I would like to add an overlay image on a Google Map. The image is a SVG file I have generated (Python with SVGFig).
I am using the following code:
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(48.8, 2.4), 12);
// ground overlay
var boundaries = new GLatLngBounds(new GLatLng(48.283188032632829, 1.9675270369830129), new GLatLng(49.187215000000002, 2.7771877478303999));
var oldmap = new GGroundOverlay("test.svg", boundaries);
map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
Surprisingly, it works with Safari 4, but it doesn't work with Firefox (with Safari 3, the background is not transparent).
Does anyone have an idea on how I could overlay an SVG?
PS1: I read some works like this or the source code of swa.ethz.ch/googlemaps, but it seems that they have to use JavaScript code to parse the SVG and add one by one all the elements (but I did not understand all the source...).
PS2: The SVG is composed of different filled paths and circles, with transparency.
If there is no solution to overlay my SVG, I can use 2 alternative solutions:
rasterize the SVG
convert the paths and circles in GPolygons
But I do not really like the 1st solution because of the poor quality of the bitmap and the time to generate it with antialiasing.
And for the 2nd solution, the arcs, ellipses and circles will have to be decomposed into small polylines. A lot of them will be necessary for a good result. But I have around 3000 arcs and circles to draw, so...
Here are some news (I hope it's better to put them here in an answer, instead of editing my questions or to create a new question. Please feel free to move it if needed, or to tell me, so as I can rectify):
My problem was the following:
var oldmap = new GGroundOverlay("test.svg", boundaries);
did not work on Safari 3, Firefox and Opera (IE is not enable to draw SVG).
In fact, this code produce the insertion (in a <div>) of the following element
<img src="test.svg" style=".....">
And Safari 4 is able to draw a SVG file as an image, but this is not the way to do for the other browser. So the idea is now to create a custom overlay for the SVG, as explained here.
That's the reason why I asked for this question (I am sorry, but HTML/javascript are not my strongest points).
And since there is a small bug with Webkit for rendering a SVG with transparent background with <object>element, I need to use <object> or <img> accordingly to the browser (I don't like this, but... for the moment, it's still the quick-and-dirty experiments)
So I started with this code (still work in progress):
// create the object
function myOverlay(SVGurl, bounds)
this.url_ = SVGurl;
this.bounds_ = bounds;
// prototype
myOverlay.prototype = new GOverlay();
// initialize
myOverlay.prototype.initialize = function(map)
// create the div
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.style.position = "absolute";
// add it with the same z-index as the map
this.map_ = map;
this.div_ = div;
//create new svg root element and set attributes
var svgRoot;
if (BrowserDetect.browser=='Safari')
// Bug in webkit: with <objec> element, Safari put a white background... :-(
svgRoot = document.createElement("img");
svgRoot.setAttribute("id", "SVGelement");
svgRoot.setAttribute("type", "image/svg+xml");
svgRoot.setAttribute("src", "test.svg");
else //if (BrowserDetect.browser=='Firefox')
svgRoot = document.createElement("object");
svgRoot.setAttribute("id", "SVGelement");
svgRoot.setAttribute("type", "image/svg+xml");
svgRoot.setAttribute("data", "test.svg");
The draw function is not yet written.
I still have a problem (I progress slowly, thanks to what I read/learn everywhere, and also thanks to people who answer my questions).
Now, the problem is the following : with the <object> tag, the map is not draggable. All over the <object> element, the mouse pointer is not "the hand icon" to drag the map, but just the normal pointer.
And I did not find how to correct this. Should I add a new mouse event (I just saw mouse event when a click or a double-click append, but not for dragging the map...) ?
Or is there another way to add this layer so as to preserve the drag-ability ?
Thank you for your comments and answers.
PS: I also try to add one by one the elements of my SVG, but... in fact... I don't know how to add them in the DOM tree. In this example, the SVG is read and parsed with GXml.parse(), and all the elements with a given tag name are obtained (xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName) and added to the SVG node (svgNode.appendChild(node)). But in my case, I need to add directly the SVG/XML tree (add all its elements), and there are different tags (<defs>, <g>, <circle>, <path>, etc.). It is may be simpler, but I don't know how to do.. :(
I spend the last evening on this problem, and I finally found the solution to my problem.
It was not so difficult.
The idea is, as Chris B. said, to load the SVG file with GDownloadUrl, parse it with GXml.parse() and add in the DOM tree every SVG elements I need
To simplify, I have supposed that all the SVG elements was put in a big group called "mainGroup". I have also supposed that some elements can be in the file.
So here is the library, based on the Google Maps Custom Overlays:
// create the object
function overlaySVG( svgUrl, bounds)
this.svgUrl_ = svgUrl;
this.bounds_ = bounds;
// prototype
overlaySVG.prototype = new GOverlay();
// initialize
overlaySVG.prototype.initialize = function( map)
//create new div node
var svgDiv = document.createElement("div");
svgDiv.setAttribute( "id", "svgDivison");
//svgDiv.setAttribute( "style", "position:absolute");
svgDiv.style.position = "absolute";
svgDiv.style.top = 0;
svgDiv.style.left = 0;
svgDiv.style.height = 0;
svgDiv.style.width = 0;
// create new svg element and set attributes
var svgRoot = document.createElementNS( "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
svgRoot.setAttribute( "id", "svgRoot");
svgRoot.setAttribute( "width", "100%");
svgRoot.setAttribute( "height","100%");
svgDiv.appendChild( svgRoot);
// load the SVG file
GDownloadUrl( this.svgUrl_, function( data, responseCode)
var xml = GXml.parse(data);
// specify the svg attributes
svgRoot.setAttribute("viewBox", xml.documentElement.getAttribute("viewBox"));
// append the defs
var def = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("defs");
//for( var int=0; i<def.length; i++)
//append the main group
var nodes = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("g");
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++)
if (nodes[i].id=="mainGroup")
// keep interesting datas
this.svgDiv_ = svgDiv;
this.map_ = map;
// set position and zoom
// remove from the map pane
overlaySVG.prototype.remove = function()
this.div_.parentNode.removeChild( this.div_);
// Copy our data to a new overlaySVG...
overlaySVG.prototype.copy = function()
return new overlaySVG( this.url_, this.bounds_, this.center_);
// Redraw based on the current projection and zoom level...
overlaySVG.prototype.redraw = function( force)
// We only need to redraw if the coordinate system has changed
if (!force) return;
// get the position in pixels of the bound
posNE = map.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.bounds_.getNorthEast());
posSW = map.fromLatLngToDivPixel(this.bounds_.getSouthWest());
// compute the absolute position (in pixels) of the div ...
this.svgDiv_.style.left = Math.min(posNE.x,posSW.x) + "px";
this.svgDiv_.style.top = Math.min(posSW.y,posNE.y) + "px";
// ... and its size
this.svgDiv_.style.width = Math.abs(posSW.x - posNE.x) + "px";
this.svgDiv_.style.height = Math.abs(posSW.y - posNE.y) + "px";
And, you can use it with the following code:
if (GBrowserIsCompatible())
//load map
map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"), G_NORMAL_MAP);
// create overlay
var boundaries = new GLatLngBounds( new GLatLng(48.2831, 1.9675), new GLatLng(49.1872, 2.7774));
map.addOverlay( new overlaySVG( "test.svg", boundaries ));
//add control and set map center
map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(48.8, 2.4), 12);
So, you can use it exactly as you use the GGroundOverlay function, except that your SVG file should be created with the Mercator projection (but if you apply it on small area, like one city or smaller, you will not see the difference).
This should work with Safari, Firefox and Opera. You can try my small example here
Tell me what do you think about it.
This question was briefly discussed on the Google Maps API Group. Here's what they said:
I've not tried it, but SVG is a subset
of XML, so you can read them with
GDownloadUrl() and analyse them with
GXml.parse(). On some wonky webservers
you may have to change the file
extension to XML.
You then have to crawl through the XML
DOM, writing the SVG that you find
with document.createElementNS() and
.setAttribute() calls...
There are also a some Google Maps SVG examples here and here.
Good luck!
I would like to have my element zoom-based. I don't need it visible when zooming out of 19, because my map doesn't look nice.
I tried to use the maxResolution method derived from the layers.js file, when it was found, as a whole map was generated by the QGIS2web plugin.
Unfortunately it wasn't working
I tried also the minZoom feature, but in vain.
All the reasonable examples I found here:
Another thread says about changing the maxResolution value, but it didn't work either.
Finally, my code looks as follows:
var tekst2 = new ol.Overlay({
position: pos3,
minZoom: 19,
element: document.getElementsByClassName('tekscio')[1],
I see, that the minZoom refers mostly for the lower zoom limit of the map canvas.
But this configuration:
var tekst2 = new ol.Overlay({
position: pos3,
element: document.getElementsByClassName('tekscio')[1],
didn't work either.
I also found some methods here:
but it looks like they have been deprecated.
What should I do in this code? Is there another thing to provide here, which I am missing?
I want to have this text based on the zoom level.
Just in case I am sending the JS fiddle with the javascript code here:
I would like to have my element zoom-based. I don't need it visible when zooming out of 19, because my map doesn't look nice.
You can simply show/hide an element depending on the current zoom level in a way similar to this (the zoom change handler was taken from https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/309404/70847):
var currZoom = map.getView().getZoom();
map.on("moveend", function(e) {
var newZoom = map.getView().getZoom();
if (currZoom != newZoom) {
if (newZoom > 19) {
document.getElementById("vienna").style.display = "none";
} else {
document.getElementById("vienna").style.display = "unset";
currZoom = newZoom;
I have a page where I am dynamically inserting and removing an openlayers3 map from the DOM. However, I found that with prolonged usage (adding and removing map over and over) that memory usage climbs without ever going down. What is the proper way to release the resources being used by the openlayers map?
Currently, I have a function which does the following (but doesn't seem to be releasing the resources):
function deleteMap() {
layer1 = null;
layer2 = null;
map = null;
For those who are wondering layer1 and 2 are setup like the following:
var layer1 = new ol.layer.Vector({ ...layerinfo goes here... });
So I have (or had) a working version of OpenStreetMaps, but now that I want to add popups onto the map, the whole thing breaks. This is the code pertaining to the issue of the popup. The crazy thing is that I copy and pasted the code from the official wiki in order to just get a working example.
function init() {
map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'heatmapArea');
var query = new OpenLayers.LonLat(-122.2928337167, 37.5549570333).transform(
new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), map.getProjectionObject());
var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("Popup", query, null, "Text", null, true);
map.addPopup(popup, false);
var lat = 39.3138895;
var lon = -98.2233523;
var zoom = 4;
var position = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform( EPSG_WGS84, EPSG_900913);
map.setCenter(position, zoom );
The issue as it appears in my browser console is:
I have removed the code which I don't think is relevant to this issue but I could provide more if that is necessary. I have googled around extensively and all of the examples that I find work fine on the website I visit, but breaks my map and every StackOverflow answer to somebody else seems to work fine for the original poster, but once again, breaks my map.
Here's one of the website I tried to copy:
I am very eager to get this problem solved and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Someone who really knows their way around the OL API will be able to explain this properly, but basically, your code is fine, but you need to reorder it. You need to add a map layer, and zoom to an extent, before you can call addPopup. I think this is because addPopup doesn't need an explicit layer of its own; it uses the map layer; and therefore you need a map layer on your map before trying to use it. That makes sense, but I am not sure why you need also to have called a zoom/zoomToExtent function.
Here's a fiddle, I've tried to leave your code as unchanged as possible:
And here's the JS with some comments:
function init() {
var map = new OpenLayers.Map( 'heatmapArea');
// Add a map layer before trying to use addPopup
map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM());
// Call the zoom function before trying to use addPopup
var lat = 39.3138895;
var lon = -98.2233523;
// I've changed the zoom to 1 so you can immediately see the popup in the small fiddle window
var zoom = 1;
var position = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(
"EPSG_WGS84", "EPSG_900913"
map.setCenter(position, zoom);
// Finally here's your addPopup code
var query = new OpenLayers.LonLat(
-122.2928337167, 37.5549570333
new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
var popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud(
// I added a size to make it fit in the small fiddle window
new OpenLayers.Size(100,100),
I'm using html2canvas to save my online map as an image (See the Save as Image link). I've tried it in Firefox, Chrome and Opera.
It tends to work more often if you do not alter the default map. If you zoom and then pan the map, it is less likely to work. The map will pan, but html2canvas will use the old center point and map bounds. And html2canvas will fail to load map tiles for the new map bounds.
The map pans correctly, but html2canvas uses the old center point and map bounds. Why is this?
To support getting images from different domains I have the setting:
useCors: true;
I have tried the following solutions
-Manually changing the map type. Sometimes this fixes it.
-Triggering the browser resize event - not useful.
-Using setTimeout() to wait 2000 ms to ensure the tiles are loaded - not useful
-Using a proxy (html2canvas_proxy_php.php) - not useful
-Using the google maps idle event to wait for the map to be idle before saving - not useful
Apparently, the problem seems to stem from html2canvas not being able to render css transforms, at least in chrome (I could only reproduce the problem in chrome, on OSX). The container that holds the tiles, is translated using -webkit-transform. So what we could do is to grab the values that the container is shifted, remove the transform, assign left and top from the values we got off transform then use html2canvas. Then so the map doesn't break, we reset the map's css values when html2canvas is done.
So I pasted this into the javascript console at your site and at it seemed to work
//get transform value
var transform=$(".gm-style>div:first>div").css("transform")
var comp=transform.split(",") //split up the transform matrix
var mapleft=parseFloat(comp[4]) //get left value
var maptop=parseFloat(comp[5]) //get top value
$(".gm-style>div:first>div").css({ //get the map container. not sure if stable
useCORS: true,
onrendered: function(canvas)
var dataUrl= canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
location.href=dataUrl //for testing I never get window.open to work
After a Google Maps update the solution of mfirdaus stop working, the new solution is this:
var transform = $(".gm-style>div:first>div:first>div:last>div").css("transform")
var comp = transform.split(",") //split up the transform matrix
var mapleft = parseFloat(comp[4]) //get left value
var maptop = parseFloat(comp[5]) //get top value
$(".gm-style>div:first>div:first>div:last>div").css({ //get the map container. not sure if stable
"transform": "none",
"left": mapleft,
"top": maptop,
is the same but u need to change de selector from
Hands up 🙂
I have the same problem, but I used Leaflet Map instead of Google Map.
The code is below
var transform=$(".leaflet-map-pane").css("transform");
if (transform) {
var c = transform.split(",");
var d = parseFloat(c[4]);
var h = parseFloat(c[5]);
"transform": "none",
"left": d,
"top": h
left: 0,
top: 0,
"transform": transform
// Here is used html2canvas 1.0.0-alpha.9
In my case i just allowed Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in the html2Canvas configuration and it worked for me.
For more info you can refer to the html2Canvas Documentation:
Use this code for updated Google Maps.
// #ts-ignore html2canvas defined via script
html2canvas($('#shareScreen')[0], {
useCORS: true,
allowTaint: false,
backgroundColor: null,
ignoreElements: (node) => {
return node.nodeName === 'IFRAME';
}).then((canvas) => {
var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
this.shareLoader = false;
I am using Openlayers.Layer and OpenLayers.Marker to display a marker on the map.
It is positioned correctly and I can successfuly show it and hide it doing:
But I try to change its position before displaying it but with no success. I already tried this:
var projections = {
g: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
p: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913")
var newlonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(newlon, newlat).transform(projections.g, projections.p);
marker.lonlat = newlonlat
(no errors triggered but position does not change)
and also tried this:
var px = map.getPixelFromLonLat(newlonlat);
(it throws an error inside getPixelFromLonLat function. Error: c is null)
Why can't I move markers dynamically and what is the best way to do it?
Maybe the problem resides in my position projection transformation when using second option:
new OpenLayers.LonLat(newlon, newlat).transform(projections.g, projections.p);
Edit 2
So, going deeper I found that marker.map property was null, so after its initialization I did:
var marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(lonlat, icon);
marker.map = map;
where map is an OpenLayers.Map object and now its working fine. Don't know why but it fixed it.
marker.moveTo works fine for me:
var px = map.getPixelFromLonLat(new OpenLayers.LonLat(newLon,newLat));
Hope this helps :-)
To workaround the problem I did:
marker.lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(newlon, newlat);
It seems stupid removing and adding the same marker to just update its position but it works. It may be slower when doing this to a large group of markers though.
marker.lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(newlon, newlat);
(not testet)