I am trying to update a Rails 3 app to Rails 6 and I have problems with the now default webpacker since my Javascript functions are not accessible.
I get: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: functionName for all js function triggers.
What I did is:
create an app_directory in /app/javascript
copied my development javascript file into the app_directory and renamed it to index.js
added console.log('Hello World from Webpacker'); to index.js
added import "app_directory"; to /app/javascript/packs/application.js
added to /config/initializers/content_security_policy.rb:
Rails.application.config.content_security_policy do |policy|
policy.connect_src :self, :https, "http://localhost:3035", "ws://localhost:3035" if Rails.env.development?
I get 'Hello World from Webpacker' logged to console, but when trying to access a simple JS function through <div id="x" onclick="functionX()"></div> in the browser I get the reference error.
I understand that the asset pipeline has been substituted by webpacker, which should be great for including modules, but how should I include simple JS functions? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance?
For instructions on moving from the old asset pipeline to the new webpacker way of doing things, you can see here:
This is a howto for moving from the asset pipeline to webpacker in Rails 5.2, and it gives you an idea of how things are different in Rails 6 now that webpacker is the default for javascript. In particular:
Now it’s time to move all of your application JavaScript code from
app/assets/javascripts/ to app/javascript/.
To include them in the JavaScript pack, make sure to require them in
So, create a file in app/javascript/hello.js like this:
console.log("Hello from hello.js");
Then, in app/javascript/packs/application.js, add this line:
(note that the extension isn't needed)
Now, you can load up a page with the browser console open and see the "Hello!" message in the console. Just add whatever you need in the app/javascript directory, or better yet create subdirectories to keep your code organized.
More information:
This question is cursed. The formerly accepted answer is not just wrong but grotesquely wrong, and the most upvoted answer is still missing the mark by a country mile.
anode84 above is still trying to do things the old way, and webpacker will get in your way if you try that. You have to completely change the way you do javascript and think about javascript when you move to webpacker. There is no "scoping issue". When you put code in a web pack it's self-contained and you use import/export to share code between files. Nothing is global by default.
I get why this is frustrating. You're probably like me, and accustomed to declaring a function in a javascript file and then calling it in your HTML file. Or just throwing some javascript at the end of your HTML file. I have been doing web programming since 1994 (not a typo), so I've seen everything evolve multiple times. Javascript has evolved. You have to learn the new way of doing things.
If you want to add an action to a form or whatever, you can create a file in app/javascript that does what you want. To get data to it, you can use data attributes, hidden fields, etc. If the field doesn't exist, then the code doesn't run.
Here's an example that you might find useful. I use this for showing a popup if a form has a Google reCAPTCHA and the user hasn't checked the box at the time of form submission:
// For any form, on submit find out if there's a recaptcha
// field on the form, and if so, make sure the recaptcha
// was completed before submission.
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
document.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(function(form) {
form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
const response_field = document.getElementById('g-recaptcha-response');
// This ensures that the response field is part of the form
if (response_field && form.compareDocumentPosition(response_field) & 16) {
if (response_field.value == '') {
alert("Please verify that you are not a robot.");
return false;
Note that this is self-contained. It does not rely on any other modules and nothing else relies on it. You simply require it in your pack(s) and it will watch all form submissions.
Here's one more example of loading a google map with a geojson overlay when the page is loaded:
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
document.querySelectorAll('.shuttle-route-version-map').forEach(function(map_div) {
let shuttle_route_version_id = map_div.dataset.shuttleRouteVersionId;
let geojson_field = document.querySelector(`input[type=hidden][name="geojson[${shuttle_route_version_id}]"]`);
var map = null;
let center = {lat: 36.1638726, lng: -86.7742864};
map = new google.maps.Map(map_div, {
zoom: 15.18,
center: center
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
map.data.forEach(function(data_feature) {
let geom = data_feature.getGeometry();
geom.forEachLatLng(function(latlng) {
When the page loads, I look for divs with the class "shuttle-route-version-map". For each one that I find, the data attribute "shuttleRouteVersionId" (data-shuttle-route-version-id) contains the ID of the route. I have stored the geojson in a hidden field that can be easily queried given that ID, and I then initialize the map, add the geojson, and then set the map center and bounds based on that data. Again, it's self-contained except for the Google Maps functionality.
You can also learn how to use import/export to share code, and that's really powerful.
So, one more that shows how to use import/export. Here's a simple piece of code that sets up a "watcher" to watch your location:
var driver_position_watch_id = null;
export const watch_position = function(logging_callback) {
var last_timestamp = null;
function success(pos) {
if (pos.timestamp != last_timestamp) {
last_timestamp = pos.timestamp;
function error(err) {
console.log('Error: ' + err.code + ': ' + err.message);
if (err.code == 3) {
// timeout, let's try again in a second
setTimeout(start_watching, 1000);
let options = {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
timeout: 15000,
maximumAge: 14500
function start_watching() {
if (driver_position_watch_id) stop_watching_position();
driver_position_watch_id = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(success, error, options);
console.log("Start watching location updates: " + driver_position_watch_id);
export const stop_watching_position = function() {
if (driver_position_watch_id) {
console.log("Stopped watching location updates: " + driver_position_watch_id);
driver_position_watch_id = null;
That exports two functions: "watch_position" and "stop_watching_position". To use it, you import those functions in another file.
import { watch_position, stop_watching_position } from 'watch_location';
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function() {
let lat_input = document.getElementById('driver_location_check_latitude');
let long_input = document.getElementById('driver_location_check_longitude');
if (lat_input && long_input) {
watch_position(function(pos) {
lat_input.value = pos.coords.latitude;
long_input.value = pos.coords.longitude;
When the page loads, we look for fields called "driver_location_check_latitude" and "driver_location_check_longitude". If they exist, we set up a watcher with a callback, and the callback fills in those fields with the latitude and longitude when they change. This is how to share code between modules.
So, again, this is a very different way of doing things. Your code is cleaner and more predictable when modularized and organized properly.
This is the future, so fighting it (and setting "window.function_name" is fighting it) will get you nowhere.
Looking at how webpacker "packs" js files and functions:
/***/ "./app/javascript/dashboard/project.js":
/*! no static exports found */
/***/ (function(module, exports) {
function myFunction() {...}
So webpacker stores these functions within another function, making them inaccessible. Not sure why that is, or how to work around it properly.
There IS a workaround, though. You can:
1) change the function signatures from:
function myFunction() { ... }
window.myFunction = function() { ... }
2) keep the function signatures as is, but you would still need to add a reference to them as shown here:
window.myFunction = myFunction
This will make your functions globally accessible from the "window" object.
Replace the code in your custom java Script file
function function_name() {// body //}
window.function_name = function() {// body //}
From the official rails app guide:
Where to Stick Your JavaScript
Whether you use the Rails asset
pipeline or add a tag directly to a view, you have to make a
choice about where to put any local JavaScript file.
We have a choice of three locations for a local JavaScript file:
The app/assets/javascripts folder,the lib/assets/javascripts folder and the vendor/assets/javascripts folder
Here are guidelines for selecting
a location for your scripts:
Use app/assets/javascripts for JavaScript you create for your
Use lib/assets/javascripts for scripts that are shared by many
applications (but use a gem if you can).
Use vendor/assets/javascripts for copies of jQuery plugins, etc., from
other developers. In the simplest case, when all your JavaScript files
are in the app/assets/javascripts folder, there’s nothing more you
need to do.
Add JavaScript files anywhere else and you will need to understand how
to modify a manifest file.
More reading:
I have created a code that it actually works, but I call a library that has an error, and I would like to know if it is possible to avoid that specific line of code. I will try to explain the case as well as possible:
Uncaught TypeError: fs.openSync is not a function
Previous code
function synthesizeToAudioFile(authorizationToken, message) {
// replace with your own subscription key,
// service region (e.g., "westus"), and
// the name of the file you save the synthesized audio.
var serviceRegion = "westus"; // e.g., "westus"
var filename = "./audiocue.wav";
//Use token.Otherwise use the provided subscription key
var audioConfig, speechConfig;
audioConfig = SpeechSDK.AudioConfig.fromAudioFileOutput(filename);
speechConfig = SpeechSDK.SpeechConfig.fromAuthorizationToken(authorizationToken, serviceRegion);
// create the speech synthesizer.
var synthesizer = new SpeechSDK.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
// start the synthesizer and wait for a result.
function (result) {
if (result.reason === SpeechSDK.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted) {
console.log("synthesis finished.");
} else {
console.error("Speech synthesis canceled, " + result.errorDetails +
"\nDid you update the subscription info?");
synthesizer = undefined;
function (err) {
console.trace("err - " + err);
synthesizer = undefined;
console.log("Now synthesizing to: " + filename);
I created a method, which later I have replicated in my current code. The difference was that I was using Browserify in order to import a library from a script of a HTML file:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/dist/sub_mqtt.js"></script>
This file had my method, and the whole library, which made it crazy unreadable, and therefore I started using ScriptJS to import it. The problem is that, using browserify I was able to remove the line of code that it was failing using fs.openSync(and I do not even need), but by importing it with ScriptJS I do not have access to the source code.
I assume that what is missing is that I am not importing the library fs, which is being used by the library that I am importing with ScriptJS before importing that one, but how could I do it? I have tried:
<script src="../text-to-speech/node_modules/fs.realpath/index.js"></script>
, or
<script type="text/javascript" src="../text-to-speech/node_modules/fs.realpath/index.js"></script>
and also wrapping the content of synthesizeToAudioFile() with
require(["node_modules/fs.realpath/index.js"], function (fs) { });
but I get the following error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined
at index.js:1
After researching about this question I found out the next statement:
The fs package on npm was empty and didn't do anything, however many
packages mistakenly depended on it. npm, Inc. has taken ownership of
It's also a built-in Node module. If you've depended on fs, you can
safely remove it from your package dependencies.
therefore what I have done is to access to the file that I was requiring with ScriptJS
and directly remove that line on it. Note that, at least in my case, clearing the cache of the browser was needed.
In my web app I want to give users the ability to author their own modules for use in the app. These are ideally written in JS on the client side.
However, I'm having trouble allowing for classes created on the client side to be accessed by the app. Originally I wanted some kind of module import, but dynamic imports still require a path, which isn't accessible by the browser for security reasons. Just doing a straight import of the JS into a script tag pollutes the global namespace, which isn't ideal either.
Is there some sensible way to do this? I would ideally want to import the class, e.g.
// MyClass.js, on the client side
export default class MyClass {
myPrint() {
console.log('ya blew it');
And then in App.js:
import(somehow_get_this_path).then((MyClass) => { etc});
Is getting that path possible? The current namespace-polluting method uses a select file dialog but doesn't allow me to tell import what path it has. All you get is a blob. I'm pretty new to this stuff so apologies if this question is dumb.
edit: I've tried getting an object URL using CreateObjectURL, which gives the error:
Error: Cannot find module 'blob:null/d651a896-d568-437f-86d0-72ebcee7bc56'
if you are using webpack as a bundler then use can use magic comments to lazy load the components.
or else you can use dynamic imports.
import('path_to_my_class').then(MyClass => {
// Do something with MyClass
Edited 1:-
You can use this code to get a working local URL for the uploaded js file. try using this
const path = (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(file);
console.log('path', path);
Edited 2:-
Alternatively, you can create your own object at a global level and wrap the file using an anonymous function (creating closure) such that it won't pollute the global namespace.
// you can add other methods to it according to your use case.
window.MyPlugins = {
plugins: [],
registerPlugin: function (plugin){
// MyFirstPlugin.js
// you can inject this code via creating a script tag.
(function(w){ //closure
function MyFirstPlugin() {
this.myPrint = function (){
console.log('ya blew it');
w.MyPlugins.registerPlugin(new MyFirstPlugin());
// get the reference to the plugin in some other file
Read file and use eval
function importJS(event) {
var input = event.target;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(){
Select a *.js file and execute
<input type="file" onchange="importJS(event);">
I am working on supporting a REST API that literally has thousands of functions/objects/stats/etc., and placing all those calls into one file does not strike me as very maintainable. What I want to do is have a 'base' file that has the main constructor function, a few utility and very common functions, and then files for each section of API calls.
The Problem: How do you attach functions from other files to the 'base' Object so that referencing the main object allows for access from the subsections you have added to your program??
Let me try and illustrate what I am looking to do:
1) 'base' file has the main constructor:
var IPAddr = "";
var Token = "";
exports.Main = function(opts) {
IPAddr = opts.IPAddr;
Token = opts.Token;
2) 'file1' has some subfunctions that I want to define:
Main.prototype.Function1 = function(callback) {
// stuff done here
callback(error, data);
Main.prototype.Function2 = function(callback) {
// stuff done here
3) Program file brings it all together:
var Main = require('main.js');
var Main?!? = require('file1.js');
Main.Function1(function(err,out) {
if(err) {
// error stuff here
// main stuff here
Is there a way to combine an Object from multiple code files?? A 120,000 line Node.JS file just doesn't seem to be the way to go to me....not to mention it takes too long to load! Thanks :)
SOLUTION: For those who may stumble upon this in the future... I took the source code for Object.assign and back ported it to my v0.12 version of Node and got it working.
I used the code from here: https://github.com/sindresorhus/object-assign/blob/master/index.js and put it in a separate file that I just require('./object-assign.js') without assigning it to a var. Then my code looks something like this:
var Main = require('./Main.js');
Object.assign(Main.prototype, require('./file1.js'));
Object.assign(Main.prototype, require('./file2.js'));
And all my functions from the two files show up under the Main() Object...too cool :)
At first each file works in its own scope, so all local variables are not shared.
However, as hacky approach, you may just add Main into global scope available everywhere by writing global.Main = Main right after you define it, please make sure that you require main file first in list of requires.
The better(who said?) approach is to extend prototype of Main later, but in this case you may need to update a lot of code. Just mix-in additional functionality into base class
module.exports = {
x: function() {/*****/}
var Main = require('main.js');
Object.assign(Main.prototype, require('file1.js'));
module.exports = function(){
module.exports = {
someMethod(){ return "test";}
const Main = require("./constructor.js");
Object.assign( Main.prototype, require("./prototype.js"));
So, I'm a big fan of creating global namespaces in javascript. For example, if my app is named Xyz I normally have an object XYZ which I fill with properties and nested objects, for an example:
XYZ.Resources.ErrorMessage // = "An error while making request, please try again"
XYZ.DAL.City // = { getAll: function() { ... }, getById: function(id) { .. } }
XYZ.ViewModels.City // = { .... }
XYZ.Models.City // = { .... }
I sort of picked this up while working on a project with Knockout, and I really like it because there are no wild references to some objects declare in god-knows-where. Everything is in one place.
Now. This is ok for front-end, however, I'm currently developing a basic skeleton for a project which will start in a month, and it uses Node.
What I wanted was, instead of all the requires in .js files, I'd have a single object ('XYZ') which would hold all requires in one place. For example:
Instead of:
// route.js file
var cityModel = require('./models/city');
var cityService = require('./services/city');
app.get('/city', function() { ...........});
I would make an object:
XYZ.Models.City = require('./models/city');
XYZ.DAL.City = require('./services/city');
And use it like:
// route.js file
var cityModel = XYZ.Models.City;
var cityService = XYZ.DAL.City;
app.get('/city', function() { ...........});
I don't really have in-depth knowledge but all of the requires get cached and are served, if cached, from memory so re-requiring in multiple files isn't a problem.
Is this an ok workflow, or should I just stick to the standard procedure of referencing dependencies?
edit: I forgot to say, would this sort-of-factory pattern block the main thread, or delay the starting of the server? I just need to know what are the downsides... I don't mind the requires in code, but I just renamed a single folder and had to go through five files to change the paths... Which is really inconvenient.
I think that's a bad idea, because you are going to serve a ton of modules every single time, and you may not need them always. Your namespaced object will get quite monstrous. require will check the module cache first, so I'd use standard requires for each request / script that you need on the server.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to load bootstrapped models in Backbone.js while using AMD (require.js)
I am currently creating a RESTful API for one of our projects and also wanted to provide a Javascript library to access it.
Since I like the AMD principle and using require.js, I would provide an AMD module as well.
The problem is: the initialization of the module would require some information like the API key on initialization.
How do I pass such parameters into a module upon initalization?
If you have something like:
define(['dep1', 'dep2', 'dep3'], function (dep1, dep2, dep3) {
var module = {
return module;
change it to:
define(['dep1', 'dep2', 'dep3'], function (dep1, dep2, dep3) {
var module = {
var init = function (options) {
// Initialize here
return module;
return init;
Then after requiring your module somewhere, you can call it to initialize. You might also want to look into the factory pattern if you need something more complex and return the factory.
require.js does not restrict you in what you return. It can be a simple object, a string, a function...
I think what your looking for is the ability to set config variables that get picked up by the module. Here is an example using require.js
How to load bootstrapped models in Backbone.js while using AMD (require.js)
One other possibility that came to my mind is to use a serverside script to manipulate the source of the module when you are requesting it.
For example when you have to pass an API-key into the module, you do the following:
Before you do your first define() call, put the following code:
paths: {
api: 'https://api.example.com/api.amd.js?api_key=f615ac61&'
This enables you to simply require your API from anywhere like this:
require(['api'], function(api){
So the server recieves the request - maps it thorugh mod_rewrite to some script, takes the GET parameter and puts it on the correct place in the module sourcecode, then returns the custom source.
Thats the way I solved this by now and it works like a charm, without the need to change any behaviour of the developers and it makes use of functionality thats already built into requirejs.
I don't think you can do that with require.js, but you can with Frame.js or some other module library. In Frame you would do that like this:
exports.moduleName = function(args){
// do stuff
// in main js file
var exports = {}; // global variable
var myArgs = { ... settings ... };
Is it possible to use a namespaced variable, and then to reference the appropriate object when you initialize the specific library? Maybe I don't understand exactly what you want require.js to do, but it looks like you call it from your main.js in any event, so I'm pretty sure it would work... I don't think you can do it like <script = "require.js?apiKey=jsdfhjkfklsjkfdjks">
var libData = {
apiKey: "jsdfhjkfklsjkfdjks",
otherpram: "userIDorsomething"
but if you needed to send the apikey in the url parameter of the page, you could use a script like this to get the parameters:
function getQueryParams(qs) {
qs = qs.split("+").join(" ");
var params = {},
re = /[?&]?([^=]+)=([^&]*)/g;
while (tokens = re.exec(qs)) {
= decodeURIComponent(tokens[2]);
return params;
// assuming the page is loaded like page.html?apikey=jsdfhjkfklsjkfdjks
apiKey = getQueryParams(document.location.search).apiKey;
// however you have to call require, pass the api key?