I'd like to know if there's a way to directly search within a linked collection.
I'm using Express with mongoosejs
I have the following situation.
I have 3 collections, deal, product and store and I have associated product and store with the deal collection.
const DealSchema = new Schema({
product: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'product'
shop: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'shop'
In my collection product, I have a field called upc.
I have a controller that handles deals creation, however before I create a deal, I want to check whether or not there's already a deal with the same UPC in this store if so I'll only update the confirmedBy field.
This is my controller
async create(req, res) {
const dealProps = req.body;
const product = await Products.findOne({ upc: dealProps.upc });
let deal;
if (product) {
deal = await Deals.findOne({ product: product._id });
if (deal.shop.toString() === dealProps.shop.toString()) {
const updatedDeal = await Deals.findOneAndUpdate({ product: product._id }, {
$push: {confirmedBy: dealProps.user }
} else {
deal = await (new Deals(dealProps)).save();
I've tried to search directly within the product collection like this:
const product = await Deals.findOne({'product.upc': dealProps.upc });
However it returns null.
Is there a way to search directly within a linked collection? Do I need to create an index for the upc field in the product collection?
If not, should I rethink my deals collection to add the upc and storeId to simplify the lookup?
Thank you for your help, much appreciated.
I want to exclude for example email and address using populate() function from mongodb, just get the name from it:
const results = await Seller.aggregate(aggregatePipeline).exec();
const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user" });
When populating the user instead of having:
user: {
email: "hgjh#gmail.com",
name: "name"
I want to only have (exclude certain data from the path):
user: {
name: "name"
You can do either,
const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user", select: '-
email -address' });
const sellers = await Seller.populate(results, { path: "user", select:
'name' });
As i understand mongoose documentation https://mongoosejs.com/docs/populate.html, populate as $lookup is use to resolve a relation with other collection.
MongoDB has the join-like $lookup aggregation operator in versions >= 3.2. Mongoose has a more powerful alternative called populate(), which lets you reference documents in other collections.
In your case, you don't need to resolve a field with an other collection. You already have the final data you target . You could use $project at the end of your pipeline aggregation to keep only name field, like :
{ $project: { name:1 } }
Let me know if i helped you.
Edit :
I read too fast, if you have this data res after the populate and not after the aggreg, you may select your final field, like is said
here https://stackoverflow.com/a/72481338/16205278
user: {
email: "hgjh#gmail.com",
name: "name"
lets say I have post Model and schema contains UserId , Title, Desc and likes array which takes userId's as ref
when I make a query I get a virtual property like this to find out num of like of a post would have
schema.virtual("numLikes").get(function () {
return this.likes.length;
But the problem is when I run the findById() Method I dont want to get likes from database because likes array would contain large list of users
const post = await Post.findById(postId).select("-likes -shares");
so how do I get Likes count without fetching likes array ?
I believe this can be done using aggregation, by using the $size operators in a projection:
const aggregate = Post.aggregate([
{ $match: {_id: postId}},
{ $project: {
numberOfLikes: { $size: "$likes" }
Someone knows how I can create an instance in sequelize and their associations in one call to db?
I want to say:
const user = await User.create({name: 'Tom'});
const project = await Project.create({title: 'Yes'});
await user.addProject(project);
Can i do this in a single function? Because if I want to bulkCreate many users and project, I have to call db a lot of times.
If the Models have an association then you can use the include property to specify the model and then pass in the data for the call to create(), see the params here: https://sequelize.org/master/class/lib/model.js~Model.html#static-method-create.
const user = await User.create(
name: 'Tom',
project: {
title: 'Yes',
include: {
model: Project,
Here is what I have. I created a project model that references a user model for an array of members.
var ProjectSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
{title: {
type: String,
required: true
members: [
{user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'users'
User Schema (I have code that creates a model from both of these schemas)
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
In a separate file, I want to export the JSON of a found project and include the information of the users in the members array, but I am not sure how to do that. This is the code I have right now.
const project = await Project.findById(req.params.proj_id).populate(
It has no trouble finding the project but the only information I can get on the members is their id. I tried using for loops to gather the information from members separately using the id that I can get from the project, but the code gets messy and I am hoping to find a simpler way to do it.
You can use mongoose populate query to get all members associated with a project. It should populate array of objects users associated to a project. You should be doing something like this:
const project = await Project.findById(req.params.proj_id)
await project.populate('members').execPopulate()
Mongoose docs for the reference: Populate
You can give the model to your mongoose populate.
const project = await Project.findById(req.params.proj_id)
model: UserModel
keep in mind you've to create UserModel just like
const UserModel = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
I have this schema:
var UserSchema = mongoose.Schema({
analytic: {
type: Object,
default: {
let User = mongoose.model("bloger", UserSchema);
module.exports = {User};
and I am trying to save some data into one of the arrays like so:
User.findOne({username:username}, (e, user) => {
if (e) {
res.send('error fetching post')
else if (!user) {
res.send('no user found')
else if (user) {
user.analytic.today.push(req.body.visitor) // push the data object to the array
user.save((e, doc) => {
if (e) {
if (doc) {
console.log('user saved')
I am getting the doc object on save() and not the e so I though it should have save it but it wasn't.
I have had a similar issue before this is because I am not defining a new Model I am just passing a JSON object.
Instead of saving the object you need to create a new model and save that.
Try creating a new model passing the save into it like below;
var newUser = new User(user);
newUser.save((e, doc) {
if (e) {
if (doc) {
console.log('user saved')
Making sure you require the User Model inside the script.
Performing deep modifications in objects not in your schema makes Mongoose oblivious to those changes, preventing it from knowing what to save (and from making efficient atomic updates). The end result is that, when calling .save, Mongoose thinks there's nothing modified and therefore does nothing.
In your particular scenario, you have two options:
1. Add your analytics sub-arrays to your schema
This is the best option and allows for finer control of everything:
const UserSchema mongoose.Schema({
analytic: {
today: [{}],
weekly: [{}],
monthly: [{}],
yearly: [{}],
allTime: [{}],
With this, those arrays are now known to Mongoose and everything should work correctly.
Note that you don't need defaults in this case, as Mongoose is smart enough to create the arrays as needed.
2. Manually mark modified object as modified
If for any reason you don't want or can't modify the schema, you can manually mark the analytic object as modifies so Mongoose knows of it:
user.analytic.today.push(req.body.visitor) // push the data object to the array
user.markModified('analytic'); // mark field as modified
This signals Mongoose that analytic or any of its children have changed and triggers an update when calling .save. Note however that Mongoose views this as a full change in the object, while with option 1 it can use $push instead.