Object transformation assistance - javascript

I have a list of single key value pairs, where the key is a 2 part string that describes where the value should be plotted on a table. This is the first time I've asked a questions on SO so please go easy on me.
let tiles = [
{ 'A~baz': 'x' },
{ 'A~buzz': 'o' },
{ 'A~fam': '' },
{ 'B~baz': 'x' },
{ 'B~buzz': '' },
{ 'B~fam': '' },
{ 'C~baz': 'x' },
{ 'C~buzz': 'x' },
{ 'C~fam': 'x' }
I want to convert it into the below format.
{ _id: 'A', baz: 'x', buzz: 'o', fam: '' },
{ _id: 'B', baz: 'x', buzz: '', fam: '' },
{ _id: 'C', baz: 'x', buzz: 'x', fam: 'x' }
Note I will need to perform this operation on hundreds of thousands of key value pairs.
What I have done so far, this works, but I was hoping there could be places I can make improvements.
let tiles = [
{ 'C~fam': "x" },
{ 'B~buzz': "" },
{ 'B~fam': "" },
{ 'A~fam': "" },
{ 'A~buzz': "o" },
{ 'B~baz': "x" },
{ 'A~baz': "x" },
{ 'C~baz': "x" },
{ 'C~buzz': "x" },
// I thought it would help to sort the array
tiles.sort((a, b) => Object.keys(a)[0].localeCompare(Object.keys(b)[0]));
let obj = {};
tiles.forEach((kvp) => { //kvp = key value pair
let [row,col] = Object.keys(kvp)[0].split('~') //destruct by '~'
let val = Object.values(kvp)[0];
obj[row] = obj[row] ?? {}
obj[row][col] = val;
let keys = Object.keys(obj);
let values = Object.values(obj)
let output = [];
for (let i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
output.push(Object.assign({_id : `${keys[i]}`}, values[i]));

You condemned your algorithm's complexity to O(nlog(n)) by sorting the array. You can solve this problem without the need to sort it. Since we must iterate through all of the array, the best complexity possible would be O(n). Assuming the input format will always remain the same, try this:
function changeFormat (arr){
const hash = {}
arr.forEach(element => {
const key = Object.keys(element)[0];
const _id = key[0];
if (hash[_id] === undefined)
hash[_id] ={_id, baz:'', buzz:'', fam:''};
const type = key.slice(2);
hash[_id][type] = element[key];
return Object.values(hash);

Here you've got single loop solution
let res = {};
let arrayRes = [];
tiles.forEach(function(tile) {
let tileKey = Object.keys(tile)[0];
let tileKeySplitted = tileKey.split('~');
let column = tileKeySplitted[0];
let key = tileKeySplitted[1];
if (res[column] == null) {
res[column] = {'_id': column};
res[column][key] = tile[tileKey];

You can put this code in a function and reuse, this code will work even if the props change from baz, buzz, fam.
let requiredFormat = tiles.reduce((acc, tile) => {
let keys = Object.keys(tile);
let firstKey = keys[0];
let firstKeyArray = firstKey.split("~");
let id = firstKeyArray[0];
let propName = firstKeyArray[1];
let objWithId = acc.find(obj => obj._id === id);
if(objWithId) {
let accumulatorWithoutCurrentObject = acc.filter(obj => obj._id !== id);
let upadtedObjWithId = {...objWithId, [propName]: tile[firstKey]};
let updatedAcc = [
return updatedAcc;
let updatedAcc = [
{_id: id, [propName]: tile[firstKey]}
return updatedAcc;
}, []);


How to use spread operator but not get values null from the object

I have an array of object, something like this:
array = [
'propertyName1': 'name1',
'propertyValue1': 'value1',
'propertyName2': 'name2',
'propertyValue2': 'value2',
'propertyName3': 'name3',
'propertyValue3': 'value3',
'propertyName4': 'name4',
'propertyValue4': 'value4',
'propertyName1': 'name10',
'propertyValue1': 'value10',
'propertyName2': 'name22',
'propertyValue2': 'value22',
'propertyName3': 'name33',
'propertyValue3': 'value33',
'propertyName4': null,
'propertyValue4': null,
I want to get the first value as a key and the second value as a value in a new object, something like this result:
name1: "value1"
name10: "value10"
name2: "value2"
name22: "value22"
name3: "value3"
name33: "value33"
name4: "value4"
null: null
but I don't want to show the property with the value null, so I tried:
ngOnInit() {
let obj = {};
this.array.forEach((element: any) => {
obj = {
[element.propertyName1]: element.propertyValue1,
[element.propertyName2]: element.propertyValue2,
[element.propertyName3]: element.propertyValue3,
[element.propertyName4]: element.propertyValue4}
See the code here:
Just delete the null entry after
this.array.forEach((element: any) => {
obj = {
[element.propertyName1]: element.propertyValue1,
[element.propertyName2]: element.propertyValue2,
[element.propertyName3]: element.propertyValue3,
[element.propertyName4]: element.propertyValue4,
delete obj['null'];
You can spread all the values in a single array and check if the property is null while looping over:
ngOnInit() {
const valuesArray = [ //Array containing all the values
let obj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < valuesArray.length; i = i + 2) {
if (valuesArray[i + 1] !== null) {
obj[valuesArray[i]] = valuesArray[i + 1]; //Only copy when it is not null
If your first array also might contain null values and you want to exclude them you can use this if condition instead of the one above:
if (valuesArray[i + 1] !== null && valuesArray[i] !== null )
const data = [{"propertyName1":"name1","propertyValue1":"value1","propertyName2":"name2","propertyValue2":"value2","propertyName3":"name3","propertyValue3":"value3","propertyName4":"name4","propertyValue4":"value4"},{"propertyName1":"name10","propertyValue1":"value10","propertyName2":"name22","propertyValue2":"value22","propertyName3":"name33","propertyValue3":"value33","propertyName4":null,"propertyValue4":null}]
let r = {}
// get maximum number of keys that may need to be iterated over
let n = data.map(o=>Object.keys(o).length).reduce((a,c)=>Math.max(a,c))
for(let i=1; i<=n; i++) {
data.forEach(o=> {
let x = o[`propertyName${i}`]
let y = o[`propertyValue${i}`]
if (x && y) r[x] = y

Merging two objects with same keys override first array

I would like to merge an array with another array. The only catch is that each array is within an object.
Intuitively I tried {...arrObj, ...newArrObj} however this leads newArrObj overwriting items in the arrObj.
const array = ['an', 'array'];
const newArray = [, , 'new', 'ehrray'];
const obj = {
key: { ...array
const newObj = {
key: { ...newArray
const merged = { ...obj,
I would expect merged to be:
"key": {
"0": "an",
"1": "array",
"2": "new",
"3": "ehrray"
but receive
"key": {
"2": "new",
"3": "ehrray"
This might be useful
const a0 = ['1', '2', undefined , undefined, '5', '6', '7'];
const a1 = [undefined, undefined, '3', '4'];
function merge(a, b) {
return a.map(function(v,i){ return v?v:b[i]});
console.log(a0 > a1?merge(a0, a1):merge(a1, a0));
I wanted to updated that I ended up going with a recursive merge to get the nested object containing an array merged.
const array = ['an', 'array'];
const newArray = [, , 'new', 'ehrray'];
const obj = {
key: { ...array
const newObj = {
key: { ...newArray
const merge = (obj1, obj2) => {
const recursiveMerge = (obj, entries) => {
for (const [key, value] of entries) {
if (typeof value === "object") {
obj[key] = obj[key] ? { ...obj[key]
} : {};
recursiveMerge(obj[key], Object.entries(value))
} else {
obj[key] = value;
return obj;
return recursiveMerge(obj1, Object.entries(obj2))
console.log(merge(obj, newObj));
The idea is that there are unset values with only a few set. eg. const newArray = new Array(4); newArray[2] = 'new';
{ value: null }, even { value: undefined } is not the same thing as { foo: 42 } with no value at all. That's the reason that in your example "an" and "array" are overwritten with the nulls from the newArray.
This particular example you can solve by swapping the order in which you add the arrays to the result, but as soon as both arrays contain null-values there is no way to do it with spread-syntax / Object.assign alone. You have to implement the behaviour:
const array = new Array('an', 'array', null, null, "and", "more", "from", "array");
const newArray = new Array(null, null, 'new', 'ehrray');
function merge(a, b) {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < a.length || i < b.length; ++i) {
result[i] = b[i] == null ? a[i] : b[i];
return result;
console.log(merge(array, newArray));

Merge Array of same level

I have an array which I need to combine with comma-separated of the same level and form a new array.
let arr = [
[{ LEVEL: 1, NAME: 'Mark' }, { LEVEL: 1, NAME: 'Adams' }, { LEVEL: 2, NAME: 'Robin' }],
[{ LEVEL: 3, NAME: 'Williams' }],
[{ LEVEL: 4, NAME: 'Matthew' }, { LEVEL: 4, NAME: 'Robert' }],
[{ LEVEL: 1, NAME: 'Mark,Adams' }, { LEVEL: 2, NAME: 'Robin' }],
[{ LEVEL: 3, NAME: 'Williams' }],
[{ LEVEL: 4, NAME: 'Matthew,Robert' }],
I tried with the following code but not getting the correct result
let finalArr = [];
arr.forEach(o => {
let temp = finalArr.find(x => {
if (x && x.LEVEL === o.LEVEL) {
x.NAME += ', ' + o.NAME;
return true;
if (!temp) finalArr.push(o);
You could map the outer array and reduce the inner array by finding the same level and add NAME, if found. Otherwise create a new object.
var data = [[{ LEVEL: 1, NAME: "Mark" }, { LEVEL: 1, NAME: "Adams" }, { LEVEL: 2, NAME: "Robin"}], [{ LEVEL: 3, NAME: "Williams" }], [{ LEVEL: 4, NAME: "Matthew" }, { LEVEL: 4, NAME: "Robert" }]],
result = data.map(a => a.reduce((r, { LEVEL, NAME }) => {
var temp = r.find(q => q.LEVEL === LEVEL);
if (temp) temp.NAME += ',' + NAME;
else r.push({ LEVEL, NAME });
return r;
}, []));
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Assuming you only want to merge within the same array and not across arrays, and assuming there aren't all that many entries (e.g., fewer than several hundred thousand), the simple thing is to build a new array checking to see if it already has the same level in it:
let result = arr.map(entry => {
let newEntry = [];
for (const {LEVEL, NAME} of entry) {
const existing = newEntry.find(e => e.LEVEL === LEVEL);
if (existing) {
existing.NAME += "," + NAME;
} else {
newEntry.push({LEVEL, NAME});
return newEntry;
let arr= [
{"LEVEL":2,"NAME":"Robin"} ],
let result = arr.map(entry => {
let newEntry = [];
for (const {LEVEL, NAME} of entry) {
const existing = newEntry.find(e => e.LEVEL === LEVEL);
if (existing) {
existing.NAME += "," + NAME;
} else {
newEntry.push({LEVEL, NAME});
return newEntry;
If the nested arrays can be truly massively long, you'd want to build a map rather than doing the linear search (.find) each time.
I'd try to do as much of this in constant time as possible.
var m = new Map();
array.forEach( refine.bind(m) );
function refine({ LABEL, NAME }) {
var o = this.get(NAME)
, has = !!o
, name = NAME
if (has) name = `${NAME}, ${o.NAME}`;
this.set(name, { NAME: name, LABEL });
var result = Array.from( m.values() );
I haven't tested this as I wrote it on my phone at the airport, but this should at least convey the approach I would advise.
Well... looks like the question was edited... So... I'd recommend adding a check at the top of the function to see if it's an array and, if so, call refine with an early return. Something like:
var m = new Map();
array.forEach( refine.bind(m) );
function refine(item) {
var { LABEL, NAME } = item;
if (!NAME) return item.forEach( refine.bind(this) ); // assume array
var o = this.get(NAME)
, has = !!o
, name = NAME
if (has) name = `${NAME}, ${o.NAME}`;
this.set(name, { NAME: name, LABEL });
var result = Array.from( m.values() );
That way, it should work with both your original question and your edit.
Looks like the question changed again... I give up.
Map the array values: every element to an intermediate object, then create the desired object from the resulting entries:
const basicArr = [
{"LEVEL":2,"NAME":"Robin"} ],
const leveled = basicArr.map( val => {
let obj = {};
val.forEach(v => {
obj[v.LEVEL] = obj[v.LEVEL] || {NAME: []};
obj[v.LEVEL].NAME = obj[v.LEVEL].NAME.concat(v.NAME);
return Object.entries(obj)
.map( ([key, val]) => ({LEVEL: +key, NAME: val.NAME.join(", ")}));
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
if you want to flatten all levels
const basicArr = [
{"LEVEL":2,"NAME":"Robin"} ],
const leveled = basicArr.map( val => Object.entries (
val.reduce( (acc, val) => {
acc[val.LEVEL] = acc[val.LEVEL] || {NAME: []};
acc[val.LEVEL].NAME = acc[val.LEVEL].NAME.concat(val.NAME);
return acc;
}, {}))
.map( ([key, val]) => ({LEVEL: +key, NAME: val.NAME.join(", ")})) )
.flat() // (use .reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []) for IE/Edge)
.reduce( (acc, val) => {
const exists = acc.filter(x => x.LEVEL === val.LEVEL);
if (exists.length) {
exists[0].NAME = `${val.NAME}, ${exists.map(v => v.NAME).join(", ")}`;
return acc;
return [... acc, val];
}, [] );
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
ES6 way:
let say attributes is multidimensional array having multimple entries which need to combine like following:
let combinedArray = [];
attributes.map( attributes => {
combined = combinedArray.concat(...attributes);

How to detect object differences between two arrays?

I'm trying to compare two arrays of objects and returns a list of updated objects. I don't want to use lodash just the javascript data structures and functions.
I have a first array which named arr1 = [
name: 'attribute 1',
id: 12,
value: 40,
version: 1,
name: 'attribute 41',
id: 12,
value: 6,
version: 1,
And another array:
array2 = [
name: 'attribute 1',
attributeTypeId: 12,
value: 65,
docs: ['bla bla']
I'm trying to iterate through the two arrays and detect the differences and returns an array like that:
result = [
name: 'attribute 1',
id: 12,
value: 65,
docs:['bla bla'],
version: 1,
name: 'attribute 41',
id: 12,
value: 6,
version: 1,
I wrote some uncomplete function (not optimized yet just a brute force solution):
const filterProperties = (e) => {
return e.toLowerCase() !== 'name' && e.toLowerCase() !== 'id'
// function sort
const sortProperties = (a, b) => a < b ? -1 : 1;
let result = []
attributesUpdate.forEach(attr => {
const attrProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attr);
// iterate the attributes
for (let i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
let attribute = attributes[i];
// check if the attribute to update has a different name or attributeTypeId
if (attribute.name !== attr.name) {
result = result.concat(attr);
// check if the attribute to update has the same name, id
// of the originalOne
if (attribute.name === attr.name && attribute.id=== attr.id) {
let obj = {
name: attribute.name,
id: attribute.id,
// get the properties of the attribute
const attributeProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attribute);
// extract the name and id from the list
const filtredAttributeProps = attributeProps.filter(filterProperties);
const filteredattrProps = attrProps.filter(filterProperties);
// returns the length of each array of properties
const attrLength = filteredattrProps.length;
const attributeLength = filtredAttributeProps.length;
if (attrLength === attributeLength) {
for (let j = 0; j < attrLength; j++) {
const propName = filteredattrProps[j];
obj[propName] = attr[propName];
result = result.filter(e => e.name === attr.name
&& e.id=== attr.id)
.map(e => Object.assign(e, {obj}))
if (attrLength !== attributeLength) {
// sort the array of properties
const sortedAttrProps = filteredattrProps.sort(sortProperties);
const sortedAttributeProps = filtredAttributeProps.sort(sortProperties);
// check the shortest object
const min = attrLength < attributeLength ? attrLength : attributeLength;
// get the biggest object
const longestObjProps = attrLength === min ? sortedAttributeProps : sortedAttrProps;
const longestObj = attrLength === min ? attribute : attr
const shortestProps = attrLength === min ? sortedAttrProps: sortedAttributeProps;
const shortestObj = attrLength === min ? attr : attribute
// fill the object with attr properties
for(let j = 0; j < min; j++) {
const propName = shortestProps[j];
obj[propName] = shortestObj[propName];
// fill the remaining properties in the object
const remainingProperties = longestObjProps.filter(e => !shortestProps.includes(e));
for (let j = 0; j < remainingProperties.length; j++) {
const propName = remainingProperties[j];
obj[propName] = longestObj[propName]
if (!result.length || result.filter(e => e.name !== attr.name &&
e.id!== attr.id).length === 0) {
console.log('result: ', result);
I got such a result :
name: 'attribute 1',
attributeTypeId: 12,
value: 65,
docs: ['bla bla']
How can I fix this code to get the desired results? I hope that my question will not be downvoted. Any suggestion will be welcome.
What this code does is loop through the objects in array2, and then when it finds that there is a matching name/id in arr1, it simply updates the properties of that object. If not found, it will add the object to arr1.
arr1 = [{
name: 'attribute 1',
id: 12,
value: 40,
docs: [],
version: 1,
name: 'attribute 41',
id: 12,
value: 6,
version: 1,
array2 = [{
name: 'attribute 1',
attributeTypeId: 12,
value: 65,
docs: ['bla bla']
updateArray(arr1, array2);
function updateArray(arrayToUpdate, dataToUpdateWith) {
dataToUpdateWith.forEach(function(obj) {
var objToUpdate = checkIfNameIdExists(arrayToUpdate, obj.name, obj.attributeTypeId);
if (objToUpdate === false) {
objToUpdate = obj;
} else {
for (var prop in obj) {
if (objToUpdate.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
var nameInFinalObject = prop;
if (prop === "attributeTypeId") {
nameInFinalObject = "id";
objToUpdate[nameInFinalObject] = obj[prop];
function checkIfNameIdExists(arrOfObj, name, id) {
if (name === null) {
return false;
var output = false;
arrOfObj.forEach(function(obj) {
if (obj.name === name) {
output = obj;
return true;
return output;
The values in each of the objects are same type and values are not nested so there is a need to recursively traverse the tree to compare equality etc.
The first array is the source and the subsequent (with the same name) is the mutated form.
We are not handling removals of properties from the source object. From what is given by the OP we are only accounting for value changes.
const d1 = [{ name: 'attribute 1', id: 12, value: 40, docs: [], version: 1, }, { name: 'attribute 41', id: 12, value: 6, version: 1, } ]
const d2 = [{ name: 'attribute 1', attributeTypeId: 12, value: 65, docs: ['bla bla'] }]
const isChanged = (a, b) =>
Array.isArray(a) ? !a.every(x => b.includes(x)) : a !== b
const compare = (o1, o2) => Object.entries(o1).reduce((r, [k,v]) => {
if(k in o2 && isChanged(o2[k], v))
Object.assign(r, {[k]: o2[k]})
return r
}, o1)
const group = (a, b) => [...a, ...b].reduce((r,c) =>
(r[c.name] = [...r[c.name] || [], c], r), {})
const result = Object.values(group(d1,d2)).reduce((r,c) =>
(r.push(c.length == 2 ? compare(...c) : c[0]), r), [])
The idea is to merge the objects in one array, group them by name and if there ware any changes the groups with length of 2 would be compared by the compare function. Otherwise just added to the end result.

Sort a list by property and add an object before each first letter changes in JavaScript

So I am trying to make a UI like this:
And I have an array of users
[{name: 'Julia'}, {name: 'Ismeh'}, {name: 'Alison'}, {name: 'Andrea'}, {name: 'Betty'}]
What I am trying to do is to sort the array by first letter of the name property, and add a header object before each. For example in the picture, you can see the letter A, B, I, and J as the headers.
For now, I got it working like this:
let final = []
// sort by first letter
const sortedUsers = state.test_list.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))
for (let x = 0; x < sortedUsers.length; x++) {
const user = sortedUsers[x].name
if (user.charAt(0) === 'A') {
const checkIfExists = final.findIndex((f) => f.header === 'A')
// add the header A if it doesn't exist
if (checkIfExists < 0) final.push({header: 'A'})
else if (user.charAt(0) === 'B') {
const checkIfExists = final.findIndex((f) => f.header === 'B')
// add the header B if it doesn't exist
if (checkIfExists < 0) final.push({header: 'B'})
// else if up to the letter Z
and if I log the final array, I get:
which is correct.
My concern is that the code is very long, and I have no idea if it can be optimized or make the code smaller.
Is there any other option to do something like this? Any help would be much appreciated.
Why don't you create a collection of names, which is grouped by the first letter? You can then loop on it, and create your list. Use Array#reduce to create the grouped collection.
And then use Object#keys to iterate over the grouped collection and render your results:
let data = [{
name: 'Julia'
}, {
name: 'Ismeh'
}, {
name: 'Alison'
}, {
name: 'Andrea'
}, {
name: 'Betty'
let combined = data.reduce((result, item) => {
let letter = item.name[0].toUpperCase();
if (!result[letter]) {
result[letter] = [];
return result;
}, {});
// Iterate over the result
Object.keys(combined).forEach(key => {
// key will be the first letter of the user names and
// combined[key] will be an array of user objects
console.log(key, combined[key]);
One thing still to do is to sort the user arrays by user name, which you can do easily using Array#sort.
Simple enough, try sorting them and then using .reduce:
const unsortedPeople = [{name: 'Julia'}, {name: 'Ismeh'}, {name: 'Alison'}, {name: 'Andrea'}, {name: 'Betty'}];
const sortedUsers = unsortedPeople.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))
const final = sortedUsers.reduce((finalSoFar, user) => {
const thisUserFirstChar = user.name[0];
if (finalSoFar.length === 0) addHeader();
else {
const lastUserFirstChar = finalSoFar[finalSoFar.length - 1].name[0];
if (lastUserFirstChar !== thisUserFirstChar) addHeader();
return finalSoFar;
function addHeader() {
finalSoFar.push({ header: thisUserFirstChar });
}, []);
Why don't you just keep track of the current abbreviation as you loop. Then you can add a head when it changes:
var users = [{name: 'Julia'}, {name: 'Ismeh'}, {name: 'Alison'}, {name: 'Andrea'}, {name: 'Betty'}]
const sortedUsers = users.sort((a, b) => a.name.localeCompare(b.name))
var currentHeader
let final = sortedUsers.reduce((a, user) => {
if (currentHeader !== user.name[0]) {
currentHeader = user.name[0]
a.push({header: currentHeader})
return a
Here's one way to do it:
const users = [{name: 'Julia'}, {name: 'Ismeh'}, {name: 'Alison'}, {name: 'Andrea'}, {name: 'Betty'}];
let lastIndex;
let result = [];
users.sort((a, b) => {
return a.name > b.name;
}).forEach((user) => {
const index = user.name.charAt(0);
if (index !== lastIndex) {
header: index
lastIndex = index;
}, []);
You can use _.orderBy(collection, [iteratees=[_.identity]], [orders]) and _.groupBy(collection, [iteratee=_.identity]) method of lodash.
This orderBy is like _.sortBy except that it allows specifying the sort orders of the iteratees to sort by. If orders is unspecified, all values are sorted in ascending order. Otherwise, specify an order of "desc" for descending or "asc" for ascending sort order of corresponding values.
groupBy will creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of collection thru iteratee. The order of grouped values is determined by the order they occur in collection. The corresponding value of each key is an array of elements responsible for generating the key. The iteratee is invoked with one argument: (value).
// The `_.property` iteratee shorthand.
_.groupBy(['one', 'two', 'three'], 'length');
// => { '3': ['one', 'two'], '5': ['three'] }
// Sort by `user` in ascending order and by `age` in descending order.
_.orderBy(users, ['user', 'age'], ['asc', 'desc']);
With lodash
let myArr = [{
name: 'Julia'
}, {
name: 'Ismeh'
}, {
name: 'Andrea'
}, {
name: 'Alison'
}, {
name: 'Betty'
myArr = _.orderBy(myArr, ['name'], ['asc']);
let r = _.groupBy(myArr, o => {
return o.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.js"></script>
var arr = [{
name: 'Julia'
}, {
name: 'Ismeh'
}, {
name: 'Andrea'
}, {
name: 'Alison'
}, {
name: 'Betty'
fChar = '';
arr = arr.sort(function(a, b) {
a = a.name.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase
b = b.name.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase
return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
}).reduce(function(r, o) {
fChar = o.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
if (!r[fChar]) {
r[fChar] = [];
name: o.name
return r;
}, {});
const arr = [{
name: 'Julia'
}, {
name: 'Ismeh'
}, {
name: 'Andrea'
}, {
name: 'Alison'
}, {
name: 'Betty'
let result = arr.sort((a, b) => {
a = a.name.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase
b = b.name.toUpperCase(); // ignore upper and lowercase
return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
}).reduce((r, o) => {
let fChar = o.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase();
if (!r[fChar]) {
r[fChar] = [];
name: o.name
return r;
}, {});
