I am using the websurface A-frame component () and I'm wondering how I can make it so when a button is clicked, the url of the websurface will change to the value of a variable I've defined called source. What should happen is for example, if the variable source is set to "https://google.ca" and you click the button, the websurface url will change to https://google.ca. Current code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Example 1</title>
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.2.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-websurfaces#1.4.0/dist/aframe-websurfaces.umd.js"></script>
function updateSource() {
let source = "https://google.ca";
<button style="position: fixed; z-index: 100000;" onclick="updateSource()">
update src
wasd-controls="acceleration: 20;"
camera="active: true"
look-controls="pointerLockEnabled: false"
position="0 1.6 0"
<a-cursor position="0 0 -.05" scale=".04 .04 1"></a-cursor>
<a-sky color="#aff"></a-sky>
rotation="-90 0 0"
websurface="url:https://aframe.io/; width:4; height:2;"
position="2.25 1.5 -4"
Fiddle with code: https://jsfiddle.net/AidanYoung/7vye3osa/2/
The component is using an i-frame accessible with the reference:
You can use it like any other i-frame - like changing the src property:
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.2.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-websurfaces#1.4.0/dist/aframe-websurfaces.umd.js"></script>
function updateSource() {
let source = "https://threejs.org";
const websurfaceEl = document.querySelector("[websurface]")
websurfaceEl.websurface_iframe.src = source
<button style="position: fixed; z-index: 100000;" onclick="updateSource()">
update src
<a-entity websurface="url:https://aframe.io/; width:4; height:2;"
position="0 1.6 -2"></a-entity>
Keep in mind - the originating server may not welcome requests from other origins - like https://google.ca which explicitly tells you, that only websites from the same origin may display it in a frame (check the logs in the snippet below):
X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'
<iframe src="https://google.ca" width="500" height="250">
I have created a scene using A-frame (https://aframe.io) and I currently have some rain in my scene and a button. What I would like to do is when the button is clicked, a function occurs, I'm wondering how I can make this function remove the rain component from the scene. Code:
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/aframevr/aframe/v0.4.0/dist/aframe-master.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/takahirox/aframe-rain/master/build/aframe-rain.min.js"></script>
<button onclick="toggleRain()">
Toggle rain
<a-scene rain>
<a-entity position="0 0 10">
<a-entity geometry="primitive:sphere"></a-entity>
<a-sky color="#222"></a-sky>
<a-entity light="type:directional;color:#666" position="-10 -10 -10"></a-entity>
What I would like to happen is when the toggleRain() function is triggered, the
<a-scene rain> part of the code will change and remove the rain part so there is just
This should stop the rain from falling when the button is clicked. Just to clarify, when the function is triggered, it should rain property from the <a-scene rain> leaving just
How can this be done? Link to fiddle containing code: https://jsfiddle.net/AidanYoung/z7qstgua/2/
You could just use removeAttribute() to remove the rain
function toggleRain() {
let a = document.getElementById('a');
if (a.hasAttribute('rain')) {
} else {
a.setAttribute('rain', '1');
console.log ("ok");
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/aframevr/aframe/v0.4.0/dist/aframe-master.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://rawgit.com/takahirox/aframe-rain/master/build/aframe-rain.min.js"></script>
<button onclick="toggleRain()">
Toggle rain
<a-scene id="a" rain>
<a-entity position="0 0 10">
<a-entity geometry="primitive:sphere"></a-entity>
<a-sky color="#222"></a-sky>
<a-entity light="type:directional;color:#666" position="-10 -10 -10"></a-entity>
I don't want to have my a-scene in fullscreen. I tried to add "embedded" to the scene and then change it with css but that does not work.
My html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">
<script src="aframe/aframe.js"></script>
<script src="js/aframe-ar.js"></script>
<script src="js/gestures.js"></script>
<body style="margin : 0px; overflow: hidden;">
<a-scene embedded arjs renderer="logarithmicDepthBuffer: true;" gesture-detector
<a-marker type="pattern" preset="custom" url="/pattern/ifgi-pattern.patt" id="a-marker">
<a-entity position="0 0 0" scale="0.8 0.8 0.8" gltf-model="/gltf/car_model/scene.gltf" class="clickable"
gesture-handler="minScale: 0.25; maxScale: 10" id="a-entity"></a-entity>
<a-entity camera id="camera">
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
and my css:
.a-scene { display: block; width: 50%; }
Does anyone knows how to solve this? I just want to add a bootstrap navbar but the scene always overlaps the navbar.
Thanks for your help!
I'm trying to create a entity in my Aframe's scene that once clicked bring me in another of my random pages.
I'm a newbie, so my code is a patchwork that sometimes works and other times doesn't. I used this addon (https://github.com/silverslade/aframe_blender_exporter) to translate my 3d Blender scene in an "Aframe" page. It worked very well and this is my result with added javascript lines
<title>WebXR Application</title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="index/favicon.ico"/>
<meta name="description" content="3D Application">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/1.0.4/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/donmccurdy/aframe-extras#v6.1.0/dist/aframe-extras.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index/js/webxr.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index/js/joystick.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="index/js/camera-cube-env.js"></script>
AFRAME.registerComponent('navigate-on-click', {
schema: {
url: {default: ''}
init: function () {
var data = this.data;
var el = this.el;
el.addEventListener('click', function () {
window.location.href = data.url;
var urls = [
function goSomewhere() {
var url = urls[Math.floor(Math.random()*urls.length)];
window.location = url; // redirect
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index/style.css">
<body onload="init();">
<a-scene shadow="type: basic; autoUpdate: false;">
<!-- Assets -->
<a-asset-item id="Plane" src="./index/assets/Plane.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<a-asset-item id="segnalefreccia" src="./index/assets/segnalefreccia.gltf"></a-asset-item>
<img id="sky" src="./index/resources/sky.jpg">
<img id="icon-play" src="./index/resources/play.png">
<img id="icon-pause" src="./index/resources/pause.psng">
<img id="icon-play-skip-back" src="./index/resources/play-skip-back.png">
<img id="icon-mute" src="./index/resources/mute.png">
<img id="icon-volume-low" src="./index/resources/volume-low.png">
<img id="icon-volume-high" src="./index/resources/volume-high.png">
<!-- Entities -->
<a-entity id="#Plane" gltf-model="#Plane" scale="1 1 1" position="0.0 0.0 -0.0" visible="true" shadow="cast: false" ></a-entity>
<a-entity animation-mixer id="#segnalefreccia" gltf-model="#segnalefreccia" scale="0.25 0.25 0.25" position="0.0 0.0 -10.0" visible="true" shadow="cast: false" onClick="goSomewhere(); return false;" ></a-entity>
<!-- Camera -->
<a-entity id="player"
position="0 -0.2 0"
movement-controls="speed: 0.10000000149011612;">
<a-entity id="camera"
camera="near: 0.001"
position="0 1.7000000476837158 0"
look-controls="pointerLockEnabled: true">
<a-entity id="cursor" cursor="fuse: false;" animation__click="property: scale; startEvents: click; easing: easeInCubic; dur: 50; from: 0.1 0.1 0.1; to: 1 1 1"
position="0 0 -0.1"
geometry="primitive: circle; radius: 0.001;"
material="color: #CCC; shader: flat;"
<a-entity id="leftHand" oculus-touch-controls="hand: left" vive-controls="hand: left"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="rightHand" laser-controls oculus-touch-controls="hand: right" vive-controls="hand: right" ></a-entity>
<!-- Lights -->
<a-entity light="intensity: 10; shadowBias: -0.001; shadowCameraFar: 501.02; shadowCameraBottom: 12; shadowCameraFov: 101.79; shadowCameraNear: 0; shadowCameraTop: -5; shadowCameraRight: 10; shadowCameraLeft: -10; shadowRadius: 2; angle: 180; decay: 1.3; type: spot; distance: 4.41; penumbra: 0.01" position="0 3.53829 -9.8453"></a-entity>
<!-- Sky -->
<a-sky color="#000000"></a-sky>
The first time you open the scene you have to click on it a lot of times but it eventually works, but in the following pages it stops working altogether. I think it’s because this is a Frankenstein monster of a code, but I didn't find a better way to make it.
Thank you for helping!
I have several entities in my a-scene and I want to hide them, if I click on a button.
That my JS for changing the attribute "visible":
myEventHandler: function (evt) {
let myEl = document.querySelector("#links");
The script should be executed if "button_right" is clicked:
<!-- left and right button: button-left = reset background // button-right = hide links -->
<a-entity id="buttons" layout="type: line; margin: 2.5" position="-1.75 -2.5 -4">
<a-entity id="button-left" template="src: #button_reset" data-src="#default"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="button-right" template="src: #button_hide"></a-entity>
If I click the right button I get this error:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element':
'0' is not a valid attribute name.
at HTMLElement.setAttribute (
at HTMLElement.setAttribute (
at NewComponent.module.exports.setComponentProperty (
at HTMLElement.s (https://unpkg.com/aframe-event-set-component#5.0.0/dist/aframe-event-set-component.min.js:1:1990)
at HTMLElement.emit (
at NewComponent.twoWayEmit (
at NewComponent.onCursorUp (
at HTMLCanvasElement.bound (
Here is the full code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>360° Image</title>
<meta name="description" content="360° Image - A-Frame">
<script src="assets/js/aframe-master.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/play-all-model-animations.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-template-component#3.x.x/dist/aframe-template-component.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-layout-component#4.3.1/dist/aframe-layout-component.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-event-set-component#5.0.0/dist/aframe-event-set-component.min.js"></script>
<!-- background images -->
<img id="oberkirch" src="assets/image/oberkirch.jpg" alt="360 Degree view of the City Oberkirch">
<img id="schauenburg" src="assets/image/schauenburg.JPG" alt="360 Degree view of the Schauenburg">
<img id="city" src="assets/image/360_background.jpg" alt="360 Degree view of a city">
<img id="default" crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://cdn.aframe.io/360-image-gallery-boilerplate/img/city.jpg">
<img id="city-thumb" crossorigin="anonymous"
<!-- Template for links -->
<script id="circle" type="text/html">
<a-entity class="link"
geometry="primitive: circle; height: 1; width: 1"
material="color: blue"
event-set__mouseenter="material.color: red"
event-set__mouseleave="material.color: blue"
event-set__click="_target: #image-360; _delay: 300; material.src: ${src}"
proxy-event="event: click; to: #image-360; as: image"
<!-- Template for button_reset -->
<script id="button_reset" type="text/html">
<a-entity class="button"
geometry="primitive: plane; height: 0,5; width: 1s"
material="color: blue"
event-set__mouseenter="material.color: red"
event-set__mouseleave="material.color: blue"
event-set__click="_target: #image-360; _delay: 300; material.src: ${src}"
proxy-event="event: click; to: #image-360; as: image"
<!-- Template for button_hide -->
<script id="button_hide" type="text/html">
<a-entity class="button"
geometry="primitive: plane; height: 0,5; width: 1s"
material="color: blue"
event-set__mouseenter="material.color: red"
event-set__mouseleave="material.color: blue"
event-set__click="_target: #link; link.setA"
<!-- Script for hiding the links -->
document.querySelector('#button-right').addEventListener('mouseclick', myEventHandler);
myEventHandler: function (evt) {
let myEl = document.querySelector("#links");
myEl.setAttribute('visible', "false");
<!-- Change the background of the scene -->
<a-sky id="image-360" radius="10" src="#default"></a-sky>
<!-- Creates a cursor -->
<a-cursor id="cursor"
animation__click="property: scale; startEvents: click; from: 0.1 0.1 0.1; to: 1 1 1; dur: 150">
<!-- Links for changing the background -->
<a-entity id="links" visible="true" layout="type: line; margin: 2.5" position="-3 -1 -4">
<a-entity template="src: #circle" data-src="#oberkirch"></a-entity>
<a-entity template="src: #circle" data-src="#schauenburg"></a-entity>
<a-entity template="src: #circle" data-src="#city"></a-entity>
<!-- left and right button: button-left = reset background // button-right = hide links -->
<a-entity id="buttons" layout="type: line; margin: 2.5" position="-1.75 -2.5 -4">
<a-entity id="button-left" template="src: #button_reset" data-src="#default"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="button-right" template="src: #button_hide"></a-entity>
Thank you!
Here true and false is a boolean value so you don't need to add as a "false" in string.
Use single quotes ('#links')
And maybe try not to use numbers for id
I Want To Show A Preloading Screen Till All Assets Loads And Renders.
I Tried Using Assets Event loaded but its not working . When We Augment 3d Model , Image and video , So These Assets Are Almost 50-60mb . So it takes time to load the assets and augment . The video when we augment for 4-8 seconds the black screen comes and plays,if the network is slow (In inspect Network Tab Select 3G Slow We Test).
Please Edit My Code in Glitch
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.8.2/aframe.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/jeromeetienne/AR.js/1.7.2/aframe/build/aframe-ar.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/donmccurdy/aframe-extras/v6.0.0/dist/aframe-extras.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-animation-component#5.1.2/dist/aframe-animation-component.min.js"></script>
AFRAME.registerComponent("vidhandler", {
init: function () {
// Set up initial state and variables.
this.toggle = false;
this.vid = document.querySelector("#vid");
console.log('************* Vid Paused');
tick: function () {
if (this.el.object3D.visible == true) {
if (!this.toggle) {
this.toggle = true;
console.log('************* Vid Play');
} else {
this.toggle = false;
//console.log('************* Vid Paused');
<a-scene vr-mode-ui="enabled: false" artoolkit='sourceType: webcam; detectionMode: mono; maxDetectionRate: 90;' arjs='debugUIEnabled: false;detectionMode: mono_and_matrix; matrixCodeType: 3x3;'>
<!-- ALL ASSETS -->
<!-- 3D MODEL -->
<a-entity id="model" src="https://cdn.glitch.com/c3106e6c-98cb-40e4-b0c1-85257680d25a%2Fygark.glb?v=1564472468760" crossorigin="anonymous" rotation="-90 0 -90">
<!-- VIDEO -->
<video preload="auto" id="vid" response-type="arraybuffer" loop="false" crossorigin webkit-playsinline playsinline controls>
<source src="https://cdn.glitch.com/c3106e6c-98cb-40e4-b0c1-85257680d25a%2Fvid.mp4?v=1564472320471" type="video/mp4">
<!-- IMAGE -->
<img id="img" src="https://cdn.glitch.com/c3106e6c-98cb-40e4-b0c1-85257680d25a%2Fsun.png?v=1564472507237">
<!-- ALL ASSETS -->
<a-marker type="pattern" preset="hiro" vidhandler>
<a-entity position="0 0 0">
<a-video width="2" height="2" rotation="-90 0 0" material='transparent:true;shader:flat;side:double;src:#vid'></a-video>
<a-image width="2" height="2" material='transparent:true;shader:flat;side:double;src:#img' position="2 0 0" rotation="-90 0 0"></a-image>
<a-entity position="-1.5 0 0" gltf-model="#model" material='transparent:true;shader:flat;side:double;metelness:2' rotation="0 0 0" scale="0.5 0.5 0.5" shadow="receive: false" >
<a-entity camera>
<a-entity cursor="rayOrigin: mouse;fuse: false;"></a-entity>
Asset loaded event is not working . Please Edit My Code in Glitch
Thanks In Advance
There are a couple different options.
Aframe has a built in loading screen that is enabled within the <a-scene> declaration
<a-scene loading-screen="dotsColor: red; backgroundColor: black"></a-scene>
Another option is to follow the steps in the response from Noam Almosnino
Use a component like, Aframe Preloader
Note: I am not associated with this component and have not tested it. Please see the demo page for some examples
Based on your comment (below) I would recommend #2 (above)
create a listener for the scene's loaded event
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var scene = document.querySelector('a-scene');
scene.addEventListener('loaded', function (e) {
// hide splash screen