How do I resolve Promisse.all - javascript

I have an array of promises that looks like this:
const content = await getData() //gets data from API
const drinkURL = item => "lookup.php?i=" + item.idDrink) // gets element in the API end-point
const getInfo = async() => {
let allPromises = Promise.all( => getData(item)))
allPromises.catch(e => console.log(e)) // Trying to catch any errors here, but can't.
return allPromises
I want to add a catch statement in case any of the promises can not resolve.
I have tried writing it inside the getInfo function, and after the .then() inside the next snippet.
const view = `
<div class="Drink-card">
${await getInfo()
.then(ele => => drink => `
<article class="Drink-main">
<img src="${drink.strDrinkThumb}" alt="${drink.strDrink}">
`)).join("")).catch(e => console.log(e))//Does not work in here either}
I have tried a bunch of ways but can't come up with a working result.

You should use await keyword (1) combines with catch inside of each promise (2) as the following simple sample :
Full code sample below:
function getData(object){
return new Promise(resolve => {
if(object.value === "3")
throw new Error("Whoops!")
var drinkURLs = [{ value: "1" }, { value: "2" }, { value: "3" }];
var getInfo = async() => {
var promises = => getData(item));
var results = await Promise.all( => p.catch(e => e)));
var inValidResults = results.filter(result => (result instanceof Error));
var validResults = results.filter(result => !(result instanceof Error));
console.log({inValidResults, validResults});
return validResults;
await getInfo();

You can use Promise.allSettled() function.
The Promise.allSettled() method returns a promise that resolves after all of the given promises have either fulfilled or rejected, with an array of objects that each describes the outcome of each promise while Promise.all rejects immediately upon any of the input promises rejecting or non-promises throwing an error, and will reject with this first rejection message / error.


Pending promises even though awaiting Promise.all()

I'm having difficulty understanding why I still have pending promises after awaiting Promise.all().
In the example below, I'm creating an array of promises by calling an async function on each element of an array, using .map().
Now, why is the promise still showing as pending? The way I (mis)understand it right now:
then() fires once the promise from storeData() resolves
storeData()resolves once newDataArray is returned
newDataArray is returned once all promises inside the promisesArray are resolved or once the first one rejects.
storeData(OldDataArray).then(values => console.log(values))
// console shows:
// { id: 1, data: Promise { <pending> } },
// { id: 2, data: Promise { <pending> } }
const storeData = async (OldDataArray) => {
try {
const promisesArray = => {
let newData = downloadMoreDetails(,; //async function, see below
return {
data: newData,
const newDataArray = await Promise.all(promisesArray); // <-- I'm awaiting all promises to complete before assigning to newDataArray
return newDataArray;
} catch (error) {
const downloadMoreDetails = async (id, group) => {
const response = await fetch(
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error ${response.status}`);
const str = await response.text();
const json = convert.xml2json(str, {
compact: true,
spaces: 2,
return json;
newData is a promise, but you're not awaiting the promise. Instead, you're awaiting an array of objects {id:, data: newData } that has the promise inside it. Promise.all() doesn't look inside those objects to find the promise and wait for that promise. It just sees an array of plain objects which means it has nothing to do. You can fix that by doing this:
const storeData = async (OldDataArray) => {
try {
const promisesArray = (item) => {
let newData = await downloadMoreDetails(,; //async function, see below
return {
data: newData,
return Promise.all(promisesArray);
} catch (error) {
// log and rethrow error so the caller gets the rejection
throw error;
This changes the .map() callback to be async. That does two beneficial things. First, it means the resulting array from .map() will be an array of promises since the async callback always returns a promise. And, second, it allows you to use await inside the callback so you can populate your returned object with the actual data, not with a promise.
Then, the return from inside the async callback will cause that value to become the resolved value of the promise that the async function is returning.
Note, you could have also done it without adding the async/await like this:
const storeData = (OldDataArray) => {
const promisesArray = => {
return downloadMoreDetails(, => {
return {
data: newData,
return Promise.all(promisesArray).catch(error => {
// log and rethrow error so the caller gets the rejection
throw error;
In this version, you directly return a promise from the .map() callback and you make sure that promise resolves to your data object.

Order of promise wrong

I would like to return a list of promises with Promise.all, but the result is always empty.
Here is my theoric code:
function myFunction() {
const pSqlLines = sql.openDatabase().then(mdb => {
const query = `SELECT data FROM database`
return mdb.prepare(query).all()
const globalPromise = new Promise( resolve => {
const promises = []
pSqlLines.then( sqlLines => {
sqlLines.forEach(line => {
.then(res1 => { if (res1 == 1) return promiseB() })
.then(res2 => { if (res2 == 1) return promiseC() })
.then(res3 => { if (res3 == 1) promises.push( new Promise(resolve => resolve(line) ) ) })
}) // The promises chaining is correct as the 'promises' array is correctly fulfilled, but later
resolve( Promise.all(promises) ); // It is always called before the foreach loop. Why?
return globalPromise.then( result => console.log(result) )
Someone can help me please?
Thanks a lot.
You should not need to create a new promise with new Promise when you already have a promise to work with -- in your case: pSqlLines. Wrapping pSqlLines inside a new Promise wrapper is an example of the promise constructor antipattern.
Secondly, this code:
new Promise(resolve => resolve(line) )
...can be replaced with:
...and since it is to serve as the return value for a then callback, it can be just:
As to your question: you are indeed calling Promise.all(promises) at a moment that the promises array is still empty, as the forEach loop has only executed Promise() and its then chain, but none of the asynchronous callbacks that are passed to those then calls have executed yet. You didn't await the resolution of these promises.
I get from your code that you want to exclude some line values depending on conditions. In that case the promise will resolve to undefined. I suppose you would want to exclude those undefined values, and so maybe a filter(Boolean) is appropriate.
Here is a theoretical solution for your theoretical code:
function myFunction() {
const pSqlLines = sql.openDatabase().then(mdb => {
const query = `SELECT data FROM database`;
return mdb.prepare(query).all();
return pSqlLines.then( sqlLines => {
const promises = => {
return promiseA()
.then(res1 => { if (res1 == 1) return promiseB(); })
.then(res2 => { if (res2 == 1) return promiseC(); })
.then(res3 => { if (res3 == 1) return line; });
return Promise.all(promises);
}).then(result => result.filter(Boolean));

Possible implementation of Promise.any on JS

In Promise.race the promise returns as soon that the primary promise returns. In Promise.all returns when all promises resolves, but lasts one problem. If any of all promises rejects all others will be rejected.
Instead of it, exists a proposal for a Promise.any, the returns every promise alone, independent of each other, short-circuiting on a rejection.
const logAfterWait = (seconds) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return setTimeout(() => resolve(console.log(`${time} time passed`)), seconds)
const watingList = [
const logReading = async (fn) => {
console.log(`${time}: reading file`)
await fn()
const readFiles = (files) => Promise.all(
.catch((error) => new Error(error))
The problem here is the block of event loop on the maping cause block on event loop on Promise.all, returning every results on the same time, differ from the expected result, that is, 5, 10, 30 seconds.
Can I avoid this situation on
You can leverage the fact that Promise.race forms a monoid by creating a Promise that never settles:
const empty = x => new Promise((res, rej) => x); // never settling promise
const ps = [
.then(console.log); // 2
You need to attach a catch handler to each Promise in the array though. You can probably create a utility function that does this for you.
You could think of something like this:
// a solution might just be not using async/await
const any = (promises) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let errors = [];
let resolved;
const onFulfill = (value) => {
// skip if already resolved
if (resolved) { return; }
resolved = true;
// resolve with the first available value
const onError = (error) => {
// skip if already resolved
if (resolved) { return; }
// collect error
errors = errors.concat(error);
// reject promise combinator if all promises are failed
if (errors.length === promises.length) {
return promises.forEach((promise) => promise.then(
const sleep = (ms) => new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => r(ms), ms));
const err = (ms) => sleep(ms).then(() => Promise.reject(ms));
// it would log 2000, since it is the first to resolve
any([sleep(3000), err(100), sleep(2000)]).then(
// it would an array of 2 failures
any([err(50), err(60)]).catch(console.error)
the block of IO
Note that there isn't any block of IO in javascript, the thread is just free to tackle any other task while waiting for the promises to be resolved.
Consequently, I came to a conclusion. We create a resolver that is an Either monad(not a pure implementation of the Either monad) that returns [err, response] over a map function.
The catch blocks are necessary to avoid the Unhandled Promise Rejection Warning.
const time = () => `${new Date().getHours()}:${new Date().getMinutes()}:${new Date().getSeconds()}`;
const sleep = (ms, pNumber) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return pNumber < 3
? setTimeout(() => resolve(console.log(`${time()} time passed`)), ms)
: reject(null)
Promise.prototype.resolver = async (promise) => {
this._result = await Promise.all([promise])[0];
return this._result == null
? ["The time flies", promise]
: [null, promise]
const watingList = [
Promise.resolver(sleep(0, 0).catch(console.error)),
Promise.resolver(sleep(3000, 1).catch(console.error)),
Promise.resolver(sleep(5000, 2).catch(console.error)),
Promise.resolver(sleep(5000, 3).catch(console.error))
const logReading = (list) => {
return => p.then(console.log(`${time()}: reading file`))
((read) => logReading(read))(watingList)
PS: time function differs from the expected because of the evaluate time.
Resources can be found here:
1 -

Generate an array of promises to run sequentially

I'm trying to generate an array of Promises to run sequentially. I've seen lots of tips on this but can't get it to run in my use case.
export default function generateIcons(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.html2CanvasTarget')
const promises = => processIcon(child))
promises.reduce((p, fn) => p.then(fn), Promise.resolve())
function processIcon(child){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => html2canvas(child).
then(canvas => uploadFromCanvas(canvas,
child.childNodes[0].className.split(' ')[1] + '.png'))
Any tips? This just rejects and I can't see why
Looks like you want to resolve the main promise when the canvases are available for all the child elements. You can use Promise.All() for this.
It should also be noted that the querySelectorAll doesn't return anything you can call the .map on. You will have to create an array from what the querySelectorAll returns - which is a NodeList.
export default function generateIcons(){
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.html2CanvasTarget');
const promises = Array.from(containers).map(child => processIcon(child))
Promises.All(promises).then(() => resolve());
containers is a NodeList, and NodeLists don't have a .map method, which is why your code is throwing an error.
Because processIcon already returns a Promise, there's no need to use the Promise constructor again. html2canvas already returns a Promise too, so there's no need for any Promise constructor anywhere (see What is the explicit promise construction antipattern and how do I avoid it?)
If possible, just await each call of it in a for loop. Because uploadFromCanvas returns a Promise too, and you want to wait for it, return it (or await it) as well:
export default async function generateIcons() {
const containers = document.querySelectorAll('.html2CanvasTarget');
for (const container of containers) {
await processIcon(container);
function processIcon(child) {
return html2canvas(child, {backgroundColor:null})
.then(canvas => uploadFromCanvas(canvas, child.className.split(' ')[1] + '.png'))
As per your question, you can use Q module module for that
You need to take an empty array and push promises into it, and just pass this array in Q method (Q.allSettled), Take a look with an example
const Q = require('q');
const promiseHolder = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
promiseHolder.push('Your Promises');
.then((results) => {
results.forEach((result) => {
if (result.state === 'fulfilled') {
const value = result.value;
return value;
const reason = result.reason;
throw reason;
In Q.allSettled() The method you always get the result in .then(). There are 2 states. One for success and one for failure.
Success => state === 'fulfilled', value: 'Whatever your promise return'
Failure => state === 'rejected', reason: 'Whatever your promise thrown'
In this case, you have a number of successful and unsuccessful promises.
There is the second approach which is Promise.all() do the same but the issue is whenever any of promise rejected further promise never called.
const promiseHolder = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 1) {
promiseHolder.push('Your Promises');
.then((results) => {
return results;
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
In the second approach ( Promise.all()), It consists of all your promises pushed from for loop. If any of promise rejected no more promise called and suddenly you got the state of promise rejection in Promise.all().
.then((results) => {
return results;
.catch((err) => {
console.log('Promise will reject here', err);
throw err;
I hope it helps, Happy Coding :)

Returning a promise when using async/await in Firebase Cloud Functions

So I've happily been using async/await since node 8 is supported on Firebase Cloud Functions. I am struggling with 1 thing though. When using callable functions, it is told that you have to return a promise in the function, otherwise it won't work correctly. When using raw promises, its clear to me how to use it:
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall((data, context) => {
return promiseMethod().then((result) => {
return nextPromise(result);
}).then((result) => {
return result;
}).catch((err) => {
// handle err
But now, with async await, I'm not sure how to return this "chain of promises":
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
const res2 = await nextPromise(res1);
return res2;
// ??? Where to return the promise?
Does somebody know?
HTTP functions don't return a promise. They just send a result. You still have to use promises correctly in order to send the result, but a return value is not required. HTTP functions are terminated when the response is sent. See the documentation for more details:
Terminate HTTP functions with res.redirect(), res.send(), or res.end().
"await" is just syntax sugar for returning a Promise
When you write an async function, the code will actually exit the function and return a Promise at the first await it encounters. All code after the await will be converted to a then().
So for firebase writing code with async/await is perfectly save and in my experience even less error-prone, since I can more easily structure try&catch in my code!
Just run this in your console:
async function iAmAsync() {
await new Promise(r => window.setTimeout(r, 1000))
return 'result'
let x = iAmAsync()
Will print: Promise{<resolved>: "result"}
TL;DR: You don't need to change anything - if you write code with multiple awaits, this will be handled by firebase like a chain of promises and everything will just work.
And since my answer was downvoted, here is an authorative code-sample by the google firebase team itself:
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
// [END addMessageTrigger]
// Grab the text parameter.
const original = req.query.text;
// [START adminSdkPush]
// Push the new message into the Realtime Database using the Firebase Admin SDK.
const snapshot = await admin.database().ref('/messages').push({original: original});
// Redirect with 303 SEE OTHER to the URL of the pushed object in the Firebase console.
res.redirect(303, snapshot.ref.toString());
// [END adminSdkPush]
You nailed it with your example code.
Async/await is just a newer way of promise. They can be used interchangeable.
Here is an example promise and async/await of the same function.
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall((data, context) => {
return promiseMethod().then((result) => {
return nextPromise(result);
}).catch((err) => {
// handle error here
is equivalent to this:
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
try {
const result = await promiseMethod();
return nextPromise(result); // You are returning a promise here
}catch(e) {
// handle error here
Note that in both cases, you are returning a promise at the end. The return value of this onCall function would be whatever nextPromise(result) is. Since you are returning nextPromsie(result), you don't need to await it.
To see the code solution to your question look at the answer of dshukertjr.
If you want to understand how to return a "chain of promises" with async/await, here is your answer:
You cant !
Why ? Because await is used to wait for a Promise to complete. Once await return a value their is no more Promise.
So if you absolutely want to return a promise using await, you can wait for one of the two functions that return promises but not both.
Here is two way to do that:
A :
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
try {
const result = await promiseMethod();
return nextPromise(result); // You are returning a promise here
}catch(e) {
// handle error here
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
return promiseMethod().then(async (result) => {
return await nextPromise(result);
}).catch((err) => {
// handle err
The only difference between A and B is that A waits for "PromiseMethod" to complete before returning a Promise. Whereas B returns a Promise right after being called.
Seems, we have to wait for several Promises in way like this:
const listOfAsyncJobs = [];
listOfAsyncJobs.push(createThumbnail(1, ...));
listOfAsyncJobs.push(createThumbnail(2, ...));
listOfAsyncJobs.push(createThumbnail(3, ...));
return Promise.all(listOfAsyncJobs); // This will ensure we wait for the end of the three aync tasks above.
From async method whatever you return it gets wrapped in promise automatically.
const myFun = async () => {return 5}
// Output in the console
Promise {<fulfilled>: 5}
And you can chain with the returned result since it is a promise
Another example with enhancement as suggested in other answer
const myFun4 = async () => {
const myNum = await new Promise(r => window.setTimeout(() => r(5), 1000));
const myNum2 = await new Promise(r => window.setTimeout(() => r(5), 1000));
return myNum + myNum2;
myFun4().then((n) => console.log(n));
// Output
The return value of async-await function is Promise.
So, what you did actually is returning a chain of promises.
const nextPromise = () => {
console.log('next promise!');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve('next promise result')
}, 3000)
const promiseMethod = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve('promise result');
}, 2000)
exports.createBankAccount = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {
return promiseMethod().then((result) => {
return nextPromise(result);
}).then((result) => {
return result;
}).catch((err) => {
// handle err
exports.createBankAccountAsync = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const result = await promiseMethod();
const res = await nextPromise(result);
return res;
I have created test project on firebase and both function calls give same logs.
A solution in that case is Promise.all().
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const promises = [];
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
const res2 = await nextPromise(res1);
// Here's the return of the promises
return Promise.all(promises).catch(error => console.error(error));
You may find more informations about promises in this article on
For an alternative method, you can use Promise.allSettled(). It is the best way to wait for all promises in the function to complete as well as provide an easy way to modify the final return.
Excerpt from the documentation
The Promise.allSettled() method returns a promise that resolves after all of the given promises have either fulfilled or rejected, with an array of objects that each describes the outcome of each promise.
It is typically used when you have multiple asynchronous tasks that are not dependent on one another to complete successfully, or you'd always like to know the result of each promise.
Your updated code should be
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
const res2 = await nextPromise(res1);
return Promise.allSettled([res1, res2]).then((results) => results.forEach((result) => console.log(result.status)));
Additional Info
You should also look into Promise object, it has some nice methods for such a situation. Read more at documentation link
Since you need to return promise you can create the promise object and resolve/reject (return) your response from api after processing all the promises.
Option 1:
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall((data, context) => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
const res2 = await nextPromise(res1);
// This will return response from api
catch (err) {
// Handle error here
// This will return error from api
Option 2:
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall((data, context) => {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
const res2 = await nextPromise(res1);
// This will return response from api
.then((val) => val)
.catch((err) => {
// Handle error here
// This will return error from api
return err
Just convert to a Promise if required.
I.e. If nextPromise returns a Promise:
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
return nextPromise(res1);
On the other hand, if nextPromise is an async function, just convert it to a Promise:
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
return Promise.resolve(nextPromise(res1));
you can also convert the result:
exports.createBankAccount = functions.region('europe-west1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const res1 = await promiseMethod();
const res2 = await nextPromise(res1);
return Promise.resolve(res2);
