How to use in HTML frontend? - javascript

The intention of this route is to render profile.html where a user can see all his previous orders:
router.get('/profile', orderController.getOrders)
I am able to get the orders from Mongo successfully and console.log them but I have no clue as to how to use it to render html elements on profile.html to display them.
res.send(orders) outputs to the screen and prevents res.render from working.
module.exports.getOrders = asyncHandler(async(req, res) => {
const token = req.cookies.jwt
const decodedToken = jwt.verify(token, process.env.JWT_SECRET)
const user =
const orders = await Order.find( {user: user} )
How can I send these orders to the front?

We're missing some information on what framework you're using and how you're compiling your HTML, but typically, you'd skip the res.send(orders) and end with res.render('profile.html', {orders: orders}); Usually there's a second parameter of items to send to the HTML file, and then the HTML file is compiled with your orders information. The syntax of that depends on what what HTML compiler you're using. A lot of times you'll find compilers will want input data referenced with double braces, like {{orders}}.
I'd recommend looking in your framework documentation to see what parameters render is expecting, and if you need to compile your template before rendering. Hope this, as generic as it is, helps you out!

You should use a view engine to pass the data to front end .
I recommend using ejs


Let Strapi CMS create pages based on html template file

So probably my explanation is awful, but i really don’t know how to express my problem or what to search for.
I got a site ( showing all blog post entries created in a headless cms (Strapi). The site receives the posts by making an url request and parsing the resulting JSON data. This data also contains an unique url slug for each post serving as an identifier.
I want to create one page for each blog post created in the headless cms based on a „template“ html.
What I tried is passing the urlslug as a url parameter (*URLSLUG*) and then using this url parameter to fetch the corresponding post data from the cms. I followed this guide:
It works, but I don’t want to rely on url parameters for seo reasons. Instead I want something like*URLSLUG*. In other words: I want to have one page for each blog post entry in my headless cms based on a „template“ html.
Any suggestions?
Code can be added if necessary
well there is few options here:
The first one is most reliable, and easy but seems not that fancy as you want:
The main reason to use this solution is that it handles slug creation when you create post via REST api. The uuid field needs extra work when post created not from admin panel.
So second option is do it yourself style:
module.exports = createCoreController('api::article.article', ({strapi}) => ({
const { slug } = ctx.params;
return strapi.db.query('api::article.article').findOne({where: {slug});
then in the routes create routes.js file
module.exports = {
routes: [
method: 'GET',
path: '/articles/:slug'
handler: 'article.findOne'
then if you want to create articles for outside of admin, create lifecycles.js in
module.exports = {
async beforeCreate(event) {
// here you have to do something like
let slug = slugify(;
let isNotFree = await strapi.db.query("api::article.article").findOne({where: {slug}});
if (Boolean(!isNotFree)) // < not sure prolly need an empty object check
for (let i = 1; i < 9999 ; i++) {
slug = `${slug}-${i}`;
isNotFree = await strapi.db.query("api::article.article").findOne({where: {slug}});
if (Boolean(!isNotFree))
event.result.slug = slug
pleas note the lifecycle code is just a first thing came to my mind, should be tested and optimized prolly
the implementation gives you the findOne controller, you gonna need to do it for each other update, delete, etc...

How to get data from back end side, to use it in the browser side?

I am new to programming, and I heard that some guys on this website are quite angry, but please don't be. I am creating one web app, that has a web page and also makes som ecalculations and works with database (NeDB). I have an index.js
const selects = document.getElementsByClassName("sel");
const arr = ["Yura", "Nairi", "Mher", "Hayko"];
for (let el in selects) {
for (let key in arr) {
selects[el].innerHTML += `<option>${arr[key]}</option>`;
I have a function which fills the select elements with data from an array.
In other file named: getData.js:
var Datastore = require("nedb");
var users = new Datastore({ filename: "players" });
const names = [];
users.find({}, function (err, doc) {
for (let key in doc) {
I have some code that gets data from db and puts it in array. And I need that data to use in the index.js mentioned above, but the problem is that I don't know how to tranfer the data from getData.js to index.js. I have tried module.exports but it is not working, the browser console says that it can't recognize require keyword, I also can't get data directly in index.js because the browse can't recognize the code related to database.
You need to provide a server, which is connected to the Database.
Browser -> Server -> DB
Browser -> Server: Server provides endpoints where the Browser(Client) can fetch data from.
Server -> DB: gets the Data out of the Database and can do whatever it want with it. In your case the Data should get provided to the Client.
Step 1: set up a server. For example with express.js (google it)
Step 2: learn how to fetch Data from the Browser(Client) AJAX GET are the keywords to google.
Step 3: setup a Database connection from you Server and get your data
Step 4: Do whatever you want with your data.
At first I thought it is a simple method, but them I researched a little bit and realized that I didn't have enough information about how it really works. Now I solved the problem, using promises and templete engine ejs. Thank you all for your time. I appreciate your help)

Firebase firestore: how to query relevant documents and then update each of them

I am developing a web app on Firebase/firestore, in which users can sign in and write their own posts. The data are stored in the following way:
-User information are stored as under collection('user').doc('uid').
-Information about posts the user has written are stored in collection('post').doc('postid'), and the doc has 'userinfo' and 'uid' fields. The 'userinfo' field contains exact copy of what is stored in 'uid' doc, just in object format.
Here are the operations that I want to do:
When the user changes the data, the changes are reflected in the document.
Look for the all the posts that the user has written based on 'uid' data, and then update userinfo in those data.
The last part is tricky for me. The Firebase documentations cover situations where the references are pretty much static, i.e. you know the exact path to write/update. What I am trying to do is look for a set of documents that is not necessarily static, and then update each of them.
Here is the code I wrote for this effort. The first part works without any problem. Of course, the second part doesn't work. :) What would be the code to do the do the second part?
const update = () => {
//This part is for updating user information. This works without any problem.
username: username1,
nickname: nickname1,
intro: intro1
//This part is for updating all of the document that the user has written based on 'uid' value. This doesn't work.
//Below code is probably way off, but it shows where I am going and what I am trying to do.
let ref=firebase.firestore().collection('post').doc(;
userinfo: {nickname:nickname1,username:username1,intro:intro1}
alert("Successfully updated!");
Thanks a lot in advance!
What's the error that you get running this code? It seems on the right track for me.
But despite that, here are some suggestions to deal with this kind of update:
Don't do the second part on the client side, do it on the server side with a Firestore Trigger (create a onUpdate trigger in the user collection in your case):
The problem of doing in the client side, is because if the user closes the page/browser or the site goes offline in the middle of the update, you will have inconsistent data.
You don't need to recreate the DocumentReference after getting the query result, the docs returned already have a .ref that you can call .ref.update() directly.
EDIT: If you want to keep your original code (updating on client side), the problem of the navigation occurring before all the updates to conclude is because ref.update() returns a promise.
So the update queue is asynchronous being performed on database when the client navigates away.
To solve this, I would use a Promise.all() to wait all updates being completed.
const promises = [];
userinfo: {nickname:nickname1,username:username1,intro:intro1}
Or using the await syntax (I think it's easier to maintain and understand):
const querysnapshot = await firebase.firestore().collection('post').where('uid','==',user.uid).get();
const promises = [];
userinfo: {nickname:nickname1,username:username1,intro:intro1}
await Promise.all(promises);

Express with JSON Data Control

I use lowDB dependency to control the JSON Data with Express and actually it works. But there is a bug and I cannot find how to solve it.
I create /create page to add information in JSON file and it contains 4 form and submit button.
And In express I code like this. each forms data will save it in variable and push with lowdb module.'/post', function (req, res) {
let pjName = req.body.projectName;
let pjURL = req.body.projectURL;
let pjtExplanation = req.body.projectExplanation;
let pjImgURL = req.body.projectImgURL;
name: pjName,
url: pjURL,
explanation: pjtExplanation,
imgurl: pjImgURL
And it works well. But when I modify the JSON file myself (ex. reset the JSON file) and execute again. It shows the data that I reset before. I think in this app somewhere saves the all data and show save it in array again.
And When I shutdown the app in CMD and execute again, the Array is initialized.
As you may already know the lowdb persist the data into your secondary memory (hdd), and may return a promise depending on your environment when you call write method.As mentioned in the doc
Persists database using adapter.write (depending on the adapter, may return a promise).
So the data may be still getting write when you read them, so the old data is queried. Try this,
name: pjName,
url: pjURL,
explanation: pjtExplanation,
imgurl: pjImgURL
}).write().then(() => {

Node JS sending data via URL

Recently i started programming with Node JS and found it an amazing replacement for php . In php i used to send get requests with Data in the url .
Something like :
How to perform something like this in Node JS or is there a better way to send data to node unlike using the url in the above case .
Also , I have noticed that in some cases like stackoverflow , queries are different and dont include the file name
like /public?= instead of /public.php?=
How is this achieved , i always thought this was something related to REST . Also , if you have the answer you might as well guide me if it could be done with Node and a few sources to learn could be of help too .
the most regular way to use REST api
// GET /search?q=foo+bar
// => "foo bar"
// GET /phone?order=desc&phone[color]=black&shoe[type]=apple
// => "desc"
// => "black"
// GET /user/william
// => "william"
req.body(for form data)
// POST /login
// => "william"
// => "xxxxxx"
You'll probably be much better off using a pre-existing module as your web server. You can set one up manually, but you have to know about a lot of potential edge cases and really understand web servers. Most people in node use express. In node, as in any server-side language, you can pass data around in a few ways. The query string is one. You can also put some parameters directly in the url (like "/users/12" where 12 is a user id). Depending on the type of request, you can put data in the body of the request. You can also pass cookies. These are not node-specific. Explaining how express works in a post like this would be crazy, so I'll just give you a short example of a what a route handler matching your example route might look like:
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/public', function(req, res, next) {
// Get the value from the query string. Express makes the query
// available as an object on the request parameter.
var x = req.query.x;
// Execute your main logic
// Send a response
res.status(200).json({ foo: 'bar' });
