How do I resolve Uncaught Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop while setting a state? - javascript

I am getting an object location from another page like this.
const location = useLocation();
I am trying to set a variable like this.
if (location.state !== null) {
But this results in a "Too many renders" error. I realize it's because of the way I am setting companyOneAlready but I don't know how to correct this. Any help is appreciated.

It seems you are running the code as an unintentional side effect and the condition is malformed.
Use the useEffect hook with correct dependencies to issue the side-effect to update state.
useEffect(() => {
if (location.state !== null) {
}, [location.state]);
To help save a rerender you can also check the current companyOneAlready value prior to enqueueing the state update.
useEffect(() => {
if (location.state?.name?.companyName !== companyOneAlready) {
}, [location.state, companyOneAlready]);

It seems like location.state is never null. I believe by default it is an empty object and {} !== null is always true. Also, I assume that setcompanyOneAlready changes the state in the component. That triggers rerender and your's condition will be true on every render. That's the reason why you get the mentioned error.
You should put this condition inside useEffect and useEffect should have a name or companyName in the dependency array to rerun the effect only when some of these values are changed.


Filtering Table data with useEffect Hook causing component to re-render infinitely

I'm trying to use a search bar component to dynamically filter the content of a table that's being populated by API requests, however when I use this implementation the component re-renders infinitely and repeatedly sends the same API requests.
The useEffect() Hook:
React.useEffect(() => {
const filteredRows = rows.filter((row) => {
if (filteredRows !== rows){
}, [rows, search]);
Is there something I've missed in this implementation that would cause this to re-render infinitely?
Edit 1:
For further context, adding in relevant segments of code from that reference this component which might cause the same behaviour.
Function inside the parent component that renders the table which calls my API through a webHelpers library I wrote to ease API request use.
function fetchUsers() {
webHelpers.get('/api/workers', environment, "api", token, (data: any) => {
if (data == undefined || data == null || data.status != undefined) {
console.log('bad fetch call');
else {
Edit 2:
Steps taken so far to attempt to fix this issue, edited the hook according to comments:
React.useEffect(() => {
setRows((oldRows) => oldRows.filter((row) => {
}, [search]);
Edit 3:
Solution found, I've marked the answer by #Dharmik pointing out how Effect calls are managed as this caused me to investigate the parent components and find out what was causing the component to re-render repeatedly. As it turns out, there was a useEffect hook running repeatedly by a parent element which re-rendered the page and caused a loop of renders and API calls. My solution was to remove this hook and the sub-components continued rendering as they should without loops.
It is happening because you've added rows to useEffect dependency array and when someone enters something into search bar, The rows get filtered and rows are constantly updating.
And because of that useEffect is getting called again and again. Remove rows from the useEffect dependency array and it should work fine.
I would like to complement Dharmik answer. Dependencies should stay exhaustive (React team recomendation). I think a mistake is that filteredRows !== rows uses reference equality. But rows.filter(...) returns a new reference. So you can use some kind of deep equality check or in my opinion better somethink like:
React.useEffect(() => {
setRows((oldRows) => oldRows.filter((row) => {
}, [search]);

How to use ComponentDidUpdate?

I got array with objects from API and then I use:
Then I put data to my Redux but when I want to change this array (for instance add new object), I need to refresh the page, because it doesn't work asynchronous...
So I solved to use ComponentDidUpdate but it renders every second hundreds times, What i need to do?
You might need to wrap the setState call in an if block, as the docs describe here
Any call to setState inside of ComponentDidUpdate, will cause ComponentDidUpdate to be called again.
You need to compare is there any difference between the old props(state) and the new(updated) props(state) or the code may exec in dead loop. Just like the following snippet:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, _prevState) {
const { activeKey: prevActiveKey } = prevProps
const { activeKey } = this.props
if (prevActiveKey !== activeKey && !!activeKey) {

Call function only after multiple states have completed updating

I have a dialog for converting units. It has two stages of choice for the user: units to convert from and units to convert to. I keep this stage as a state, dialogStage, for maintainability as I'm likely going to need to reference what stage the dialog is in for more features in the future. Right now it's being used to determine what action to take based on what unit is clicked.
I also have a state, dialogUnits, that causes the component to rerender when it's updated. It's an array of JSX elements and it's updated via either foundUnitsArray or convertToUnitsArray, depending on what stage the dialog is at. Currently both states, dialogStage and dialogUnits, are updated at the same moment the problem occurs.
When choosing the convertTo units, displayConversionTo() was still being called, as though dialogStage was still set to 'initial' rather than 'concertTo'. Some debugging led to confusion as to why the if (dialogStage == 'initial') was true when I'd set the state to 'convertTo'.
I believe that my problem was that the dialogStage state wasn't updated in time when handleUnitClick() was called as it's asynchronous. So I set up a new useEffect that's only called when dialogStage is updated.
The problem now is that the dialog shows no 'convertTo' units after the initial selection. I believe it's now because dialogUnits hasn't updated in time? I've swapped my original problem from one state not being ready to another state not being ready.
How do I wait until both states are updated before continuing to call a function here (e.g. handleUnitClick()?).
Or have I mistaken what the problem is?
I'm new to react and, so far, I'm only familiar with the practice of state updates automatically rerendering a component when ready, unless overridden. Updating dialogUnits was displaying new units in the dialog until I tried to update it only when dialogStage was ready. It feels like an either/or situation right now (in terms of waiting for states to be updated) and it's quite possible I've overlooked something more obvious, as it doesn't seem to fit to be listening for state updates when so much of ReactJs is built around that already being catered for with rerenders, etc.
Component code:
function DialogConvert(props) {
const units = props.pageUnits;
const [dialogUnits, setDialogUnits] = useState([]);
const [dialogStage, setDialogStage] = useState('initial');
let foundUnitsArray = [];
let convertToUnitsArray = [];
units.unitsFound.forEach(element => {
foundUnitsArray.push(<DialogGroupChoice homogName={element} pcbOnClick={handleUnitClick} />);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if (dialogStage == "convertTo") {
}, [dialogStage]);
function handleClickClose(event) {
function handleUnitClick(homogName) {
if (dialogStage == "initial") {
// getConversionChoices is an external function that returns an array. This returns fine and as expected
const choices = getConversionChoices(homogName);
} else if (dialogStage == "convertTo") {
// Can't get this far
// Will call a function not displayed here once it works
function displayConversionTo(choices) {
let canConvertTo = choices[0]["canconvertto"];
if (canConvertTo.length > 0) {
canConvertTo.forEach(element => {
convertToUnitsArray.push(<DialogGroupChoice homogName={element} pcbOnClick={handleUnitClick} />);
return (
<div className="dialog dialog__convertunits" style={divStyle}>
<h2 className="dialogheader">Convert Which unit?</h2>
<div className='js-dialogspace-convertunits'>
<ul className="list list__convertunits">
<button className='button button__under js-close-dialog' onClick={handleClickClose}>Close</button>
So, there are some issues with your implementations:
Using non-state variables to update the state in your useEffect:
In displayConversionTo when you run the loop to push elements in convertToUnitsArray, and then set the state dialogStage to convertTo, you should be facing the issue that the updated values are not being rendered, as the change in state triggers a re-render and the convertToUnitsArray is reset to an empty array because of the line:
let convertToUnitsArray = [];
thus when your useEffect runs that is supposed to update the
dialogUnits to convertToUnitsArray, it should actually set the dialogueUnits to an empty array, thus in any case the updated units should not be visible on click of the initial units list.
useEffect(() => {
if (dialogStage == "convertTo") {
// as your convertToUnitsArray is an empty array
// your dialogue units should be set to an empty array.
}, [dalogStage]);
You are trying to store an array of react components in the state which is not advisable:
Also, refer
Solution: What you can do is try to save your data in a state, and then render the components using that state,
I have created a code sandbox example how this should look for your application.
I have also made some changes for this example to work correctly.
In your code , since you are passing units as props from parent, can you also pass the foundUnitsArray calculated from parent itself.
and remove the below operation,
units.unitsFound.forEach(element => {
foundUnitsArray.push(<DialogGroupChoice homogName={element} pcbOnClick={handleUnitClick} />);

Cant change variable with callback function but console logging works

I am trying to change a variable in react with a callback function but cannot seem to do so. Here is my react component:
const MyComponent = () => {
let scenePinned;
const sceneCallback = event => {
if (event && event.state === 'DURING') {
scenePinned = true;
} else {
console.log('Not Pinned');
scenePinned = false;
return (
<div style={scenePinned ? 'pinned' : 'not pinned'}/>
{(progress, event) => (
//Stuff Happens Here
), sceneCallback(event) )}
I am using react-scrollmagic and am trying to get the scenePinned variable to change from false to true and back to false again when scene is pinned to top. The console logging of Pinned and Not Pinned is happening correctly but I cannot seem to change the scenePinned variable. I am sure this is something very basic that I am not getting but I cannot understand why this is happening. Any help would be appreciated.
Note: I have tried using state to store the value but the callback is fired on scroll so the maximum depth is exceeded when trying to use state to store the scrolling status.
You need to use state for this. Otherwise the variable is reinitialized every time the component is rendered, and the value is lost.
will run for the first time when the page loads
with react we use state the handle dynamic values.
or use rxjs
or create your own object and set listeners on it. with some custom event
so ex. with state
then inside render method console.log(this.state.scenePinned)
A possible solution is to define a state variable in a parent component that will pass it to <MyComponent> as a prop.
Them move the sceneCallback function to the parent component and pass it as a prop to <MyComponent>
An explanation on how to define such a callback exists in many places. Here is one: (mine... ;)

React hook useEffect dependency array

I trying to wrap my head around the new hooks api of react. Specifically, I'm trying to construct the classic use case that once was the following:
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if ( !== {
// animate dom elements here...
this.animateSomething(this.ref, this.props.onAnimationComplete);
Now, I tried to build the same with a function component and useEffect, but can't figure out how to do it. This is what I tried:
useEffect(() => {
animateSomething(ref, props.onAnimationComplete);
}, []);
This way, the effect is only called when changes. And that does work – BUT! It appears to be an anti-pattern since the eslint-plugin-react-hooks marks this as an error. All dependencies that are used inside the effect should be declared in the dependencies array. So that means I would have to do the following:
useEffect(() => {
animateSomething(ref, props.onAnimationComplete);
}, [, ref, props.onAnimationComplete]);
That does not lead to the linting error BUT it totally defeats the purpose of only calling the effect when changes. I don't WANT it to be called when the other props or the ref change.
Now, I read something about using useCallback to wrap this. I tried it but didn't get any further.
Can somebody help?
I would recommend writing this as follows:
const previousFooRef = useRef(;
useEffect(() => {
if (previousFooRef.current !== {
animateSomething(ref, props.onAnimationComplete);
previousFooRef.current =;
}, [, props.onAnimationComplete]);
You can't avoid the complexity of having a condition inside the effect, because without it you will run your animation on mount rather than just when changes. The condition also allows you to avoid animating when things other than change.
By including props.onAnimationComplete in the dependencies array, you avoid disabling the lint rule which helps ensure that you don’t introduce future bugs related to missing dependencies.
Here's a working example:
Suppress the linter because it gives you a bad advice. React requires you to pass to the second argument the values which (and only which) changes must trigger an effect fire.
useEffect(() => {
animateSomething(ref, props.onAnimationComplete);
}, []); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
It leads to the same result as the Ryan's solution.
I see no problems with violating this linter rule. In contrast to useCallback and useMemo, it won't lead to errors in common case. The content of the second argument is a high level logic.
You may even want to call an effect when an extraneous value changes:
useEffect(() => {
alert(`Hi ${}, your score is changed`);
}, [props.score]);
Move the values, that must be fresh (not stale) in the callback but mustn't refire the effect, to refs:
const elementRef = useRef(); // Ex `ref` from the question
const animationCompleteRef = useRef();
animationCompleteRef.current = props.onAnimationComplete;
useEffect(() => {
animateSomething(elementRef, animationCompleteRef.current);
}, [, elementRef, animationCompleteRef]);
It works because useRef return value doesn't change on renders.
