Internet Explorer 7 - Javascript 'undefined' not testing - javascript

I'm having trouble with some JS in IE7. I'm testing to see if a certain object has a className (its possibly an HTMLElement object from the DOM) assigned.
Now, testing the page in Firefox tells me that Yes, the variable is undefined (all my tests below do the Alert().
In IE, none of the tests pass, the variable gets assigned on the last IF statement, and during the last Alert() IE chucks an "className is null or not an object" error, based on the fn_note.className statement.
Here's the code:
var fn_note;
var kids = area.childNodes;
for (var l = 0; l < kids.length; l++){
//DEBUG check if the found var exists
if (kids[l].className == null){
//then the className var doens't exist
alert ('the classsname for the following var is null: --'+kids[l]+'--');
if (kids[l].className == undefined){
//then the className var doens't exist
alert ('the classsname for the following var is undefined: --'+kids[l]+'--');
if (kids[l].className == ''){
//then the className var doens't exist
alert ('the classsname for the following var is an empty string: --'+kids[l]+'--');
if (typeof kids[l].className === 'undefined'){
//then the className var doens't exist
alert ('the classsname for the following var is NEW TYPEOF TEST: --'+kids[l]+'--');
if (kids[l].className == 'fn-note') { /* (/fn-note$/).test(kids[l].className) IE doesn't really like regex. por supuesto */
//we have found the div we want to hide
fn_note = kids[l];
alert('the clicked on className is '+area.className+'name of the found div is '+fn_note.className);
Please let me know what I am doing wrong. I know its probably something basic but I just can't see it ATM.
Thanks in advance.

I think that what you get from the property is not a string, but an object of the type 'undefined'. Try this:
if (typeof(kids[l].className) == 'undefined') {

As far as I can see the only thing you really want to know is if there's a childNode with className 'fn-note' in the childNodes collection. So do a somewhat more rigourous test:
for (var l = 0; l < kids.length; l++){
if (kids[l]
&& kids[l].className
&& kids[l].className.match(/fn\-note$/i)) {
fn_note = kids[l];
This should be sufficient (do mind escaping the dash in the regexp).


jQuery returns object with length attribute undefined

I was checking if some elements exist with:
if ($(selector).length > 0){
However, sometimes the returned object (even if the element exists in the DOM and has returned) does not have the length attribute so this never evaluates to true.
This error appears in chrome.
Do you have any idea what the problem might be?
I use this code:
var variable;
for(let elem in selectors){
if($(elem).length > 0){
variable = true;
variable = false;
Given a list of selectors, variable is true if at least one of the selectors exists. This is inside a google chrome extension's content script. After this code runs in the plugin I get the same problem even in the console of google chrome.
This code does not create a problem:
var variable;
if($(elem).length > 0){
variable = true;
variable = false;
It seams that the problem is the for loop or/and the break; statement. However, a for loop is needed to make this code work for a list of selectors and not just for one.
It seams that the document.querySelectorAll() does not create the same problem and works as expected. So I used this one instead of the $(). If you only want to check if an element exists it is working just fine.
So this code always returns true if at least one of the selectors exists in the web page:
function exists(selectors){
var selectorExists = false;
for(let i=0; i < selectors.length; i++){
let element = document.querySelectorAll(selectors[i]);
if(element.length > 0){
selectorExists = true;
return selectorExists;
If this is because html is not loaded then we can use timeout
now what i understood from code is you are using for loop for selectors so selectors should come as array not the element within it (elem here) is not array so how elem will have length??
if ($(selector).length > 0){
for(let elem in selectors){
variable = true;
variable = false;

JQuery is(":focus")

It seems that for some reason, I cannot perform:
It tells me - TypeError: undefined is not a function.
What I am trying to do is grab a few elements with jquery, scan through them, and find which one is focused (so that I can focus the next element in the array programmatically).
var fields = $(".textField");
var selected = false;
for(var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++){
var field = fields[j];
}else if(':focus') && !selected ){
selected = true;
It all works fine until':focus') Why won't this work?
When you index into the jQuery object with the [ ] operator, you extract the underlying component of the list of matched elements. That component will be a DOM node, and it won't have a .is() method.
If you coded it like
you'd be working with a jQuery object, and you wouldn't have the problem.

JavaScript...Cannot call method match of undefined

I'm getting this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'match' of undefined in my JavaScript. I'm trying to write this without jQuery since it'll be the only js on the site.
My code is supposed to add a class, "active", to the <a href="...> in the navigation that links to the current page.
I'm guessing it might be the contentLoaded function?....source
Here's my code...(error occurs on line 9)...fiddle
(function(window, document, undefined) { contentLoaded(window, function() {
var page = document.location.pathname.match(/[A-z]+$/)[0],
nav_anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('header')[0]
for(i in nav_anchors)
if(nav_anchors[i].href.match(/[A-z]+$/)[0] = page) //LINE 9 <-- Error
})(this, this.document)
NodeLists have length, item and namedItem properties.
Use for (var i = 0; i < foo.length; i++) not for i in foo to iterate over them and only hit the nodes.
(function(window, document, undefined) { contentLoaded(window, function() {
var page = document.location.pathname.match(/[A-z]+$/)[0],
nav_anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('header')[0]
for(var i=0;i<nav_anchors.length;i++)
if(typeof nav_anchors[i].href != "undefined" && nav_anchors[i].href.match(/[A-z]+$/)[0] == page)
})(this, this.document)
Added a check if the href of the anchor is set, in case you have page anchors without href attributes (Such as <a name="top"> called using #top). Added a second = in the IF for it to work as exepected. And corrected the for syntax.
if(nav_anchors[i].href.match(/[A-z]+$/)[0] = page) //LINE 9 <-- Error
In javaScript the equals sign = is an assignment operator. You probably mean double equals == where you can check values without type coercion (5 == "5") or triple equals === for strong typed checks (where 5 !== "5").
Sometimes document.location.pathname.match(/[A-z]+$/) can be null. If you try to use document.location.pathname.match(/[A-z]+$/)[0] you can not access the 0 Element of null.

JS in indesign. autotag error

I'm trying to apply tags to all the EPS files in the document.
My code:
#target indesign
var allItems=app.activeDocument.pageItems.everyItem().getElements().slice(0);
for(var i=0;i<allItems.length;i++)
var allInnerItems = allItems[i].allPageItems;
for(var j=0;j<allInnerItems.length;i++)
(allInnerItems[j].toString() == "[object EPS]") ?
allInnerItems[j].parent.autoTag() : alert('false');
The code finds all EPS and applies to their Rectangle objects AutoTag method. But I was given the error: "The object or the parent story is already tagged or cannot be taged". Besides if i choose some rectangle object with EPS and click the function "AutoTag" in user interface, it will work.
Maybe somebody knows, what should I do?
Thanks in advance!
I think this should work for what you are trying to do.
In the inner loop you forgot to change i++ to j++.
Also, you don't have to get the string value of an object to test against it (ie. .toString() == "[object EPS]"), you can just ask for its constructor.
Finally, if you don't want any more errors for elements that are already tagged, you can add a condition to your if statement that tests whether or not the pageItem has an associatedXMLElement before attempting to autoTag() it.
var allItems = app.activeDocument.pageItems.everyItem().getElements();
for(var i=0; i<allItems.length; i++)
var allInnerItems = allItems[i].allPageItems;
for(var j=0;j<allInnerItems.length; j++)
var item = allInnerItems[j];
if (item.constructor == EPS && !item.parent.associatedXMLElement) {
} else {

javascript error in ie7

I am getting a javascript error on a page with this code.The error is "parentNode is null or not and object"
The error is in this line: theParent.parentNode.removeChild(theParent);
Is there some other code I can use to replace this or jquery that
will work instead?
var path = location.pathname;
if( path == "/SearchResults.asp"
|| path == "/ProductDetails.asp"
|| path.indexOf("-s/") != -1
|| path.indexOf("_s/") != -1
|| path.indexOf("_p/") != -1
|| path.indexOf("-p/") != -1 ) {
var links = document.getElementById("content_area")
var homeLink;
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if (links[i].innerHTML.match("Home")) {
homeLink = links[i];
var theParent = homeLink.parentNode;
It seems strange that you'd get "parentNode is null or not and object" with:
var theParent = homeLink.parentNode;
If anything, it would simply set theParent to null and continue on. Or, homeLink would need to be the cause of the error, which is not what IE is complaining about.
However, the next line...
...I could see throwing the error mentioned if parentNode was null, since null cannot have methods, such as removeChild.
You can try revising the line to something like the following to get an idea of success rate:
if (theParent.parentNode == null) // == for null or undefined by coercion
throw new Error('Node could not be removed as parentNode is unknown.');
Or, leave out the else and throw to let it fail silently.
if (theParent) { theParent.parentNode.removeChild(theParent); }
Since, it looks like you may not be finding the innerHTML, "Home" or not creating theParent for some other reason.
The HTML would help, just to make sure Home exists and that it has a grand parent.
It seems your loop may not be finding a link with the text Home. Have you tried checking if homeLink is null?
Looks like either homeLink is null or the parentNode is null. Can you run it in firefox + firebug and set breakpoints?
