Output each child with a wrapper from React.Children array - javascript

I have this reusable component.
export const ListItems = ({ controls, children }) => {
const content = controls ? <PrivateComponent>{ children }</PrivateComponent> : children;
return <ul>{ content }</ul>
Seems pretty-straight forward. The idea is that, in PrivateComponent, I wanna wrap each of the children with an extra wrapper, something like this:
export const PrivateComponent = ({ children }) => {
const _children = React.Children.toArray(children);
return (
<div>{ _children.map(child => <SomeWrapper>{ child }</SomeWrapper> ) }</div>
My question is, is it correct to render child this way, or should I use cloneElement? Also, what should I use for the key of SomeWrapper in the map function?

is it correct to render child this way, or should I use cloneElement?
You can use the child instance directly, there is no problem there. You need cloneElement only if you want to change / add any props or swap out its own children, or if you need a duplicate because you intend to insert "the same child" in two different location in your DOM.
what should I use for the key of SomeWrapper in the map function?
You can use React.Children.map(children, function[(thisArg)]) (doc) which will automatically add keys.


Is there a way to manipulate rendered text in react component children?

I am trying to write a component that highlights text inside it's children recursively.
What I have been able to achieve, is to highlight the text only if it's explicitly provided in the body component, but I can't find a way to change the text of the component's render part.
Let's say I have the following HighlightText component:
(Note, that this is a concept component. The real component is much more complicated)
const HighlightText = ({highlight, children}) => {
const regex = new RegExp(`(${regexEscape(highlight)})`, 'gi');
return React.Children.map(children, child => {
// Found a text, can highlight
if (typeof child === 'string') {
const text = child.trim();
if (text) {
return text.split(regex).filter(p => p).map((p, i) =>
regex.test(p) ? <mark key={i}>{p}</mark> : <span>{p}</span>;
// If child is a react component, recurse through its children to find more text to highlight
if (React.isValidElement(child)) {
if (child.props && child.props.children) {
return HighlightText({children: child.props.children, highlight});
// Here I believe, should be another handling that handles the result of the render function to search for more text to highlight...
// For any other cases, leave the child as is.
return child;
And some component that renders something:
const SomeContent = () => <div>content</div>;
Now, I want to use the HighlightText component the following way:
<HighlightText highlight="e">
<SomeContent />
<p>some paragraph</p>
nude text
The resulted DOM of the the above code is:
<p><span>som</span><mark>e</mark><span> paragraph</span></p>
<span>nud</span><mark>e</mark><span> t</span><mark>e</mark><span>xt</span>
But I expect it to be:
<p><span>som</span><mark>e</mark><span> paragraph</span></p>
<span>nud</span><mark>e</mark><span> t</span><mark>e</mark><span>xt</span>
Any suggestions on how to handle the rendered part of the child component?
Eventually I managed to solve this problem using React.Context.
Not exactly as I expected, but I think it's even a better approach, because now I can decide what text to highlight.
It's similar to i18n and themes techniques in React. React.Context is best approach for these kind of text manipulations.

Component's forwardRef children all point to the same ref in an array

I have a function component that takes a variable amount of child (forwardRef) function components. What I would like to achieve is having a ref to each of the child components for animations when a child component is clicked. I have a semi-working solution by creating an array of refs and then cloning all the children and passing an indexed ref to each of them. The only issue is that all of the refs in the index point to the same (last) child.
Here are my components:
const Navbar = ({children}) => {
const [activeLink, setActiveLink] = useState(0);
const linkRefs = Array(children.length).fill(React.createRef(null));
const handleActiveLinkChange = (index) => {
return (
{React.Children.map(children, (child, index) => React.cloneElement(child, {index: index, active: index === activeLink, handleActiveLinkChange, key: "child" + index, ref: linkRefs[index]}))}
const Link = React.forwardRef(({children, active, index, handleActiveLinkChange}, ref) => {
return (
<a href="#" style={linkStyle} onClick={() => handleActiveLinkChange(index)} ref={ref}>
{active ? <b>{children}</b> : children}
And assuming I use the components in the following way:
I expect the refs to be:
Ref array index
Ref current
But the refs I get are:
Ref array index
Ref current
I'm assuming it's something to do with variable scope but I just can't figure out the cause of the issue. I've tried many variations of loops and functions but I'd rather understand the cause than blindly try to find a solution.
The issue is with the following line. It creates only one ref and all the array indices refer to that single ref.
const linkRefs = Array(children.length).fill(React.createRef(null));
Instead of the above use the following line which creates new refs for each child as you expect.
const linkRefs = Array.from({ length: children.length }, () =>

How can you create a Tree display using dynamic data from an API in React?

So, I've got a bit of a doozy here. I've looked into trees and the like in react, and I'm fairly confident I can implement one, given the right data structure. The problem I'm running into is that I'm getting my data from an API that doesn't, at least natively, have the structure for a tree, so I'm trying to create that structure on the fly.
This is what the data I'm getting back from the API looks like:
const category = //could have children
"object_key": "bluekai-31",
const segment = //will only be a child
"object_name":"B2B > Role/Title > Admin Exec",
"object_key": "bluekai-1145",
And this is the logic that I'm using to try and manipulate the data from the API to add children/create parents, etc.
const asyncView = async function (segTree: string | undefined) {
const categoryDataCall = api.getBeeswaxSegmentView(categoryBody);
const segmentDataCall = api.getBeeswaxSegmentView(segmentBody);
const data = await Promise.all([categoryDataCall, segmentDataCall]);
const parent = categoryData.find( (el: any) => el.object_key === segTree);
const categories = data[0].payload;
if (categories.length >= 1) {
for (let i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
categories[i].children = [];
parent.children = categories.concat(data[1].payload);
return (
<div>PARENT: {parent.object_name}</div>
{categoryData.length === 0
? <div>No category data</div>
: categoryData.map((e: any) => {
if (e.object_type === 'segment') {
return (
<div data-segment_tree={`${e.object_key || "NULL"}`}
{`Name: ${e.object_name} (${e.object_key}, $${parseFloat(e.cpm_cost).toFixed(2)} CPM)`}
return (
<div data-segment_tree={`${e.object_key || "NULL"}`}
{`Name: ${e.data_provider_name || e.object_name}`}
I haven't implemented the Tree part yet, but that's because I am fairly confident I'm not creating the relations between elements correctly in my logic/the logic breaks if there are multiple 'trees'/categories on a page (which there will be.)
Sorry if this is a bit much, but any help or just ideas on dynamically modifying the data from the API to fit the tree structure of child/parent relationships would be appreciated!
Edit in response to Ray Hatfield:
What's the relationship between a category and a segment?
Segments will always be children of Categories, and will never have children of their own. Categories can have other categories as children.
How do you establish which category a segment belongs to?
The object_key property from the Category object gets passed to the API call(s) (two calls are made: one for segments, and one for categories). This is the only relation between segments and categories - nothing else in the return data ties them together.
What is e?
I assume you mean in the e.currentTarget.dataset.segment_tree line.
e is the event object, which I'm using to create the queries and firing them off on click events. I'm storing the object_key in a data-attribute in the HTML, and then passing it to a handler to generate the categoryBody and segmentBody used in the asyncView() function.
For some reason I have to explicitly pass the e.currentTarget.dataset.segment_tree as an argument to the async function even though they're in the same scope, but all it's doing is allowing me to find the Category that was clicked in the existing array of data in state.
What is categoryData?
categoryData is the array of values ( that is currently in state. So, each time I hit the API I update category data to re-render everything.
Effectively, I'm finding the parent (category that was clicked) firing off the API calls to get all the subcategories/segments associated with the clicked categories object_key, and then adding a children prop to any incoming categories, and then setting the children of the last clicked element equal to the returned segments + categories, and then rendering.
I put together this working demo on jsfiddle. Here are the highlights:
The Core Idea
The core idea is a Category component that's responsible for loading and rendering its own segments and subcategories. The subcategories get rendered using the same Category component, resulting in a recursive tree structure.
The Category Component
const Category = ({item}) => {
const [data, setData] = React.useState();
const onClick = data
? () => setData(null) // discard data (collapse) on subsequent click
: () => load(item.object_key).then(setData);
return (
<div className="category">
className={`category-name ${data ? 'open' : ''}`}
{data && (
{ data.map((child, i) => (
<li key={i}><Node item={child}/></li>
This component takes a single item prop representing the category. The component expects item to have object_key and object_name fields, like the category object in your example.
Initially the component has no information other than what's in the item, so it renders the category's name with an onClick handler that makes API calls to fetch the category's children and then stores the result in the component's state:
const [data, setData] = React.useState();
const onClick = () => load(item.object_key).then(setData);
On the subsequent render the Category component renders its children (segments and subcategories) in addition to the category name. Subcategories are rendered using the same Category component, resulting in a recursive tree structure.
The Segment Component
const Segment = ({item: {object_name}}) => (
<div className="segment">{object_name}</div>
Simple component for rendering segments. Just returns the segment name here, but you could of course expand it to do whatever you need it to do.
The Node Component
const Node = ({item}) => {
const Cmp = item.object_type === 'category' ? Category : Segment;
return <Cmp item={item} />;
Convenience component for rendering a <Segment /> or <Category /> for the given item according to its type.
The rest of the example code is just hand waving to simulate the API calls and generate mock data.
load function
const load = async (parentKey) => {
const [categories, segments] = await Promise.all([
return [
Given a category's object_key, this makes the api calls to get the segments and subcategories, merges and returns the results as a single array.
const mockApiRequest = (type) => (
new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(fakeData(type)), 200);
Simulates the API request. Waits 200ms before resolving with mock data.
// generate mock response data
const fakeData = (type) => {
// copy the list of names
const n = [...names];
// plucks a random name from the list
const getName = () => (
n.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * n.length), 1)[0]
// generate and return an array of data
return Array.from(
{length: Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1},
(_, i) => ({
object_name: getName()
Generates mock category or segment data by copying the sample and choosing a random name.

How to get 'this' on element returned from react render method

I have react class. This class in it's render method returns multiple HTML elements. On some of this elements I need to use function that will use 'this' of this element, not whole class.
// imports
class App extends Components {
render() {
const arr = ['one', 'two', 'three'];
const newArr = arr.map((val) => {
return <li id={IdFactory.register(val, getPath(THIS_LI))} key={val}>{val}</li>
return (
IdFactory.register takes a string and path to this element. Any idea how I can distinguish this element for the function?
When you use arrow function it will not create its this context
Tip: If you ever want to find the context of this you can console.log it where you want to find
console.log(this)//Put where you want to find.

React 16 forces component re-render while returning array

Assume I have the next piece of code inside the React component
removeItem = (item) => {
this.items.remove(item) // this.items -> mobx array
renderItem = (item, index) => {
var _item = undefined
switch (item.type) {
case "header":
_item = <Header key={item.id} onRemove={() => this.removeItem(item)} />
// a few more cases
// note that item.id is unique and static
// return _item -> works fine
return [
? <Placeholder key={-item.id} />
: null
render() {
return (
{this.items.map((item, i) => renderItem(item))}
Also assume that inside each of item I have a button that triggers onRemove handler with click. And each component has textarea where user can enter his text.
Obviously, when user enters text inside item's textarea, it should be saved until item will be removed.
The problem is when I remove some item, each item that goes after the removed one is being remounted (edited for Vlad Zhukov). It happens only when I return an array from renderItem(...) (I mean, when I return only item, this problem doesn't happen).
My question: is this a bug, or it's a feature? And how can I avoid it (desirable without wrapping item and Placeholder with another React child)?
I tried rewrite renderItem(...) the next way:
renderItem = (item, index) => {
var Item = undefined
switch (item.type) {
case "header":
Item = Header
// a few more cases
// note that item.id is unique and static
// return _item -> works fine
return [
<Item key={item.id} onRemove={() => this.removeItem(item)} />,
? <Placeholder key={-item.id} />
: null
And it still causes the problem.
Rerendering is absolutely fine in React and can be considered the main feature. What happens in your case is components remount when you make changes to an array of elements when these elements have no key props.
Have a look at this simple example. As you can see rerendering components has no difference but removing the first element will clear values of inputs below.
You've got 2 options:
Use a component instead of an array and set key to it (see an example). There is really no reason not to.
Remove all keys. The reason why it works is because React internally already uses keys for elements. However I wouldn't suggest this as it doesn't look reliable enough to me, I'd prefer to control it explicitly.
