Best way to generate unique ids client-side (with Javascript) - javascript

I need to generate unique ids in the browser. Currently, I'm using this:
Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000001)
I'd like to use the current UNIX time ((new Date).getTime()), but I'm worried that if two clients generate ids at the exact same time, they wouldn't be unique.
Can I use the current UNIX time (I'd like to because that way ids would store more information)? If not, what's the best way to do this (maybe UNIX time + 2 random digits?)

you can create a GUID using the following links:
Create GUID / UUID in JavaScript?
This will maximise your chance of "uniqueness."
Alternatively, if it is a secure page, you can concatenate the date/time with the username to prevent multiple simultaneous generated values. provides RFC compliant UUIDs based on either timestamp or random #'s. Single-file with no dependencies, supports timestamp or random #-based UUIDs, uses native APIs for crypto-quality random numbers if available, plus other goodies.

In modern browser you can use crypto:
var array = new Uint32Array(1);

var c = 1;
function cuniq() {
var d = new Date(),
m = d.getMilliseconds() + "",
u = ++d + m + (++c === 10000 ? (c = 1) : c);
return u;

Here is my javascript code to generate guid. It does quick hex mapping and very efficient:
AuthenticationContext.prototype._guid = function () {
// RFC4122: The version 4 UUID is meant for generating UUIDs from truly-random or
// pseudo-random numbers.
// The algorithm is as follows:
// Set the two most significant bits (bits 6 and 7) of the
// clock_seq_hi_and_reserved to zero and one, respectively.
// Set the four most significant bits (bits 12 through 15) of the
// time_hi_and_version field to the 4-bit version number from
// Section 4.1.3. Version4
// Set all the other bits to randomly (or pseudo-randomly) chosen
// values.
// UUID = time-low "-" time-mid "-"time-high-and-version "-"clock-seq-reserved and low(2hexOctet)"-" node
// time-low = 4hexOctet
// time-mid = 2hexOctet
// time-high-and-version = 2hexOctet
// clock-seq-and-reserved = hexOctet:
// clock-seq-low = hexOctet
// node = 6hexOctet
// Format: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
// y could be 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011 since most significant two bits needs to be 10
// y values are 8, 9, A, B
var guidHolder = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx';
var hex = '0123456789abcdef';
var r = 0;
var guidResponse = "";
for (var i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
if (guidHolder[i] !== '-' && guidHolder[i] !== '4') {
// each x and y needs to be random
r = Math.random() * 16 | 0;
if (guidHolder[i] === 'x') {
guidResponse += hex[r];
} else if (guidHolder[i] === 'y') {
// clock-seq-and-reserved first hex is filtered and remaining hex values are random
r &= 0x3; // bit and with 0011 to set pos 2 to zero ?0??
r |= 0x8; // set pos 3 to 1 as 1???
guidResponse += hex[r];
} else {
guidResponse += guidHolder[i];
return guidResponse;

You can always run a test against existing IDs in the set to accept or reject the generated random number recursively.
for example:
const randomID = function(){
let id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000001) + new Date();
if (idObjectArray.contains(id)) {
} else {
This example assumes you would just be pushing the id into a 1D array, but you get the idea. There shouldn't be many collisions given the uniqueness of the random number with the date, so it should be efficient.

There are two ways to achieve this
js const id =
While this does not guarantee uniqueness (When you are creating multiple objects within 1ms), this will work on a practical level, since it is usually not long before the objects on the client are sent to a real server.
If you wanted to create multiple records withing 1ms, I suggest using the code below
const { randomBytes } = require("crypto");
// 32 Characters
const id = randomBytes(16).toString("hex");
It works similar to a uuid4 without needing to add an external library (Assuming you have access to NodeJs at some point)


Execution time with process.hrtime() return vastly different result

I'm having trouble explaining why my performance test return significantly different results on 2 different types of run.
Steps to reproduce issue:
Get the code from gist:
Run node practice1.generator
Run node practice1.performance-test
practice1.generator should generate a test-data.json file, and log some searching algorithm execution time into the console.
After that, practice1.performance-test reads from test-data.json, and perform the exact same evaluation function on that same data.
The output on my machine is consistently similar to this:
> node practice1.generator
Generate time: 9,307,061,368 nanoseconds
Total time using indexOf : 7,005,750 nanoseconds
Total time using for loop : 7,463,967 nanoseconds
Total time using binary search : 1,741,822 nanoseconds
Total time using interpolation search: 915,532 nanoseconds
> node practice1.performance-test
Total time using indexOf : 11,574,993 nanoseconds
Total time using for loop : 8,765,902 nanoseconds
Total time using binary search : 2,365,598 nanoseconds
Total time using interpolation search: 771,005 nanoseconds
Note the difference in execution time in the case of indexOf and binary search comparing to the other algorithms.
If I repeatedly run node practice1.generator or node practice1.performance-test, the result is quite consistent though.
Now this is so troubling, I can't find a way to figure out which result is credible, and why such differences occur. Is it caused by a difference between the generated test array vs JSON.parse-d test array; or is it caused by process.hrtime(); or is it some unknown reason I couldn't even fathom?
Update: I have traced the cause of the indexOf case to be because of JSON.parse. Inside practice1.generator, the tests array is the original generated array; while in practice1.performance-test the array is read from the json file and is probably different from the original array somehow.
If within practice1.generator I instead JSON.parse() a new array from the string:
var tests2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tests));
The execution time of indexOf is now consistent on both files.
> node practice1.generator
Generate time: 9,026,080,466 nanoseconds
Total time using indexOf : 11,016,420 nanoseconds
Total time using for loop : 8,534,540 nanoseconds
Total time using binary search : 1,586,780 nanoseconds
Total time using interpolation search: 742,460 nanoseconds
> node practice1.performance-test
Total time using indexOf : 11,423,556 nanoseconds
Total time using for loop : 8,509,602 nanoseconds
Total time using binary search : 2,303,099 nanoseconds
Total time using interpolation search: 718,723 nanoseconds
So at least I know indexOf run better on the original array and worse on a JSON.parse-d array. Still I only know the reason, no clue why.
The Binary search execution time remain different on 2 files, consistently taking ~1.7ms in practice1.generator (even when using a JSON.parse-d object) and ~2.3ms in practice1.performance-test.
Below is the same code as in the gist, provided for future reference purpose.
'use strict';
const performanceTest = function(tests){
var tindexOf = process.hrtime();
tests.forEach(testcase => {
var result = testcase.input.indexOf(;
if(result !== testcase.output) console.log("Errr", result, testcase.output);
tindexOf = process.hrtime(tindexOf);
var tmanual = process.hrtime();
tests.forEach(testcase => {
const arrLen = testcase.input.length;
var result = -1;
for(var i=0;i<arrLen;i++){
if(testcase.input[i] ==={
result = i;
if(result !== testcase.output) console.log("Errr", result, testcase.output);
tmanual = process.hrtime(tmanual);
var tbinary = process.hrtime();
tests.forEach(testcase => {
var max = testcase.input.length-1;
var min = 0;
var check, num;
var result = -1;
while(max => min){
check = Math.floor((max+min)/2);
num = testcase.input[check];
if(num ==={
result = check;
else if(num > max = check-1;
else min = check+1;
if(result !== testcase.output) console.log("Errr", result, testcase.output);
tbinary = process.hrtime(tbinary);
var tinterpolation = process.hrtime();
tests.forEach(testcase => {
var max = testcase.input.length-1;
var min = 0;
var result = -1;
var check, num;
while(max > min && >= testcase.input[min] && <= testcase.input[max]){
check = min + Math.round((max-min) * ( - testcase.input[min]) / (testcase.input[max]-testcase.input[min]));
num = testcase.input[check];
if(num ==={
result = check;
else if( > num) min = check + 1;
else max = check - 1;
if(result === -1 && testcase.input[max] == result = max;
if(result !== testcase.output) console.log("Errr", result, testcase.output);
tinterpolation = process.hrtime(tinterpolation);
console.log(`Total time using indexOf : ${(tindexOf[0] * 1e9 + tindexOf[1]).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")} nanoseconds`);
console.log(`Total time using for loop : ${(tmanual[0] * 1e9 + tmanual[1]).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")} nanoseconds`);
console.log(`Total time using binary search : ${(tbinary[0] * 1e9 + tbinary[1]).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")} nanoseconds`);
console.log(`Total time using interpolation search: ${(tinterpolation[0] * 1e9 + tinterpolation[1]).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")} nanoseconds`);
module.exports = { performanceTest }
'use strict';
const performanceUtil = require('./performance-utils');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const outputFilePath = path.join(__dirname, process.argv[3] || 'test-data.json');
const AMOUNT_TO_GENERATE = parseInt(process.argv[2] || 1000);
const ARRAY_LENGTH_MIN = 10000;
const ARRAY_LENGTH_MAX = 18000;
const MIN_NUMBER = -10000;
const MAX_NUMBER = 10000;
const candidates = Array.from(Array(MAX_NUMBER - MIN_NUMBER + 1), (item, index) => MIN_NUMBER + index);
function createNewTestcase(){
var input = candidates.slice();
const lengthToGenerate = Math.floor(Math.random()*(ARRAY_LENGTH_MAX - ARRAY_LENGTH_MIN + 1)) + ARRAY_LENGTH_MIN;
while(input.length > lengthToGenerate){
input.splice(Math.floor(Math.random()*input.length), 1);
const notfound = input.length === lengthToGenerate ?
input.splice(Math.floor(Math.random()*input.length), 1)[0] : MIN_NUMBER-1;
const output = Math.floor(Math.random()*(input.length+1)) - 1;
const target = output === -1 ? notfound : input[output];
return {
var tgen = process.hrtime();
var tests = [];
while(tests.length < AMOUNT_TO_GENERATE){
fs.writeFileSync(outputFilePath, JSON.stringify(tests));
var tgen = process.hrtime(tgen);
console.log(`Generate time: ${(tgen[0] * 1e9 + tgen[1]).toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",")} nanoseconds`);
'use strict';
const performanceUtil = require('./performance-utils');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const outputFilePath = path.join(__dirname, process.argv[2] || 'test-data.json');
var tests = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(outputFilePath));
As you have already noticed, the performance difference leads to the comparison: generated array vs JSON.parsed. What we have in both cases: same arrays with same numbers? So the look up performance must be the same? No.
Every Javascript engine has various data type structures for representing same values(numbers, objects, arrays, etc). In most cases optimizer tries to find out the best data type to use. And also often generates some additional meta information, like hidden clases or tags for arrays.
There are several very nice articles about the data types:
v8 performance tips
So why arrays created by JSON.parse are slow? The parser, when creating values, doesn't properly optimize the data structures, and as the result we get untagged arrays with boxed doubles. But we can optimize the arrays afterwards with Array.from and in your case, same as the generated arrays, you get smi arrays with smi numbers. Here is an example based on your sample.
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const outputFilePath = path.join(__dirname, process.argv[2] || 'test-data.json');
let tests = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(outputFilePath));
// for this demo we take only the first items array
var arrSlow = tests[0].input;
// `slice` copies array as-is
var arrSlow2 = tests[0].input.slice();
// array is copied and optimized
var arrFast = Array.from(tests[0].input);
console.log(%HasFastSmiElements(arrFast), %HasFastSmiElements(arrSlow), %HasFastSmiElements(arrSlow2));
//> true, false, false
console.log(%HasFastObjectElements(arrFast), %HasFastObjectElements(arrSlow), %HasFastObjectElements(arrSlow2));
//> false, true, true
console.log(%HasFastDoubleElements(arrFast), %HasFastDoubleElements(arrSlow), %HasFastDoubleElements(arrSlow2));
//> false, false, false
// small numbers and unboxed doubles in action
console.log(%HasFastDoubleElements([Math.pow(2, 31)]));
console.log(%HasFastSmiElements([Math.pow(2, 30)]));
Run it with node --allow-natives-syntax test.js
OK...first of all lets talk about testing strategy...
Running this tests several times gives incredible different results fluctuating a lot for each point... see results here
After test update (running 100 tests in a row and calculating average) I score that the main difference in execution times are:
the indexOf and for loops are working better in GENERATOR scenario
the binary search and interpolation search are working better in JSON-parse scenario
Please look at the google doc before...
OK.. Great... This thing is much more easier to explain... basicly we trapped into situation when RANDOM memory access(binary, interpolation search) and CONSECUTIVE memory access(indexOf, for) give different results
Hmmm. Lets go deeper inside the memory management model of NodeJS
First of all NodeJS has several array representations, I actually know only two - numberArray, objectArray(means array that can include value of any type)
Lets look at GENERATOR scenario:
During initial array creation NodeJS is ABLE to detect that your array contains only numbers, as array starting from only numbers, and nothing of other type is added to it. This results in using simple memory allocation strategy, just raw row of integers going one by one in memory...
Array is represented as array of raw numbers in memory, most likely only memory paging table has an effect here
This fact clearly explains why CONSECUTIVE memory access works better in this case.
Lets look at JSON-parse scenario:
During the JSON parsing structure of JSON is unpredictable(NodeJS uses a stream JSON parser(99.99% confidence)), every value is tracted as most cozy for JSON parsing, so...
Array is represented as array of references to the numbers in memory, just because while parsing JSON this solution is more productive in most cases (and nobody cares (devil) )
As far as we allocating memory in heap by small chunks memory gets filled in more fluid way
Also in this model RANDOM memory access gives better results, because NodeJS engine has no options - to optimize access time it creates good either prefix tree either hash map which gives constant access time in RANDOM memory access scenarios
And this is quite good explanation why JSON-parse scenario wins during binary, interpolation search

how to add numbers with an infinite number of digits using column addition?

I am trying to develop the addition program using column addition in javascript, For e.g: 53,22 , we add numbers from the right 3+2 and 5+2 finally results in 75, the main problem is with large numbers i am trying to develop a program which can implement addition of large that i don't get gibberish like 1.26E+9, when adding large numbers. i tried doing it by defining the code like below
function add(a,b)
return (Number(a) + Number(b)).toString();
console.log(add('58685486858601586', '8695758685'));
i am trying to get the added number without getting the gibberish like 5.8685496e+16
You can add them digit by digit.
function sumStrings(a, b) { // sum for any length
function carry(value, index) { // cash & carry
if (!value) { // no value no fun
return; // leave shop
this[index] = (this[index] || 0) + value; // add value
if (this[index] > 9) { // carry necessary?
carry.bind(this)(this[index] / 10 | 0, index + 1); // better know this & go on
this[index] %= 10; // remind me later
var array1 = a.split('').map(Number).reverse(), // split stuff and reverse
array2 = b.split('').map(Number).reverse(); // here as well
array1.forEach(carry, array2); // loop baby, shop every item
return array2.reverse().join(''); // return right ordered sum
document.write(sumStrings('58685486858601586', '8695758685') + '<br>');
document.write(sumStrings('999', '9') + '<br>');
document.write(sumStrings('9', '999') + '<br>');
document.write(sumStrings('1', '9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999') + '<br>');
I would keep all values as numbers until done with all the calculations. When ready to display just format the numbers in any way you want. For example you could use toLocaleString.
There are several libraries for that
A good rule of thumb is to make sure you do research for libraries before you actually go ahead and create you're own proprietary implementation of it. Found three different libraries that all solve your issue
This is how to use all three of the libraries, BigNumber coming from the bignumber.js library, Decimal from decimal.js and Big from big.js
var bn1 = new BigNumber('58685486858601586');
var bn2 = new BigNumber('8695758685');
bn1 = new Decimal('58685486858601586');
bn2 = new Decimal('8695758685');
bn1 = new Big('58685486858601586');
bn2 = new Big('8695758685');
The console's output is :

Convert 64 bit Steam ID to 32 bit account ID

How do I convert a 64 bit steam ID to a 32 bit account ID? Steam says to take the first 32 bits of the number, but how do you do this in Node?
Do I need to use BigNumber to store the 64 bit int?
To convert a 64 bit Steam ID to a 32 bit Account ID, you can just subtract 76561197960265728 from the 64 bit id.
This requires bigNumber in node:
bignumber = require("bignumber.js");
I had the same issue but didn't want to use any library like bignumber.js as my project was quite small and will be used in a web browser. In the end I came up with this elegant solution:
function steamID64toSteamID32 (steamID64) {
return Number(steamID64.substr(-16,16)) - 6561197960265728
How it works:
To get the lower 32 bits we need to convert the SteamID64 string to a number, but because JavaScript has a precision limit of 57 bits the SteamID64 will be erroneously rounded. The workaround is to truncate the leftmost digits to get a 16 digit number, which uses at most 54 bits and will therefore retain its precision in Javascript. This is acceptable because the leftmost digits comes from the higher 32 bits which will be zeroed anyway, so nothing of value will be lost.
To zero the remaining higher bits we subtract the decimal number they're representing. If we assume that every SteamID64 we're converting to be in the public universe this decimal number will be constant and can be computed like this:
1. 0b00000001000100000000000000000001 0b00000000000000000000000000000000 = 76561197960265728
2. Number('76561197960265728'.substr(-16,16)) = 6561197960265728
Here's what I came up with. I started learning JavaScript yesterday (coming from a C++ background, not very accustomed to working without types), so correct me if I did something derpy with the language. I tested it with my own steam ID and it seems to work.
// NOTE: Functions can take in a steamID in its packed 64-bit form
// (community ID starting with 765), its modern form with or without
// either or both brackets, and its legacy form. SteamID's that
// contain letters (e.g. STEAM_0... or [U:1...) are not case-sensitive.
// Dependencies: BigInteger library, available from
// Global variable used by all conversion functions
var STEAM_BASELINE = '76561197960265728';
// IN: String containing a steamID in any of the 3 formats
// OUT: String containing the steamID as a community ID (64-bit packed ID)
function ConvertToPacked(inputID)
var output = "unknown";
// From packed
if(inputID.match(/^765/) && inputID.length > 15)
output = inputID;
// From modern
else if(inputID.match(/^\[U:1:/i) || inputID.match(/^U:1:/i))
var numericPortion = inputID.replace(/^\[U:1:|^U:1:/i,'').replace(/\]/,'');
output = BigInteger.add(numericPortion, STEAM_BASELINE).toString();
// From legacy
else if(inputID.match(/^STEAM_0:[0-1]:/i))
var splitID = inputID.split(":");
var product = BigInteger.multiply(splitID[2],2);
var sum = BigInteger.add(product, STEAM_BASELINE);
output = BigInteger.add(sum, splitID[1]).toString();
return output;
// IN: String containing a steamID in any of the 3 formats
// OUT: String containing the steamID in the modern format (e.g. [U:1:123456])
function ConvertToModern(inputID)
var output = "unknown";
// From packed
if(inputID.match(/^765/) && inputID.length > 15)
output = "[U:1:" + BigInteger.subtract(inputID, STEAM_BASELINE).toString() + "]";
// From modern
else if(inputID.match(/^\[U:1:/i) || inputID.match(/^U:1:/i))
var numericPortion = inputID.replace(/^\[U:1:|^U:1:/i,'').replace(/\]/,'');
output = "[U:1:" + numericPortion + "]";
// From legacy
else if(inputID.match(/^STEAM_0:[0-1]:/i))
var splitID = inputID.split(":");
var numeric = BigInteger.add(BigInteger.multiply(splitID[2],2), splitID[1]);
output = "[U:1:" + numeric.toString() + "]";
return output;
// IN: String containing a steamID in any of the 3 formats
// OUT: String containing the steamID in the legacy format (e.g. STEAM_0:0:123456)
function ConvertToLegacy(inputID)
var output = "unknown"
// From packed
if(inputID.match(/^765/) && inputID.length > 15)
var z = BigInteger.divide(BigInteger.subtract(inputID, STEAM_BASELINE), 2);
var y = BigInteger.remainder(inputID, 2);
output = 'STEAM_0:' + y.toString() + ':' + z.toString();
// From modern
else if(inputID.match(/^\[U:1:/i) || inputID.match(/^U:1:/i))
var numericPortion = inputID.replace(/^\[U:1:|^U:1:/i,'').replace(/\]/,'');
var z = BigInteger.divide(numericPortion, 2);
var y = BigInteger.remainder(numericPortion, 2);
output = 'STEAM_0:' + y.toString() + ':' + z.toString();
// From legacy
else if(inputID.match(/^STEAM_0:[0-1]:/i))
output = inputID.toUpperCase();
return output;

Generating a unique ID in Javascript

I want to implement a saving system similar to Imgur where if a user presses a button a unique 5 character value is returned. Here is what I have so far:
The database backend uses auto-incrementing ID's starting at 5308416. I use a modified Radix function (see below) to convert these numerical ID's into characters. I use a reverse function to lookup character ID's back to numerical database ID's.
function genID (value)
var alphabet = "23456789BCDFGHJKLMNPRSTVWXYZbcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyz";
var result = "";
var length = alphabet.length;
while (value > 0)
result = alphabet[value % length] + result;
value = Math.floor (value / length);
return result;
The problem is that these generated ID's are very much predictable. My question is, how can I make the generated ID's seem random but still unique (so I can look them up in the database as numbers). I was thinking of using some encryption algorithm but not sure where to start. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated (maybe there is a better way of doing this also).
Do you have to be able to go both ways (i.e. convert an integer to it's hash and back again)? If you can store the hash and lookup the content that way, then it's relatively easy to create a function that produces a hard-to-guess, but complete hash space. You use primes to generate a sequence that only repeats once all possible permutations are exhausted.
The following PHP example is from my own code, adapted from this site:
function hash($len = 6) {
$base = 36;
$gp = array(1,23,809,28837,1038073,37370257 /*,1345328833*/);
$maxlen = count($gp);
$len = $len > ($maxlen-1) ? ($maxlen-1) : $len;
while($len < $maxlen && pow($base,$len) < $this->ID) $len++;
if($len >= $maxlen) throw new Exception($this->ID." out of range (max ".pow($base,$maxlen-1).")");
$ceil = pow($base,$len);
$prime = $gp[$len];
$dechash = ($this->ID * $prime) % $ceil;
$hash = base_convert($dechash, 10, $base);
return str_pad($hash, $len, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
It would be easy enough to implement that in JavaScript, but ideally you wouldn't need too - you'd have an insert trigger on your table that populated a hash field with the result of that algorithm (adapted for SQL, of course).
A non-predictable, but unique ID can be made by combining your server-side auto-incrementing number with either a current date/time nugget or with a random number. The server-side auto-incrementing number guarantees uniqueness and the date/time nugget or random number removes the predictability.
For a unique ID in string form that takes the server-side unique number as input and where you add the date/time nugget on the client you can do this:
function genID(serverNum) {
return(serverNum + "" + (new Date).getTime());
Or using a random number:
function genID(serverNum) {
return(serverNum + "" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000));
But, it might be best to add the date/time element on the server and just store that whole unique ID in the database there.

Split an IP address into Octets, then do some math on each of the Octets

I actually have this working, but its very ugly, and its keeping me awake at night trying to come up with an eloquent piece of code to accomplish it.
I need to take a series of strings representing IP Ranges and determine how many actual IP address that string would represent. My approach has been to split that into 4 octets, then attempt to split each octet and do the math from there.
e.g.: represents,, and, thus I want to get the answer of 3 from this range.
To further complicate it, the string I'm starting with can be a list of such ranges from a text box, separated by newlines, so I need to look at each line individually, get the count of represented IP address, and finally, how many of the submitted ranges have this condition. /* Represents 3 actual IP Addresses, need to know "3" */
2.2.3-10.255 /* Represents 8 actual IP Addresses, need to know "8" */ /* No ranges specified, skip this /* No ranges specified, skip this
Net result is that I want to know is that 2 lines contained a "range", which represent 8 IP addresses (3+8)
Any eloquent solutions would be appreciated by my sleep schedule. :
There you go:
var ips = ["", "2.3.4-6.7", ""];
for(var i=0; i<ips.length; i++) {
var num = 1;
var ip = ips[i];
var parts = ip.split('.');
for(var j=0; j<parts.length; j++) {
var part = parts[j];
if(/-/.test(part)) {
var range = part.split('-');
num *= parseInt(range[1]) - parseInt(range[0]) + 1;
alert(ip + " has " + num + " ips.");
This code also handles ranges like 1.2.3-4.0-255 correctly (i.e. 256*2=512 ips in that range). The list items that have no ranges yield a total of 1 ips, and you can ignore them based on the resulting num if you don't need them.
You'll probably need to slightly modify my example, but I'm confident you won't have any trouble in doing so.
Ok, this is how I would do it
var addr = '1.1.3-10.4-6';
function getNumAddresses(input) {
var chunks = input.split('.');
var result = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (chunks[i].indexOf('-') != -1) {
var range = chunks[i].split('-');
result *= parseInt(range[1]) - parseInt(range[0]) + 1;
return result;
