How do I Wait With Extends Script (Adobe) - javascript

i'm currently working on an extends script which is the technology that we can use to create extension for adobe softwares, its a javascript similar script language
Im working on a script to automate some boring and repetitive tasks
Here is my problem i've to wait the creation of a bin before use a variable which call this bin but i can't, i tried
.then( Promise => { //Some Code }) ; setTimeout(Function(), time); nothing is working
Can someone help me please ?
Here is my code
root = app.project.rootItem
newFilesPath = "Path"
newFilesBin = root.children[0]
app.project.importFiles(newFilesPath, true, newFilesBin, false)
for(i=0; i<newFilesBin.children.numItems; i++){ //here is the problem it tells me that
newFile = newFilesBin.children[i] //newFilesBin is null, i think he has not the
//time to create the file and then to put it
//in the variable
name =
newTiktokBin = root.createBin(name)

You can simply send your program to sleep for any amount of milliseconds by using the $.sleep() method.
$.sleep(1000); // sends the program to sleep for a second
There is no such thing as .then() or promises in ExtendScript, as it is basically an ancient version of JavaScript.


Unity - communicating with clientside Javascript and ajax. How to pass data back to the webpage from unity?

What I am really asking is this; if there are dependencies which are impossible to compile into the unity build, is there a way of still calling them from within the unity and simply using the scripts loaded into the browser from the website and communicating with them?
Relevant documentation does not address this deeply:
I am creating a website wrapper for a unity application. The buttons for the experience are located within the website, as the buttons affect the rest of the site, not just the unity application.
When certain content is loaded in the unity game play however, the app needs to be able to affect the website. Is there a way to pass the data back to the website in a creative way? Currently, I am including all my javascript code for the website in the unity compile, and it is erroring out on:
gameInstance = UnityLoader.instantiate("gameContainer", "/Build/DomumProto16_Web.json", {
onProgress: UnityProgress
Sending data to the gameplay from the website:
gameInstance.SendMessage('Manager','Filter', JSON.stringify(filterActive));
Need to call this function from the unity gameplay. However, ajax.ajax_url is undefined due to it being localized using wp_localize_script() on the backend.
function showStudentWork(studentIndex){
//make sure to remove all the
var x = document.getElementById("studentWork");
var studentID = studentWork[studentIndex];
url: ajax.ajax_url,
type: "POST",
data: {
action: 'getStudentPost',
currentStudent: studentID
success: function (data) {
x.innerHTML = "";
x.innerHTML = data; = "grid";
error: function (error) {
console.log(`Error ${error}`);
return false;
What I am really asking is this; if there are dependencies which are impossible to compile into the unity build, is there a way of still calling them from within the unity and simply using the scripts loaded into the browser from the website and communicating with them?
Here are two methods. One is, in my opinion, easier, but it is deprecated and you should ~not~ use it. Options two is the 'corrrect' way, but it is kinda ugly imo.
Option 1: Application.ExternalCall
This option allows you to call browser javascript directly, but Unity has deprecated support for it and is probably a bad idea for anything long term.
In a given browser with a Unity web player working, consider the following:
In browser source, define a javascript function
<other html>
function foo(msg) {
In Unity, whenever it is nessecary:
Application.ExternalCall( "foo", "The game says hello!" );
This allows Javascript to be called from Unity.
There is similar functionality for communication in the opposite direction.
Option 2: jslibs
This is the unity-endorsed way of doing things. It involved packaging javascript libraries into your games.
First, create a javascript file that will be packaged with your game. Here is an example file:
// Unity syntactic sugar
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
// Declare all your functions that can be called from c# here
alert_user: function (msg) {
other_func: function () {
// does something else
// etc.
// put as many functions as you'd like in here
Place that file, with extension .jslib in your Plugins folder on your project.
Then, in your c# files, you need to:
// Declare a monobehavior, whatever
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {
// You have to declare the javascript functions you'll be calling
// as private external function in your c# file. Additionally,
// They need a special function decorator [DllImport("__Internal")]
// Example:
private static extern void alert_user(string msg);
// With that unpleasantness over with, you can now call the function
void Start() {
alert_user("Hello, I am a bad person and I deserve to write c#");
Et viola. You can call other javascript from your c# javascript, and interact with the dom, but I will leave all those decisions up to you.
The other direction
In both cases, communication in the opposite direction (browser saying something to Unity) is the same format.
In javascript, create a UnityInstance (the way of this is a little two long-winded to put into this answer, check either docs). Then, just .sendMessage.
void DoSomething (string msg) {
// this is a c# function that does something in the game
// use your imagination
let game = UnityLoader // Actually load the game here
game.SendMessage('TheNameOfMyGameObject', 'DoSomething', 'This is my message');
If I understand it can be done using WWW call function
This is not a proper code okay . This will be just an idea for you.
Send a variable to the PHP function like this
string url = "" // add your URL here;
WWWForm form = new WWWForm ();
form.AddField("YourFunctionName", "SampleFunction");
WWW www = new WWW(url, form);
yield return www;
Now in your PHP do it something like this
function YourFunctionName()
// your function code here
and now on
$YourFunctionName = $_POST["functionName"];
switch ($functionName){
case "SampleFunction":
So the idea here is still you will need a PHP and from that PHP call your ajax :)

How to import "var" variables from another file ".txt, .js"?

in an platform game "TyranoBuilder" i can use some javascript ! So i can use like
var bb = (ORANGE)
and the game can take that variable by
f.Test = (bb);
My question is how i can import that bb variable from outside of game, from an url ! ? EXAMPLE
var bb = src"http....a.js"
so i can edit it everytime i want ! :| Sorry my English, but i really need ! i have read some things like in html firs.js second .js ! but the second js is in the game !
No: that's what JSON is for.
Don't make a text file, make a .json file and put your variable in that as an object property, like a lot of programs already do. E.g.
bb: "orange",
fg: "green"
Then you can either directly import it if you're using something like Node:
const config = require('./config.json');
let thing =;
Or you can separately load the file from url (e.g. using the Fetch API if you're working in the browser) and then use the .json() function on the fetched result to get the data as plain JS that you can access like any other part of your program:
function startGame(config) {
// entry point that starts your actual application
fetch("/config.json").then(data => data.json()).then(config => startGame(config));

Rails 5/6: How to include JS functions with webpacker?

I am trying to update a Rails 3 app to Rails 6 and I have problems with the now default webpacker since my Javascript functions are not accessible.
I get: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: functionName for all js function triggers.
What I did is:
create an app_directory in /app/javascript
copied my development javascript file into the app_directory and renamed it to index.js
added console.log('Hello World from Webpacker'); to index.js
added import "app_directory"; to /app/javascript/packs/application.js
added to /config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb:
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy do |policy|
policy.connect_src :self, :https, "http://localhost:3035", "ws://localhost:3035" if Rails.env.development?
I get 'Hello World from Webpacker' logged to console, but when trying to access a simple JS function through <div id="x" onclick="functionX()"></div> in the browser I get the reference error.
I understand that the asset pipeline has been substituted by webpacker, which should be great for including modules, but how should I include simple JS functions? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance?
For instructions on moving from the old asset pipeline to the new webpacker way of doing things, you can see here:
This is a howto for moving from the asset pipeline to webpacker in Rails 5.2, and it gives you an idea of how things are different in Rails 6 now that webpacker is the default for javascript. In particular:
Now it’s time to move all of your application JavaScript code from
app/assets/javascripts/ to app/javascript/.
To include them in the JavaScript pack, make sure to require them in
So, create a file in app/javascript/hello.js like this:
console.log("Hello from hello.js");
Then, in app/javascript/packs/application.js, add this line:
(note that the extension isn't needed)
Now, you can load up a page with the browser console open and see the "Hello!" message in the console. Just add whatever you need in the app/javascript directory, or better yet create subdirectories to keep your code organized.
More information:
This question is cursed. The formerly accepted answer is not just wrong but grotesquely wrong, and the most upvoted answer is still missing the mark by a country mile.
anode84 above is still trying to do things the old way, and webpacker will get in your way if you try that. You have to completely change the way you do javascript and think about javascript when you move to webpacker. There is no "scoping issue". When you put code in a web pack it's self-contained and you use import/export to share code between files. Nothing is global by default.
I get why this is frustrating. You're probably like me, and accustomed to declaring a function in a javascript file and then calling it in your HTML file. Or just throwing some javascript at the end of your HTML file. I have been doing web programming since 1994 (not a typo), so I've seen everything evolve multiple times. Javascript has evolved. You have to learn the new way of doing things.
If you want to add an action to a form or whatever, you can create a file in app/javascript that does what you want. To get data to it, you can use data attributes, hidden fields, etc. If the field doesn't exist, then the code doesn't run.
Here's an example that you might find useful. I use this for showing a popup if a form has a Google reCAPTCHA and the user hasn't checked the box at the time of form submission:
// For any form, on submit find out if there's a recaptcha
// field on the form, and if so, make sure the recaptcha
// was completed before submission.
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
document.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(function(form) {
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
const response_field = document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response');
// This ensures that the response field is part of the form
if (response_field && form.compareDocumentPosition(response_field) & 16) {
if (response_field.value == '') {
alert("Please verify that you are not a robot.");
return false;
Note that this is self-contained. It does not rely on any other modules and nothing else relies on it. You simply require it in your pack(s) and it will watch all form submissions.
Here's one more example of loading a google map with a geojson overlay when the page is loaded:
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
document.querySelectorAll('.shuttle-route-version-map').forEach(function(map_div) {
let shuttle_route_version_id = map_div.dataset.shuttleRouteVersionId;
let geojson_field = document.querySelector(`input[type=hidden][name="geojson[${shuttle_route_version_id}]"]`);
var map = null;
let center = {lat: 36.1638726, lng: -86.7742864};
map = new google.maps.Map(map_div, {
zoom: 15.18,
center: center
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); {
let geom = data_feature.getGeometry();
geom.forEachLatLng(function(latlng) {
When the page loads, I look for divs with the class "shuttle-route-version-map". For each one that I find, the data attribute "shuttleRouteVersionId" (data-shuttle-route-version-id) contains the ID of the route. I have stored the geojson in a hidden field that can be easily queried given that ID, and I then initialize the map, add the geojson, and then set the map center and bounds based on that data. Again, it's self-contained except for the Google Maps functionality.
You can also learn how to use import/export to share code, and that's really powerful.
So, one more that shows how to use import/export. Here's a simple piece of code that sets up a "watcher" to watch your location:
var driver_position_watch_id = null;
export const watch_position = function(logging_callback) {
var last_timestamp = null;
function success(pos) {
if (pos.timestamp != last_timestamp) {
last_timestamp = pos.timestamp;
function error(err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err.code + ': ' + err.message);
if (err.code == 3) {
// timeout, let's try again in a second
setTimeout(start_watching, 1000);
let options = {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 15000,
maximumAge: 14500
function start_watching() {
if (driver_position_watch_id) stop_watching_position();
driver_position_watch_id = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(success, error, options);
console.log("Start watching location updates: " + driver_position_watch_id);
export const stop_watching_position = function() {
if (driver_position_watch_id) {
console.log("Stopped watching location updates: " + driver_position_watch_id);
driver_position_watch_id = null;
That exports two functions: "watch_position" and "stop_watching_position". To use it, you import those functions in another file.
import { watch_position, stop_watching_position } from 'watch_location';
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
let lat_input = document.getElementById('driver_location_check_latitude');
let long_input = document.getElementById('driver_location_check_longitude');
if (lat_input && long_input) {
watch_position(function(pos) {
lat_input.value = pos.coords.latitude;
long_input.value = pos.coords.longitude;
When the page loads, we look for fields called "driver_location_check_latitude" and "driver_location_check_longitude". If they exist, we set up a watcher with a callback, and the callback fills in those fields with the latitude and longitude when they change. This is how to share code between modules.
So, again, this is a very different way of doing things. Your code is cleaner and more predictable when modularized and organized properly.
This is the future, so fighting it (and setting "window.function_name" is fighting it) will get you nowhere.
Looking at how webpacker "packs" js files and functions:
/***/ "./app/javascript/dashboard/project.js":
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function myFunction() {...}
So webpacker stores these functions within another function, making them inaccessible. Not sure why that is, or how to work around it properly.
There IS a workaround, though. You can:
1) change the function signatures from:
function myFunction() { ... }
window.myFunction = function() { ... }
2) keep the function signatures as is, but you would still need to add a reference to them as shown here:
window.myFunction = myFunction
This will make your functions globally accessible from the "window" object.
Replace the code in your custom java Script file
function function_name() {// body //}
window.function_name = function() {// body //}
From the official rails app guide:
Where to Stick Your JavaScript
Whether you use the Rails asset
pipeline or add a tag directly to a view, you have to make a
choice about where to put any local JavaScript file.
We have a choice of three locations for a local JavaScript file:
The app/assets/javascripts folder,the lib/assets/javascripts folder and the vendor/assets/javascripts folder
Here are guidelines for selecting
a location for your scripts:
Use app/assets/javascripts for JavaScript you create for your
Use lib/assets/javascripts for scripts that are shared by many
applications (but use a gem if you can).
Use vendor/assets/javascripts for copies of jQuery plugins, etc., from
other developers. In the simplest case, when all your JavaScript files
are in the app/assets/javascripts folder, there’s nothing more you
need to do.
Add JavaScript files anywhere else and you will need to understand how
to modify a manifest file.
More reading:

Required code cannot access main code

so I was trying to bring my code to readable form but stumbled upon a kinda annoying problem.
So I wanted to outsource a class into an file, "require" it and than write the callback function in the main file for the readability. But the function in the outsourced file is not able to access the callback function. Here is the simplified problem:
function test_a(){
return "this is A"
var test_b = require('./lib/file_b.js').test_b
function test_b(){
return test_a()
exports.test_b = test_b
I hope someone could tell me how to manage this problem :)
EDIT: This code is for a firefox addon !
test_a function has to be globally defined:
test_a = function(){
return "this is A"
var test_b = require('./lib/file_b.js').test_b
Also, you have to return something in your test_b function:
function test_b(){
return test_a()
exports.test_b = test_b
Then you will have such output:
this is A
You can load both js files independently in the same HTML file.
Then, whichever code that you have that is referencing other files loaded on the page should be in a window.onload call (or using jQuery $(document).ready), so that it only runs when the two files are available on the page.

Avoiding eval when executing js returned from ajax call

I want to make an ajax call that will return a json object. One of this JSON object's properties will be the string of a function to be executed in the client. I realise this can easily be solved by using eval, but seeing the many disadvantages of eval, I'd rather avoid it. My question is:
Can I in some way return from the server some js code and execute it without resorting to eval?
As requested, here's some example code:
Server (Node.js):
var testFunc = function() {
app.get('/testPack', function(req, res) {
var template = jade.render('h1 hi');
template : template,
entity : testFunc.toString(),
data : {
id: "OMG I love this"
$(document).ready(function() {
url: '/testPack',
success: function(data) {
var entity = eval(data.entity);
Of course, the returned function called entity wouldn't do such a silly thing, it would expose an API of the returned widget.
Just to clarify, I'd like to avoid having to make a separate call for the javascript itself. I'd rather bundle it with the template and data to render.
Easiest way to do that, is not to call a server through an ajax, but instead to create a new script tag on the page with the url pointing to a RESTful web-service that would output pure JavaScript (not JSON). That way your output will be evaluated by the browser directly without the use of eval.
To expand a little on my answer:
To get around the problems of running script in the global context you could do some tricks. For example, when you are adding script tag to the head, you can bind onload event (or rather fake onload event, since IE doesn't support onload on the script tag) to it, and if your response from the server will be always wrapped in the the function with a known name, you could apply that function from within your object. Example code below (this is just an example though):
function test ()
this.init = function ()
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.language = "javascript";
script.src = "test.js";
var me = this;
window.callMe = function () { me.scriptReady(me); };
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
this.scriptReady = function (object)
}; = "From inside the object";
var t=new test();
The server response should look something like this:
function serverResponse()
In this case, everything inside serverResponse() will use your object as "this". Now if you modify your server response in this way:
function serverResponse()
this.serverJSONString = { "testVar1": "1", "testVar2": 2 };
function Test()
alert("From the server");
You can have multiple things being returned from the server and with just one response. If you don't like just setting variables, then create a function in your main object to handle JSON string that you can supply by calling this function from your response.
As you can see, it's all doable, it really doesn't look pretty, but then again, what you are trying to do is not pretty to begin with.
P.S. Just inserting a string inside tag will not work for IE, it will not allow you to do that. If you don't have to support IE, then you could get away with just inserting server response inside a newly created script tag and be done with it.
P.P.S. Please don't use this code as is, cause I didn't spend too much time writting it. It's ugly as hell, but was just ment as an example:-)
No, you can't do this by definition, because JavaScript functions are not valid JSON. See the spec here:
If you're returning a string, then that's what it is: just a string. You can't evaluate it without eval. You can call whatever else you're returning whatever you want, but please don't call it JSON.
Here's an example of how I think this could work.
The json object represents what is returned from the server. The c and d properties contain function names as strings. If those functions are properties of some other object which exists in your page, then you should be able to call them using the object["property"] accessor.
See it working on jsFiddle:
// This function is a child of the window object
window.winScopedFunction = function() {
alert("ROCK THE WIN");
// This function is a child of another object
var myObject = {
myFunction : function() {
alert("ROCK ON");
// pretend that this json object was the result of an ajax call.
var jsonResultFromServer= {
a : 1,
b : 2,
c : "myFunction",
d : "winScopedFunction"
// you can call the local functions like so
Yes, there's a way, but it has the exact same disadvantages as eval.
You can use the Function constructor to create a new function, and then call it. For example:
new Function(code)(); is a fast JSON parser that does not use eval, and JSON.parse is becoming increasing widely available in new browsers. Both are excellent alternatives to eval for parsing JSON.
You can use the trick that Google does with Google Charts.
function onWorkDone(data) {
<script src="callback.js"></script>
Then your callback.js is:
function doWork(callback) {
callback({result: 'foo'});
Basically, your script will call onWorkDone when the doWork completed. You can see a working example here:
Do you have some example cases? Some things I can think of is you that you can just have a regular function inside your js file, and your server will return some parameters for your function to execute. You can even specify what function to use! (Isn't that amazing?)
// your js file
var some_namespace = {
some_function : function(a, b){
// stuff
// your server output
some_other_data: "123",
execute: {
func: "some_namespace.some_function",
params: [1, 2]
// your ajax callback
window[r.execute.func].apply(this, r.execute.params);
The reasons of not using eval
Well, you already said it yourself. Don't use eval. But you have a wrong picture regarding why.
It is not that eval is evil. You are getting the reason wrong. Performance considerations aside, using eval this way allows a sloppy programmer to execute code passed from server on the client. Notice the "passed from server" part.
Why never execute code passed from server
Why don't you want to execute code passed from the server (incidentally that's what you're planning to do)?
When a browser executes a script on a web page, as long as the web site is valid -- i.e. really yours, and not a malware site pretending to be yours trying to trick your users -- you can be reasonably sure that every bit of code the browser is running is written by yourself.
Hacker's heaven -- script injection attacks
Now, if you are passing data from the server to your web application, and that data contains executable functions, you're asking for trouble. In the long, twisted journey of that data going from your server to your client's browser, it goes through the wild west called the Internet, perhaps through multiple layers of proxies and filters and converters, most of which you do not control.
Now, if a hacker is hiding somewhere in the middle, takes your data from the server, modify the code to those functions to something really bad, and sends it away to your client, then your client browser takes the data and executes the code. Voila! Bad things happen. The worse is: you (at the server side) will never know that your clients are hacked.
This is called a "script injection attack" and is a serious sercurity risk.
Therefore, the rule is: Never execute functions returned from a server.
Only pass data from server
If you only accept data from a server, the most that can happen whan a hacker tempers with it is that your client will see strange data coming back, and hopefully your scripts will filter them out or handle them as incorrect data. Your client's browser will not be running any arbitrary code written by the hacker with glee.
In your client-side script, of course you're sticking to the Golden Rule: Do not trust ANY data coming through the Internet. Therefore you'd already be type-check and validating the JSON data before using it, and disallowing anything that looks suspicious.
Don't do it -- pass functions from server and execute on client
So, to make a long story short: DON'T DO IT.
Think of another way to specify pluggable functionalities on the browser -- there are multiple methods.
I've had this same question, and I fixed it this way:
File: functions.js.php?f=1,3
'showMessage' => 'function(msg){ alert(msg); }',
'confirmAction' => 'function(action){
return confirm("Are you sure you want to "+action+"?");
'getName' => 'function getName(){
return prompt("What is your name?");
$queried = explode($_REQUEST['f']);
echo 'var FuncUtils = {'; // begin javascript object
foreach($functions as $name=>$function){
if(in_array($counter, $queried))
echo '"'.$name.'":,'.$function.',';
echo '"dummy":null };'; // end javascript object
File: data5.json
"action" : ['confirmAction','exit']
File: test.js
function onBeforeExit(){
$.getJSON('data5.json', function(data) {
var func = data.action.shift();
FuncUtils[func].apply(null, data.action);
