Many instances in one call to db (sequelize) - javascript

Someone knows how I can create an instance in sequelize and their associations in one call to db?
I want to say:
const user = await User.create({name: 'Tom'});
const project = await Project.create({title: 'Yes'});
await user.addProject(project);
Can i do this in a single function? Because if I want to bulkCreate many users and project, I have to call db a lot of times.

If the Models have an association then you can use the include property to specify the model and then pass in the data for the call to create(), see the params here:
const user = await User.create(
name: 'Tom',
project: {
title: 'Yes',
include: {
model: Project,


TypeORM findOne with nested relations

I am having some issues performing a nested find query with TypeORM. Here's the basic code:
const { completionId } = req?.params;
const user = req.user;
const retrievedCompletion = await getRepository(
relations: ['run', 'run.user'],
where: {
id: completionId,
// run: { user: { id: } }, // This is the code that breaks the function
It looks to me like there's nothing out of order, and that the query should run. Any idea on what I am doing wrong? I know I can get around this issue by writing a querybuilder query or using raw SQL–I am just curious to understand if there's a flaw in my code.
typeorm added the ability to use nested object
relations: {
profile: true,
photos: true,
videos: {
videoAttributes: true,
on this way, you can fetch the data without using eager.
You can find more information here
The feature you're asking about doesn't supported on typeorm yet (Feb 2021).
Checkout this issue that was opened on 2018.
the Solution is use eager:true in run.user entity :
#OneToOne(() => User, User=>, {
user: User;
and next time you search in CompletionGoogleSearch do just relations: ['run'] and user will come with it.

How to query linked documents in mongodb

I'd like to know if there's a way to directly search within a linked collection.
I'm using Express with mongoosejs
I have the following situation.
I have 3 collections, deal, product and store and I have associated product and store with the deal collection.
const DealSchema = new Schema({
product: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'product'
shop: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'shop'
In my collection product, I have a field called upc.
I have a controller that handles deals creation, however before I create a deal, I want to check whether or not there's already a deal with the same UPC in this store if so I'll only update the confirmedBy field.
This is my controller
async create(req, res) {
const dealProps = req.body;
const product = await Products.findOne({ upc: dealProps.upc });
let deal;
if (product) {
deal = await Deals.findOne({ product: product._id });
if ( === {
const updatedDeal = await Deals.findOneAndUpdate({ product: product._id }, {
$push: {confirmedBy: dealProps.user }
} else {
deal = await (new Deals(dealProps)).save();
I've tried to search directly within the product collection like this:
const product = await Deals.findOne({'product.upc': dealProps.upc });
However it returns null.
Is there a way to search directly within a linked collection? Do I need to create an index for the upc field in the product collection?
If not, should I rethink my deals collection to add the upc and storeId to simplify the lookup?
Thank you for your help, much appreciated.

How to create foreign keys with sequelizejs in a feathersjs project

I am using featherjs v2.0.3 with sequelize v3.29.0 and I just created three models, the third having a relationship to the other two.
I used the feathers-cli to generate services for each and then edit the model file of each.
So far, so good, the tables are created (using PostgreSQL), indexes are created, feathersjs takes care of the CRUD nicely, but not foreign keys yet.
So, when I try to tell feathersjs the relationship between the models, I get in trouble.
When I add role_permission.belongsTo(permissions) to the role_permission model, I get this error:
ReferenceError: permissions is not defined
As I've seen in the Sequelize documentation, the models are defined in the same "document", hence I suspect the problem is somewhere there, but I don't understand what need to be done.
Finally, here's the relevant parts of the model definitions of permission and role_permission:
// permission-model.js - A sequelize model
module.exports = function(sequelize) {
const permission = sequelize.define('permissions', {
permission_id: {
type: Sequelize.UUID,
defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV1,
primaryKey: true,
allowNull: false
}, ...);
return permission;
// role_permission-model.js - A sequelize model
module.exports = function(sequelize) {
const role_permission = sequelize.define('role_permissions', {
permission_id: {
type: Sequelize.UUID,
allowNull: false
}, ...);
role_permission.belongsTo(permissions) //<-- undefined?
return role_permission;
Do you have any pointers to help me solve this?
You need to import the permissions model. But it may or may not be defined yet.
Here's a method I discovered from #mrpatiwi on github to ensure every model is loaded before the associations are set up.
First, when you need to define a relationship add a classMethod called associate that accepts all the models and sets up the relationships.
module.exports = function(sequelize) {
const role_permission = sequelize.define('role_permisson', {
}, {
classMethods: {
associate(models) {
// Don't add role_premission.sync() here
return role_permission;
Then, in src/services/index.js at the end of the module.exports function, add:
// Setup relationships
const models = sequelize.models;
.map(name => models[name])
.filter(model => model.associate)
.forEach(model => model.associate(models));
I had the same issue and resolved it simply by changing this:
to this:
(I used the Feathers CLI to generate the models today, 9 Aug 2018)

Is there a way to save multiple embedded models in db at once using Sequelize

Suppose we have a such structure in NodeJs Sequelize.
var User = sequelize.define('user', {/* ... */})
var Project = sequelize.define('project', {/* ... */})
In this part of video presenter offers to save embedded objects with two steps using promises. In our case it would be something like:
But this approach will result two db calls.
So, is it possible to save embedded objects (Project which contains User e.g. User must have Project's id as a foreign key) into the db with one db call or within a transaction using Sequelize?
You should be able to insert parent-children by passing an array of objects into a key with the same name as the "as" value used on the "include". Although the documentation is light on the usage, you can see it handled in the source code here.
No promises (pun semi-intended) that this is actually run in single SQL query, not sure of the exact implementation in Sequelize. You should be able to enable logging (logging: console.log in the Sequelize(options)) to see what it's running.
// specify an "as" value and require a User.project_id value
Project.hasMany(User, { as: 'Users', foreignKey: { allowNull: false } });
// define your Project -> Users as json with the "as" value as the key
const project = {
name: 'project name',
Users: [
name: 'user 1',
name: 'user 2',
// create a transaction and "include" the Model in the create, txn falls back in .catch()
sequelize.transaction(t =>
Project.create(project, {
include: [{
model: User,
as: 'Users',
transaction: t,
.catch(e => console.log('the txn failed because', e));

Sequelize Many to Many - How to create a new record and update join table

I'm building a simple database with node, express and sequelize. I have created my models, and sequelize created the tables in my database.
I have the models User and City, with a many to many relationship. Sequelize created the tables Users, Cities and a join table CitiesUsers: with UserId and CityId.
My question is when I create a new user how do I update that join table? The CityId property gets ignored on create.
//Models use
var user ={
first_name: 'John',
last_name: 'Doe',
CityId: 5
After digging further into the documentation, I believe I've found the answer.
When creating a many to many relationship sequelize creates get, set and add methods to each model.
From the docs assuming models User and Project with many to many:
This will add methods getUsers, setUsers, addUsers to Project, and
getProjects, setProjects and addProject to User.
So in my case I did the following where "city" is a specific City model returned from City.find...
models.User.find({ where: {first_name: 'john'} }).on('success', function(user) {
models.City.find({where: {id: 10}}).on('success', function(city){
You can create a new instance of the model used as the join table once both City and User models have been created.
const User = sequelize.define('user')
const City = sequelize.define('city')
const UserCity = sequelize.define('user_city')
User.belongsToMany(City, { through: UserCity })
City.belongsToMany(User, { through: UserCity })
const user = await User.create()
const city = await City.create()
const userCity = await UserCity.create({
userId: user.userId,
cityId: city.cityId,
Just to add on to the many excellent answers in this thread, I find generally that when I have one entity referencing another, I want to create the referenced entity if (and only if) it does not already exist. For this I like to use findOrCreate().
So imagine you were storing articles, and each article could have any number of tags. What you'd typically want to do is:
Iterate through all the desired tags, and check if they exist. Create them if they don't already exist.
Once all the tags have been found or created, create your article.
Once your article has been created, link it to the tags you looked up (or created) in step 1.
For me, this winds up looking like:
const { article, tags } = model.import("./model/article");
let tagging = [
tags.findOrCreate({where: {title: "big"}}),
tags.findOrCreate({where: {title: "small"}}),
tags.findOrCreate({where: {title: "medium"}}),
tags.findOrCreate({where: {title: "xsmall"}})
Promise.all(tagging).then((articleTags)=> {
title: "Foo",
body: "Bar"
}).then((articleInstance) => {
articleInstance.setTags( => articleTag[0]));
From The docs v3:
// Either by adding a property with the name of the join table model to the object, before creating the association
project.UserProjects = {
status: 'active'
// Or by providing a second argument when adding the association, containing the data that should go in the join table
u.addProject(project, { status: 'active' })
// When associating multiple objects, you can combine the two options above. In this case the second argument
// will be treated as a defaults object, that will be used if no data is provided
project1.UserProjects = {
status: 'inactive'
u.setProjects([project1, project2], { status: 'active' })
// The code above will record inactive for project one, and active for project two in the join table
