The project aims to study a new social media:
My needs are:
1 - Collect data from profiles that follow a specific profile.
2 - My account use this data to follow the collected profiles.
3 - Among other possible options, also unfollow the profiles I follow.
The problem found in the current script:
The profile data in theory is being collected, the script runs perfectly until the end, but for some reason I can't specify, instead of following all the collected profiles, it only follows the base profile.
For example:
I want to follow all 250 profiles that follow the ID 123456
I activate the booyahGetAccounts(123456); script
In theory the end result would be my account following 250 profiles
But the end result I end up following only the 123456 profile, so the count of people I'm following is 1
Complete Project Script:
const csrf = 'MY_CSRF_TOKEN';
async function booyahGetAccounts(uid, type = 'followers', follow = 1) {
if (typeof uid !== 'undefined' && !isNaN(uid)) {
const loggedInUserID = window.localStorage?.loggedUID;
if (uid === 0) uid = loggedInUserID;
const unfollow = follow === -1;
if (unfollow) follow = 1;
if (loggedInUserID) {
if (csrf) {
async function getUserData(uid) {
const response = await fetch(`${uid}`),
data = await response.json();
return data.user;
const loggedInUserData = await getUserData(loggedInUserID),
targetUserData = await getUserData(uid),
followUser = uid => fetch(`${loggedInUserID}/followings`, { method: (unfollow ? 'DELETE' : 'POST'), headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': csrf }, body: JSON.stringify({ followee_uid: uid, source: 43 }) }),
logSep = (data = '', usePad = 0) => typeof data === 'string' && usePad ? console.log((data ? data + ' ' : '').padEnd(50, '━')) : console.log('━'.repeat(50),data,'━'.repeat(50));
async function getList(uid, type, follow) {
const isLoggedInUser = uid === loggedInUserID;
if (isLoggedInUser && follow && !unfollow && type === 'followings') {
follow = 0;
console.warn('You alredy follow your followings. `follow` mode switched to `false`. Followings will be retrieved instead of followed.');
const userData = await getUserData(uid),
totalCount = userData[type.slice(0,-1)+'_count'] || 0,
totalCountStrLength = totalCount.toString().length;
if (totalCount) {
let userIDsLength = 0;
const userIDs = [],
nickname = userData.nickname,
nicknameStr = `${nickname ? ` of ${nickname}'s ${type}` : ''}`,
alreadyFollowedStr = uid => `User ID ${uid} already followed by ${loggedInUserData.nickname} (Account #${loggedInUserID})`;
async function followerFetch(cursor = 0) {
const fetched = [];
await fetch(`${uid}/${type}?cursor=${cursor}&count=100`).then(res => res.json()).then(data => {
const list = data[type.slice(0,-1)+'_list'];
if (list?.length) fetched.push( => e.uid));
if (fetched.length) {
userIDsLength += fetched.length;
if (follow) followUser(uid);
console.log(`${userIDsLength.toString().padStart(totalCountStrLength)} (${(userIDsLength / totalCount * 100).toFixed(4)}%)${nicknameStr} ${follow ? 'followed' : 'retrieved'}`);
if (fetched.length === 100) {
} else {
console.log(`END REACHED. ${userIDsLength} accounts ${follow ? 'followed' : 'retrieved'}.`);
if (!follow) logSep(targetList);
await followerFetch();
return userIDs;
} else {
console.log(`This account has no ${type}.`);
logSep(`${follow ? 'Following' : 'Retrieving'} ${targetUserData.nickname}'s ${type}`, 1);
const targetList = await getList(uid, type, follow);
} else {
console.error('Missing CSRF token. Retrieve your CSRF token from the Network tab in your inspector by clicking into the Network tab item named "bug-report-claims" and then scrolling down in the associated details window to where you see "x-csrf-token". Copy its value and store it into a variable named "csrf" which this function will reference when you execute it.');
} else {
console.error('You do not appear to be logged in. Please log in and try again.');
} else {
console.error('UID not passed. Pass the UID of the profile you are targeting to this function.');
This current question is a continuation of that answer from the link:
Collect the full list of buttons to follow without having to scroll the page (DevTools Google Chrome)
Since I can't offer more bounty on that question, I created this one to offer the new bounty to anyone who can fix the bug and make the script work.
Access account on Booyah website to use for tests:
Access by google:
Password: quartodemilha
I have to admit that it is really hard to read your code, I spent a lesser amount of time rewriting everything from scratch.
Stated that we need a code piece to be cut/pasted in the JavaScript console of web browsers able to store some data (i.e. expiration of followings and permanent followings) we need some considerations.
We can consider expiration of followings as volatile data: something that if lost can be reset to 1 day later from when we loose this data. window.localStorage is a perfect candidate to store these kind of data. If we change web browser the only drawback is that we loose the expiration of followings and we can tolerate to reset them to 1 day later from when we change browser.
While to store the list of permanent followings we need a permanent store even if we change web browser. The best idea that came to my mind is to create an alternative account with which to follow the users we never want to stop following. In my code I used uid 3186068 (a random user), once you have created your own alternative account, just replace the first line of the code block with its uid.
Another thing we need to take care is error handling: API could always have errors. The approach I chosen is to write myFetch which, in case of errors, retries twice the same call; if the error persists, probably we are facing a temporary outage. Probably we just need to retry a bit later.
To try to provide a comfortable interface, the code blocks gathers the uid from window.location: to follow the followers of users, just cut/paste the code block on tabs opened on their profiles. For example I run the code from a tab open on
Last, to unfollow users the clean function is called 5 minutes later we paste the code (to not conflict with calls to follow followers) and than is executed one hour later it finishes its job. It is written to access the localStorage in an atomic way, so you can have many of them running simultaneously on different tabs of the same browser, you can not care about it. The only thing you need to take care it that when the window.location changes, all the JavaScript events in the tab are reset; so I suggest to keep a tab open on the home page, paste the code block on it, and forget about this tab; it will be the tab responsible of unfollowing users. Then open other tabs to do what you need, when you hit a user you want to follow the followers, paste the block on it, wait the job is finished and continue to use the tab normally.
// The account we use to store followings
const followingsUID = 3186068;
// Gather the loggedUID from window.localStorage
const { loggedUID } = window.localStorage;
// Gather the CSRF-Token from the cookies
const csrf = document.cookie.split("; ").reduce((ret, _) => (_.startsWith("session_key=") ? _.substr(12) : ret), null);
// APIs could have errors, let's do some retries
async function myFetch(url, options, attempt = 0) {
try {
const res = await fetch("" + url, options);
const ret = await res.json();
return ret;
} catch(e) {
// After too many consecutive errors, let's abort: we need to retry later
if(attempt === 3) throw e;
return myFetch(url, option, attempt + 1);
function expire(uid, add = true) {
const { followingsExpire } = window.localStorage;
let expires = {};
try {
// Get and parse followingsExpire from localStorage
expires = JSON.parse(followingsExpire);
} catch(e) {
// In case of error (ex. new browsers) simply init to empty
window.localStorage.followingsExpire = "{}";
if(! uid) return expires;
// Set expire after 1 day
if(add) expires[uid] = new Date().getTime() + 3600 * 24 * 1000;
else delete expires[uid];
window.localStorage.followingsExpire = JSON.stringify(expires);
async function clean() {
try {
const expires = expire();
const now = new Date().getTime();
for(const uid in expires) {
if(expires[uid] < now) {
await followUser(parseInt(uid), false);
expire(uid, false);
} catch(e) {}
// Repeat clean in an hour
window.setTimeout(clean, 3600 * 1000);
async function fetchFollow(uid, type = "followers", from = 0) {
const { cursor, follower_list, following_list } = await myFetch(`users/${uid}/${type}?cursor=${from}&count=50`);
const got = (type === "followers" ? follower_list : following_list).map(_ => _.uid);
const others = cursor ? await fetchFollow(uid, type, cursor) : [];
return [, ...others];
async function followUser(uid, follow = true) {
console.log(`${follow ? "F" : "Unf"}ollowing ${uid}...`);
return myFetch(`users/${loggedUID}/followings`, {
method: follow ? "POST" : "DELETE",
headers: { "X-CSRF-Token": csrf },
body: JSON.stringify({ followee_uid: uid, source: 43 })
async function doAll() {
if(! loggedUID) throw new Error("Can't get 'loggedUID' from localStorage: try to login again");
if(! csrf) throw new Error("Can't get session token from cookies: try to login again");
console.log("Fetching current followings...");
const currentFollowings = await fetchFollow(loggedUID, "followings");
console.log("Fetching permanent followings...");
const permanentFollowings = await fetchFollow(followingsUID, "followings");
console.log("Syncing permanent followings...");
for(const uid of permanentFollowings) {
expire(uid, false);
if(currentFollowings.indexOf(uid) === -1) {
await followUser(uid);
// Sync followingsExpire in localStorage
for(const uid of currentFollowings) if(permanentFollowings.indexOf(uid) === -1) expire(uid);
// Call first clean task in 5 minutes
window.setTimeout(clean, 300 * 1000);
// Gather uid from window.location
const match = /\/studio\/(\d+)/.exec(window.location.pathname);
if(match) {
console.log("Fetching this user followers...");
const followings = await fetchFollow(parseInt(match[1]));
for(const uid of followings) {
if(currentFollowings.indexOf(uid) === -1) {
await followUser(uid);
return "Done";
await doAll();
The problem: I strongly suspect a API bug
To test my code I run it from
If I run it multiple times I continue to get following output:
Fetching current followings...
Fetching permanent followings...
Syncing permanent followings...
Following 1801775...
Following 143823...
Following 137017...
Fetching this user followers...
Following 16884042...
Following 16166724...
There is bug somewhere! The expected output for subsequent executions in the same tab would be:
Fetching current followings...
Fetching permanent followings...
Syncing permanent followings...
Fetching this user followers...
After seeking the bug in my code without success, I checked APIs: if I navigate following URLs (the uids are the ones the code continue to follow in subsequent executions)
I can clearly see I follow them, but if I navigate (the list of users I follow) I can't find them, neither if I scroll the page till the end.
Since I do exactly the same calls the website does, I strongly suspect the bug is in APIs, exactly in the way they handle the cursor parameter.
I suggest you to open a support ticket to support team. You could use the test account you provided us: I already provided you the details to do that. ;)
Hello here is my cloud code
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.User,async (request)=>{
const user = request.object;
const t = user.get('tProfile');
const s = user.get('sProfile');
if (!t && !s) {
user.setACL(new Parse.ACL(user));
console.log('Old user detected');
As you can see I am trying to set Acl for a new user signing up with a before save handler, but the error that I get is UserID must be a string. So my question is how can I set an acl for a new user who is just signing up ? Thankyou
So i finally found a way to do so.
In the Before save handler just use this code :)
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.User, async (request) => {
var newOjb = request.object;
if (!request.original) {
newOjb.setACL(new Parse.ACL(Parse.User.current()));
I’m brand new to programming and I’m currently working on a MySQL database. I’m using Visual Studio Code for all of my JavaScript, HTML, and CSS files.
I have a JavaScript server file that is giving me issues. Our professor gave us his code for the server JavaScript file (which is posted below), his client JavaScript file (which is named contacts.js), and his HTML file.
He told us to open the server JavaScript file, open a terminal and type: node contacts.js. However, doing this gives me error messages that say that the document is not defined.
Occasionally, I'll even get "module not found" errors.
We just did a similar project last week and the terminal worked just fine with a similar node.js command, but I’m running into issues now and don’t know what to do. Hours on Google haven’t helped at all and my professor can’t be contacted for the entire week.
I’m not sure how to get beyond this “document not defined” error. Any help would be appreciated.
Below is the server JavaScript file:
// The following statements are for database connection and queries
var mysql = require('mysql'); // use the msql libraries. Must use 'npm install msyql --save' before using
var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // use the body-parser library for JSON use. Must 'npm install body-parser --save'
// Set up the SQL connection to the MYSQL database. This will all need to match what you set up in your DB
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
user: 'mike',
password: '********',
database: 'contacts'
// do the actual connecting by calling the connect method and log the result
console.log("After connection to DB established in server, setting up web server");
//The following are for web server setup - we are using the express library that makes this all pretty easy
const express = require('express'); // use express library. must use 'npm install express --save'
const cors = require('cors'); // use cors library. must use 'npm install cors --save'
const app = express(); // get the express application object
const path = require('path'); // use the path library for managing paths. must use 'npm install path --save'
const port = 3000; // constant for the port we're using.
// set up the use of JSON url-encoding. Allows us to put all the arguments in the url
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false}));
// We want to also serve static pages. This command sets that up. In my case, I created a subdirectory called 'public'
// and put the main html page (contacts.html), the javascript client file (contacts.js) and the CSS file (contacts.css)
// in that directory, and therefore I can get everything I need by just goint to (localhost:3000) and it all just works
// This is our main save handler (express calls these 'middleware'). The request coming from the client is a post
// and all the parameters/values are in the query object in the request object (req).
// All the field names here must match the names in the form (name='blah') which we use when we craft the request
// in the javascript saveContact().
// NOTE: we have to use the cors() method to make this all work. Look up cors (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to learn about it'/save', cors(), function (req, res) {
console.log("trying to save contact (post)"); // Log what we're doing
console.log(req); // log the actual request
var curId = req.query.Id; // Get the Id from the query object
var firstName = req.query.fname; // get the fname from the query object
var lastName = req.query.lname; // get the lname from the query object
var age = req.query.age; // etc. etc. etc.
var phone =;
var email =;
// We can use the same handler for both cases of saving information:
// 1)we INSERT the new contact in the DB - the Id is 0 in this case
// 2)we UPDATE an existing contact in the DB - the Id is the correct Id for the contact we're updating
// Here we're crafting the appropriate SQL statements using the values above - either INSERT or UPDATE
if (curId > 0) {
var sql = `UPDATE contacts SET fname = '${firstName}', lname = '${lastName}', age = ${age}, phone = '${phone}', email = '${email}' WHERE Id = ${curId}`;
} else {
var sql = `INSERT INTO contacts (fname, lname, age, phone, email) VALUES ('${firstName}', '${lastName}', '${age}', '${phone}', '${email}')`;
// Here we're creating the query and the callback function for when we get a response from the DB asynchronously
// This same method executes the SQL call to the database connection we established earlier (above)
connection.query(sql, function (err, result) {
console.log("Trying to save contact into DB"); // log what we're doing
if (err) throw err; // If we get an error, send the error along
console.log(result.affectedRows + " record(s) saved");
res.status(201).send(result); // set the status code (201 = successful add) and send it
console.log(`result of post is: ${result}`); // log the result
// This handler is for deleting a user given a valid Id.
// NOTE: we have to use the cors() method to make this all work. Look up cors (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to learn about it'/delete', cors(), function (req, res) {
console.log("trying to delete contact (post)"); // log what we're doing
console.log(req); // log the actual request we received
var curId = req.query.Id; // get the Id from the query object
console.log(curId); // log the Id
// As long as we have a valid Id (in variable curId), we craft the sql statement and execute the query
// all the SQL commands are asynchronous so we provide a callback function
if (curId > 0) {
var sql = `DELETE FROM contacts WHERE Id = ${curId}`; // This is the right SQL statement
connection.query(sql, function (err, result) {
console.log("Trying to delete contact from DB"); // log what we're trying to do
if (err) throw err; // if we get an error, pass it along to the client
console.log(result.affectedRows + " record(s) deleted");
res.status(200).send(result); // otherwise set the status to success (200) and send the result to the client
console.log(`result of post is:`); // log the result
// THis is our static GET Handler if you just open a browser and type in 'http://localhost:3000'. the '/' means root
// and so this our default page (often called 'index.html' but in this case it's our 'contacts.html')
// Simply send the contacts.html page by getting the default path (wherever we have this javascript file)
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '\\contacts.html'));
// This is our handler for getting the full list of contacts
// NOTE: we have to use the cors() method to make this all work. Look up cors (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) to learn about it
app.get('/list', cors(), function (req, res) {
console.log(`inside list GET function, req object is ${req}`);
// Craft the simple select statement that just gets everything in the contacts table
var sql = `SELECT * FROM contacts`;
//Create the query and execute it, sending the appropriate result back to the client
connection.query(sql, function (err, result) {
console.log(`Trying to get list from DB - result is ${result}`);
console.log(`Inside get list - result first row is ${result[0]}`);
if (err) throw err; // if we get an error, pass it along to the client
res.send(result); // simply send the result of the query to the client.
console.log(`result of GET to list is: ${result}`);
// This is what actually starts the express server, listening on the port constant we defined at the beginning
// of the file (in this case I'm using 3000) and logging what we're doing.
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`));
Below is the client JavaScript file:
// This JavaScript file is in support of the contacts application.
// Users can see and manage all their contacts, where a contact is [Id, firstname, lastname, age, phone, email]
// There are functions to manage the http interactions with the server backend
// and to manage the screen/user experience
// This is a globally available array of contacts we get back from the server. Set it initially to an empty array
document.contactList = [];
// This is the function queries the server (using an HTTP GET) to get the list of contacts
// We save the contacts to a globable variable in the document (contactList) and we fill
// both the table at the bottom of the document and a drop-down list used for management
// both of those functionality are function calls ('fillContactTable()' and 'fillContactSelect()')
function getContacts() {
console.log(`Getting contact list from server`); // log what we're doing
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create a variable for HTTP protocol
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { // callback function for when a response occurs
console.log(this.responseText); // log the response
// readyState is the XMLHttpRequest state that means we're done. Status is what is returned from the server
// a status code anywhere in the 200's is success. SO if we're done and get a success return code, then we're good!
if (this.readyState == 4 && (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300)) {
console.log(`Got the contact list successfully`); // Log that we're good
document.contactList = this.responseText; // The response is the actual list of contacts.Set to globabl var in document
fillContactTable(); // Fill the table
fillContactSelect(); // Fill the drop down list (select element)
} else {
console.log(`failed to get contact list`); // Log failure if that's what we got
// We've set the callback function that handles the result. This is the actual setting up the http request (the open method)
// and the actual sending of the http request (send method)"GET", "http://localhost:3000/list", true);
// Given an Id of a contact, get the rest of the contact information and return it
// The pLocal parater is in case we want to get the contact information from the server instead of getting it from
// the global variable (document.contactList). Default is to be local.
function getContactById(pId, pLocal = true) {
console.log(`Getting contact by ID = ${pId}`); // log what we're doing
if (pLocal) { // If we're local, get the data from document.contactList
var contactsJSON = JSON.parse(document.contactList); // parse the contactList into JSON format - easier to deal with
// Loop through all the contacts in the JSON formated list of contacts to look for the one we want (by Id)
for (loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < contactsJSON.length; loopIndex++) {
if (contactsJSON[loopIndex].Id == pId) { // if Id's match, we're good but log what we found
console.log(`Found contact in getContactById. Index = ${loopIndex}`);
return contactsJSON[loopIndex]; // Return the found contact
console.log(`Did not find the contact in getContactById`); // log the fact that we didn't find it and return null
return null;
// For now, if we're not local just return null. Will add the code to get the data from the server later
} else {
return null;
// Simple function that just clears the form that we use for showing, creating new, and updating contacts
function clearEditForm() {
console.log("clearing the contact form"); // Log what we're doing
// Set all the values to empty (or 0 for the Id - that has to be a number)
document.getElementById('contact_id').value = 0;
document.getElementById('contact_fname').value = "";
document.getElementById('contact_lname').value = "";
document.getElementById('contact_age').value = "";
document.getElementById('contact_phone').value = "";
document.getElementById('contact_email').value = "";
// Now control the user experience. Hide the ID fields and change the name of the button to "Insert"
document.getElementById('contact_id').hidden = true;
document.getElementById('contact_id_label').hidden = true;
document.getElementById('save_button').innerHTML = "Insert Contact";
document.getElementById('save_button').name = "Insert Contact";
// Main function that saves the contact form. We have two cases to deal with:
// 1) We're inserting a new contact. In that case, the Id (curId below) will be 0
// 2) We're updating an exesting contact. In that case, the Id will NOT be 0
// If the ID is not a number >= 0, we have a problem so we don't do anything
function saveContact() {
console.log("Attempting to save contact"); // Log what we're doing
// Get all the values from the elements in the form by name.
var curId = document.getElementById('contact_id').value;
var curFName = document.getElementById('contact_fname').value;
var curLName = document.getElementById('contact_lname').value;
var curAge = document.getElementById('contact_age').value;
var curPhone = document.getElementById('contact_phone').value;
var curEmail = document.getElementById('contact_email').value;
console.log(`Trying to save contact in saveContact. Id = ${curId}`);
// As long as we have a valid Id (number at least 0) we'll make the http request (a POST)
if (curId >= 0) {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Create a new HTTP object and put it in xHTTP variable
// As in all of our interactions implementing http, we supply a callback function for when we actually get a response
// Remember, all http request/responses should be asynchronous, and so we have to use callbacks
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
console.log(this.responseText); // log what's happening
// If readyState shows we're done (value == 4) and status code is in the 200's we got a success response
if (this.readyState == 4 && (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300)) {
console.log(`saved the contact successfully`); // Log our success
getContacts(); // Re-get our contact list since it has changed
} else {
console.log(`failed to save contact `); // Log our failure response
console.log(this.status); // log the actual status code
console.log(this.responseText); // log the actual response text
// Here we're crafting the http POST request with all the parameters urlencoded. Look up url encoding to understand it
// As usual, the open method is used to set up the call, and the send method actually sends the request"POST", `http://localhost:3000/save?Id=${curId}&fname=${curFName}&lname=${curLName}&age=${curAge}&phone=${curPhone}&email=${curEmail}`, true);
// Function to delete a contact by creating the right server http request (a POST)
// We'll pass the Id of the contact we want to delete in the url (url-encoded)
// We'll get the name of the contact to be deleted and prompt the user to verify that they want to really delete the contact
// look up the window method 'confirm' to understand how that works
function deleteContact() {
console.log("Attempting to delete contact"); // Log what we're doing
var contactList = document.getElementById('contacts_list'); // get the drop-down select element in the form
var curId = contactList.value; // get the value of the form, which will be an Id of the contact to be deleted
var curIndex = contactList.selectedIndex; // We need the index of the option chosen to get the name for prompting the user
var curName = contactList.options[curIndex].text; // get the name from the option list based on the index
console.log(`Trying to verify delete. curid = ${curId}, curIndex = ${curIndex}, and curName = ${curName}`);
// Prompt the user to confirm using the window.confirm method. If they say ok, confirm returns true
// if they say cancel, confirm returns false. We're checking for the false, thus the not (!) at the beginning of the condition
if (!confirm(`Are you sure you want to delete contact: ${curName}?`)) {
return; // If we're here they said cancel, so just return out of here
console.log(`Trying to delete contact in fillEditForm. Id = ${curId}`);
if (curId.length > 0) { // Make sure we have a good Id
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // create the http object
// Here's our callback for the asynchronous return. As long as we get a good status code, we update the form appropriately
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
console.log(this.responseText); // log the actual response
// readyState 4 means we're done, and status in the 200's means success, so re-get the contact list from the server
if (this.readyState == 4 && (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300)) {
console.log(`deleted the contact successfully`);
clearEditForm(); // clear the form since we deleted the contact
getContacts(); // get the contacts from the server
} else {
console.log(`failed to delete contact list`);
// Create the actual request and send it."POST", `http://localhost:3000/delete?Id=${curId}`, true);
// Simple function to clear the table element. We delete all the rows backwards. Make the function generic by allowing
// a parameter (pTable) which is the name of the table to be reset if there is more than one on the form
function tableDeleteRows(pTable = "") {
var curTable;
if (pTable.length == 0) {
curTable = document.getElementById('contacts_table');
} else {
curTable = document.getElementById(pTable);
// We start at the end of the rows (rows[length-1]), deleting backwards until we delete all of them
for (i = curTable.rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Simple function to clear a drop-down select element. We delete all the rows backwards. Make the function generic by allowing
// a parameter (pSelect) which is the name of the select element to be reset if there is more than one on the form
function selectDeleteOptions(pSelect = "") {
var curSelect;
if (pSelect.length == 0) {
curSelect = document.getElementById('contacts_list');
} else {
curSelect = document.getElementById(pSelect);
// Go backward from the end of the list of options in the select, removing them until we remove all of them
for (i = curSelect.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Assuming we have a contact chosen in the drop-down select element, fill the edit form with all the values for that contact
function fillEditForm() {
console.log("filling the contact form"); // Log what we're doing
var contactList = document.getElementById('contacts_list'); // get the drop-down list
var curId = contactList.value; // the selected element Id is the value of the list
console.log(`Trying to find contact in fillEditForm. Id = ${curId}`);
var curContact = getContactById(curId); // Get the whole contact by calling the function
console.log(curContact); // log the contact we're using to fill the form
// As long as we have a good contact, we fill the form
if (curContact != null) {
document.getElementById('contact_id').value = curContact['Id'];
document.getElementById('contact_fname').value = curContact['fname'];
document.getElementById('contact_lname').value = curContact['lname'];
document.getElementById('contact_age').value = curContact['age'];
document.getElementById('contact_phone').value = curContact['phone'];
document.getElementById('contact_email').value = curContact['email'];
// after we fill the form, we set elements appropriate to things like update and delete instead of add new
document.getElementById('contact_id').hidden = false;
document.getElementById('contact_id').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('contact_id_label').hidden = false;
document.getElementById('save_button').innerHTML = "Update Contact";
document.getElementById('save_button').name = "Update Contact";
// This function fills the table at the bottom of the document with all the contacts and all the information
function fillContactTable() {
console.log("Filling the contacts table in the form"); // Log what we're doing
tableDeleteRows("contacts_table"); // Reset the table
// if we don't have anything in the global contact list - forget it and return
if (document.contactList.length == 0) {
console.log("the contact list/array is empty!");
// We have contacts in the global array, so first parse the array into JSON and process it
var contactsJSON = JSON.parse(document.contactList);
var properties = ['Id', 'fname', 'lname', 'age', 'phone', 'email']; // we need the property names
var tr, curRow; // variables for table properties
var contactTable = document.getElementById("contacts_table"); // get the table element
// cycle through the rows in the contacts array
for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < contactsJSON.length; rowIndex++) {
console.log(`Creating table rows, rowindex is ${rowIndex}`);
tr = document.createElement('tr'); //create a new table row element
curRow = contactsJSON[rowIndex]; // get the current row from the array
console.log(curRow); // log the data in the current row
// Cycle through the columns - defined in the property array above and add column elements to the row in the table
for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
console.log(`Creating table columns for row ${i}, property is ${properties[i]} value is ${curRow[properties[i]]}`);
var td = document.createElement('td'); // create a data element for the column
td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(curRow[properties[i]])); //Append the property data to the new data element
tr.appendChild(td); // append the new data element to the row element
contactTable.appendChild(tr); // append the row element to the table element
console.log("Finished procesing contacts list");
// Fill the drop-down select. First reset the select (removing all options), then recreate it
function fillContactSelect() {
console.log("Filling the contacts drop down select in the form"); // log what we're doing
selectDeleteOptions("contacts_list"); // Reset the select element clearing all options
// if we don't have anything in the global contact list - forget it and return
if (document.contactList.length == 0) {
console.log("the contact list/array is empty!");
// We have contacts in the global array, so first parse the array into JSON and process it
var contactsJSON = JSON.parse(document.contactList);
var properties = ['Id', 'fname', 'lname']; // only need Id, fname, lname for drop down
var option, curRow; // variables for table properties
var contact = document.getElementById("contacts_list"); // get the select drop down element
// cycle through the rows in the contacts array
for (var rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < contactsJSON.length; rowIndex++) {
console.log(`Creating select items, rowindex is ${rowIndex}`);
option = document.createElement('option'); //create a select option element
curRow = contactsJSON[rowIndex]; // get the current row from the array
console.log(curRow); // log the data in the current row
// the value of this option will be the id, since that's what we'll use to get a contact. The text is fname + lname
option.value = curRow["Id"];
option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`${curRow['fname']} ${curRow['lname']}`));
contact.appendChild(option); // append the option to the select element
console.log("Finished procesing contacts list");
// When the windo first loads, get the list of contacts which will also fill the table and drop down list
window.onload = function() {
You are running the wrong JS file. You want to do:
node contactserver.js
At the moment you are running contacts.js, which is client-side code.
To expand on this, you're seeing that error because document is a global variable available in browsers, but not in Node.js. Frontend code designed to run in a browser often relies in browser APIs that simply don't exist on a server, so attempting to run a client-side only file in a server environment will throw errors when it can't find global objects that only exist in a browser.
(Props to #Jon Church for the explanation from the comments below)
Turns out that contacts.js was the wrong file. Typing into the terminal: node contactsserver.js was the solution.
In my firebase app when a new user signs up I add their initial data like displayname, emai , photourl to the database under the top level users node. This works fine.
Now when a user post a status, I want to upload the the post to top level statuses node where all user statuses are kept. And simultaneously I want to upload the post to current user's posts node i.e users/currentuser/posts.
I am following the methods shown on official firebase site here.
The problem is when I hit the post button nothing happens and no data is posted to the database
My function that gets invoked when the post button is clicked:
function postStatus(){
var ref = firebase.database().ref("allstatuses");
var user = firebase.auth().currentUser;
var newStatusRef = ref.push();
var newStatusKey = newStatusRef.key();
var statusData = {
status: postInput.val(),
likes: 0,
dislikes: 0
var updateUserStatus = {};
updateUserStatus["users/" + user.uid + "/" + newStatusKey] = statusData;
updateUserStatus["allstatuses/" + newStatusKey] = statusData;
alert("please login");
What am I doing wrong?
According to the API reference link it is key not key()
Change this
var newStatusKey = newStatusRef.key();
var newStatusKey = newStatusRef.key;
I am having serious trouble in using everyauth. All I need is facebook login. For that I am trying to use the example of everyauth. Once I do facebook authentication, how can I check in every page if the user is logged in or not/ get his facebook information. What I have done is
var exp = require('express');
var app = exp.createServer();
var conf = require('/Users/lakeshkansakar/clicker/node_modules/everyauth/example/conf')
var everyauth = require('everyauth');
everyauth.debug = true;
var usersById = {};
var nextUserId = 0;
function addUser (source, sourceUser) {
var user;
user = usersById[++nextUserId] = {id: nextUserId};
user[source] = sourceUser;
return user;
var usersByFbId = {};
var usersByTwitId = {};
.findUserById( function (id, callback) {
callback(null, usersById[id]);
.findOrCreateUser( function (session, accessToken, accessTokenExtra, fbUserMetadata) {
return usersByFbId[] || (usersByFbId[] = addUser('facebook', fbUserMetadata));;
.findOrCreateUser( function (sess, accessToken, accessSecret, twitUser) {
return usersByTwitId[] || (usersByTwitId[] = addUser('twitter', twitUser));;
In every get request, I then tried to check if everyauth.loggedIn is true or not. However, everyauth.loggedIn is shown to be undefined. Why is it so? How to check if the user has logged in using facebook?
Not sure that this will help or not, but I researched both EveryAuth and Passport, and was able to implement Passport for Facebook and Google very quickly. It looks like a much cleaner implementation of authentication.
Once you are logged In, you will be redirected to "/" as mentioned in .redirectPath('/');.
In the routes for "/", you can check for everyauth.loggedIn.
You can see more details here.. How can I check if a user is already logged in? (everyauth, node.js)
Hope this helps!