Is there a way to manipulate rendered text in react component children? - javascript

I am trying to write a component that highlights text inside it's children recursively.
What I have been able to achieve, is to highlight the text only if it's explicitly provided in the body component, but I can't find a way to change the text of the component's render part.
Let's say I have the following HighlightText component:
(Note, that this is a concept component. The real component is much more complicated)
const HighlightText = ({highlight, children}) => {
const regex = new RegExp(`(${regexEscape(highlight)})`, 'gi');
return, child => {
// Found a text, can highlight
if (typeof child === 'string') {
const text = child.trim();
if (text) {
return text.split(regex).filter(p => p).map((p, i) =>
regex.test(p) ? <mark key={i}>{p}</mark> : <span>{p}</span>;
// If child is a react component, recurse through its children to find more text to highlight
if (React.isValidElement(child)) {
if (child.props && child.props.children) {
return HighlightText({children: child.props.children, highlight});
// Here I believe, should be another handling that handles the result of the render function to search for more text to highlight...
// For any other cases, leave the child as is.
return child;
And some component that renders something:
const SomeContent = () => <div>content</div>;
Now, I want to use the HighlightText component the following way:
<HighlightText highlight="e">
<SomeContent />
<p>some paragraph</p>
nude text
The resulted DOM of the the above code is:
<p><span>som</span><mark>e</mark><span> paragraph</span></p>
<span>nud</span><mark>e</mark><span> t</span><mark>e</mark><span>xt</span>
But I expect it to be:
<p><span>som</span><mark>e</mark><span> paragraph</span></p>
<span>nud</span><mark>e</mark><span> t</span><mark>e</mark><span>xt</span>
Any suggestions on how to handle the rendered part of the child component?

Eventually I managed to solve this problem using React.Context.
Not exactly as I expected, but I think it's even a better approach, because now I can decide what text to highlight.
It's similar to i18n and themes techniques in React. React.Context is best approach for these kind of text manipulations.


Output each child with a wrapper from React.Children array

I have this reusable component.
export const ListItems = ({ controls, children }) => {
const content = controls ? <PrivateComponent>{ children }</PrivateComponent> : children;
return <ul>{ content }</ul>
Seems pretty-straight forward. The idea is that, in PrivateComponent, I wanna wrap each of the children with an extra wrapper, something like this:
export const PrivateComponent = ({ children }) => {
const _children = React.Children.toArray(children);
return (
<div>{ => <SomeWrapper>{ child }</SomeWrapper> ) }</div>
My question is, is it correct to render child this way, or should I use cloneElement? Also, what should I use for the key of SomeWrapper in the map function?
is it correct to render child this way, or should I use cloneElement?
You can use the child instance directly, there is no problem there. You need cloneElement only if you want to change / add any props or swap out its own children, or if you need a duplicate because you intend to insert "the same child" in two different location in your DOM.
what should I use for the key of SomeWrapper in the map function?
You can use, function[(thisArg)]) (doc) which will automatically add keys.

React Reconciliation Of Component Instances

I've been trying to understand react reconciliation and am getting really confused by some of the details of how the diffing algorithm works. So far, I understand that whenever an update is made, we create a new react element tree and compare it with our previous react element tree. The diffing algorithm manages finding the difference between the new and old react element trees. The 2 assumptions of the algo. are that elements of the same level and type don't need to be unmounted and re-mounted and that keys provide a way of identifying child elements not by index.
The part that confuses me is how comparisons are made between 2 react instances. For example, when comparing <Comp1/> in the old react element tree and <Comp2/> in the new react element tree (assume that <Comp2> replaced <Comp1> in the creation of the new tree), does the diffing algorithm simply compare both react elements' "type" attributes? So if both have the same "type", then the diffing algorithm doesn't consider un-mounting and mounting into the DOM?
does the diffing algorithm simply compare both react elements' "type"
Yes, from the docs:
Whenever the root elements have different types, React will tear down
the old tree and build the new tree from scratch. Going from <a> to
<img>, or from <Article> to <Comment>, or from <Button> to <div> - any
of those will lead to a full rebuild.
Another your question:
So if both have the same "type", then the diffing algorithm doesn't
consider un-mounting and mounting into the DOM?
Yes, in that case React just updates the existing instance. During component update instance remains the same, and state is maintained across renders.
You can see in below example:
The first place where we rendered A, it doesn't get unmounted when we replace it also with another A (because of same type).
The second place where we used A, as soon as we replace it with B, react unmounts A.
let A = (props) => {
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log('Mounted A', props);
return () => {
console.log('Unmounted A', props);
}, []);
return <div>This is A: {props.tmp}</div>;
let B = (props) => {
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log('Mounted B', props);
return () => {
console.log('Unmounted B', props);
}, []);
return <div>This is B</div>;
function App() {
let [tmp, setTemp] = React.useState(0);
return (
onClick={() => {
setTemp(tmp + 1);
{tmp % 2 == 0 ? <A id="first A"/> : <A id="second A"/>}
{tmp % 2 == 0 ? <A id="third A"/> : <B />}
<p>Start editing to see some magic happen :)</p>
ReactDOM.render(<App />,document.getElementById("react"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="react"></div>

Get text content from React element stored in a variable

Is there a way to get text content from a React element stored in a variable without ref?
There is a functional component, that receives title prop, which contains react element:
function component({ title }) {
const content = title.textContent() // Need Something like this
and this title prop might have react node like: <div>Some Title</div>. But I'd like to get only content of the node, in a variable before rendering it. Is it possible?
When I console.log title variable this is the output, The content I want is inside props.children array, so is there a method to get it without traversing through keys:
I've not found a better solution than indeed traversing the object to get the text. In TypeScript:
* Traverse any props.children to get their combined text content.
* This does not add whitespace for readability: `<p>Hello <em>world</em>!</p>`
* yields `Hello world!` as expected, but `<p>Hello</p><p>world</p>` returns
* `Helloworld`, just like does.
* NOTE: This may be very dependent on the internals of React.
function textContent(elem: React.ReactElement | string): string {
if (!elem) {
return '';
if (typeof elem === 'string') {
return elem;
// Debugging for basic content shows that props.children, if any, is either a
// ReactElement, or a string, or an Array with any combination. Like for
// `<p>Hello <em>world</em>!</p>`:
// $$typeof: Symbol(react.element)
// type: "p"
// props:
// children:
// - "Hello "
// - $$typeof: Symbol(react.element)
// type: "em"
// props:
// children: "world"
// - "!"
const children = elem.props && elem.props.children;
if (children instanceof Array) {
return textContent(children);
I don't like it at all, and hope there's a better solution.
import Children from 'react-children-utilities'
const MyComponent = ({ children }) => Children.onlyText(children)
Thanks #Arjan for the effort and solution, but I have changed something in the component, to get the title in string format.
Now I have added another props to the component: renderTitle which is a function to render custom react title.
So now I am passing title as string:
title="Some content"
renderTitle={(title) => <div>{title}</div> }
and inside component:
<div>{renderTitle ? renderTitle(title) : title}</div>
With this implementation, I can use title as string to do what I want inside the component, while also supporting custom title render.

Draft.js - CompositeDecorator: Is there a way to pass information from the strategy to the component?

Lets say my strategy calculates some numbered label. How can I pass this (e.g. via props) to the decorator component.
I know there is a props property in CompositeDecorator but how can I access it from the strategy function?
I'm a bit new to DraftJs, but based on my understanding:
Strategies should be used to identify the range of text that need to be decorated. The rendering of that decoration (which presumably includes calculating what the label should be) should be handled in the component itself, rather than the strategy.
You should be able to access the ContentState via the props object in your component, and calculate the label from that. The constructor of your component could be a good place for executing the logic for calculating the label. This also means that you might have to use a class definition for your decorator components as opposed to a pure function as shown in the examples on the draftjs website.
You can also circumvent the issue by reading the values from the text with regex. The following example is done with #draft-js-plugins:
// How the section is detected.
const strategy = (contentBlock, callback) => {
const text = contentBlock.getText();
const start = text.indexOf('<_mytag ');
const endTag = '/>';
const end = text.indexOf(endTag);
if (start !== -1 && end !== -1) {
callback(start, end + endTag.length);
// What is rendered for the detected section.
const component = ({ decoratedText }) => {
if (decoratedText) {
const label = decoratedText.match(/label="([a-zA-Z0-9/\s]*?)"/);
if (
label &&
typeof label[1] === 'string'
) {
return <div>{label[1]}</div>;
return null;
export const MyTagPlugin = {
decorators: [

Rendering custom html tag with react.js

What I'm trying to do is quite easy at first however I get an (obviously completely useless) error from webpack and I'm wondering how it can be fixed, I want a simple "custom" tag to be rendered by React, the code is as follows:
let htmlTag = "h" + ele.title.importance;
let htmlTagEnd = "/h" + ele.title.importance;
<{htmlTag} key={elementNumber}>{ele.title.content}<{htmlTagEnd}>
Basically instead of having a predefined tag I want to have my own {template} tag, I know in this situation there would be work arounds for this (e.g. defining a className with my "importance" value and adding some css for that), but for the sake of science I'd like to know how (and if) this can be done in react/jsx.
JSX doesn't allow you to use dynamic HTML tags (dynamic components would work). That's because whenever you use something like <sometag ... />, an HTML element with tag name sometag is created. sometag is not resolved as a variable.
You also can't do what you have shown above. JSX expressions are not valid in place of a tag name.
Instead, you have to call React.createElement directly:
return React.createElement(
"h" + ele.title.importance,
key: elementNumber,
My initial answer was not correct, you cannot use a variable directly and would need to use the createElement method described in Felix's answer. As noted below, and utilised in the blog post I originally linked, you can use object properties, so I've made an example of this, which hopefully will be useful as an answer to the question.
class Hello extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
tagName: "h1"
sizeChange(i) {
tagName: 'h' + i
changeButtons() {
var buttons = [];
for (let i=1; i<=6; i++) {
buttons.push(<button onClick={() => this.sizeChange(i)}>H{i}</button>);
return buttons;
render() {
return (
Change Me
JSFiddle here
Original Answer
It can be done, although I don't think it is officially supported so may break in the future without warning. The caveat to this approach is that the variable name you choose for your tag cannot be the same as an HTML element.
var Demo = React.createClass({
render: function() {
const elementTag = 'h' + ele.title.importance;
Header x contents
More explanation and a fuller example can be found here
