I am a total newb, I just started looking into this today. I have a a chromebook running chrome Version 96.0.4664.111 (Official Build) (64-bit), and a raspberry pi pico which I have loaded python bootloader on (drag & drop). I am trying to access the pico from my browser serially to load my source code since I cannot install thawny on my chromebook. I have pieced together this javascript function that uses web serial api to connect to the pico.
const filters = [
{ usbVendorId: 0x2E8A, usbProductId: 0x0003 },
{ usbVendorId: 0x2E8A, usbProductId: 0x0005 }
// Prompt user to select an Arduino Uno device.
const port = await navigator.serial.requestPort({ filters });
const { usbProductId, usbVendorId } = port.getInfo();
// Wait for the serial port to open.
await port.open({ baudRate: 9600 });
const textDecoder = new TextDecoderStream();
const readableStreamClosed = port.readable.pipeTo(textDecoder.writable);
const reader = textDecoder.readable.getReader();
// Listen to data coming from the serial device.
while (true) {
const { value, done } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
// Allow the serial port to be closed later.
// value is a Uint8Array.
// Listen to data coming from the serial device.
while (true) {
const { value, done } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
// Allow the serial port to be closed later.
// value is a string.
const textEncoder = new TextEncoderStream();
const writableStreamClosed = textEncoder.readable.pipeTo(port.writable);
const writer = textEncoder.writable.getWriter();
await writer.write("hi");
// Allow the serial port to be closed later.
I cannot find a way to make this program upload a file, I would really appreciate it if someone could help me out.
Please excuse me if I'm being unclear or extremley stupid, I am completley new to this and I am really tired from new-years last night. Thanks!
I have found a suitable solution to my question, tinkerdoodle.cc.
I've been trying out the web serial API in chrome (https://web.dev/serial/) to do some basic communication with an Arduino board. I've noticed quite a substantial delay when reading data from the serial port however. This same issue is present in some demos, but not all.
For instance, using the WebSerial demo linked towards the bottom has a near instantaneous read:
While using the Serial Terminal example results in a read delay. (note the write is triggered at the moment of a character being entered on the keyboard):
WebSerial being open source allows for me to check for differences between my own implementation, however I am seeing performance much like the second example.
As for the relevant code:
this.port = await navigator.serial.requestPort({ filters });
await this.port.open({ baudRate: 115200, bufferSize: 255, dataBits: 8, flowControl: 'none', parity: 'none', stopBits: 1 });
this.open = true;
private monitor = async () => {
const dataEndFlag = new Uint8Array([4, 3]);
while (this.open && this.port?.readable) {
this.open = true;
const reader = this.port.readable.getReader();
try {
let data: Uint8Array = new Uint8Array([]);
while (this.open) {
const { value, done } = await reader.read();
if (done) {
this.open = false;
if (value) {
data = Uint8Array.of(...data, ...value);
if (data.slice(-2).every((val, idx) => val === dataEndFlag[idx])) {
const decoded = this.decoder.decode(data);
data = new Uint8Array([]);
} catch {
public write = async (data: string) => {
if (this.port?.writable) {
const writer = this.port.writable.getWriter();
await writer.write(this.encoder.encode(data));
The equivalent WebSerial code can be found here, this is pretty much an exact replica. From what I can observe, it seems to hang at await reader.read(); for a brief period of time.
This is occurring both on a Windows 10 device and a macOS Monterey device. The specific hardware device is an Arduino Pro Micro connected to a USB port.
Has anyone experienced this same scenario?
Update: I did some additional testing with more verbose logging. It seems that the time between the write and read is exactly 1 second every time.
the delay may result from SerialEvent() in your arduino script: set Serial.setTimeout(1);
This means 1 millisecond instead of default 1000 milliseconds.
This question already has an answer here:
Why is my PDF not saving intermittently in my Node function?
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
As described in the firebase docs, it is required to
"resolve functions that perform asynchronous processing (also known as
"background functions") by returning a JavaScript promise."
otherwise it might happen, that
"the Cloud Functions instance running your function does not shut down
before your function successfully reaches its terminating condition or
state. (https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/terminate-functions?hl=en)
In this case I am trying to adapt a demo-code for pdf-generation written by Volodymyr Golosay on https://medium.com/firebase-developers/how-to-generate-and-store-a-pdf-with-firebase-7faebb74ccbf.
The demo uses 'https.onRequest' as trigger and fulfillis the termination requirement with 'response.send(result)'. In the adaption I need to use a 'document.onCreate' trigger and therefor need to find a different termination.
In other functions I can fulfill this requirement by using async/await, but here I am struggling to get a stable function with good performance. The shown function logs after 675 ms "finished with status: 'ok' ", but around 2 minutes later it logs again that the pdf-file is saved now (see screenshot of the logger).
What should I do to terminate the function properly?
// adapting the demo code by Volodymyr Golosay published on https://medium.com/firebase-developers/how-to-generate-and-store-a-pdf-with-firebase-7faebb74ccbf
// library installed -> npm install pdfmake
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
const db = admin.firestore();
const Printer = require('pdfmake');
const fonts = require('pdfmake/build/vfs_fonts.js');
const fontDescriptors = {
Roboto: {
normal: Buffer.from(fonts.pdfMake.vfs['Roboto-Regular.ttf'], 'base64'),
bold: Buffer.from(fonts.pdfMake.vfs['Roboto-Medium.ttf'], 'base64'),
italics: Buffer.from(fonts.pdfMake.vfs['Roboto-Italic.ttf'], 'base64'),
bolditalics: Buffer.from(fonts.pdfMake.vfs['Roboto-Italic.ttf'], 'base64'),
exports.generateDemoPdf = functions
// trigger by 'document.onCreate', while demo uses 'https.onRequest'
.onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
const printer = new Printer(fontDescriptors);
const chunks = [];
// define the content of the pdf-file
const docDefinition = {
content: [{
text: 'PDF text is here.',
fontSize: 19 }
const pdfDoc = printer.createPdfKitDocument(docDefinition);
pdfDoc.on('data', (chunk) => {
pdfDoc.on('end', async () => {
const result = Buffer.concat(chunks);
// Upload generated file to the Cloud Storage
const docId = "123456789"
const bucket = admin.storage().bucket();
const fileRef = bucket.file(`${docId}.pdf`, {
metadata: {
contentType: 'application/pdf'
await fileRef.save(result);
console.log('result is saved');
// NEEDS PROPER TERMINATION HERE?? NEEDS TO RETURN A PROMISE?? FIREBASE DOCS: https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/terminate-functions?hl=en
// the demo with 'https.onRequest' uses the following line to terminate the function properly:
// response.send(result);
pdfDoc.on('error', (err) => {
return functions.logger.log('An error occured!');
I think everything is fine in your code. It seems it takes 1m 34s to render the file and save it to storage.
Cloud function will be terminated automatically when all micro and macro tasks are done. Right after you last await.
To check how long does it takes and does it terminate right after saving, you can run the firebase emulator on your local machine.
You will see logs in the terminal and simultaneously watch on storage.
I suspect you did terminate properly - that's the nature of promises. Your function "terminated" with a 200 status, returning a PROMISE for the results of the PDF save. When the PDF save actually terminates later, the result is logged and the promise resolved. This behavior is WHY you return the promise.
I am fairly new to JS/Winappdriver.
The application I am trying to test is a windows based "Click Once" application from .Net, so I have to go to a website from IE and click "Install". This will open the application.
Once the application is running, I have no way to connect the application to perform my UI interactions while using JavaScript.
Using C#, I was looping through the processes looking for a process name, get the window handle, convert it to hex, add that as a capability and create the driver - it worked. Sample code below,
public Setup_TearDown()
string TopLevelWindowHandleHex = null;
IntPtr TopLevelWindowHandle = new IntPtr();
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
if (clsProcess.ProcessName.StartsWith($"SomeName-{exec_pob}-{exec_env}"))
TopLevelWindowHandle = clsProcess.Handle;
TopLevelWindowHandleHex = clsProcess.MainWindowHandle.ToString("x");
var appOptions = new AppiumOptions();
appOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("appTopLevelWindow", TopLevelWindowHandleHex);
appOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("ms:experimental-webdriver", true);
appOptions.AddAdditionalCapability("ms:waitForAppLaunch", "25");
AppDriver = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(WinAppDriverUrl), appOptions);
AppDriver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
How do I do this in Javascript ? I can't seem to find any code examples.
Based on an example from this repo, I tried the following in JS to find the process to latch on to but without luck.
import {By2} from "selenium-appium";
// this.appWindow = this.driver.element(By2.nativeAccessibilityId('xxx'));
// this.appWindow = this.driver.element(By2.nativeXpath("//Window[starts-with(#Name,\"xxxx\")]"));
// this.appWindow = this.driver.elementByName('WindowsForms10.Window.8.app.0.13965fa_r11_ad1');
// thisappWindow = this.driver.elementByName('xxxxxxx');
async connectAppDriver(){
await this.waitForAppWindow();
var appWindow = await this.appWindow.getAttribute("NativeWindowHandle");
let hex = (Number(ewarpWindow)).toString(16);
var currentAppCapabilities =
"appTopLevelWindow": hex,
"platformName": "Windows",
"deviceName": "WindowsPC",
"newCommandTimeout": "120000"
let driverBuilder = new DriverBuilder();
await driverBuilder.stopDriver();
this.driver = await driverBuilder.createDriver(currentEwarpCapabilities);
return this.driver;
I keep getting this error in Winappdriver
{"status":13,"value":{"error":"unknown error","message":"An unknown error occurred in the remote end while processing the command."}}
I've also opened this ticket here.
It seems like such an easy thing to do, but I couldn't figure this one out.
Any of nodes packages I could use to get the top level window handle easily?
I am open to suggestions on how to tackle this issue while using JavaScript for Winappdriver.
Hope this helps some one out there,
Got around this by creating an exe using C# that generated hex of the app to connect based on the process name, it looks like something like this.
public string GetTopLevelWindowHandleHex()
string TopLevelWindowHandleHex = null;
IntPtr TopLevelWindowHandle = new IntPtr();
foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.GetProcesses())
if (clsProcess.ProcessName.StartsWith(_processName))
TopLevelWindowHandle = clsProcess.Handle;
TopLevelWindowHandleHex = clsProcess.MainWindowHandle.ToString("x");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TopLevelWindowHandleHex))
return TopLevelWindowHandleHex;
throw new Exception($"Process: {_processName} cannot be found");
Called it from JS to get the hex of the top level window handle, like this,
async getHex () {
var pathToExe =await path.join(process.cwd(), "features\\support\\ProcessUtility\\GetWindowHandleHexByProcessName.exe");
var pathToDir =await path.join(process.cwd(), "features\\support\\ProcessUtility");
const result = await execFileSync(pathToExe, [this.processName]
, {cwd: pathToDir, encoding: 'utf-8'}
, async function (err, data) {
console.log("Error: "+ err);
console.log("Data(hex): "+ data);
return JSON.stringify(data.toString());
return result.toString().trim();
Used the hex to connect to the app like this,
async connectAppDriver(hex) {
console.log(`Hex received to connect to app using hex: ${hex}`);
const currentAppCapabilities=
"browserName": '',
"appTopLevelWindow": hex.trim(),
"platformName": "Windows",
"deviceName": "WindowsPC",
"newCommandTimeout": "120000"
const appDriver = await new Builder()
await driver.startWithWebDriver(appDriver);
return driver;
In WebDriverJS (used by selenium / appium), use getDomAttribute instead of getAttribute. Took several hours to find :(
POST: /session/270698D2-D93B-4E05-9FC5-3E5FBDA60ECA/execute/sync
Command not implemented: POST: /session/270698D2-D93B-4E05-9FC5-3E5FBDA60ECA/execute/sync
HTTP/1.1 501 Not Implemented
let topLevelWindowHandle = await element.getDomAttribute('NativeWindowHandle')
topLevelWindowHandle = parseInt(topLevelWindowHandle).toString(16)
GET /session/DE4C46E1-CC84-4F5D-88D2-35F56317E34D/element/42.3476754/attribute/NativeWindowHandle HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
and topLevelWindowHandle have hex value :)
I noticed that Chrome Canary has an implementation of a web serial api at navigator.serial, and I'm interested in looking at it. The previous API for serial ports chrome.serial implements listener callbacks, while this new API seems to deal in streams.
I've looked at the example at https://wicg.github.io/serial/#usage-example, but it seems pretty bare bones.
var port;
var buffy = new ArrayBuffer(1);
var writer;
const test = async function () {
const requestOptions = {
// Filter on devices with the Arduino USB vendor ID.
//filters: [{ vendorId: 0x2341 }],
// Request an Arduino from the user.
port = await navigator.serial.requestPort(requestOptions);
// Open and begin reading.
await port.open({ baudrate: 115200 });
//const reader = port.in.getReader();
const reader = port.readable.getReader();
writer = port.writable.getWriter();
//const writer = port.writable.getWriter();
while (true) {
const {done, data} = await reader.read();
if (done) break;
} // end of function
<button onclick="test()">Click It</button>
I'd like to find a working example, and eventually find a way to migrate an app from chrome.serial to navigator.serial
Hey battling this as well. To enable this 'experimental api', open Canary, and punch this into the url: chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features
Enable that feature. Now you can use it.
Working on a Chrome Extension, which needs to integrate with IndexedDB. Trying to figure out how to use Dexie.JS. Found a bunch of samples. Those don't look too complicated. There is one specific example particularly interesting for exploring IndexedDB with Dexie at https://github.com/dfahlander/Dexie.js/blob/master/samples/open-existing-db/dump-databases.html
However, when I run the one above - the "dump utility," it does not see IndexedDB databases, telling me: There are databases at the current origin.
From the developer tools Application tab, under Storage, I see my IndexedDB database.
Is this some sort of a permissions issue? Can any indexedDB database be accessed by any tab/user?
What should I be looking at?
Thank you
In chrome/opera, there is a non-standard API webkitGetDatabaseNames() that Dexie.js uses to retrieve the list of database names on current origin. For other browsers, Dexie emulates this API by keeping an up-to-date database of database-names for each origin, so:
For chromium browsers, Dexie.getDatabaseNames() will list all databases at current origin, but for non-chromium browsers, only databases created with Dexie will be shown.
If you need to dump the contents of each database, have a look at this issue, that basically gives:
interface TableDump {
table: string
rows: any[]
function export(db: Dexie): TableDump[] {
return db.transaction('r', db.tables, ()=>{
return Promise.all(
db.tables.map(table => table.toArray()
.then(rows => ({table: table.name, rows: rows})));
function import(data: TableDump[], db: Dexie) {
return db.transaction('rw', db.tables, () => {
return Promise.all(data.map (t =>
Combine the functions with JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() to fully serialize the data.
const db = new Dexie('mydb');
db.version(1).stores({friends: '++id,name,age'});
(async ()=>{
// Export
const allData = await export (db);
const serialized = JSON.stringify(allData);
// Import
const jsonToImport = '[{"table": "friends", "rows": [{id:1,name:"foo",age:33}]}]';
const dataToImport = JSON.parse(jsonToImport);
await import(dataToImport, db);
A working example for dumping data to a JSON file using the current indexedDB API as described at:
The snippet below will dump recent messages from a gmail account with the Offline Mode enabled in the gmail settings.
var dbPromise = indexedDB.open("your_account#gmail.com_xdb", 109, function (db) {
dbPromise.onerror = (event) => {
console.log("oh no!");
dbPromise.onsuccess = (event) => {
var transaction = db.transaction(["item_messages"]);
var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("item_messages");
var allItemsRequest = objectStore.getAll();
allItemsRequest.onsuccess = function () {
var all_items = allItemsRequest.result;
// save items as JSON file
var bb = new Blob([JSON.stringify(all_items)], { type: "text/plain" });
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.download = "gmail_messages.json";
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(bb);
Running the code above from DevTools > Sources > Snippets will also let you set breakpoints and debug and inspect the objects.
Make sure you set the right version of the database as the second parameter to indexedDB.open(...). To peek at the value used by your browser the following code can be used: