I would like to consume my Axis2 webservice through a JavaScript client.
You need a javascript SOAP client line jQuery SOAP plugin.
If you have access to the Web Service code, you could modify it to use JSON instead of SOAP.
I have a static page that does not use any server-side scripting and would like to grab the date a file was last modified (or created) with an ajax request using javascript or jquery. Is this possible?
Nope. In order to access the file on a server, you need some sort of server-side scripting
If you are trying to grab the information for a file hosted with some third-party service and you have access to their API, then you can send them an ajax request. Of course this is assuming their API allows you to request that information on a file.
Is there any method of calling a SOAP Service with the URL :
How can I invoke and get the values from the client using javascript?
You shouldnt call soap service directly from js because soap is not limited to http communication and there is no good support for soap in JavaScript.
It is better to use intermediate layer which is more capable in terms of soap communication. For example you can call from JavaScript your asp.net mvc application using ajax and then call soap service from asp.net mvc app using wcf. Instead of asp.net mvc you can use any other server side technology and soap communication library. JavaScript is good for ajax/json communication but not for soap.
JavaScript doesn't have a SOAP library out of the box, though you can google around and find them, The web services still need to be on the origin server.
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As the title suggests, I'm trying to figure out how to call a soap service using JavaScript. The SOAP Service is being run on Tomcat on my local machine. Along with accessing the SOAP service, I can also download/access/read the WSDL very easily.
I've been hitting my head against the wall for days now with this problem. While researching, I'm come across short examples, but none are comprehensive and detail how to accomplish this from start to end. That, or I've found a solution but it only works for IE or Mozilla.
Any ideas how to call a SOAP web service using Javascript (on major browsers)? Thanks!
(PS: I'm also using jquery. So if you want to accomplish this using some slick jquery tool, please feel free to suggest it)
SOAP is just XML so it should be possible to do this, however I'm not aware of any existing SOAP Clients written in JS
A more common method would probably be:
JavaScript initiates an XHR object which calls to a server-side AJAX helper using either GET/POST parameters, or a JSON encoded object
AJAX helper makes the call to either a Database or Web Service, as appropriate, and outputs required data object(s) as either JSON or XML
JavaScript parses response body (JSON or XML) and takes required action using specified data.
This has a couple of advantages over trying to call WebServices directly from JavaScript:
SOAP XML can be quite complex, which means more data to transfer to and from the client, which may be a slow connection. JSON in particular, but also an XML schema that just has the required data would be a much more economical on data usage
If the WebService requires any kind of authentication the authentication details will be exposed to all visitors.
Web Services are generally used for to standardise communications between separate systems, rather than for communication between the front and back end components of the same Application/Site.
I have asp page that need to access a client resource. Can I put the client code in a Windows Service and install it on client machine and call that service in asp JavaScript page?
Are you asking if it's possible to call a WCF service using Javascript? Obviously the answer is yes, any book on WCF will show you how.
I'd like to send a JSON rpc to a remote web-server. The client-side of my application must be completely javascript. The choice of the client library should be independant from the json-rpc implementation on the server-side. I don't need json-over-http. Simple json objects over tcp/ip is enough for my use-case.
You could try jsolait. AFAIR it has support for JsonRPC 1.0 over sockets.
Since you are connecting to a remote web server, you will have to use HTTP.
You can use XMLHttpRequest for this from Javascript or you can use a library such as jquery that packages it up in an easier to use API. Many Javascript libraries support this functionality.
I would use Ajax with jQuery. Dead simple.
JQuery Post Documention