What is the difference between showFeedDialog and publishUserAction Facebook API? - javascript

I saw few tutorials mentioning showFeedDialog, but none that mention how to use publishUserAction. what is the difference anyway?
Is there anyway to use showFeedDialog without prompting the user ?
Are there any good tutorial on how to use publishUserAction?
why does publishuseraction have a suqeuncebase parameter while showfeedialog doesn't have

1) showFeedDialog is a Javascript-only method that is used to render a UI element. Specifically, it renders a dialog box that prompts a user to publish a story to their profile (or a friend's profile). It can be used via Facebook Javascript (FBJS), or the Facebook Connect Javascript libraries.
publishUserAction is an API method, and can be called using any of the Facebook API libraries, including the server-side ones. You don't need a user's confirmation to publish something using this call. However, it can now only publish one-line stories by default, and these do not appear in the main news feed anymore.
The doc pages for showFeedDialog and publishUserAction have some examples, albeit small and not entirely useful ones.
2) There is not, unfortunately, unless the user has granted extended permissions to your application. You generally have to prompt for extended permissions as well.
3) Facebook's documentation is very poor. Your best bet is usually to check out the API documentation on the specific method you want to use, google around like a crazy person, then set up a test in a development application.
4) Only API calls that rely on a session require the sig parameter (deprecated functions had a separate call_id parameter, but that has been rolled into sig in newer versions of the API functions). showFeedDialog is not an API call, it's a Javascript library call, and it handles all the necessary API stuff for a feed prompt in the background.


isCustomResponse() API - Available or not MFPF8

I have been trying to use isCustomResponse() API to grab the responses back from the network. I need to test the responses before I can make decision on what I need to do next in my Cordova app.
I had earlier asked a similar question before # submitLoginForm() does not send the data to the authentication server - MobileFirst Cordova client
and it was informed that isCustomResponse() API is no longer available in MFPF8. When I look at the API list on MFPF8 online help here: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_8.0.0/com.ibm.worklight.apiref.doc/html/refjavascript-client/html/WL.Client.AbstractChallengeHandler.html
the API is one of the available APIs. Can someone please confirm whether this API is available or not. If it is not available, then I guess the online documentation requires an update.
Further, if this API is not available, can you please let us know as to why is this being removed from MFPF8?
In Foundation 8.0, in most cases your security is implemented as a Security Check. When using a security check, the API isCustomResponse is no longer relevant: the framework will check the name of the security check to determine whether to activate the challenge handler. These types of challenge handlers are called SecurityCheckChallengeHandler.
There is one special scenario where you may still be interested in isCustomResponse: if your security is implemented by a third party gateway, such as DataPower.
In such a case, you need to use a different type of challenge handler, called GatewayChallengeHandler. In JavaScript they are created using the API WL.Client.createGatewayChallengeHandler (see documentation: http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_8.0.0/com.ibm.worklight.apiref.doc/html/refjavascript-client/html/WL.Client.html#createGatewayChallengeHandler).
There you can use the old APIs such as isCustomResponse and submitLoginForm.
EDIT: With 8.0 GA, isCustomResponse has been renamed canHandleResponse.
Important notes:
There is a known issue in 8.0 beta that may prevent "gateway" challenge handlers to be triggered in some cases. This should be fixed when the release of the 8.0 GA version. Fixed.
The names of these challenge handlers and APIs are scheduled to change upon GA, so keep an eye out for this. Done, see this blog post: https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/blog/2016/06/22/challenge-handlers/
The API documentation will be updated with the release of GA as well. Done.

Sending data SAP Fiori launchpad webapp/SAPUI5 webapp from client side javascript

This is a general question I have as I am exploring the world of automating some tasks in my workplace.
We have a portal/launchpad environment on our businesses website which has apps shown as tiles.
One of these apps when opened has a homepage that has a bunch of search fields and selectors to interface with (I assume) SAP data.
Ultimately my goal is to be able to send a number to a specific search field on a client-side local webapp (just plain old HTML/jquery stuff) and execute a search for that number in the sapui webapp.
I am getting to an competent level with javascript/HTML/CSS but am completely lost as to where to start with this type of issue as the MVC stuff is completely alien to me.
All my experience has been in creating completely client-side web apps with mostly interface with a local MS Access database.
Is what I am suggesting even possible?
So far I can open the homepage by executing the following code that someone else in the organization used:
Is it possible to add some form of string after a ?.... at the end of the url?
Again I am completely new to this and looking at the development guides in sapui website isn't shedding any light on it either. Possibly because I don't really know exactly what I am looking for!
Any help /guidance is greatly appreciated.
After comments below I can see the request sent to server is in the following format:
Request GET /sap/opu/odata/sap/someotherlocation/SearchTerm('<variable to search for>')?$format=json HTTP/1.1
Am I right in thinking I could potentially send an ajax request to do something similar? If so, how do I go about it?
Thanks again
There are possibilties to achieve that but i think it's not a real good solution, to fill fields in another web application and to trigger the search.
It would be better if you know the backend service which is used by this Fiori App, and to integrate directly the service. If it's an Fiori App i might be an OData /REST Service. Odata/REST Service also can be called by HTML/jquery JavaScript stuff too.
In order to determine the Service URL and the payload which is used by the web app with the search field, just use Chrome Debugger Tools (or other Browser Debug Tools) and check under Network which server address and which payload parameters are sent to the server, when you trigger the search manually. Hope that helps you little bit.
In the whole Fiori concept, it is definitely possible to have applications to call other applications and to get them to open up exactly at the point the user expects it. E.g. from a order click on a product to be brought to the material master, and have the material master app exactly show the product the user clicked on.
As you mentioned, this would indeed require the target application (that is navigated to) to support some parameters. You mentioned in your question already that you wondered if it would be possible to add a "?...." section to the URL. Fiori apps definitely support this concept, but how it is implemented depends very much on the app itself. In my previous example it could be as easy as e.g. adding ?product_id=abcde though.
Fiori also has very nice extensibility concepts built-in. So if your target app doesn't exactly support the parameters you intend to pass, you could easily extend the app to support it, without having to rewrite of copy the entire app (which would be a disaster when you receive updated from the original developer).
To navigate from one Fiori app to the other, it is advised to use the toExternal method of the CrossApplicationNavigation service, which comes with the Fiori launchpad. This service allows you to specify parameters such as the app you'd like to navigate to, the intent (display, create etc), parameters (such as product ID) and a app specific route (e.g. /supplierdetails to see the supplier details of a product).
The CrossApplicationNavigation service is officially documented in the SAPUI5 SDK, but I'm afraid that the SDK doesn't contain a very elaborate description. However, if you Google for it, you'll find extensive information and examples on SCN and Stackoverflow on this topic as well.
As promised here is what I got to work - actually got the overall method from an answer on here somewhere else.
This will send back enough detail that I can at least show the user some updates however after searching around I believe what I really need to be able to do is batch requests... I'm looking into Apache Olingo to see if that's possible.
function orderSmmary(SO) {
var uri = "https://fiori.<company>.com/sap/opu/odata/sap/<environment>/Details('"+ SO + "')?$format=json";
var http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
http_request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (http_request.readyState == 4 ) {
var data = JSON.parse(http_request.responseText);
// Do lots of awesome stuff with response
http_request.open('GET',uri, true);
http_request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Negotiate");
Again this is an entirely clientside solution from completely outside any flori environment so I am hoping to stay completely javascript based.

Use SCORM runtime API without LMS?

I am new to SCORM and have been given an assignment to integrate SAP Workforce Performance Builder exported SCORM (can either be 1.2 or 2004) content into an existing PHP website.
To put it simple, I need to be able to display the exported SCORM material in the browser (I can already do this), and be able to get the statistics through the SCORM runtime API.
I understand that I will need to make use of an LMS to allow communication with the SCO through the SCORM runtime API. I have looked into several open source LMS's, but haven't found a good solution for my purpose. The problem is that a lot of these LMS's are designed to run on the domain of the provider, and have built in tools to follow up on users' progress and scoring.
What I'm looking for is a simple, lightweight solution to be able to interact with the SCORM runtime API, so I can fetch the time a user has spent on a course, his score, etc. I will insert the gathered data into my own database, and code the backend where results can be evaluated myself, all I need is a way to get to the SCORM data.
I feel like I'm missing something, as surely you don't need an entire LMS implementation to simply listen for the basic 8 SCORM API calls, and log the results? Any help or a nudge in the right direction is greatly appreciated!
If you just need to mimic an LMS, providing a pseudo SCORM API so the course can 'speak' to your PHP site, try Claude Ostyn's SCORM Test Wrapper. It's pure client-side JavaScript, as lightweight as you can get with SCORM.
In a nutshell, Claude's test wrapper provides a simple SCORM API for the course to connect to. It receives communication from the course, which you can handle however you like. No backend code is provided; if you want to incorporate with a database, you will need to modify the wrapper to push/pull data from your site's database (this is typically handled via AJAX).
Once you build out the data store, you can make your site behave as an LMS, enabling the site to launch SCORM courses, and enabling the courses to send/receive data to your site via the SCORM API. No LMS or 3rd-party server required.
There is no support for unzipping packages or reading manifests. (I suspect you're not interested in going that far.)
SCORM also supports sequencing and navigation, which go way beyond simple JavaScript wrappers. If you need to support the sequencing and navigation features, you'll need to grab them from an existing open-source project (not easy) or pay a 3rd party like Rustici Software (SCORM Cloud). I suspect the content you create via SAP will not use any of SCORM's sequencing or navigation features, so you'll probably be OK.
Claude passed away a while ago, so he can't support you. Shout out to the guys at Rustici Software, who have preserved the site for the SCORM community.
From the courseware's point of view, it is just using javascript to call functions on an API or API_1484_11 object. If you can write the javascript code to sufficiently ape the interface, and store/return the necessary data model elements, then you don't need "an entire LMS implementation".
You need to carefully read the Run-Time Environment documentation though.
If you only ever plan to use it for running SAP Workforce Performance Builder produced courseware, then you can implement enough or the data-model to make that work correctly (although I've seen this done, then people surprised/confused/angry when other SCORM compliant courseware does not work, so beware.)
(Aside) You also need a reliable way to install/update your courseware packages from a PIF zip file. Again, for dealing with courseware from a specific content creator and not needing to write a full blown generic interface, you can just pick out the bits of the imsmanifest.xml file you need.
(Digression) Having written the courseware side of the interface a few times, I've seen interesting gotchas in various LMS implementations of the API, including things like returning the boolean true or false instead of a string "true" or "false" which can catch you off guard. May favourite so far is an LMS that truncates the cmi.suspend_data at the first newline character. (Actually, the implementation was that inept that there was a bug in their bug, and it also chopped off the character before the newline as well.)
You'll mainly want to capture, maintain and enforce the Student Attempt Object. I've used this in a JSON format now for a while, and you can take different approaches to how you store information collected by a Shareable Content Object. Normally people pluck the parts they need vs. trying to go 100% into full SCORM support so these types of questions are popular.
By creating the SCORM Runtime for either SCORM 1.2 or 2004 you'll mainly be providing those methods to build the data from the student session.
This can look like https://gist.github.com/cybercussion/4675334 (based on Unit test data for SCORM 2004)
You attempt to route your calls to your server side. Normally this results in a lot of lag. And I normally don't advocate it as an option.
You cache the student attempt, but you post the whole JSON object on a commit call. This normally results in a larger data post which can blimp on you if there are a lot of journaled interactions.
You take a hybrid approach and only post the data thats changed and merge that on your server limiting the data blimp issues that could occur.
I have a bunch of info up on the wiki here too https://github.com/cybercussion/SCOBot/wiki as well as a lot of sample code, tips etc...

Create a plugin to add my website functionalities on another website

I have a website A with a database and a search engine of some object, user can create account on my website then add comment for these objects.
I need to create an api with something like a plugin, it will result on having the seach engine on another website B.
I have planned to do like fb or twitter plugins : the dev who want to use my api will just need to add a line of js, and a line of html on website B, then it will load the plugin. But I'm wondering how to organize it.
Here it what I've guessed : I create a page on my website A, put the search engin on it. I create a js that will load this page whithin an iframe, on the dev's page (website B), under the div he added to have my plugin. Then I implement OAuth 2 (with a provider and so, so people can do post requests to alter my db), and people who is one the website B will have the ability to post comment on the objects of the search engine on website B.
Actually it seems to be the same as fb comment plugin process, but it seem too complicated to do all that stuff. Is it the right way? Can anyone detail the problems that I should face during implementation?
You need to develop a decent API which can return search result in JSON (and XML if you want to please everyone). That already would offer other developer the ability to use your site functionalities, that's mostly back end work tho. So they can develop their own widget.
To develop your own widget as a search widget you don't need that much, you just need either a set target (maybe a required element) or/and an initialization method (more flexibility for the dev) to which you pass a target.
Bind the search button, grab terms search, call your API and when you get your result display them or/and execute a custom callback pass the result as an argument, flexibility)
If you do your javascript well you can create a little API there too which facilitate the usage of your API via javascript. And then even easily port it to a jQuery plugin or something similar.
When serving JSON always remember to set your headers for your API to allow for crossdomain or go for jsonp instead.
Your question implies an architectural direction, but the requirements are too broad for such a choice. I would narrow down your requirements first. OAuth 2.0 could potentially help satisfy your needs, but ask yourself at least the following:
What user data needs to be protected?
What 3rd-party data access is needed? What functionality?
If you go with OAuth 2.0, are you prepared to follow a spec which is still changing? Are you willing to be the authentication provider?
What server-side languages/platforms are acceptable?
What other security considerations are important to you? (Such as social sharing, level of 3rd-party app trust...)
How much are you willing to rely on 3rd-party tools? Or write your own?
I agree that modeling your design off FB or Twitter or Google is not a bad idea, as they have done this sort of thing.
You might have a look at the new book Getting Started with OAuth 2.0.
Here are two simple ways of making custom search available to users.
The simplest option is to do what Google does - the search on your site would follow a simple, well defined API - so that
returns a list of results in HTML.
Then you'd tell your users to include a snippet of HTML:
<form action="http://www.mysite.com/search" method="get">
<input name="q" type="text" value="Search">
That would do, though at this juncture you may want to improve things with better search options, a javascript wrapper for the search form, a JSON or XML format for the data returned, security, a better worked out API that takes all these into account.
Another way is to use javascript and provide the data with a callback facility, so the URL:
will return a javascript file containing JSON data and a call to "someHandle" when it is loaded. The developer using your API have to write their own way of making the request and the handler. Bear in mind that because of XSS, the queries would probably come from your partners' servers. The simplest is probably to make your own search offer simple and well-documented so others can exploit it.
OAuth 2 could be helpful just if you would allow the website B to make POST request to the website A in background.
Instead if you want allow the users that visit the website B to post a comment then the iframe with a form that point to the website A is enough.
The easier bet, yet not necessarily the wisest, is to create some JS which calls on your website using JSONP.
iFrames are not W3C standard, try avoiding them if possible. Code a Javascript with some events that will do some JSONP calls into your own server and return the results in Javascript accordingly, so it would be able to interact with the page.

App Engine and Facebook: which libraries to use?

I will be developing a web application with Google App Engine that will use Facebook Connect as the only means of registering / logging in. The web app will be written in Python. I need to know their name, profile pic, how many friends the user has, as well as their age and also possibly location, relationship status, work info, etc. (although those are mostly optional besides name, pic, age and friend count).
There seem to be a number of libraries that can do the task. There is the official Facebook Javascript SDK, minifb, and pyfacebook to name a few.
How do you think I should go about this task? Which libraries should I use, and what are the pros / cons?
Also to be considered is how well documented the code is and how widely it is used. If you can provide links to relevant example code / documentation, that would be greatly appreciated.
Facebook python-sdk has an example application to use Facebook connect with Google App Engine. I guess, you are looking for the same.
This should be a comment for the answer which suggests using the Facebook python-sdk.
Note that at github it says
This SDK is deprecated. It does not support the new cookie format that
we rolled out as part of the OAuth Migration. In short, it doesn't
I've had success with the facebook-sdk project, which I believe is a fork of Facebook's original (and now dead) python-sdk project noted above. However you may also wish to check out EngineAuth.
Why don't you check out this similar question asked by another StackOverflow user:
Simple Facebook Connect in Google App Engine (Python)
There are some links provided here that sound exactly like what you're looking for.
For all specified detail you need to go with respective permission from users and then you can extract all specific information you needed.
You can go by either Graph Api or Javascript Api:
But with javascript you need to use many ajax request through your application where graph api only need access_token once for particular instance and also independent of client action.
Graph API also helps you in preventing use of other framework like pyfacebook, minifb, etc.
Apart from pros and cons you can also look some example code for both javascript and graph api
Hope this information will be useful to you.
