A Firefox javascript bookmarking problem - javascript

I'm using the following JavaScript code:
<script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript">
function CreateBookmarkLink(title, url) {
if (window.sidebar) {
window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url,"");
} else if( window.external ) {
window.external.AddFavorite( url, title); }
else if(window.opera && window.print) {
return true; }
This will create a bookmark for Firefox and IE. But the link for Firefox will show up in the sidepanel of the browser, instead of being displayed in the main screen. I personally find this very annoying and am looking for a better solution. It is of course possible to edit the bookmark manually to have it not show up in the side panel, but that requires extra steps. I just want to be able to have people bookmark a page (that has a lot of GET information in the URL which is used to build a certain scheme) the easy way.
I'm afraid that it might not be possible to have Firefox present the page in the main screen at all (as Googling this subject resulted in practically nothing worth using), but I might have missed something. If anyone has an idea if this is possible, or if there's a workaround, I'd love to hear about it.

For Firefox no need to set any JavaScript for the bookmark an page by script, only an anchor tag with title and rel="sidebar" can do this functionality
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I have tested it on FF9 and its working fine.
When you click on the link, Firefox will open an dialog box New Bookmark and if you wish to not load this bookmark on side bar then un-check Load this bookmark in the sidebar from dialog box.

I think that's the only solution for Firefox... I have a better function for that action, it works even for Opera and shows a message for other "unsupported" browsers.
<script type="text/javascript">
function addBookmark(url,name){
if(window.sidebar && window.sidebar.addPanel) {
window.sidebar.addPanel(name,url,''); //obsolete from FF 23.
} else if(window.opera && window.print) {
var e=document.createElement('a');
} else if(window.external) {
try {
alert("To add our website to your bookmarks use CTRL+D on Windows and Linux and Command+D on the Mac.");

You have a special case for
if (window.sidebar)
and then a branch for 'else' - wouldn't firefox land in the first branch and hence only add the panel?

It seems that is the only way to add a bookmark for Firefox. So FF needs to land in the first branch to have anything happening at all. I Googled some more but I'm really getting the idea this is impossible to properly address in FF...


location.href in IE & Edge

Having issues getting my one page web application to work in Internet Explorer and Edge. It works perfectly fine in other browsers.
The issue that I'm having is that I can't seem to get the navigation to work.
I've tried the following:
location.href = '#quickQuiz'
location.href = '/#quickQuiz'
window.location.href = '#quickQuiz'
window.location.href = '/#quickQuiz'
document.location.href = '/#quickQuiz'
document.location.href = '#quickQuiz'
function goHere(where) { window.location = where; return false; }
location.hash = '#quickQuiz'
location.hash = '/#quickQuiz'
All of them works perfectly fine on other browsers. What am I doing wrong?
http://www.snabbteori.se if you wanna see it for yourself.
EDIT1: Additional code
The item in my navigation menu looks like the following:
<li data-icon="info"><a id="teoriNav">Teori</a></li>
And then I check for a click event on it. I know that it's possible to just put href="#teori in there, but I am just using this one as an example, there are other links where I need to perform AJAX calls too, this one doesn't need it though just to verify there isn't something wrong with my AJAX calls causing it.
$(document).delegate('#teoriNav', 'click', function () {
I've also tried this but doesn't work:
$('#teoriNav').click( function() {
EDIT2: Updates
I believe I've fixed all jQuery errors and some other issues. The only thing I'm getting in the Internet Explorer console is:
HTML1300: Navigation occured.
DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching.
And then when I click on the button I get output which I wrote which confirms it registers my click on the button. But still it won't navigate.
EDIT3: Ugly temporary fix
It works after doing a page reload after navigating.
var isIE = /*#cc_on!#*/false || !!document.documentMode;
var isEdge = !isIE && !!window.StyleMedia;
if(isEdge || isIE)
But I hate the fact that the site has to reload, and if someone has a real fix for this I would really appreciate it...
Edge has an issue with links if your code is not propper. You should check your console for any errors, This is most likely.
We will need more information from your side to help you further.
Post your HTML and your Javascript (just relating to this area of problem)
and we can then better help you.
I sagest fixing your jQuery errors first and trying again.
Ok my Browser test have given me a variation of 30-60 error relating to jQuery across Mac to Win. These will need to be addressed.
You also have a XSS issue that needs to be resolved. You have HTTPS from facebook but then HTTP on your website, These will need to match.

Page redirection not working in firefox using window.location but working in chrome

I wrote the following code to redirect the user to different pages on click. While the following code works fine in chrome, but it does not work in IE or firefox.
However, when i open the same buttons in new tab, they work just fine. But with single left click they do not work on any browser other than chrome.
I tried variations like, window.location='url' and window.location.assign(url) and window.location.href="url" but to no avail.
Please if someone can help me.
if (this.href == "http://www.successlabs.pk/download.php") {
window.location.href= "http://www.successlabs.pk/download.php";}
else if (this.href == "http://www.successlabs.pk/ContactUs.html") {
window.location.href= "http://www.successlabs.pk/ContactUs.html";}
Thanks in advance.
this question is over a year old, but this is what worked for me:
function gotoPage(_link) {
var _link = 'http://www.successlabs.pk/download.php';
return false;
It's possible that adding the 'return false;' line is what will make it work for you. This SO page explains why.
From the horse's mouth: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/location
Example #1: Navigate to a new page
Whenever a new value is assigned to the location object, a document
will be loaded using the URL as if location.assign() had been called
with the modified URL. Note that security settings, like CORS, may
prevent this to effectively happen.
location.assign("http://www.mozilla.org"); // or location =
I have never used location.href before only the two examples given above - and they work in all browsers

Javascript popup - Works in FF & Chrome, fails in IE

I can't seem to figure out why the following simple popup will not work in IE9. FF & Chrome popup as expected, but IE does not appear to do anything when the link is clicked. I tried the IE9 debugger, but didn't get any helpful information out of it.
In the head section:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function JSPopup(linkref) {
window.open(linkref,"Report Definitions","width=600,height=480");
return false;
In the body:
<strong>Report Definitions</strong>
Thanks for your help,
Turns out the problem was the name given to the popup - IE doesn't allow spaces, FF & Chrome do:
window.open(linkref,"Report Definitions","width=600,height=480");
needed to be changed to:
This works across browsers.
This is part of the security changes made in IE6. Now you can only call "window.open" from within a user-initiated event. For example, your code would work inside an element's onclick event. The "window.open" http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536651(VS.85).aspx MSDN page says this:
"This method must use a user-initiated action, such as clicking on a link or tabbing to a link and pressing enter, to open a pop-up window. The Pop-up Blocker feature in Internet Explorer 6 blocks windows that are opened without being initiated by the user."
function popUpWin(url,wtitle,wprop){
if (!window.open){ return; } // checking if we can't do this basic function
// Kill if(win), since win was a local var this was a usless check
var win = window.open(url,wtitle,wprop);
// next line important in case you open multiple with the same 'wtitle'
// to make sure the window is reused and refocused.
if (win && win.focus){ win.focus(); }
return false;

Chrome not supporting my javascript

I just want, when a user comes to my site and closes the window, then I want to know the reason for leaving from my site.
So I'm sending the user to a survey page, using the following script.
It works in every browser but not in Chrome
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
function confirmExit() {
if (location.href.indexOf("index.php") != -1)
location.href = "http://www.test.com/survey.php";
return "Press 'cancel to go 'survey'";
Have you tried to use window.location = ("http://www.test.com/survey.php"); or window.open ("http://www.test.com/survey.php"); instead? That may be easier to do.
You can also do window.open ("http://www.test.com/survey.php", '_newtab'); This will make users less upset off when they are forced to redirect after leaving, because it will be in a new tab.
Well, sometimes there is a good reason for such a code user310850 is quoting
not all websites are in Web, some of them are internal corporate websites
Some if not most of big companies still use IE 6 as standard browser
I would use unload event handler. I assume jquery is good
$(window).unload(function() {
//your code here

Is there a way to request permission in IE to use window.external.AddFavorite?

The JavaScript security settings on Internet Explorer for my customers disallow using window.external.AddFavorite, and it generates (best case) an error in the status bar when the users click the "Add Bookmark" link on my website. Is there a way to explicitly request permission to use the window.external.AddFavorite method from the user in Internet Explorer, when the security settings don't allow use of the rest of the window.external methods?
Here's the code I'm working with:
<script type="text/javascript">
function addToFavorites() {
if (window.sidebar) { // Mozilla uses sidebar
window.sidebar.addPanel( document.title, window.location , "");
} else if (window.external) { // IE uses window.external
window.external.AddFavorite( window.location, document.title );
} else { // Who knows ? Only have to support IE & Moz anyhow.
alert("Sorry! Your browser doesn't support this function.");
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It will work, but it HAS to be triggered by a user driven event. (e.g. the onclick of a link/button)
This is to stop spam/adware/pr0n sites from auto stuffing your bookmarks with garbage.
I'd just pull the "Add Bookmark" link off the site. Users know how to do that if they really want to.
