I came across the following code:
var f = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).splice(1);
// some more code
Basically, the result in args is an array that is a copy of the arguments without its first element.
But what I can't understand exactly is why f's arguments (which is an object that holds the function's inputted arguments into an array-like object) object is being passed to the slice method and how slice(1) is removing the first element (positioned at index 0).
Can anyone please explain it for me?
P.S. The code is from this partial application function
The actual code from that linked answer is:
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
i.e. "slice", not "splice"
First of all, the slice method is often used to make a copy of the array it's called on:
var a = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
var b = a.slice(); // b is now a copy of a
var c = a.slice(1); // c is now ['b', 'c']
So the short answer is that the code is basically emulating:
arguments.slice(1); // discard 1st argument, gimme the rest
However you can't do that directly. The special arguments object (available inside the execution context of all JavaScript functions), although Array-like in that it supports indexing via the [] operator with numeric keys, is not actually an Array; You can't .push onto it, .pop off it, or .slice it, etc.
The way the code accomplishes this is by "tricking" the slice function (which again is not available on the arguments object) to run in the context of arguments, via Function.prototype.call:
Array.prototype.slice // get a reference to the slice method
// available on all Arrays, then...
.call( // call it, ...
arguments, // making "this" point to arguments inside slice, and...
1 // pass 1 to slice as the first argument
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).splice(1) accomplishes the same thing, but makes an extraneous call to splice(1), which removes elements from the array returned from Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) starting at index 1 and continuing to the end of the array. splice(1) doesn't work in IE (it's technically missing a 2nd parameter telling it how many items to remove that IE and ECMAScript require).
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).splice(1);
First takes a copy of arguments(*), then removes all but the first item from it (in a non-standard way), and assigns those items being removed to args.
The extra array being produced, then altered and thrown away is quite redundant. It would be better to say — as the version in the answer you linked to indeed does:
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
Partial function application is also a feature of the function.bind method, being standardised by ECMAScript Fifth Edition. Until browsers have implemented it, you can pick up an a fallback JS-native version from the bottom of this answer.
*: array.slice() is the normal idiom for copying an array, and array.slice(1) for taking the tail. It has it be called explicitly through the Array.prototype because arguments is not an Array, even though it looks just like one, so doesn't have the normal array methods. This is another of JavaScript's weird mistakes.
You quite often see people using the Array.prototype methods on objects that aren't Arrays; the ECMAScript Third Edition standard goes out of its way to say this is OK to do for the arguments array-like, but not that you may also do it on other array-likes that may be host objects, such as NodeList or HTMLCollection. Although you might get away with calling Array.prototype methods on a non-Array in many browsers today, the only place it is actually safe to do so is on arguments.
The returned value of a splice is an array of the elements that were removed,
but the original array (or array-like object), is truncated at the splice index.
Making a copy with slice preserves the original arguments array,
presumably for use later in the function.
In this case the same result can be had with args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1)
function handleArguments(){
var A= [].slice.call(arguments).splice(1);
//arguments is unchanged
var s= 'A='+A+'\narguments.length='+arguments.length;
var B= [].splice.call(arguments, 1);
// arguments now contains only the first parameter
s+= '\n\nB='+B+'\narguments.length='+arguments.length;
return s;
// test
alert(handleArguments(1, 2, 3, 4));
returned value:
//var A= [].slice.call(arguments).splice(1);
//var B= [].splice.call(arguments, 1);
I know it is used to make arguments a real Array, but I don‘t understand what happens when using Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);.
What happens under the hood is that when .slice() is called normally, this is an Array, and then it just iterates over that Array, and does its work.
How is this in the .slice() function an Array? Because when you do:
...the object automatically becomes the value of this in the method(). So with:
...the [1,2,3] Array is set as the value of this in .slice().
But what if you could substitute something else as the this value? As long as whatever you substitute has a numeric .length property, and a bunch of properties that are numeric indices, it should work. This type of object is often called an array-like object.
The .call() and .apply() methods let you manually set the value of this in a function. So if we set the value of this in .slice() to an array-like object, .slice() will just assume it's working with an Array, and will do its thing.
Take this plain object as an example.
var my_object = {
'0': 'zero',
'1': 'one',
'2': 'two',
'3': 'three',
'4': 'four',
length: 5
This is obviously not an Array, but if you can set it as the this value of .slice(), then it will just work, because it looks enough like an Array for .slice() to work properly.
var sliced = Array.prototype.slice.call( my_object, 3 );
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/wSvkv/
As you can see in the console, the result is what we expect:
So this is what happens when you set an arguments object as the this value of .slice(). Because arguments has a .length property and a bunch of numeric indices, .slice() just goes about its work as if it were working on a real Array.
The arguments object is not actually an instance of an Array, and does not have any of the Array methods. So, arguments.slice(...) will not work because the arguments object does not have the slice method.
Arrays do have this method, and because the arguments object is very similar to an array, the two are compatible. This means that we can use array methods with the arguments object. And since array methods were built with arrays in mind, they will return arrays rather than other argument objects.
So why use Array.prototype? The Array is the object which we create new arrays from (new Array()), and these new arrays are passed methods and properties, like slice. These methods are stored in the [Class].prototype object. So, for efficiency sake, instead of accessing the slice method by (new Array()).slice.call() or [].slice.call(), we just get it straight from the prototype. This is so we don't have to initialise a new array.
But why do we have to do this in the first place? Well, as you said, it converts an arguments object into an Array instance. The reason why we use slice, however, is more of a "hack" than anything. The slice method will take a, you guessed it, slice of an array and return that slice as a new array. Passing no arguments to it (besides the arguments object as its context) causes the slice method to take a complete chunk of the passed "array" (in this case, the arguments object) and return it as a new array.
Normally, calling
var b = a.slice();
will copy the array a into b. However, we can’t do
var a = arguments.slice();
because arguments doesn’t have slice as a method (it’s not a real array).
Array.prototype.slice is the slice function for arrays. .call runs this slice function, with the this value set to arguments.
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) is the old-fashioned way to convert an arguments into an array.
In ECMAScript 2015, you can use Array.from or the spread operator:
let args = Array.from(arguments);
let args = [...arguments];
First, you should read how function invocation works in JavaScript. I suspect that alone is enough to answer your question. But here's a summary of what is happening:
Array.prototype.slice extracts the slice method from Array's prototype. But calling it directly won't work, as it's a method (not a function) and therefore requires a context (a calling object, this), otherwise it would throw Uncaught TypeError: Array.prototype.slice called on null or undefined.
The call() method allows you to specify a method's context, basically making these two calls equivalent:
someObject.slice(1, 2);
slice.call(someObject, 1, 2);
Except the former requires the slice method to exist in someObject's prototype chain (as it does for Array), whereas the latter allows the context (someObject) to be manually passed to the method.
Also, the latter is short for:
var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
slice.call(someObject, 1, 2);
Which is the same as:
Array.prototype.slice.call(someObject, 1, 2);
// We can apply `slice` from `Array.prototype`:
Array.prototype.slice.call([]); //-> []
// Since `slice` is available on an array's prototype chain,
'slice' in []; //-> true
[].slice === Array.prototype.slice; //-> true
// … we can just invoke it directly:
[].slice(); //-> []
// `arguments` has no `slice` method
'slice' in arguments; //-> false
// … but we can apply it the same way:
Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); //-> […]
// In fact, though `slice` belongs to `Array.prototype`,
// it can operate on any array-like object:
Array.prototype.slice.call({0: 1, length: 1}); //-> [1]
Its because, as MDN notes
The arguments object is not an array. It is similar to an array, but
does not have any array properties except length. For example, it does
not have the pop method. However it can be converted to a real array:
Here we are calling slice on the native object Array and not on its implementation and thats why the extra .prototype
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
Dont forget, that a low-level basics of this behaviour is the type-casting that integrated in JS-engine entirely.
Slice just takes object (thanks to existing arguments.length property) and returns array-object casted after doing all operations on that.
The same logics you can test if you try to treat String-method with an INT-value:
String.prototype.bold.call(11); // returns "<b>11</b>"
And that explains statement above.
let res=[];
for(let i=start;i<end;i++){
return res;
when you do:
arguments becomes the value of this in slice ,and then slice returns an array
It uses the slice method arrays have and calls it with its this being the arguments object. This means it calls it as if you did arguments.slice() assuming arguments had such a method.
Creating a slice without any arguments will simply take all elements - so it simply copies the elements from arguments to an array.
Let's assume you have: function.apply(thisArg, argArray )
The apply method invokes a function, passing in the object that will be bound to this
and an optional array of arguments.
The slice() method selects a part of an array, and returns the new array.
So when you call Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments, [0]) the array slice method is invoked (bind) on arguments.
when .slice() is called normally, this is an Array, and then it just iterates over that Array, and does its work.
function func(){
console.log(arguments);//[1, 2, 3, 4]
//var arrArguments = arguments.slice();//Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
var arrArguments = [].slice.call(arguments);//cp array with explicity THIS
func(1,2,3,4)//[1, 2, 3, 4, "new"]
Maybe a bit late, but the answer to all of this mess is that call() is used in JS for inheritance.
If we compare this to Python or PHP, for example, call is used respectively as super().init() or parent::_construct().
This is an example of its usage that clarifies all:
function Teacher(first, last, age, gender, interests, subject) {
Person.call(this, first, last, age, gender, interests);
this.subject = subject;
Reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Objects/Inheritance
arguments: get all args data include Length .
slice : clone Array
call: Convert Object which include Length to Array
1. Convert arguments to Array
2. Clone Array arguments
function abc1(a,b,c){
function: function abc2(){
I am trying to create a function that mimics Array.prototype.push.
It takes a variable number of arguments and pushes them into a specific array.
I have managed to do this with the following code:
var array=[];
function append(){
for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++)
Now my question is:Can I rewrite the append function without using "for loop"?
Thanks in advance.
If you need to get arguments array, you should use Array's slice function on an arguments object, and it will convert it into a standard JavaScript array:
var array = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
You could use Array.prototype.push.apply
function append(){
// make arguments an array
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
// return the number of elements pushed in the array
return Array.prototype.push.apply(array, args);
So, what's happening here with args? We use Array.prototype.slice.call with arguments, the purpose being to make arguments an array, because it is a special object. Function.prototype.call is used to call a function with a specific context (aka this), and then the arguments to call the function with (comma separated). Conveniently, it appears that slice() looks at the length property of the this context, and arguments has one too, and when not empty, has properties from 0 to length -1, which allows slice to copy arguments in a new array.
You can rewrite this without a for loop, but you have to use a loop of some sort (you're working with multiple items, it's a necessity).
If you have access to ES6 or Babel, I would use something like:
function append(...args) {
return array.concat(args);
Without ES6, you need to work around the fact that arguments isn't a real array. You can still apply most of the array methods to it, by accessing them through the Array prototype. Converting arguments into an array is easy enough, then you can concat the two:
function append() {
var args = Array.prototype.map.call(arguments, function (it) {
return it;
return array.concat(args);
Bear in mind that neither of these will modify the global array, but will return a new array with the combined values that can be used on its own or assigned back to array. This is somewhat easier and more robust than trying to work with push, if you're willing to array = append(...).
Actually i honestly believe that push must be redefined for the functional JS since it's returning value is the length of the resulting array and it's most of the time useless. Such as when it's needed to push a value and pass an array as a parameter to a function you cant do it inline and things get messy. Instead i would like it to return a reference to the array it's called upon or even a new array from where i can get the length information anyway. My new push proposal would be as follows;
Array.prototype.push = function(...args) {
return args.reduce(function(p,c) {
p[p.length] = c;
return p
}, this)
It returns a perfect reference to the array it's called upon.
Looking for more details on what exactly is happening when following is executed:
function useArray(){
var args = [].slice.call(arguments)
How come slice being a function with 3 parameters (source array, start and end positions to copy) threats arguments correctly? Method call needs correct value of first argument as this but it seems arguments gets turned into Array object?
And why this doesn't work:
var args = [].slice(arguments)
We're using [].slice to get at the Array::slice method. arguments doesn't have a slice() of its own, but it is array-like.
Although it's a member of Array, slice() will work well enough on array-like objects -- things that have .length and can be indexed with [0..n].
slice() with no parameters returns a copy of the entire array. Its arguments are both optional.
So it's as if arguments had a slice() method, and we called arguments.slice() to get a copy of it (as an array).
[].slice(arguments) is just calling Array::slice() on an empty array, with arguments as the begin parameter, which makes no sense since begin (if present) should be a number.
I was looking at some snippets of code, and I found multiple elements calling a function over a node list with a forEach applied to an empty array.
For example I have something like:
[].forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll('a'), function(el) {
// whatever with the current node
but I can't understand how it works. Can anyone explain me the behaviour of the empty array in front of the forEach and how the call works?
[] is an array.
This array isn't used at all.
It's being put on the page, because using an array gives you access to array prototypes, like .forEach.
This is just faster than typing Array.prototype.forEach.call(...);
Next, forEach is a function which takes a function as an input...
[1,2,3].forEach(function (num) { console.log(num); });
...and for each element in this (where this is array-like, in that it has a length and you can access its parts like this[1]) it will pass three things:
the element in the array
the index of the element (third element would pass 2)
a reference to the array
Lastly, .call is a prototype which functions have (it's a function which gets called on other functions).
.call will take its first argument and replace this inside of the regular function with whatever you passed call, as the first argument (undefined or null will use window in everyday JS, or will be whatever you passed, if in "strict-mode"). The rest of the arguments will be passed to the original function.
[1, 2, 3].forEach.call(["a", "b", "c"], function (item, i, arr) {
console.log(i + ": " + item);
// 0: "a"
// 1: "b"
// 2: "c"
Therefore, you're creating a quick way to call the forEach function, and you're changing this from the empty array to a list of all <a> tags, and for each <a> in-order, you are calling the function provided.
Logical Conclusion / Cleanup
Below, there's a link to an article suggesting that we scrap attempts at functional programming, and stick to manual, inline looping, every time, because this solution is hack-ish and unsightly.
I'd say that while .forEach is less helpful than its counterparts, .map(transformer), .filter(predicate), .reduce(combiner, initialValue), it still serves purposes when all you really want to do is modify the outside world (not the array), n-times, while having access to either arr[i] or i.
So how do we deal with the disparity, as Motto is clearly a talented and knowledgeable guy, and I would like to imagine that I know what I'm doing/where I'm going (now and then... ...other times it's head-first learning)?
The answer is actually quite simple, and something Uncle Bob and Sir Crockford would both facepalm, due to the oversight:
clean it up.
function toArray (arrLike) { // or asArray(), or array(), or *whatever*
return [].slice.call(arrLike);
var checked = toArray(checkboxes).filter(isChecked);
Now, if you're questioning whether you need to do this, yourself, the answer may well be no...
This exact thing is done by... ...every(?) library with higher-order features these days.
If you're using lodash or underscore or even jQuery, they're all going to have a way of taking a set of elements, and performing an action n-times.
If you aren't using such a thing, then by all means, write your own.
lib.array = (arrLike, start, end) => [].slice.call(arrLike, start, end);
lib.extend = function (subject) {
var others = lib.array(arguments, 1);
return others.reduce(appendKeys, subject);
Update for ES6(ES2015) and Beyond
Not only is a slice( )/array( )/etc helper method going to make life easier for people who want to use lists just like they use arrays (as they should), but for the people who have the luxury of operating in ES6+ browsers of the relatively-near future, or of "transpiling" in Babel today, you have language features built in, which make this type of thing unnecessary.
function countArgs (...allArgs) {
return allArgs.length;
function logArgs (...allArgs) {
return allArgs.forEach(arg => console.log(arg));
function extend (subject, ...others) { /* return ... */ }
var nodeArray = [ ...nodeList1, ...nodeList2 ];
Super-clean, and very useful.
Look up the Rest and Spread operators; try them out at the BabelJS site; if your tech stack is in order, use them in production with Babel and a build step.
There's no good reason not to be able to use the transform from non-array into array... ...just don't make a mess of your code doing nothing but pasting that same ugly line, everywhere.
The querySelectorAll method returns a NodeList, which is similar to an array, but it's not quite an array. Therefore, it doesn't have a forEach method (which array objects inherit via Array.prototype).
Since a NodeList is similar to an array, array methods will actually work on it, so by using [].forEach.call you are invoking the Array.prototype.forEach method in the context of the NodeList, as if you had been able to simply do yourNodeList.forEach(/*...*/).
Note that the empty array literal is just a shortcut to the expanded version, which you will probably see quite often too:
The other answers have explained this code very well, so I'll just add a suggestion.
This is a good example of code that should be refactored for simplicity and clarity. Instead of using [].forEach.call() or Array.prototype.forEach.call() every time you do this, make a simple function out of it:
function forEach( list, callback ) {
Array.prototype.forEach.call( list, callback );
Now you can call this function instead of the more complicated and obscure code:
forEach( document.querySelectorAll('a'), function( el ) {
// whatever with the current node
It can be better written using
Array.prototype.forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll('a'), function(el) {
What is does is document.querySelectorAll('a') returns an object similar to an array, but it does not inherit from the Array type.
So we calls the forEach method from the Array.prototype object with the context as the value returned by document.querySelectorAll('a')
[].forEach.call( document.querySelectorAll('a'), function(el) {
// whatever with the current node
It is basically the same as:
var arr = document.querySelectorAll('a');
arr.forEach(function(el) {
// whatever with the current node
Want to update on this old question:
The reason to use [].foreach.call() to loop through elements in the modern browsers is mostly over. We can use document.querySelectorAll("a").foreach() directly.
NodeList objects are collections of nodes, usually returned by
properties such as Node.childNodes and methods such as
Although NodeList is not an Array, it is possible to iterate over it
with forEach(). It can also be converted to a real Array using
However, some older browsers have not implemented NodeList.forEach()
nor Array.from(). This can be circumvented by using
Array.prototype.forEach() — see this document's Example.
Lots of good info on this page (see answer+answer+comment), but I recently had the same question as the OP, and it took some digging to get the whole picture. So, here's a short version:
The goal is to use Array methods on an array-like NodeList that doesn't have those methods itself.
An older pattern co-opted Array's methods via Function.call(), and used an array literal ([]) rather than than Array.prototype because it was shorter to type:
[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('a'), a => {})
A newer pattern (post ECMAScript 2015) is to use Array.from():
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('a')).forEach(a => {})
An empty array has a property forEach in its prototype which is a Function object. (The empty array is just an easy way to obtain a reference to the forEach function that all Array objects have.) Function objects, in turn, have a call property which is also a function. When you invoke a Function's call function, it runs the function with the given arguments. The first argument becomes this in the called function.
You can find documentation for the call function here. Documentation for forEach is here.
Just add one line:
NodeList.prototype.forEach = HTMLCollection.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
And voila!
document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach(function(el) {
// whatever with the current node
Enjoy :—)
Warning: NodeList is a global class. Don't use this recomendation if you writing public library. However it's very convenient way for increasing self-efficacy when you work on website or node.js app.
Just a quick and dirty solution I always end up using. I wouldn't touch prototypes, just as good practice. Of course, there are a lot of ways to make this better, but you get the idea.
const forEach = (array, callback) => {
if (!array || !array.length || !callback) return
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
callback(array[i], i);
forEach(document.querySelectorAll('.a-class'), (item, index) => {
console.log(`Item: ${item}, index: ${index}`);
[] always returns a new array, it is equivalent to new Array() but is guaranteed to return an array because Array could be overwritten by the user whereas [] can not. So this is a safe way to get the prototype of Array, then as described, call is used to execute the function on the arraylike nodelist (this).
Calls a function with a given this value and arguments provided
individually. mdn
Norguard explained WHAT [].forEach.call() does and James Allardice WHY we do it: because querySelectorAll returns a NodeList that doesn't have a forEach method...
Unless you have modern browser like Chrome 51+, Firefox 50+, Opera 38, Safari 10.
If not you can add a Polyfill:
if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) {
NodeList.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) {
thisArg = thisArg || window;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
callback.call(thisArg, this[i], i, this);
let's say you have : const myList= document.querySelectorAll("p");
This will return an list/array of all in your HTML.
Now Array.prototype.forEach.call(myList, myCallback)
is equivalent to [].forEach.call(myList, myCallback)
where 'myCallback' is a callback function.
You are basically running the callback function on each element of myList.
Hope this helped you!
I don't know if there is any restriction, but it works.
I turned the nodeList into an iterator object using the spread operator and mapped it:
let _btns = document.querySelectorAll('.btn');
[..._btns].map(function(elem, i) {
elem.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
.btn {
padding: 5px;
background-color: darkred;
color: white;
<button class="btn">button 1</button>
<button class="btn">button 2</button>
In a question it was discussed on how jQuery and native JS would perform against each other.
While of course the vanilla solution performs a lot faster because it does not process the whole array I proposed the usage of Array.filter which I was pretty confident would be at least faster than $.grep.
Surprisingly after adding it to the test I was taught a lesson: Testsuite
Edgecases of course have a different outcome.
Anyone having an idea why $.grep is supposed to be over 3 times faster than the native method Arrray.filter?
Edit: I modified the test to use the filter shim from MDN and the results are pretty interesting:
Chrome: Even MDN shim is faster than the native method, jQuery way ahead
Firefox: shim a bit slower than native method, jQuery way ahead
and finally a result like i was hoping it to see in
Internet Explorer:
native method is the fastest, then jQuery, shim is slowest (perhaps this is just the result of IEs rather weak JS-engine...)
As found on this blog post (which also does the same kind of tests):
If you read the documentation for filter, you will see why it's so much slower.
It ignores deleted values and gaps in the array
It optionally sets the execution context of the predicate function
It prevents the predicate function from mutating the data
Section of the ECMAScript 5.1 spec defines Array.prototype.filter(callbackfn, thisArg) as follows:
callbackfn should be a function that accepts three arguments and
returns a value that is coercible to the Boolean value true or
false. filter calls callbackfn once for each element in the
array, in ascending order, and constructs a new array of all the
values for which callbackfn returns true. callbackfn is called
only for elements of the array which actually exist; it is not called
for missing elements of the array.
If a thisArg parameter is provided, it will be used as the this
value for each invocation of callbackfn. If it is not provided,
undefined is used instead.
callbackfn is called with three arguments: the value of the element,
the index of the element, and the object being traversed.
filter does not directly mutate the object on which it is called but
the object may be mutated by the calls to callbackfn.
The range of elements processed by filter is set before the first call
to callbackfn. Elements which are appended to the array after the
call to filter begins will not be visited by callbackfn. If existing
elements of the array are changed their value as passed to
callbackfn will be the value at the time filter visits them;
elements that are deleted after the call to filter begins and before
being visited are not visited.
That in itself is already a lot of work; a lot of steps that the ECMAScript engine needs to perform.
Then it goes on to say the following:
When the filter method is called with one or two arguments, the
following steps are taken:
Let O be the result of calling ToObject passing the this value as the
Let lenValue be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal
method of O with the argument length.
Let len be ToUint32(lenValue).
If IsCallable(callbackfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception. If
thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined. Let A
be a new array created as if by the expression new Array() where Array
is the standard built-in constructor with that name. Let k be 0. Let
to be 0. Repeat, while k < len Let Pk be ToString(k). Let kPresent be
the result of calling the [[HasProperty]] internal method of O with
argument Pk. If kPresent is true, then Let kValue be the result of
calling the [[Get]] internal method of O with argument Pk. Let
selected be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of
callbackfn with T as the this value and argument list containing
kValue, k, and O. If ToBoolean(selected) is true, then Call the
[[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of A with arguments
ToString(to), Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: kValue, [[Writable]]:
true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
Increase to by 1. Increase k by 1. Return A.
The length property of
the filter method is 1.
NOTE The filter function is intentionally generic; it does not require
that its this value be an Array object. Therefore it can be
transferred to other kinds of objects for use as a method. Whether the
filter function can be applied successfully to a host object is
Some things to note about this algorithm:
It prevents the predicate function from mutating the data
It optionally sets the execution context of the predicate function
It ignores deleted values and gaps in the array
In a lot of cases, none of these things are needed. So, when writing a filter method of your own, most of the time you wouldn’t even bother to perform these steps.
Every ES5.1-compliant JavaScript engine must conform to that algorithm, and must thus perform all those steps every time you use Array#filter.
It should be no surprise that any custom-written method that only performs a part of those steps will be faster :)
If you write your own filter function, chances are it’s not gonna be as complex as the above algorithm. Perhaps you won’t be converting the array to an object at all, as depending on the use case it may not be needed just to filter the array.
I found out something interesting. As explained by MarcoK, $.grep is just a simple implementation with a for loop. Filter is slower in most cases, so the implementation must be different. I think i found the answer:
function seak (e) { return e === 3; }
var array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0], i, before;
array[10000] = 20; // This makes it slow, $.grep now has to iterate 10000 times.
before = new Date();
// Perform natively a couple of times.
document.write('<div>took: ' + (new Date() - before) + '</div>'); // took: 8515 ms (8s)
before = new Date();
// Perform with JQuery a couple of times
$.grep(array, seak);
document.write('<div>took: ' + (new Date() - before) + '</div>'); // took: 51790 ms (51s)
The native 'filter' is much faster in this case. So i think it iterates the properties rather than the array index.
Now lets get back to 'big' problems ;).
Isn't your script wrong?
For array.filter you are doing the measurement 1000 times and present it by taken the sum divided by 1000
For JQuery.grep you are doing the measurement 1 time and present it by taken the sum divided by 1000.
That would mean your grep is actually 1000 times slower than the value you use for comparison.
Quick test in firefox gives:
Machine 1:
average filter - 3.864
average grep - 4.472
average filter - 1.086
average grep - 1.314
Quick test in chrome gives:
Machine 1:
average filter - 69.095
average grep - 34.077
average filter - 18.726
average grep - 9.163
Conclusion in firefox (50.0) is a lot faster for your code path, and filter is about 10-15% faster than jquery.grep.
Chrome is extremely slow for your code path, but grep seems to be 50% faster than array.filter here making it 900% slower than the firefox run.
TLDR; Grep is faster by a magnitude... (hint on why can be found here)
It looks to me like .filter forces it's this to Object, checks the
callback IsCallable and sets this in it as well as checking for
existence of property in each iteration whereas .grep assumes and
skips these steps, meaning there is slightly less going on.
Here is the script I used for testing:
function test(){
var array = [];
for(var i = 0; i<1000000; i++)
var filterResult = []
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
var stime = new Date();
var filter = array.filter(o => o == 99999);
filterResult.push(new Date() - stime);
var grepResult = [];
var stime = new Date();
var grep = $.grep(array,function(i,o){
return o == 99999;
grepResult.push(new Date() - stime);
$('p').text('average filter - '+(filterResult.reduce((pv,cv)=>{ return pv +cv},0)/1000))
$('div').text('average grep - '+(grepResult.reduce((pv,cv)=>{ return pv + cv},0)/1000))
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>