Partial Javascript Statements Logged To Server - javascript

I have some code that generates URLs to be used in various places across a site (image src, link hrefs, etc). I am seeing lines in the access logs which show some of the javascript code that generates the URLs masquerading as a file request.
For example, "/this.getIconSrc()" is one that I'm seeing quite a bit. I can't figure out how or why this is occurring and I can't manage to reproduce it without actually entering "" into the location bar. In most cases, these functions are chained together to generate a URL but the whole function chain does not appear in the server logs, just part of it.
I've probably invested around 30 hours trying to figure out why this is happening but cannot. It doesn't appear to be a browser issue as I've tried in IE 6/7, FF 2/3, Opera, Safari 3, and the problem does not occur. Has anyone else experienced something similar and, if so, what was the solution?

There's three possibilities really:
A bug in your HTML - malformed HTML causing onclick to leak into href, for example
A bug in your Javascript - myIcon.src = 'this.getIconSrc()'; - note the quotes that shouldn't be there
A poorly-written spider is hitting your site (like #Diodeus said: ___)
Check the User Agent and Referrer in your logs - they may offer a clue.

Are you generating JavaScript calls like this? This may explain it.

#RoBorg... I'm thinking the most likely scenario is #3 since this particular function is actually only called in one place...
function whatever(){
var src = this.getIconSrc();
return src.replace( /((?:https?:\/\/)?(?:[^\/]+\/)*)[^\/]+/, '$1newimage.png' );


jQuery on MTurk, why does Chrome report "Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL"?

I'm doing a couple of things with jQuery in an MTurk HIT, and I'm guessing one of these is the culprit. I have no need to access the surrounding document from the iframe, so if I am, I'd like to know where that's happening and how to stop it!
Otherwise, MTurk may be doing something incorrect (they use the 5-character token & to separate URL arguments in the iframe URL, for example, so they DEFINITELY do incorrect things).
Here are the snippets that might be causing the problem. All of this is from within an iframe that's embedded in the MTurk HIT** (and related) page(s):
I'm embedding my JS in a $(window).load(). As I understand it, I need to use this instead of $(document).ready() because the latter won't wait for my iframe to load. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm also running a RegExp.exec on window.location.href to extract the workerId.
I apologize in advance if this is a duplicate. Indeed - after writing this, SO seems to have a made a good guess at this: Debugging "unsafe javascript attempt to access frame with URL ... ". I'll answer this question if I figure it out before you do.
It'd be great to get a good high-level reference on where to learn about this kind of thing. It doesn't fit naturally into any topic that I know - maybe learn about cross-site scripting so I can avoid it?
** If you don't know, an MTurk HIT is the unit of work for folks doing tasks on MTurk. You can see what they look like pretty quick if you navigate to and view a HIT.
I've traced the code to the following chunk run within jquery from the inject.js file:
try {
isHiddenIFrame = !isTopWindow && window.frameElement && === "none";
} catch(e) {}
I had a similar issue running jQuery in MechanicalTurk through Chrome.
The solution for me was to download the jQuery JS files I wanted, then upload them to the secure amazon S3 service.
Then, in my HIT, I called the .js files at their new home at
Tips on how to make code 'secure' by chrome's standards are here:
This isn't a direct answer to your question, but our lab has been successful at circumventing (read hack) this problem by asking workers click on a button inside the iframe that opens a separate pop-up window. Within the pop-up window, you're free to use jQuery and any other standard JS resources you want without triggering any of AMT's security alarms. This method has the added benefit of allowing workers to view your task in a full-sized browser window instead of AMT's tiny embedded iframes.

Define custom function in Firebug

I am a chronic user of Firebug, and I frequently need to log various stuff so that I can see what I am doing. The console.log function is a lot to type. Even if I assign it to a single letter variable like q = console.log, I have to do it every time I fire up Firebug. Is there any way to do it such that q always refer to console.log (unless, of course, I override it in my session)?
To answer your question, the functionality doesn't currently exist, however I have found the firebug developers to be very responsive in the past. Why don't you put in a feature request on their forum, or better yet, code it up yourself, and ask them to add it?
Depending on your IDE, simply setup a code snippet (I use Flash Develop, so Tools -> Code Snippets).
I believe this to be a better way than setting up redirect scripts and what not, because it stops the Firebug namespace from being polluted, and makes it easier/more consistent to debug if your debugging breaks down.
The screenshot shows me using Flash Develop, hitting Ctrl+B, then hit enter. The pipe (|) in the snippet indicates where the cursor will be placed to start typing after inserting the snippet.

Programatically retrieve count of javascript errors on page

I'd like to write a test case (using Selenium, but not the point of this question) to validate that my web application has no script errors\warnings or unhanded exceptions at certain points in time (like after initializing a major library).
This information can easily be seen in the debug consoles of most browsers. Is it possible to execute a javascript statement to get this information programatically?
It's okay if it's different for each browser, I can deal with that.
not so far read about your issue (as far as I understood your problem) here
The idea be the following:
I found, however, that I was often getting JavaScript errors when the page first loaded (because I was working on the JS and was introducing errors), so I was looking for a quick way to add an assert to my test to check whether any JS errors occurred. After some Googling I came to the conclusion that there is nothing built into Selenium to support this, but there are a number of hacks that can be used to accomplish it. I'm going to describe one of them here. Let me state again, for the record, that this is pretty hacky. I'd love to hear from others who may have better solutions.
I simply add a script to my page that will catch any JS errors by intercepting the window.onerror event:
<script type="text/javascript">
This will cause an attribute called JSError with a value corresponding to the JavaScript error message to be added to the body tag of my document if a JavaScript error occurs. Note that I'm using jQuery to do this, so this specific example won't work if jQuery fails to load. Then, in my Selenium test, I just use the command assertElementNotPresent with a target of //body[#JSError]. Now, if any JavaScript errors occur on the page my test will fail and I'll know I have to address them first. If, for some strange reason, I want to check for a particular JavaScript error, I could use the assertElementPresent command with a target of //body[#JSError='the error message'].
Hope this fresh idea helps you :)
try {
} catch(exception) {
//send ajax request: exception.message, exception.stack, etc.
More info - MDN Documentation

Prevent Javascript from Stopping when Error is Encountered

Our product inserts a script into client's websites, kind of like a live chat box.
Often, clients' websites have buggy javascript that also stops our code (the browser stops execution when errors are encountered). Is there any way to make our code still execute even though there are errors in the console about things like undefined methods or variables?
Thanks for your help.
The short answer is that you really can't.
"Solution" #1: You could insist that YOUR 3rd party code run before anyone else's. In most cases, this isn't possible or even desirable.
"Solution" #2: You could insist that the 1st party engineers wrap all 3rd party code in try/catch blocks. But, this solution really doesn't buy you any guarantee, because very frequently 3rd party libraries attach additional <script> tags to the page - these would not fall under the "jurisdiction" of the try/catch scope enclosing the code which created this/these tag(s).
"Solution" #3: You could build YOUR app entirely within the scope of an <iframe>, thereby avoiding the issue entirely. Unfortunately, even if you're very smart, you'll quickly run into cross domain violations, 3rd party cookie restrictions, and the like. It's very probable that this will not work for you.
"Solution" #4: You could explain the issue to your client, and have them demand that the other 3rd party code run cleanly. I say this is a "solution" because, frankly, it's not a "solution" to your question if your question is how to avoid doing exactly this.
Unfortunately, option #4 is your best bet. It may help if you observe other 3rd party libraries "breaking" in the same fashion: you can tell your client "hey, it's not just me - X, Y, and Z are all also 'broken' because of <name of other 3rd party library>." It may cause them to put the heat on the offending code, which makes the web a happier place for all involved.
As others have said, continuing after an error might not be the best thing to do but you can try this:
function ignoreerror()
return true
More details here
The onerror event fires whenever an JavaScript error occurs (depending
on your browser configuration, you may see an error dialog pop up).
The onerror event is attached to the window object, a rather unusual
place to take refuge in, but for good reason. It is attached this way
so it can monitor all JavaScript errors on a page, even those in the
section of the page.
Opera has a page with more details
Browsers supporting window.onerror
Chrome 13+
Firefox 6.0+
Internet Explorer 5.5+
Opera 11.60+
Safari 5.1+
You can't from your code - they need to use try/catch for questionable pieces of script.
You could have them insert an iframe into their page instead of you trying to inject code using a script tag like so: Notice how the script throws an error yet we can still see the content in the iframe. The iframe should help from using each others variables if applicable.
<iframe src=""></iframe>​
Or inject the code so it's the very first or very last script.
Well, to me that work fine:
element = document.querySelector('.that-pretty-element');
if (element != null) {
element.onclick = function () {
alert(" I'm working beibi ;) ");
querySelector() returns false, so, we can verify with if's

Getting data from the browser's console using javascript

I don't know if this has been asked before, but what i'd like to be able to do is get data from the error console within the browser itself(if it supports it) this would be for when a user sends off a bug report it'd pull up any errors related to pages at my website for things such as typos in code and other things that somehow managed to slip by. Also, in that regard is there a way to pass the errors from the console to a useable format? If this isn't possible, then i could just tell them to copy and paste what came up from the site itself.
I thought of this right now as i was thinking about how to make the bug reporting system run better since the entire thing is basically ran within the browser and for the backend I can easily just look at error logs but for the frontend ie javascript bits of things it's not goign to be as easy.
So to finish wrap all of this up in one little statement, is there an easy way to get the data from the error console and be able to send it along via javascript ie to a form, or something similar.
You can use the onerror event in JS to get the details of the error. Hoptoad do this for example and log the errors to their console, Their code re-uses lots of nice JS scripts including a printStackTrace function that is great.....
You can see how they do it here:
