Function using beginShape() slows down frame rate at higher resolutions - javascript

As stated in the title, rendering slows down significantly at higher resolutions. I'm wondering if this is caused by beginShape() as well as why and how to get around it. Other functions that do not use beginShape() do not affect the frame rate negatively. Link to p5 editor here:
Code below:
function w(v) {if (v == null) return width;return width * v;}
function h(v) {if (v == null) return height;return height * v;}
let zoff = 0;
let irregCircs = []
let numCircs;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
exType = chooseExpandType()
function draw() {
function chooseExpandType() {
expandType = 'ellipses'
return expandType
function irregExpand(radius,noiseVal) {
for (let a = 0; a <= TWO_PI; a += radians(6)) {
let xoff = map(cos(a), -1, 1, noiseVal/3, noiseVal);
let yoff = map(sin(a), -1, 1, noiseVal/3, noiseVal);
let diff = map(noise(xoff, yoff, zoff), 0, 1, .65, 1.35);
let x = radius * diff * cos(a);
let y = radius * diff * sin(a);
zoff += 0.0001;
function setIrregCircles(expandType) {
numCircs = 4;
for (let i = 0; i < numCircs; i++) {
radius = map(i,0,numCircs,w(.03),w(.65))
noiseVal = random(1,3)
circ = new IrregCircle(radius,noiseVal,expandType,numCircs);
function drawIrregCircles() {
for (let i = 0; i < irregCircs.length; i++){
class IrregCircle{
constructor(_radius,_noiseVal,_expandType,_numC) {
this.radius = _radius;
this.noiseVal = _noiseVal;
this.expandType = _expandType;
this.numC = _numC;
run() {
update() {
this.radius += w(.0015)
checkEdges() {
if (this.radius > w(.73)) {
this.radius = w(.01)
show() {
if (this.expandType === 'ellipses'){
rotate(frameCount / 60)
Thanks in advance to anyone having a look.

the fact that you are printing the frameRate at each frame slows down your program significantly. You can replace:
if(frameCount % 60 == 0)
to only print it every 60 frame.
I don't know if it solves your problem but on my side, it seems that it get rid of most of the freezing problem.
As you draw a lot of similar shapes, you should also try to compute an array of the points you need at the beginning and then reuse it at each frame and for each similar shape by scaling it by the right factor (Your code ran a lot faster when I removed the noise to draw circles only so I think what slows your code is the computation inside the BeginShape() block and not the BeginShape() itself).


Is there a way I can make leaves fall more organically?

So, at the moment I'm doing that, but the way my leaves are falling is weird, they're sticking to the same pattern as if they were still all stuck together, I know I could make them a class and give them random magnitude so each one of them would follow it's own path with its own velocity, but I am new to code and don't quite know how to do it, would there be a simpler way??? Thank you in advance (also it'd be nice to know if there is a way to add some time between the sprouting and the falling of the leaves).
var leaves = [];
var count = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
var a = createVector (width / 2, height);
var b = createVector (width / 2, height*3/4);
tree[0] = root;
function mousePressed() {
if (count % 3 === 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) {
if (!tree[i].finished) {
var leaf = tree[i].end.copy();
function draw() {
for (var i = 0; i < leaves.length; i++) {
fill(255, 204, 100);
ellipse(leaves[i].x, leaves[i].y, 2.7, 5);
leaves[i].x += random (0, 1.7);
leaves[i].y += random (0, 1.5);

Enemy detection and turret animation/control in a JavaScript p5.js game

I'm making a tower defense game using JavaScript and p5.js library. My enemy follows a path and their location is always stored in a list. I have a base and a gun, the gun rotates around the base(as 1 unit) and is supposed to point towards the nearest enemy. I have a function that will allow me to make the gun point towards the enemy pointEnemy however, I'm not able to get the correct condition to make it point towards the nearest enemy in it's range. I need the correct argument for enemyx & enemyy. I'm currently spawning 100 enemies and they keep moving, their location is stored in globalenemy1position. Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Required Code
Some important variables
var numberOfEnemy1 = 100
let classenemy1 = new Enemy1(numberOfEnemy1);
var globalenemy1position = [];
var isFireTowerPressed = false;
var FireTowerPos = []; // Position of all FireTowers => [x,y]
var FireTowerRange = 300;
var FireTowerAngle = 0;
My Enemy Class
class Enemy1
this.number_of_enemies = number_of_enemies;
this.enemy_position = [];
this.enemy1speed = 4;
let randomx = random(-300, -100);
for(var i=0; i<this.number_of_enemies; i++)
var positionx = randomx;
var positiony = 100;
this.enemy_position.push([positionx + (-i*50), positiony]);
globalenemy1position.push([positionx + (-i*50), positiony]);
image(enemy1, this.enemy_position[i][0], this.enemy_position[i][1]);
for(var i = 0; i < this.enemy_position.length; i++)
image(enemy1, this.enemy_position[i][0], this.enemy_position[i][1]);
if (this.enemy_position[i][0] >= 200 && this.enemy_position[i][1] <= 450 && this.enemy_position[i][0] < 599)
this.enemy_position[i][1] += this.enemy1speed;
globalenemy1position[i][1] += this.enemy1speed;
else if (this.enemy_position[i][1] >= 100 && this.enemy_position[i][0] >= 600)
this.enemy_position[i][1] -= this.enemy1speed;
globalenemy1position[i][1] -= this.enemy1speed;
else if (this.enemy_position[i][0] >= 750)
this.enemy_position[i][0] = 750;
lives --;
this.enemy_position[i][0] += this.enemy1speed;
globalenemy1position[i][0] += this.enemy1speed;
Draw Function - Redraws Every Frame
function draw()
background(60, 238, 161);
rect(750, 70, 50, 100);
if (isFireTowerPressed == true)
image(firetowerbaseImg, mouseX - 28, mouseY - 28);
circle(mouseX, mouseY, 300);
for (var i = 0; i < FireTowerPos.length; i++)
image(firetowerbaseImg, FireTowerPos[i][0], FireTowerPos[i][1]);
if (globalenemy1position.length >= 1)
var gunx = FireTowerPos[i][0] +28;
var guny = FireTowerPos[i][1]+25;
var gunrange = FireTowerPos[i][3];
for (j=0; j<globalenemy1position.length; j++)
// Need help with this statement here
pointEnemy(globalenemy1position[j][0], globalenemy1position[j][1], gunx, guny, FireTowerPos[i][2], FireTowerPos[i][3]);
image(firetowerturretImg, FireTowerPos[i][0], FireTowerPos[i][1]-20);
Function to make the gun point towards Enemy - I need the proper value for enemyx & enemyy
function pointEnemy(enemyx, enemyy, gunx, guny, gunangle, gunrange)
const isWithinRange = dist(enemyx, enemyy, gunx, guny) < gunrange;
gunangle = atan2(enemyy - guny, enemyx - gunx) + radians(90);
translate(gunx, guny);
// rect(-25, -20, 50, 40) // Draw the gun base
// ellipse(0, 0, gun.range*2) // display the gun range
image(firetowerturretImg, -28, -45); // Set the offset of the gun sprite and draw the gun
Here is a picture to help visualise the problem
As you can see, currently I'm just iterating through all the enemies and giving their location, so it's basically pointing to every enemy nearby.
I tried the approach given by #user3386109 , but wasn't able to implement it, also if possible I want the turret/gun to point towards the enemy till it leaves the range and not always point towards the closest enemy. It should start off with the closest and then keep pointing towards it till it leaves or the enemy dies(position removed from the list), whichever comes first. The function should then restart again and continue the process.
This process is the complete aiming for the tower. Add this to draw and it searches for enemies.
for (var i = 0; i < FireTowerPos.length; i++)
// image(firetowerbaseImg, FireTowerPos[i][0], FireTowerPos[i][1]);
// pointEnemy(mouseX, mouseY, FireTowerPos[i][0] +28, FireTowerPos[i][1]+25, FireTowerPos[i][2], FireTowerPos[i][3]);
image(firetowerbaseImg, FireTowerPos[i][0], FireTowerPos[i][1]);
var enemiesInRange = [];
let firetowerx = FireTowerPos[i][0];
let firetowery = FireTowerPos[i][1];
for (var j = 0; j < globalenemy1position.length; j++)
var checkDist = dist(globalenemy1position[j][0], globalenemy1position[j][1], firetowerx, firetowery);
let thisenemyx = globalenemy1position[j][0];
let thisenemyy = globalenemy1position[j][1];
if (checkDist < FireTowerRange)
enemiesInRange.push([thisenemyx, thisenemyy]);
pointEnemy(enemiesInRange[0][0], enemiesInRange[0][1], FireTowerPos[i][0] +28, FireTowerPos[i][1]+25, FireTowerPos[i][2], FireTowerPos[i][3]);

p5.js Flood Fill (bucket tool) works slowly and wierd

So I wrote a flood fill function that works like a paint-app bucket tool: you click inside a closed shape and it'll fill with a color.
I have two problems with it:
performance - let's say my canvas is 600*600 (370,000 pixels) and I draw a big circle in it that for example has about 100K pixels in it, it can take about 40(!!!) seconds to fill this circle! thats insane!
A sqaure of exactly 10,000 pixels takes 0.4-0.5 seconds on average, but (I guess) since the sizes of the arrays used the program are growing so much, a sqaure 10 times the size takes about 100 times the length to fill.
there's something wierd about the filling. I'm not really sure how it happens but it's always leaving a few un-filled pixels. Not much at all, but it's really wierd.
My flood fill function uses 4 helper-functions: get and set pixel color, checking if it's a color to fill, and checking if that's a pixel that has been checked before.
Here are all the functions:
getPixelColor = (x, y) => {
let pixelColor = [];
for (let i = 0; i < pixDens; ++i) {
for (let j = 0; j < pixDens; ++j) {
index = 4 * ((y * pixDens + j) * width * pixDens + (x * pixDens + i));
pixelColor[0] = pixels[index];
pixelColor[1] = pixels[index + 1];
pixelColor[2] = pixels[index + 2];
pixelColor[3] = pixels[index + 3];
return pixelColor;
setPixelColor = (x, y, currentColor) => { //Remember to loadPixels() before using this function, and to updatePixels() after.
for (let i = 0; i < pixDens; ++i) {
for (let j = 0; j < pixDens; ++j) {
index = 4 * ((y * pixDens + j) * width * pixDens + (x * pixDens + i));
pixels[index] = currentColor[0];
pixels[index + 1] = currentColor[1];
pixels[index + 2] = currentColor[2];
pixels[index + 3] = currentColor[3];
isDuplicate = (posHistory, vector) => {
for (let i = 0; i < posHistory.length; ++i) {
if (posHistory[i].x === vector.x && posHistory[i].y === vector.y) {
return true;
return false;
compareColors = (firstColor, secondColor) => {
for (let i = 0; i < firstColor.length; ++i) {
if (firstColor[i] !== secondColor[i]) {
return false;
return true;
floodFill = () => {
let x = floor(mouseX);
let y = floor(mouseY);
let startingColor = getPixelColor(x, y);
if (compareColors(startingColor, currentColor)) {
return false;
let pos = [];
pos.push(createVector(x, y));
let posHistory = [];
posHistory.push(createVector(x, y));
while (pos.length > 0) {
x = pos[0].x;
y = pos[0].y;
if (x <= width && x >= 0 && y <= height && y >= 0) {
setPixelColor(x, y, currentColor);
let xMinus = createVector(x - 1, y);
if (!isDuplicate(posHistory, xMinus) && compareColors(getPixelColor(xMinus.x, xMinus.y), startingColor)) {
let xPlus = createVector(x + 1, y);
if (!isDuplicate(posHistory, xPlus) && compareColors(getPixelColor(xPlus.x, xPlus.y), startingColor)) {
let yMinus = createVector(x, y - 1);
if (!isDuplicate(posHistory, yMinus) && compareColors(getPixelColor(yMinus.x, yMinus.y), startingColor)) {
let yPlus = createVector(x, y + 1);
if (!isDuplicate(posHistory, yPlus) && compareColors(getPixelColor(yPlus.x, yPlus.y), startingColor)) {
I would really apprciate it if someone could help me solve the problems with the functions.
Thank you very much!!
EDIT: So I updated my flood fill function itself and removed an array of colors that I never used. this array was pretty large and a few push() and a shift() methods called on it on pretty much every run.
UNFORTUNATLY, the execution time is 99.9% the same for small shapes (for example, a fill of 10,000 takes the same 0.5 seconds, but large fills, like 100,000 pixels now takes about 30 seconds and not 40, so that's a step in the right direction.
I guess that RAM usage is down as well since it was a pretty large array but I didn't measured it.
The wierd problem where it leaves un-filled pixels behind is still here as well.
A little suggestion:
You don't actually have to use the posHistory array to determine whether to set color. If the current pixel has the same color as startingColor then set color, otherwise don't set. This would have the same effect.
The posHistory array would grow larger and larger during execution. As a result, a lot of work has to be done just to determine whether to fill a single pixel. I think this might be the reason behind your code running slowly.
As for the "weird thing":
This also happened to me before. I think that's because the unfilled pixels do not have the same color as startingColor. Say you draw a black shape on a white background, you would expect to see some gray pixels (close to white) between the black and white parts somewhere. These pixels play the role of smoothing the shape.

How would I add sliders to increase the sides of my Polygons, and draw more of them without refreshing the page?

Currently I'm drawing vertices to create polygons, I would like to add sliders to allow a user to increase or decrease the amount of sides the polygons have and the amount drawn. Also having the canvas update with refreshing.
I've tried adding a slider to control the noOfSides but I've had no luck.
Thanks for your time and help.
let noOfShapes = 3;
let noOfSides;
let rx, ry, drx, dry, rd1, rd2, drd1, drd2;
let threshold = 1000;
let fillColour;
let strokeThick;
let sidesSlider;
function setup() {
createCanvas(1240, 1754);
// background(0, 230)
//noOfSides = 3;
fillColour = random(0, 255);
sidesSlider = createSlider(4, 12, 3);
sidesSlider.position(width + 20, 0);'width', '150px');
function draw() {
background(0, 230)
noOfSides = sidesSlider.value();
for (let x = 0; x < noOfShapes; x++) {
do {
rx = [];
ry = [];
rd1 = [];
rd2 = [];
for (let y = 0; y < noOfSides; y++) {
rx.push(random(10, width - 20));
ry.push(random(10, height - 20));
rd1.push(rx[y] * 1 + ry[y] * 1);
rd2.push(rx[y] * 1 - ry[y] * 1);
drx = max(rx) - min(rx);
dry = max(ry) - min(ry);
drd1 = max(rd1) - min(rd1);
drd2 = max(rd2) - min(rd2);
while (drx < threshold || dry < threshold || drd1 < threshold || drd2 < threshold)
fill(random(1, 255), random(1, 255), random(1, 255), 150);
for (let y = 0; y < rx.length; y++) {
vertex(rx[y], ry[y]);
for (let x = 20; x <= width; x = x + 20) {
vertex(x, 0)
vertex(x, height + 20)
First things first, you need to re-draw your shapes whenever slider changes since you are using noLoop().
To do that you can easily define an on change event like this:
And i suggest you to assign noOfSides variable's value in that function. After that call the draw funtion again.
function sliderChange() {
noOfSides = sidesSlider.value();
Since you would remove assigning the value to noOfSides in draw function you need to set a default value to that variable either on initialization or in `setup function.
noOfSides = 3;
Then you are almost good to go, only thing that i don't quite understand was you last part of the code. I removed that part and it works as expected at the moment.
Please be aware that you are setting background color with alpha value. That leads: on each rendering of shapes, latest shapes silhouette are still barely visible.
Here is the latest version of your code:

Canvas animation with JavaScript. Random coordinates and speed at every initiation

Edited : Thanks to all for valuable time and effort. Finally I made this )) JSfiddle
I was just playing with canvas and made this. Fiddle link here.
... some code here ...
var cords = [];
for(var i = 50; i <= width; i += 100) {
for(var j = 50; j <= height; j += 100) {
cords.push({ cor: i+','+j});
var offset = 15,
speed = 0.01,
angle = 0.01;
cords.forEach(function(e1) {
e1.base = parseInt(Math.random()*25);
e1.rgb = 'rgb('+parseInt(Math.random()*255)+','+parseInt(Math.random()*255)+','+parseInt(Math.random()*255)+')';
setInterval(function() {
cords.forEach(function(e1) {
e1.base = parseInt(Math.random()*25);
e1.rgb = 'rgb('+parseInt(Math.random()*255)+','+parseInt(Math.random()*255)+','+parseInt(Math.random()*255)+')';
function render() {
cords.forEach(function(e1) {
ctx.fillStyle = e1.rgb;
var r = e1.base + Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)) * offset;
var v = e1.cor.split(',');
ctx.arc(v[0],v[1],r,0,Math.PI * 2, false);
angle += speed;
Was wondering if -
Coordinates can be made random, now they are fixed as you can see. After 5000 mil, balls will show up in various random cords but even at their fullest they won't touch each other.
Every ball has same speed for changing size, I want that to be different too. Meaning, After 5000 mil, they show up with different animation speeds as well.
Also any suggestion on improving code and making it better/quicker/lighter is much appreciated. Thank you !
TL;DR - See it running here.
Making the coordinates random:
This requires you to add some random displacement to the x and y coordinates. So I added a random value to the coordinates. But then a displacement of less than 1 is not noticeable. So you'd need to magnify that random number by a multiplier. That's where the randomizationFactor comes in. I have set it to 100 since that is the value by which you shift the coordinates in each iteration. So that gives a truly random look to the animation.
Making Speed Random:
This one took me a while to figure out, but the ideal way is to push a value of speed into the array of coordinates. This let's you ensure that for the duration of animation, the speed will remain constant and that gives you a smoother feel. But again multiplying the radius r with a value between 0 and 1 reduces the speed significantly for some of the circles. So I have added a multiplier to 3 to compensate slightly for that.
Ideally I'd put a 2, as the average value of Math.random() is 0.5, so a multiplier of 2 would be adequate to compensate for that. But a little experimentation showed that the multiplier of 3 was much better. You can choose the value as per your preference.
Your logic of generating the coordinates changes as follows:
for(var i = 50; i <= width;i += 100) {
for(var j = 51; j <= height;j += 100) {
var x = i + (Math.random() - 0.5)*randomizationFactor;
var y = j + (Math.random() - 0.5)*randomizationFactor;
cords.push({ cor: x+','+y, speed: Math.random()});
Your logic of enlarging the circles changes as follows:
function render() {
cords.forEach(function(e1) {
ctx.fillStyle = e1.rgb;
var r = e1.base + Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)) * offset * e1.speed * 3;
var v = e1.cor.split(',');
ctx.arc(v[0],v[1],r,0,Math.PI * 2, false);
angle += speed ;
Suggestion: Update the coordinates with color
I'd probably also update the location of circles every 5 seconds along with the colors. It's pretty simple to do as well. Here I've just created a function resetCoordinates that runs every 5 seconds along with the setBaseRgb function.
var cords = [];
function resetCoordinates() {
cords = [];
for(var i = 50; i <= width;i += 100) {
for(var j = 51; j <= height;j += 100) {
var x = i + (Math.random() - 0.5)*randomizationFactor;
var y = j + (Math.random() - 0.5)*randomizationFactor;
cords.push({ cor: x+','+y, speed: Math.random()});
UPDATE I did some fixes in your code that can make your animation more dynamic. Totally rewritten sample.
(sorry for variable name changing, imo now better)
Built in Math.random not really random, and becomes obvious when you meet animations. Try to use this random-js lib.
var randEngine = Random.engines.mt19937().autoSeed();
var rand = function(from, to){
return Random.integer(from, to)(randEngine)
Internal base properties to each circle would be better(more dynamic).
var circles = [];
// better to save coords as object neither as string
for(var i = 50; i <= width; i += 100)
for(var j = 50; j <= height; j += 100)
coords: {x:i,y:j}
We can adjust animation with new bouncing property.
var offset = 15,
speed = 0.005,
angle = 0.01,
bouncing = 25;
This is how setBaseRgb function may look like
function setBaseRgb(el){
el.base = rand(-bouncing, bouncing);
el.speed = rand(5, 10) * speed;
el.angle = 0;
el.rgb = 'rgb('+rand(0, 255)+','+rand(0, 255)+','+rand(0, 255)+')';
All your animations had fixed setInterval timeout. Better with random timeout.
// random timeout for each circle
setInterval(setBaseRgb.bind(null,el), rand(3000, 5000));
You forgot to add your base to your circle position
function render() {
circles.forEach(function(el) {
ctx.fillStyle = el.rgb;
var r = bouncing + el.base + Math.abs(Math.sin(el.angle)) * offset;
var coords = el.coords;
coords.x + el.base,
coords.y + el.base,
r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false
el.angle += el.speed;
Effect 1 JSFiddle
Adding this
if(el.angle > 1)
Results bubling effect
Effect 2 JSFiddle
Playing with formulas results this
Effect 3 JSFiddle
