this question.

The reason for the failure is because you lose the reference to the currently hidden element before you make it show up again. You need to assign old to display:block, then do the switch of old = current, current = variable, then hide old.


I want to get an element tag printed in the console just by clicking on it

I want to get an element tag printed in the console just by clicking on it but it doesn't seem to work and I don't get why?
can anyone point the error in my logic?
let bodyChildren = document.body.children;
let bodyArr = Object.values(bodyChildren);
for (i = 0; i < bodyChildren.length; i++) {
bodyArr[i].onclick = function () {
The problem is that when you define a function, everything in it is contained in a separate scope. Within the function bodyArr is not known. You can use this instead to refer to the clicked element, like below:
document.body.children will only refer to the direct children of the body element. If you want to refer to every element in the DOM, you can use document.getElementsByTagName("*") instead.
When the code is written globally, like in the snippet below, the variable bodyArr is actually available in the global scope, as is the variable i. But keep in mind that the code inside the function is only executed when an element is clicked. At that point in time the for loop has been fully executed leaving i with the value 3 (since in the snippet below the script tag also counts). bodyArr will always contain exactly 1 element less, no matter how many elements are in the DOM. In this case it has 3 elements with the last element being saved at position 2 (zero based) in the array, hence bodyArr[i] equals undefined.
let bodyChildren = document.body.children;
let bodyArr = Object.values(bodyChildren);
for (i = 0; i < bodyChildren.length; i++) {
bodyArr[i].onclick = function () {
You need to get ALL elements from the document body and this is KEY: var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
let bodyArr = Object.values(all);
for (i = 0; i < bodyArr.length; i++) {
bodyArr[i].onclick = function () {
<span>Hello world</span>

scroll function inside a loop not working because of undefined property

I want to change the style of items while scrolling.
My code is working if I target the ID, but I have to target many items.
So I changed it for class name and add a "for" loop to get through every items.
It ended with the error "Cannot read property 'style' of undefined".
Can someone explain me where I am wrong ?
var gear = document.getElementsByClassName("rotate-block");
for (var i = 0; i < gear.length; i++) {
window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
gear[i].style.transform = "rotate("+window.pageYOffset/2+"deg)";
Your code is using a closure-based access to i inside the scroll listeners.
Because you defined your index using var rather than let, all these closures reference the same i, which is evaluated when the listener is executed, not when it is defined.
After your last iteration of the for-loop, i is equal to gear.length, which means any of the listeners is trying to access gear[gear.length]. The highest index available on any array is length - 1 though.
To fix your issue, simply switch from
for (var i = 0; i < gear.length; i++)
for (let i = 0; i < gear.length; i++)
So this is the basis of the error you are describing...
Why are you adding more than one scroll listener in the first place?
You probably instead want to iterate over gear inside the listener, at which point using var is perfectly fine since it's no longer accessed as a closure.
var gear = document.getElementsByClassName("rotate-block");
window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < gear.length; i++) {
gear[i].style.transform = "rotate("+window.pageYOffset/2+"deg)";
For the future, I highly recommend to switch to using for...of to iterate over iterables:
window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
for (const gear of document.getElementsByClassName("rotate-block")) { = "rotate("+window.pageYOffset/2+"deg)";

JavaScript: Cannot set property of undefined

I'm pretty new to JS and I'm trying to wrap my head around the object topic in JS.
What I'm trying to do is to set a property of an object prototype to an uninitialized array, so that I can later add multiple objects to that array (for instances of the prototype object)
My code looks like this so far:
function cocktail(){
this.prototype.ingredients = [];
this.printIngredients = function() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i<this.ingredients.length; ++i) {
var Mojito = new cocktail();
Mojito.ingredients.push({"fluid":"White Rum", "amount":0.05});
That throws:
TypeError: Cannot set property 'ingredients' of undefined
If I change my code into :
this.ingredients = [];
it works but the printIngredients() method prints undefined twice. When I do:
var array = [];
array.push({"a":1, "b":2});
console.log(array[0].a, array[0].b)
everything works as I would expect it to. Can someone clarify what I'm doing wrong and where my thoughts got mixed up?
Change your code to
function cocktail(){
this.ingredients = []; //this doesn't have prototype property
this.printIngredients = function() {
var i;
for (i = 0; i<this.ingredients.length; ++i) {
console.log(this.ingredients[i].fluid);//use the counter variable to get the fluid value at current counter value
console.log(this.ingredients[i].amount);//use the counter variable to get the amount value at current counter value
var Mojito = new cocktail();
Mojito.ingredients.push({"fluid":"White Rum", "amount":0.05});
Alternatively, if you are familiar with class-based languages, you could use modern JavaScript to avoid some of the confusion.
class Cocktail {
constructor() {
this.ingredients = []
printIngredients() {
// let is like var, but scoped to blocks instead of functions
// for...of iterates on values instead of keys/indices
for (let ingredient of this.ingredients) {
This kind of JavaScript is available from:
Chrome 49
Edge 13
Firefox 44
Node.js 6
well, first you want to remove printIngredients method out of the constructor function, it will improve performance when it comes to a larger project since you don't have to create different copies every time you instantiate the constructor function, secondly, it is a convention to capitalize the first letter of your constructor. Last but not least, use let and const as they limit the scope to block rather than var that's function scope.
function Cocktail(){
this.ingredients = [];
Cocktail.prototype.printIngredients = function() {
// for in ... iterates on keys rather than values
for (let i in this.ingredients) {
console.log(this.ingredients[i].fluid);//use the counter variable to get the fluid value at current counter value
console.log(this.ingredients[i].amount);//use the counter variable to get the amount value at current counter value
const Mojito = new Cocktail();
Mojito.ingredients.push({"fluid":"White Rum", "amount":0.05});

Using querySelectorAll to get ALL elements with that class name, not only the first

I've ditched jquery about 9(ish) months ago and needed a selector engine (without all the hassle and don't mind ie<7 support) so i made a simplified version of document.querySelectorAll by creating this function:
// "qsa" stands for: "querySelectorAll"
window.qsa = function (el) {
var result = document.querySelectorAll(el)[0];
return result;
This works perfectly fine for 95% of the time but I've had this problem for a while now and i have researched mdn, w3c, SO and not to forget Google :) but have not yet found the answer as to why I only get the first element with the requested class.
And I know that only the first element being returned is caused by the "[0]" at the end, but the function won't work if I remove it so I've tried to make a for loop with an index variable that increases in value depending on the length of elements with that class like this:
window.qsa = function (el) {
var result, el = document.querySelectorAll(el);
for(var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) {
result = el[i];
return result;
Again that did not work so I tried a while loop like this:
window.qsa = function (el) {
var result, i = 0, el = document.querySelectorAll(el);
while(i < el.length) {
result = el[i];
return result;
By now I'm starting to wonder if anything works? and I'm getting very frustrated with document.querySelectorAll...
But my stubborn inner-self keeps going and I keep on failing (tiering cycle) so I know that now is REALLY the time to ask these questions :
Why is it only returning the first element with that class and not all of them?
Why does my for loop fail?
Why does my while loop fail?
And thank you because any / all help is much appreciated.
Why is it only returning the first element with that class and not all of them?
Because you explicitly get the first element off the results and return that.
Why does my for loop fail?
Because you overwrite result with a new value each time you go around the end of loop. Then you return the last thing you get.
Why does my while loop fail?
The same reason.
If you want all the elements, then you just get the result of running the function:
return document.querySelectorAll(el)
That will give you a NodeList object containing all the elements.
Now that does what you say you want, I'm going to speculate about what your real problem is (i.e. why you think it doesn't work).
You haven't shown us what you do with the result of running that function, but my guess is that you are trying to treat it like an element.
It isn't an element. It is a NodeList, which is like an array.
If you wanted to, for instance, change the background colour of an element you could do this: = "red";
If you want to change the background colour of every element in a NodeList, then you have to change the background colour of each one in turn: with a loop.
for (var i = 0; i < node_list.length; i++) {
var element = node_list[i]; = "red";
You are returning a single element. You can return the array. If you want to be able to act on all elements at once, jQuery style, you can pass a callback into your function;
window.qsa = function(query, callback) {
var els = document.querySelectorAll(query);
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
for (var i = 0; i < els.length; ++i) {[i], els[i], i);
return els;
qsa('button.change-all', function(btn) {
// You can reference the element using the first parameter
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
qsa('p', function(p, index){
// Or you can reference the element using `this`
this.innerHTML = 'Changed ' + index;
qsa('button.change-second', function(btn) {
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
var second = qsa('p')[1];
second.innerHTML = 'Changed just the second one';
<button class='change-all'>Change Paragraphs</button>
<button class='change-second'>Change Second Paragraph</button>
Then you can call either use the callback
qsa('P', function(){
this.innerHTML = 'test';
Or you can use the array that is returned
var pList = qsa('p');
var p1 = pList[0];
This loop
for(var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) {
result = el[i];
overwrites your result variable every time. That's why you always get only one element.
You can use the result outside though, and iterate through it. Kinda like
var result = window.qsa(el)
for(var i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
var workOn = result[i];
// Do something with workOn

Invalid procedure call or argument IE issue when iterating through document.styleSheets using $.each()

I've written this code that iterates over all global style sheet rules and stores them in an array/object. I use this dictionary-like object later to change global rules rather than setting styles on individual elements.
Following code breaks in IE8 but works fine in Firefox3.7 and Chrome4.
var allRules;
$(function() {
var fileRules;
allRules = [];
$.each(document.styleSheets, function() {
// get rules for any browser (IE uses rules array)
fileRules = this.cssRules || this.rules;
$.each(fileRules, function() {
allRules[this.selectorText] = this;
I get Invalid procedure call or argument error. When I try to debug it, this code sucessfully iterates through two CSS style sheet files with rules but when the second one's iteration is done, it fails.
I can't seem to find an error in this code.
The problem
After thorough testing I found out that document.styleSheets isn't a regular array in IE. That's why it breaks in $.each() call when it reaches the end.
If we take a look at jQuery function itself it has a for loop to iterate over an object that has a length property, falsely believing it's an array. document.styleSheets does have length property, but it's obviously not an array. So when this for loop in $.each() is executed:
for (var value = object[0];
i < length && value, i, value ) !== false;
value = object[++i]){}
it fails after the last element has been iterated over. As we may see this for loop doesn't increment i on its own but rather increments it while assigning a new value to value.
We can check this manually as well. Write these two lines in any browser's address bar:
javascript:var a=[1,2,3];alert(a[3]);void(0);
The first one runs fine in all browsers, but the second one fails in IE.
The solution
We have to rewrite the iteration over style sheets
var allRules;
$(function() {
var fileRules;
allRules = {};
// can't use $.each() over document.styleSheets because it's not an array in IE
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++)
fileRules = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules || document.styleSheets[i].rules;
$.each(fileRules, function() {
allRules[this.selectorText] = this;
Could it be that parsing rule itself is failing? Try experimenting with different stylesheets and reorder the rules to ensure that there isn't a problem parsing the rule for some reason.
code true is:
var fileRules;
(function ($) {
allRules = {};
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
fileRules = document.styleSheets[i].cssRules || document.styleSheets[i].rules;
$.each(fileRules, function () {
allRules[this.selectorText] = this;
