Program that would click repeatedly on a website button [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I need to get a ticket online on a website which online provides tickets once every 1000000 years. I've read that some people got tickets by clicking randomly several times at a random hour.
I was thinking of creating a little program, which would click on the "get a ticket" button, and if it's taken to the "no available" page, would start again by clicking on the "Ok" button, and then again "get a ticket". But if it's taken to the purchase page, would stay there.
I don't know where to start, I guess I could use python, javascript, or C? but I don't really know how. If you have some ideas, I would google everything, but I just need the root, if that makes sense.
Thank you in advance! :)
I havent tried anything yet


How to create pop-up window web gallery? [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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Good morning,
I want to create gallery for multiple pictures (basically two photos before and after procedure next to each other). My plan was to create it as sliding gallery, where you click and other two pictures will slide on the site, but my client wants pop-up gallery. He wants me to display all pictures as pairs in big separate window which will pop up after clicking on button.
Any tips will be much appreciated, maybe “popup” just is not the term I need.
Thank you!
I tried multiple solutions from internet, but all were for text or forms and when I put pictures there, it did not show them on the web.

Monitor webpage changes [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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Suppose there is a website on internet which shows Indian share market price. And price of share is changing every second.
This site provides no api support
How can i continuously track this price and update to user when price goes above a specified limit.
I am beginner please help me how to start and where to start
All the process should be on server not from my phone/pc
I am beginner please help me how to start.
Maybe you can setup a web scrapper that fetches the page on a periodical basis with the help of a background job, you may begin with PHP and Cron.

Is there a way to make a vbs script that counts days? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to make a program with vbs, when opened it has a pop up message that says to do something. I have the program in my startup folder on my computer so it pops up every time i turn on my computer. The problem is if I miss a day then it wont say that. So i was wondering if there was a way where I could have a variable that is set so that every day it adds +1 to the variable and then in the message it says (Example, "You have not clicked OK in '2' days"). This way I can keep track of how many days I have missed and then it is a message box in vbs so there would be an 'ok' and 'cancel' option, so would it be possible to make it so when i select 'ok' then it would reset the variable to 0 again?
If this is possible could someone help me out with the code? Or if it can be done with PowerShell or javascript instead post that code instead please?
Thank You!
P.S: Yes I have googled it and tried figuring out how to do it, for almost 2 hours. Asking on forms is ALWAYS my last resort.
Ok I guess I asked too much and I realize that, sorry. I can figure out the variables and im some what familiar with the rest except one part, how do I get the script to keep track of days, as in add +1 to a variable every day the 'OK' button is not pressed?

Online Pop-up website message [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I don't know that much of PHP and javascript but I know HTML and a bit of CSS.
I'd like to make a website that receives the messages in pop-ups. So the receiver will get the message and will direct him to that tab if he's on a different tab.
Basically this is for a game on facebook and we have a clan. We need to make the clan members be aware which clan to attack so I came up with this idea.
! (I already have a website to put the page up.)
I'd like a blank webpage with the script of the pop-up.
and another webpage that has the text box to put in the message and sent it to that website.
I don't know if you understand my explanation but I think that's the closest I can explain to you. Please help guys, Thank you
To put javascript in html, it's like this:

OS X login page like HTML [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I know the Title is a little obscure, but I will try to explain my best. Since OS X Lion the login screen of the Macs presents a row of images of the available users. Once you click one of those images, the rest disappear, centering the clicked one and revealing a password field.
I want to do a similar thing in a web-app. I have a few users, and I want them to click on their image to reveal the password field.
I searched for similar options, but can't find anything, and I don't even know how to proceed. I guess JQuery or Javascript would be necessary, but those I know little to nothing (HTML & CSS shouldn't be a problem, but well, I don't even know how to start this simple thing... )
Google is your friend... no matter how much the NSA are watching. Use it to search for tutorials, these are the best way to learn. Mostly CSS will be needed to make it look like the OSX login screen... maybe a bit of jQuery.
Within in seconds I found this page of many examples of login forms. And then I found this one that looks very similar to an OSX login page.
