Method delegation in Javascript/jQuery? - javascript

I have this code:
var myWidget = $('#myWidget');
and calls like this elsewhere:
These work of course because jQuery adds these methods.
Now, let's say I'm doing some refactoring to make myWidget a proper object with its own custom methods and state:
var myWidget = (function() {
// private stuff
var actualJQueryObject = $('#myWidget');
return {
publicMethod: function() {...},
but I want to have all the calls that expect a jQuery object, which are all around my code, to still work even though myWidget is no longer a jQuery object, because myWidget knows how to delegate these calls to actualJQueryObject.
Is this possible?

You could also extend your jQuery object, with another object that has your custom methods:
var myWidget = function() {
// private stuff
var actualJQueryObject = $('#myWidget');
var extensionMethods = {
publicMethod: function() { alert('public method!'); }
return $.extend(actualJQueryObject, extensionMethods);
Just be careful with the name of your extension methods, to not clash with any other jQuery defined function.
You can try the above snippet here.

One option is using the original jquery object as a prototype.
function wrap(jqObject) {
function MyNewType() {
this.changeFontSize = function(a) {
this.css({fontSize : this.size});
MyNewType.prototype = jqObject;
return new MyNewType;
var obj = wrap($('#someitem'));
obj.size = 50; // obj.size
obj.changeFontSize(); // obj.changeFontSize
obj.hide(); // $.hide
obj.fadeIn("slow"); // $.fadeIn

I've written a plugin that might help you. It's basically a plugin for writing plugins. This dev group post explains it and has some code samples:
And the source is here:
I created a function that has similar functionality to that plugin:
jQuerify = function(fn) {
function plugin() {
var instantiate = false;
// check to see if it has any prototyped methods (we only need one iteration to do this)
for (var i in construct.prototype) {
instantiate = true;
// if there are prototyped methods, return an instance (since an instance's return value won't vary)
// otherwise just call it using apply so the return value can vary
return instantiate
? new construct(this, arguments)
: construct(this, arguments);
function construct(parent, args) {
// 'this' will not mimic jQuery unless given the length property
this.length = 0;
this.selector = parent.selector;
this.context = parent.context;
// mimic 'this' in jQuery, but for the plugin namespace
Array.prototype.push.apply(this, $.makeArray(parent));
// return the constructors return value
// should be 'this' if you want to chain the new namespace
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
// copy all static properties and methods
for (var i in fn) {
plugin[i] = fn[i];
// allow .fn and copy all instance properties and methods; the last part is for IE
plugin.fn = construct.prototype = plugin.prototype = fn.prototype;
return plugin;
This allows you to add custom objects to jQuery as a plugin while using 'this' to refer to the selected objects and also allows you to have an unlimited depth to your namespace:
function test1() {
return this;
test1.prototype.getHtml1 = function() {
return $(this).html();
function test2() {
return this;
test2.prototype.getHtml2 = function() {
return $(this).html();
function test3() {
return this;
test3.prototype.getHtml3 = function() {
return $(this).html();
jQuery.fn.test1 = jQuerify(test1);
jQuery.fn.test1.fn.test2 = jQuerify(test2);
jQuery.fn.test1.fn.test2.fn.test3 = jQuerify(test3);
jQuery(function($) {


How do I augment a method from the superclass in javascript

I have a method in a base class that I want to keep in a subclass, but just add to it. I've found lots of stuff on augmenting classes and objects with properties and methods, but I can't find, or don't understand, how to just augment the method. The worst case scenario is that I would have to paste the entire method of the parent class into the subclass, but that seems like duplicate code... please help
function someObject (){
this.someProperty = 1;
this.incrementProperty = function incrementProperty(){
this.propertyOfSomeObject += 1;
function newObject (){;
this.incrementProperty = function incrementProperty(){
//do everything the super class has for this property already
return this.someProperty;
var incrementer = new newObject;
alert (incrementer.incrementProperty()); //I want output to be 2
// parent object
function someObject () {
this.someProperty = 1;
// add incrementProperty to the prototype so you're not creating a new function
// every time you instantiate the object
someObject.prototype.incrementProperty = function() {
this.someProperty += 1;
return this.someProperty;
// child object
function newObject () {
// we could do useful work here
// setup new object as a child class of someObject
newObject.prototype = new someObject();
// this allows us to use "parent" to call someObject's functions
newObject.prototype.parent = someObject.prototype;
// make sure the constructor points to the right place (not someObject)
newObject.constructor = newObject;
newObject.prototype.incrementProperty = function() {
// do everything the super class has for this property already;
return this.someProperty;
var incrementer = new newObject();
alert (incrementer.incrementProperty()); // I want output to be 2
this should do, you have to use prototype to have a real concept of oo with javascript
function someObject (){
this.someProperty = 1;
this.propertyOfSomeObject = 0;
this.incrementProperty = function incrementProperty(){
this.propertyOfSomeObject += 1;
return this.propertyOfSomeObject;
function newObject (){;
this.incrementProperty = function incrementProperty(){
return this.propertyOfSomeObject + 1;
newObject.prototype = new someObject()
newObject.prototype.__super__ = newObject.prototype
var incrementer = new newObject();
alert(incrementer.incrementProperty()); //I want output to be 2
experiment removing incrementProperty from newObject and it will return 1
I usually use the augment library to write classes in JavaScript. This is how I would rewrite your code using augment:
var Foo = Object.augment(function () {
this.constructor = function () {
this.someProperty = 1;
this.incrementProperty = function () {
var Bar = Foo.augment(function (base) {
this.constructor = function () {;
this.incrementProperty = function () {;
return this.someProperty;
As you can see since Bar extends Foo it gets Foo.prototype as a parameter (which we call base). This allows you to easily call the base class constructor and incrementProperty functions. It also shows that the constructor itself is just another method defined on the prototype.
var bar = new Bar;
The output will be 2 as expected. See the demo for yourself:
From this answer:
Overriding functions
Sometimes children need to extend parent functions.
You want the 'child' (=RussionMini) to do something extra. When RussionMini can call the Hamster code to do something and then do something extra you don't need to copy and paste Hamster code to RussionMini.
In the following example we assume that a Hamster can run 3km an hour but a Russion mini can only run half as fast. We can hard code 3/2 in RussionMini but if this value were to change we have multiple places in code where it needs changing. Here is how we use Hamster.prototype to get the parent (Hamster) speed.
// from goog.inherits in closure library
var inherits = function(childCtor, parentCtor) {
function tempCtor() {};
tempCtor.prototype = parentCtor.prototype;
childCtor.prototype = new tempCtor();
childCtor.prototype.constructor = childCtor;
var Hamster = function(name){
throw new Error("Name cannot be undefined");
return 3;
//Russionmini does not need to implement this function as
//it will do exactly the same as it does for Hamster
//But Russionmini does need to implement getSpeed as it
//won't return the same as Hamster (see later in the code)
return "I am running at " +
this.getSpeed() + "km an hour.";
var RussionMini=function(name){
//call this before setting RussionMini prototypes
return Hamster.prototype;
var betty=new RussionMini("Betty");
console.log(;//=I am running at 1.5km an hour.

Clarify to me this javascript pattern

I'm interested on how is realized the JavaScript pattern used, for example, in jQuery UI dialog:
ie I can't get how to reference back a constructor function after I created it in a jQuery compliant fashion.
Just to clarify: what is really obscure to me is how I can have somewhere
and then somewhere else
that even in absolutely different places seems to point back to the original instance.
I think, it is somehow related with this (jquery.ui.widgets.js ),
// create selector for plugin
$.expr[ ":" ][ fullName.toLowerCase() ] = function( elem ) {
return !!$.data( elem, fullName );
but really I'm too green in javascript / jquery to get what's happening.
I'm not sure how jQuery UI does it (you'd have to look at the source), but here's a way to do this
The advantage of using this approach is that you keep all your methods private instead of in the prototype by using a closure; a module pattern in this case.
Edit: Aight, got it. This is how I got it to work. This I'm calling the "Advanced jQuery Boilerplate". I added the methods to the prototype, I don't think it really makes a difference to keep them outside, and makes it easier to call methods within methods with this.method():
(function($) {
var _pluginName = 'myplugin'
, _defaults = {
function Plugin(el, options) {
this.opts = $.extend({}, _defaults, options);
this.el = el;
Plugin.prototype = {
_init: function() {
return this;
method: function(str) {
return this;
Plugin.prototype[_pluginName] = function(method) {
if (!method) return this._init();
try { return this[method].apply(this, [], 1)); }
catch(e) {} finally { return this; }
$.fn[_pluginName] = function() {
var args = arguments;
return this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_'+ _pluginName);
if (typeof args[0] == 'object') {
return $.data(this, 'plugin_'+ _pluginName, new Plugin(this, args[0]));
return instance[_pluginName].apply(instance, args);
Now I have two divs:
<div id="mydiv"></div>
And I can use the plugin like:
$('div').dialog({ n: 69 }); // initialize both divs
console.log($('#mydiv').dialog('method', 'hello world'));
//=^ prints "hello world" and returns instance
console.log($('#mydiv').data('plugin_dialog').opts.n); //=> 69
It's basically storing the instance of the plugin in data to be able to restore the options since this info is attached to the element. It's similar to how jQuery Boilerplate works.
This is called 'chaining pattern'.
Basic idea is that object methods return constructed instance, look at simplified example:
function Dialog (){ = function(){
console.log('open dialog');
return this;
this.close = function(){
console.log('close dialog');
return this;
var d = new Dialog();;
Note 'return this' statement in every method.

jQuery logger plugin

I'm working on a jQuery plugin that allows you to log any javascript class or object.
The idea is to override each function inside the object, or prototype of a function.
"use strict";
$.log = function(object, logger)
if (!$.isFunction(logger))
logger = function(name, args)
console.log(name + "(" + $.makeArray(args).join(", ") + ")");
var s = $.isFunction(object) ? object.prototype : object;
for (name in s)
var fn = s[name];
if ($.isFunction(fn))
s[name] = (function(name, fn)
return function()
logger(name, arguments);
return fn.apply(this, arguments);
})(name, fn);
This seems to work for logging individual plugins. For example $.log($.ui.tabs); logs all the function calls inside the tabs prototype.
But when I want to log all of jQuery $.log($); it's giving me some reference error.
I can't figure out why I'm getting this error. I'm under the impression it has something to do with either this or the arguments being passed, but I'm not sure.
Edit: Now I think about It some more it might also be caused because the overridden function always returns.
I created a fiddle to demo the problem:
This is the code i ended up with, so far working perfectly:
"use strict";
var Logger = function(options)
this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, options);
Logger.prototype = {
inherited: false,
deep: false,
logWriter: function(name, args)
console.log("CALL: " + name + "(" + $.makeArray(args).join(", ") + ")");
augment: function(object)
var self = this;
// Make sure this object is not already augmented
if (object.__isAugmented__)
// Set 'isAugmented' to prevent recursion
object.__isAugmented__ = true;
// Loop through the object
for (var name in object)
var originalFunction = object[name];
// If it's a function and the function is not inherited or 'inherited' is enabled augment it
if ($.isFunction(originalFunction) && (object.hasOwnProperty(name) || self.options.inherited))
// Wrap in self executing function so references to 'name' and 'orginalFunction' are maintained
object[name] = (function(name, originalFunction)
// If the function has a prototype and 'deep' is enabled augment that as well
if (self.options.deep && originalFunction.prototype)
var augmentedFunction = function()
// Execute log writer
self.options.logWriter(name, arguments);
// Call original function
return originalFunction.apply(this, arguments);
// Inherit prototype of original function
augmentedFunction.prototype = originalFunction.prototype;
// Return the augmented function
return augmentedFunction;
})(name, originalFunction);
// If it's a plain object and 'deep' is enabled augment that as well
else if (self.options.deep && $.isPlainObject(originalFunction))
$.log = function(object, options)
var logger = new Logger(options);
// If the object is a function use it's prototype, otherwise assume a plain object
object = $.isFunction(object) ? object.prototype : object;
// Augment
Can be used like this:
$.log(<object or function> [,
inherited: <bool>,
deep: <bool>,
logWriter: <function(name, args)>
Well look closely to the error.
Uncaught ReferenceError: name is not defined
Means you haven't defined name and since you are in strict mode, you can't use a variable without defining it(normally if you do it, it'll be a global variable, but not in strict mode). So if you write a var name before it you won't get this error anymore.
Though there is another error for not having tab method. The other error says tabs is not a method of the object which is because when you wrap the function, you didn't inherit the prototype, so when the function is called with new, it doesn't have prototype functions(tabs is one of them).
Here's the fixed code :

Using "dot" inside a prototype name in JavaScript

Lets say I have this class:
function classA(n){ = n
classA.prototype.getName = function(){
var x = new classA('john')
My question is: can I group multiple methods inside a namespace? So I would like to do that:
var x = new classA('john')
So I would like to call some methods as x.someMethod() and others as x.CONSTANT.otherMethod()
PS: I'm looking for a cross-browser method. Bind is not working in Safari and IE9.
You can do it, for example, via bind. Google es5 shim for implementation of bind in browsers, which don't support it natively.
function MyClass(name) { = name;
this.CONSTANT.otherMethod = this.CONSTANT.otherMethod.bind(this);
MyClass.prototype.CONSTANT = {
otherMethod: function() {
As far as I know a constant is just a property and it can't contain methods, you need to separate your objects and use methods to have the same effect:
function A (id) { = id;
this.showId = function () { return; }
function B (a) {
this.a = a;
this.getA = function () { return this.a; }
var a = new A(12);
var b = new B(a);
You can use a literal object as follow
function B (id) { = id;
this.CONSTANT = { otherMethod: function () { alert("..."); } };
someMethod = function () { return; }
but the literal CONSTANT object can't access B-object methods,
Consider the #kirilloid post to round this.
You can, but you have to be careful because it won't act like you think it will. The this for the method will be the namespace, not the root object.
For example, in x.CONSTANT.getName(), the this object will be x.CONSTANT, and not x.
Here's some sample code which kinda does what you ask (or in jsfiddle):
function MyClass() {}
MyClass.prototype.CONSTANT = {
getName: function() {
var c = new MyClass();
To make sure the this is right, you need to do much more.
You can use getters/setters (read this article) to achieve this. For example you may define it like this:
classA.prototype.__defineGetter__('CONSTANT', function() {
var that = this;
return {
getName: function() {
Note that holding reference to the object. It will work now
x = new classA('test');
// result - test

Inheritance of closure objects and overriding of methods

I need to extend a class, which is encapsulated in a closure. This base class is following:
var PageController = (function(){
// private static variable
var _current_view;
return function(request, new_view) {
// priveleged public function, which has access to the _current_view
this.execute = function() {
Inheritance is realised using the following function:
function extend(subClass, superClass){
var F = function(){
F.prototype = superClass.prototype;
subClass.prototype = new F();
subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
subClass.superclass = superClass.prototype;
StartController.cache = '';
if (superClass.prototype.constructor == Object.prototype.constructor) {
superClass.prototype.constructor = superClass;
I subclass the PageController:
var StartController = function(request){
// calling the constructor of the super class, request, 'start-view');
// extending the objects
extend(StartController, PageController);
// overriding the PageController::execute
StartController.prototype.execute = function() {
Inheritance is working. I can call every PageController's method from StartController's instance. However, method overriding doesn't work:
var startCont = new StartController();
alerts "PageController::execute".
How should I override this method?
It doesn't work because StartController calls PageController which adds an execute property to your object, so the execute property of StartController.prototype is not used.
For your overriding to work, you have to either :
1) define PageController.prototype.execute as the execute method of PageController. It won't work because then the function doesn't have access to _current_view.
2) define StartController.execute in the object constructor :
var StartController = function(request){
// calling the constructor of the super class, request, 'start-view');
// overriding the PageController::execute
this.execute = function() {
// extending the objects
extend(StartController, PageController);
So you want for StartController.execute to access _current_view, which is impossible as long as _current_view is part of a closure that StartController is not part of. You might have to proceed like this:
(function () {
var _current_view;
window.PageController = function(request, new_view) {
this.execute = function() { ... }
window.StartController = function(request) {, request, 'start-view');
this.execute = function() { ... }
extend(StartController, PageController);
var startCont = new StartController();
And if you want some kind of protected behavior, you might want to try this trick:
(function() {
var token = {};
window.Class1 = function() {
this.protectedMethod = function(tok) {
if(tok != token) return; // unauthorized
window.Class2 = function() {
new Class1().protectedMethod(token); // access granted
new Class1().protectedMethod(); // access denied
There's no such thing as a package in javascript, so your possibilities are limited. You can certainly not have any kind of privileges among functions/objects/constructors that are not part of the same script. None that I know of, at least. Except maybe querying a server for some kind of authorization.
