Call a function on a react child functional component from parent - javascript

I have a very large and complex React application. It is designed to behave like a desktop application. The interface is a document style interface with tabs, each tab can be one of many different type of editor component (there are currently 14 different editor screens). It is possible to have a very large number of tabs open at once (20-30 tabs). The application was originally written all with React class components, but with newer components (and where significant refactors have been required) I've moved to functional components using hooks. I prefer the concise syntax of functions and that seems to be the recommended direction to take in general, but I've encountered a pattern from the classes that I don't know how to replicate with functions.
Basically, each screen (tab) on the app is an editor of some sort (think Microsoft office, but where you can have a spreadsheet, text document, vector image, Visio diagram, etc all in tabs within the same application... Because each screen is so distinct they manage their own internal state. I don't think Redux or anything like that is a good solution here because the amount of individually owned bits of state are so complex. Each screen needs to be able to save it's current working document to the database, and typically provides a save option. Following standard object oriented design the 'save' function is implemented as a method on the top level component for each editor. However I need to perform a 'save-all' function where I iterate through all of the open tabs and call the save method (using a reference) on each of the tabs. Something like:
openTabs.forEach((tabRef) =>;
So, If I make this a functional component then I have my save method as a function assigned to a constant inside the function:
const save = () => {...}
But how can I call that from a parent? I think the save for each component should live within that component, not at a higher level. Aside from the fact that would make it very difficult to find and maintain, it also would break my modular loading which only loads the component when needed as the save would have to be at a level above the code-splitting.
The only solution to this problem that I can think of is to have a save prop on the component and a useEffect() to call the save when that save prop is changed - then I'd just need to write a dummy value of anything to that save prop to trigger a save... This seems like a very counter-intuitive and overly complex way to do it.... Or do I simply continue to stick with classes for these components?

But how can I call that from a parent? I think the save for each component should live within that component, not at a higher level.
You should ask yourself if the component should be smart vs dumb (
Consider the following:
const Page1 = ({ onSave }) => (...);
const Page2 = ({ onSave }) => (...);
const App = () => {
const handleSavePage1 = (...) => { ... };
const handleSavePage2 = (...) => { ... };
const handleSaveAll = (...) => {
return (
<Page1 onSave={handleSavePage1} />
<Page2 onSave={handleSavePage2} />
<Button onClick={handleSaveAll}>Save all</button>
You've then separated the layout from the functionality, and can compose the application as needed.

I don't think Redux or anything like that is a good solution here because the amount of individually owned bits of state are so complex.
I don't know if for some reason Redux is totally out of the picture or not, but I think it's one of the best options in a project like this.
Where you have a separated reducer for each module, managing the module's state, also each reducer having a "saveTabX" action, all of them available to be dispatched in the Root component.


How pure should a function be when writing in React? [closed]

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Closed 17 days ago.
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In functional programming, a pure function returns the same value for the same arguments.
I'd like to hear tips for writing in React sometime. I definitely do a lot of thinking at some point.
For example, the onClickHandler in the code below is not a pure function because it depends on an external state change.
const { useState } = require("react")
const Example = () => {
const [list, setList] = useState(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])
// Delete item from list, when button is clicked
// This function is non-puer because it uses external state (list, setList)
const onClickHandler = (e) => {
const newList = list.filter(item => item !==
return (
{, index) => {
return (
<div key={index}>
<button onClick={onClickHandler}>{item}</button>
export default Example
In this case, is it good to write these codes as pure functions?
If not, should it be written as a pure function only at the component level?
I want to hear from programmers who are interested in React.
What side-effects are there when you have a component with a click handler?
You have the action of appending/updating HTML elements to the DOM
you have the action of firing an event when the user interacts with it
and you have the action of mutating state.
Which one of these side-effects do you actually manage yourself when you use something like Redux for example? None of them.
A component which does not close over mutable free variables and merely describes the creation of DOM nodes without controlling what should be done with them or with their events when they fire, is pure.
The way you use something like Redux in a functional way is that your click handler should only send a signal to Redux saying "I have been pressed, and here are some contextual infos like the cursor coordinates, etc.". It is another piece of code somewhere else which decides how this event will affect the state, and when you write that external piece of code you don't decide how and when it will be executed either, and you won't even mutate the state yourself.
It is React which appends and updates nodes in the DOM, it is the browser which fires events, it is Redux which updates the state. From the point of view of your pure functional component, there are only inputs parameters and an output which is a description of an action, but is not an action itself. It is a pure function.
When you write functional code you very often voluntarily loose control over the execution by letting a framework manage all the side-effects in a predictable way, so that your code remains pure and declarative.
The paradigm shift is that, instead of having every component handle its state independently and collaborate with other components, like cells in an organism, there is a coordinator which knows about the whole state of the world, receives orderly signals about what happens in the app and takes all the decision regarding the creation of a new, updated but snapshot isolated, state of the world. This new state is then passed to the render function and the cycle starts again, with state flowing in a single direction.
The updated React docs describe "purity" as "always return the same JSX given the same inputs." (I would also add that components' render functions shouldn't have externally visible side effects.)
This isn't quite the same as a purely mathematical or functional programming definition of purity: In your example, each time you call Example, the onClick handler that's passed to the DOM will be a different function instance, and the useState hook gives the possibility of state and mutation. However, it meets React's expectations:
A major purpose of hooks is to allow for side effects and state, so that's okay.
Even if the specific onClick function changes, the behavior ("this node responds to a click event and does XYZ") is the same.
If you did violate React's expectations (by having side effects or by rendering different JSX), then bugs are unlikely.
Beyond that, taking a functional programming style approach and using pure functions can make code more maintainable and can fit better with React's conventions and ecosystem. For example, in your Example:
setList is guaranteed not to change, so it's reasonable to not consider it as an external state dependency for onClickHandler.
onClickHandler can use an updater instead of directly depending on the list state. As explained in the React docs, this isn't required, but it can be helpful (especially once you get into effects, callbacks, and more complex state updates.)
const onClickHandler = (e) => {
setList(list => list.filter(item => item !==

how to emulate messages/events with react useState and useContext?

I'm creating a react app with useState and useContext for state management. So far this worked like a charm, but now I've come across a feature that needs something like an event:
Let's say there is a ContentPage which renders a lot of content pieces. The user can scroll through this and read the content.
And there's also a BookmarkPage. Clicking on a bookmark opens the ContentPage and scrolls to the corresponding piece of content.
This scrolling to content is a one-time action. Ideally, I would like to have an event listener in my ContentPage that consumes ScrollTo(item) events. But react pretty much prevents all use of events. DOM events can't be caught in the virtual dom and it's not possible to create custom synthetic events.
Also, the command "open up content piece XYZ" can come from many parts in the component tree (the example doesn't completely fit what I'm trying to implement). An event that just bubbles up the tree wouldn't solve the problem.
So I guess the react way is to somehow represent this event with the app state?
I have a workaround solution but it's hacky and has a problem (which is why I'm posting this question):
export interface MessageQueue{
messages: number[],
push:(num: number)=>void,
const defaultMessageQueue{
push: (num:number) => {throw new Error("don't use default");},
pop: () => {throw new Error("don't use default");}
export const MessageQueueContext = React.createContext<MessageQueue>(defaultMessageQueue);
In the component I'm providing this with:
const [messages, setmessages] = useState<number[]>([]);
<MessageQueueContext.Provider value={{
messages: messages,
setmessages([...messages, num]);
const message = messages[-1];
setmessages([...messages.slice(0, -1)]);
return message;
Now any component that needs to send or receive messages can use the Context.
Pushing a message works as expected. The Context changes and all components that use it re-render.
But popping a message also changes the context and also causes a re-render. This second re-render is wasted since there is no reason to do it.
Is there a clean way to implement actions/messages/events in a codebase that does state management with useState and useContext?
Since you're using routing in Ionic's router (React-Router), and you navigate between two pages, you can use the URL to pass params to the page:
Define the route to have an optional path param. Something like content-page/:section?
In the ContentPage, get the param (section) using React Router's useParams. Create a useEffect with section as the only changing dependency only. On first render (or if section changes) the scroll code would be called.
const { section } = useParams();
useEffect(() => {
// the code to jump to the section
}, [section]);
I am not sure why can't you use document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent()) with an associated eventListener.
Also if it's a matter of scrolling you can scrollIntoView using refs

Inject reducer for on demand component which was not in the store or combined reducers initially

I'm trying to build some modular SAP so many teams can work separatelly.
Basically, I want my containers to be independent in terms of container, store, reducers, sagas.
The actual question is (example code):
I render a basic template:
<a onClick={emitLoadUserListAction}>Load user list</a>
At this point, I make use of 1 reducer for UserList to keep the array of users (empty at the beginning).
Let's assume I have a saga, waiting for this data to come as a user list in a json.
UserList: []
Once the saga fetches the data, publishes an action modifiying the current store:
UserList: [{name:"john",counter:0},{name:"pepe",counter:0}]
Now my UserList component can list this as we have the mapStateToProps pointing to this part of the store. ( (userData,i) => { return <User data={userData}> } ))
So now everything is working like a charm if User component is just a normal component.
But what if User is actually a container, which is expecting to work on its own, with its own state I didn't connected yet via its own reducer. I don't want his parent to manage it. I want user to be independent as I could pass its location in the store with reselect selector or similar, or I could just pass the index in the array as a prop, so I could be the selector. This way I would have store injected in props, but I won't have reducer.
I'm pretty sure many of you already pass through this but I couldn't find a proper answer.
As you can see the idea is to have a component, which is loading on demand, not in the initial combineReducers, not handled by its parents, just render, and reducer injected to work on its own.
If I could have just a way to load its reducer on demand then, I would not store the data in the UserList but it will be a composition of reducers.
Thanks a lot in advance.
I'm continuing on from my comment and the question that followed so I can expand on it without the restrictions of the comments section.
Yes, my library calls replaceReducer on the store to in order to, well, replace the reducer with the new one included. In order to do so, I provide a Higher-Order Component (HOC) which bundles the component with it's associated reducer and performs the replacement when it is mounted.
The interface looks something like this:
export const MyBundledComponent = bundle(MyComponent, myReducer)
The only requirement for it to work is that the component is mounted within a Provider from react-redux. This gives the HOC access to the store on React's context the same way the connect HOC does. This isn't really a very prohibitive restriction though, as most redux apps have a Provider at the top of the tree already.
Hope this helps.
So far I found resources like this:
which allow you to inject reducers on demand by replacing the main reducer by using the Redux store API store.replaceReducer(nextReducer)
The problem with this solution is the need to have access to the main store object from the child component that should be encapsulated.
For the moment working not ideal solution that I found is to deliver the encapsulated component with a "multiple components reducers" meaning that the reducer assumes there could be more than one component under the same parent where each one has different ids.
So each action should check the payload ID, in order to get the state from the store object.
This would mean a small change in the hierarchy as the component would not be child but sibling.
Following the previous example, imagine that we list a shallow version of the user list and then you show more data once u click on any user:
Store: {
UserList: [], // basic info, id plus minimal data
users: {} --> userReducer // listing each user by key
This way the user component will expose multiUserReducer instead of logic for just one.
This obviously means the reducer is loaded in advance, even if you never load any user componet.

Redux: Colocating Selectors with Reducers

In this Redux: Colocating Selectors with Reducers Egghead tutorial, Dan Abramov suggests using selectors that accept the full state tree, rather than slices of state, to encapsulate knowledge of the state away from components. He argues this makes it easier to change the state structure as components have no knowledge of it, which I completely agree with.
However, the approach he suggests is that for each selector corresponding to a particular slice of state, we define it again alongside the root reducer so it can accept the full state. Surely this implementation overhead undermines what he is trying to achieve... simplifying the process of changing the state structure in the future.
In a large application with many reducers, each with many selectors, won't we inevitably run into naming collisions if we're defining all our selectors in the root reducer file? What's wrong with importing a selector directly from its related reducer and passing in global state instead of the corresponding slice of state? e.g.
const todos = (state = [], action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'ADD_TODO':
return [...state, todo(undefined, action)];
return => todo(t, action));
return state;
export default todos;
export const getVisibleTodos = (globalState, filter) => {
switch (filter) {
case 'all':
return globalState.todos;
case 'completed':
return globalState.todos.filter(t => t.completed);
case 'active':
return globalState.todos.filter(t => !t.completed);
throw new Error(`Unknown filter: ${filter}.`);
Is there any disadvantage to doing it this way?
Having made this mistake myself (not with Redux, but with a similar in-house Flux framework), the problem is that your suggested approach couples the selectors to the location of the associated reducer's state in the overall state tree. This causes a problem in a few cases:
You want to have the reducer in multiple locations in the state tree (e.g. because the related component appears in multiple parts of the screen, or is used by multiple independent screens of your application).
You want to reuse the reducer in another application, and the state structure of this application is different from your original application.
It also adds an implicit dependency on your root reducer to each module's selectors (since they have to know what key they are under, which is really the responsibility of the root reducer).
If a selector needs state from multiple different reducers, the problem can be magnified. Ideally, the module should just export a pure function that transforms the state slice to the required value, and it's up to the application's root module files to wire it up.
One good trick is to have a file that only exports selectors, all taking the state slice. That way they can be handled in a batch:
// in file rootselectors.js
import * as todoSelectors from 'todos/selectors';
// something like this:
export const todo = shiftSelectors(state => state.todos, todoSelectors);
(shiftSelectors has a simple implementation - I suspect the reselect library already has a suitable function).
This also gives you name-spacing - the todo selectors are all available under the 'todo' export. Now, if you have two todo lists, you can easily export todo1 and todo2, and even provide access to dynamic ones by exporting a memoized function to create them for a particular index or id, say. (e.g. if you can display an arbitrary set of todo lists at a time). E.g.
export const todo = memoize(id => shiftSelectors(state => state.todos[id], todoSelectors));
// but be careful if there are lot of ids!
Sometimes selectors need state from multiple parts of the application. Again, avoid wiring up except in the root. In your module, you'll have:
export function selectSomeState(todos, user) {...}
and then your root selectors file can import that, and re-export the version that wires up 'todos' and 'user' to the appropriate parts of the state tree.
So, for a small, throwaway application, it's probably not very useful and just adds boilerplate (particularly in JavaScript, which isn't the most concise functional language). For a large application suite using many shared components, it's going enable a lot of reuse, and it keeps responsibilities clear. It also keeps the module-level selectors simpler, since they don't have to get down to the appropriate level first. Also, if you add FlowType or TypeScript, you avoid the really bad problem of all your sub-modules having to depend on your root state type (basically, the implicit dependency I mentioned becomes explicit).

ReactJS - how to pass "global" data to deeply nested child components?

How do people typically approach having "global" data in a React application?
For example, say I have the following data for a user once they're logged into my app.
user: {
email: '',
name: 'John Doe'
This is data that almost any component in my app might like to know about - so it could either render in a logged in or logged out state, or perhaps display the users email address if logged in.
From my understanding, the React way of accessing this data in a child component is for a top level component to own the data, and pass it to child components using properties, for example:
<Widget2 user={user}/>
But this seems unwieldy to me, as that would mean I'd have to pass the data through each composite, just to get it to the child that needed it.
Is there a React way of managing this type of data?
Note: This example is very simplified - I like to wrap intents up as composites so implementation details of entire UI features can be drastically changed as I see fit.
EDIT: I'm aware that by default, calling setState on my top level component would cause all child components to be re-rendered, and that in each child component I can render using whatever data I like (e.g. global data, not just state or props). But how are people choosing to notify only certain child components that they should be rendered?
Since I originally answered this question, it's become apparent to me that React itself doesn't support "global" data in any sense - it is truly meant to manage the UI and that's it. The data of your app needs to live somewhere else. Having said that, it does now support accessing global context data as detailed in this other answer on this page. Here's a good article by Kent Dodds on how the context api has evolved, and is now officially supported in React.
The context approach should only be used for truly global data. If your data falls into any other category, then you should do as follows:
Facebook themselves solve this problem using their own Flux library.
Mobx and Redux are similar to Flux, but seem to have more popular appeal. They do the same thing, but in a cleaner, more intuitive way.
I'm leaving my original edits to this answer below, for some history.
The best answer I've found for this so far are these 2 React mixins, which I haven't had a chance to try, but they sound like they'll address this problem:
and this similar library:
MAJOR NOTE: I think this is a job for Facebook's Flux, or something similar (which the above are). When the data flow gets too complex, another mechanism is required to communicate between components other than callbacks, and Flux and it's clones seem to be it....
Use the React Context Property This is specifically for passing global data sets down the chain without explicitly forwarding them. It does complicate your Component lifecycle functions though, and note the cautions offered on the page I've linked.
You can use the React Context API for passing global data down to deeply nested child components. Kent C. Dodds wrote an extensive article on it on Medium React’s ⚛️ new Context API. It'll help in getting a better understanding of how to use the API.
I think React.createContext() is perfect solution for your purpose.
React will re-render only components, that listen context changes with useContext hook.
Here is a simple snippet for your code:
export const CurrentUser = React.createContext({})
const App = () =>
const User = getUser() // any authorisation method
return <>
<CurrentUser.Provider value={User}>
const Widget2 = () =>
const User = useContext(CurrentUser)
return <>{User?.name}</>
In case if you want to control re-renders directly, you can use React.memo in nested components. For example, if you need re-render component only after specific attribute change.
Also, with nesting context values, you can reach good flexibility of your app. You can pass different context values for different part of your application.
export const CurrentUser = React.createContext({})
const App = () =>
const User = getUser() // any authorisation method
const AnotherUser = getAnotherUser() // any authorisation method
return <>
<CurrentUser.Provider value={User}>
<CurrentUser.Provider value={AnotherUser}>
const Widget2 = () =>
const User = useContext(CurrentUser)
return <>{User?.name}</>
What's wrong with just passing data all the way down the component chain via rendering all children with {...restOfProps}?
const {propIKnowAbout1, propIKnowAbout2, ...restOfProps} = this.props;
return <ChildComponent foo={propIKnowAbout1} bar={propIKnowAbout2} {...restOfProps}/>
There is Reactn
You use and this.setGlobal to get and set the global state same as you do with the local state.
To be able to do so you only need to
import React from 'reactn';
