how to extract password-protected zip in Node Js - javascript

const unzipper = require("unzipper");
const fs = require("fs-extra");
async function test() {
const file = "";
const password = "abc";
const directory = await unzipper.Open.file(file);
console.log("password", password);
const extracted = await directory.files[0].buffer(password);
fs.writeFileSync("extracted/", extracted);
I have two files, and The only difference is that when I created old zip using winrar, I checked legacy encryption. You can see the picture below.
My code works for old zip, but not Is there any other way to extract the file?
edit: change title from using javascript => in Node js


.balanceOf is not a function - Interact with existing Contract on Blockchain

I want to automate my staking on The Sandbox. For that I need in the first step to interact with the mSand-Matic Pool Contract. It is this one:
I have written a little program in a GitHub repository to show what I have done:
Or here is the code example from the contract-interact.js
Web3 = require('web3')
const fs = require('fs');
const web3 = new Web3("")
const contractAddress = "0x4AB071C42C28c4858C4BAc171F06b13586b20F30"
const contractJson = fs.readFileSync('./abi.json')
const abi = JSON.parse(contractJson)
const mSandMaticContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress)
The ABI I have taken from the contract link on the top. But it seems there is a problem.
I tried for testing to read something from the contract. For that I used the function balanceOf(address), how you can see in the code.
But I always get this error:
TypeError: mSandMaticContract.balanceOf is not a function
I found the solution
web3 needs .methots to get acces to the balanceOf() function
if we want only to read so we need to add .call()
we need to add await before the function is called this needs to be in a asynchonus function
So the final working code is:
Web3 = require('web3')
const fs = require('fs');
const web3 = new Web3("")
const contractAddress = "0x4AB071C42C28c4858C4BAc171F06b13586b20F30"
const contractJson = fs.readFileSync('./abi.json')
const abi = JSON.parse(contractJson)
const mSandMaticContract = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress)
async function asyncCall() {
console.log(await mSandMaticContract.methods.balanceOf('0x7e5475290Df8E66234A541483453B5503551C780').call())
If you dont want only to read you need addtional to sign the transaction with:
The solution is, to sign the transaction before sending we can doing this with any method by this code:
encoded = mSandMaticContract.methods.getReward().encodeABI()
var block = await web3.eth.getBlock("latest");
var gasLimit = Math.round(block.gasLimit / block.transactions.length);
var tx = {
gas: gasLimit,
to: publicKey,
data: encoded
web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(tx, privateKey).then(signed => {
web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signed.rawTransaction).on('receipt', console.log)

Node.js PDFjs fetching specific page using pdfjs-dist

I'm trying to fetch the contents of page 4 of a PDF file using 'pdfjs-dist'.
I've tried to replace the 'pdfjs-dist' module with 'const pdfjs = require("pdfjs/es5/build/pdf")' but with no success.
What could be problem?
Thanks in advance!
const pdfjs = require('pdfjs-dist'); // Fetch PDF
async function getContent(src) {
const doc = await pdfjs.getDocument(src).promise // note the use of the property promise
const page = await doc.getPage(4)
return await page.getTextContent()
It's too late to reply to this questions but let me add the solution that worked for me for those who will wish to implement the some issue.
This is the code that will work fine
// Install the latest version of pdf.js via npm i pdfjs-dist
const pdfjsLib = require("pdfjs-dist/legacy/build/pdf.js");
let pdf_path = "{RELATIVE_PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE}/sample.pdf";
async function getContent(src: any){
const doc = await pdfjsLib.getDocument(src).promise;
const page = await doc.getPage(1);
const strings: any = await page.getTextContent();
let ITEMS_STRINGS = any) => item.str);
let PDF_STRINGS: string = ITEMS_STRINGS.join(" ");
console.log(await getContent(`${pdf_path}`));
This will work fine

How to find if Azure File exists on NodeJS

I'm using the azure file storage, and using express JS to write a backend to render the contents stored in the azure file storage.
I am writing the code based on
const { ShareServiceClient, StorageSharedKeyCredential } = require("#azure/storage-file-share");
const account = "<account>";
const accountKey = "<accountkey>";
const credential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(account, accountKey);
const serviceClient = new ShareServiceClient(
const shareName = "<share name>";
const fileName = "<file name>";
// [Node.js only] A helper method used to read a Node.js readable stream into a Buffer
async function streamToBuffer(readableStream) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const chunks = [];
readableStream.on("data", (data) => {
chunks.push(data instanceof Buffer ? data : Buffer.from(data));
readableStream.on("end", () => {
readableStream.on("error", reject);
And you can view the contents through
const downloadFileResponse = await;
const output = await streamToBuffer(downloadFileResponse.readableStreamBody)).toString()
Thing is, I only want to find if the file exists and not spend time downloading the entire file, how could I do this?
I looked at
to see if the file client class has what I want, but it doesn't seem to have methods useful for this.
If you are using #azure/storage-file-share (version 12.x) Node package, there's an exists method in ShareFileClient. You can use that to find if a file exists or not. Something like:
const fileExists = await fileClient.exists();//returns true or false.

Delete image from url Firebase Storage

In my cloud functions, I'm trying to delete an image based on its url, but I think that I don't use correctly the API as I'm getting errors :
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.deleteImageWhenOfferDeleted = functions.firestore
.onDelete(async(snap, context) => {
console.log('----------------start function--------------------')
const deletedOffer =;
var imageUrlToDelete = deletedOffer.imageUrl;
function getPathStorageFromUrl(url){
const baseUrl = "";
let imagePath = url.replace(baseUrl,"");
const indexOfEndPath = imagePath.indexOf("?");
imagePath = imagePath.substring(0,indexOfEndPath);
imagePath = imagePath.replace("%2F","/");
return imagePath;
I think you're missing brackets after storage word.
You need to get an instance of storage object.
should be
BTW: Consider using TypeScript, because it catches errors like that during compilation.

Downloading an Azure Storage Blob using pure JavaScript and Azure-Storage-Js

I'm trying to do this with just pure Javascript and the SDK. I am not using Node.js. I'm converting my application from v2 to v10 of the SDK azure-storage-js-v10
The azure-storage.blob.js bundled file is compatible with UMD
standard, if no module system is found, following global variable
will be exported: azblob
My code is here:
const serviceURL = new azblob.ServiceURL(`https://${account}${accountSas}`, pipeline);
const containerName = "container";
const containerURL = azblob.ContainerURL.fromServiceURL(serviceURL, containerName);
const blobURL = azblob.BlobURL.fromContainerURL(containerURL, blobName);
const downloadBlobResponse = await, 0);
The downloadBlobResponse looks like this:
Using v10, how can I convert the downloadBlobResponse into a new blob so it can be used in the FileSaver saveAs() function?
In azure-storage-js-v2 this code worked on smaller files:
let readStream = blobService.createReadStream(containerName, blobName, (err, res) => {
if (error) {
// Handle read blob error
// Use event listener to receive data
readStream.on('data', data => {
// Uint8Array retrieved
// Convert the array back into a blob
var newBlob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(data)]);
// Saves file to the user's downloads directory
saveAs(newBlob, blobName); // FileSaver.js
I've tried everything to get v10 working, any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to get the body by await blobBody.
downloadBlobResponse = await, 0);
// data is a browser Blob type
const data = await downloadBlobResponse.blobBody;
Thanx Mike Coop and Xiaoning Liu!
I was busy making a Vuejs plugin to download blobs from a storage account. Thanx to you, I was able to make this work.
var FileSaver = require('file-saver');
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("#azure/storage-blob");
const downloadButton = document.getElementById("download-button");
const downloadFiles = async() => {
try {
if (fileList.selectedOptions.length > 0) {
reportStatus("Downloading files...");
for await (const option of fileList.selectedOptions) {
var blobName = option.text;
const account = '<account name>';
const sas = '<blob sas token>';
const containerName = '< container name>';
const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(`https://${account}${sas}`);
const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(containerName);
const blobClient = containerClient.getBlobClient(blobName);
const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await, 0, undefined);
const data = await downloadBlockBlobResponse.blobBody;
// Saves file to the user's downloads directory
FileSaver.saveAs(data, blobName); // FileSaver.js
} else {
reportStatus("No files selected.");
} catch (error) {
downloadButton.addEventListener("click", downloadFiles);
Thanks Xiaoning Liu!
I'm still learning about async javascript functions and promises. Guess I was just missing another "await". I saw that "downloadBlobResponse.blobBody" was a promise and also a blob type, but, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't convert to a new blob. I kept getting the "Iterator getter is not callable" error.
Here's my final working solution:
// Create a BlobURL
const blobURL = azblob.BlobURL.fromContainerURL(containerURL, blobName);
// Download blob
downloadBlobResponse = await, 0);
// In browsers, get downloaded data by accessing downloadBlockBlobResponse.blobBody
const data = await downloadBlobResponse.blobBody;
// Saves file to the user's downloads directory
saveAs(data, blobName); // FileSaver.js
