Count each character in string using recursion - javascript

i have tried to make a function count each character in a string using recursion, for 2 days now. I tried to write some pseudo-code, but i can't really implement it.
write a function that takes text as a parameter
set a counter, for each element
set a result, using key,value for each character in element
base case: if we only have 1 string, then return the character and string
else return function-1 until the last element is hit.
var tekst = "We have to count strings";
function countStrings(tekst) {
var count = 0
var result = {}
if (count > tekst.lentgh) {
return result
} else {
return countStrings(tekst-1)

Consider using this logic:
var tekst = "We have to count strings";
function countStrings(tekst) {
if (tekst.length == 0) {
return 0;
return 1 + countStrings(tekst.substring(1));
The approach here is, at each step of the recursion, to return 1 plus whatever the length of the substring from the next character onwards is. That is, we recurse down the input string, one character at a time, building out the length. The base case here occurs when the input to countStrings() happens to be empty string. In this case, we just return 0, and stop the recursive calls.

I decided to attempt this problem and this is what I came up with. Definitely a challenging problem so don't feel bad if you didn't get it:
var countStrings = function(tekst) {
if (tekst.length === 0) return {};
var obj = countStrings(tekst.slice(1));
if (obj[tekst[0]]) {
obj[tekst[0]] += 1;
} else {
obj[tekst[0]] = 1;
return obj;


Javascript function returns previous value or undefined

Learning javascript for the 5th time, basic coding background and foreigner (not a native English speaker, so could not find the proper answer).
I have a basic function which I want to return the a value typed by a user:
var number = ' ';
function askNumber(){
number = parseInt(prompt('Type a number :'));
if (isNaN(number)){
return number;
When you first type characters, it will call the function again.
If the second time you type some numbers, then the function will return 'undefined'.
Now, if I add if/else to call the function when the number is higher than 999 and lower than 0, then if I type a higher number, and then a correct number, the higher number is returned.
It seems the return statement does not return the correct value once the function is called again... recursively?
How to make sure the
return number;
returns the last value typed by the user?
It's not mean to. You are calling the function but not returning the value
var number = ' ';
function askNumber(){
number = parseInt(prompt('Type a number :'));
if (isNaN(number)){
// Notice the return statement:
return askNumber();
} else {
return number;
You could change the above if...else to:
return isNaN(number) ? askNumber() : number;
function addOne(n) {
return n + 1;
// No matter what n is, it returns n + 1;
function addTwo(n) {
let newN = addOne(n); // the return value of addOne comes HERE.
let newNewN = addOne(newN) // Again, the return value comes here.
return newNewN;
You forgot a return statement.
var number = ' ';
function askNumber2(){
number = parseInt(prompt('Type a number :'));
if (isNaN(number)){
return askNumber();
} else {
return number;

How do I access text of Select2 when there are multiple select2 instances?

I have the following code that works with the first selector and provides the result I am looking for, namely that results where the first to kth characters match rank above results where the characters merely exist in the option string.
(i.e. input string "ka" would rank kansas above alaska)
It fails when run in one of the other select2 instances on the site. Code as follows:
$(document).ready(() => {
sorter: function(data) {
return data.sort(function (a, b) {
// Declare levenshtein algorithm
var levenshtein = require('fast-levenshtein');
// Trim and set to lowercase on the inputs
a = a.text.trim().toLowerCase();
b = b.text.trim().toLowerCase();
/* This is the problem. I need a better way to retrieve the
input value in order to test it's fitness against my options. */
var input = $('.select2-search__field').val().trim().toLowerCase();
// Weigh by those that match the input in the beginning of the string first, and then list the rest that only contain the string next.
if (!isUndefined(input) && input.length > 0) {
if(input == a.substring(0, input.length)) {
return -1;
} else if (input == b.substring(0, input.length)) {
return 1;
} else {
// Input doesn't match the beginning of the string, still return strings with matching characters.
return levenshtein.get(a, input) - levenshtein.get(b, input);
// Function to ensure we are not operating on something that is undefined.
function isUndefined(value){
// Obtain `undefined` value that's guaranteed to not have been re-assigned.
var undefined = void(0);
return value === undefined;
As you can see, I need a better way to get at the input than the way I have declared var input.
**** EDIT ****
I think I have a solution.
I suspect that the sort was happening so fast, and so often, that it would just give up. We tested this by consoling out the workflow and we would erratically lose portions of it.
As a solution, I pulled the assignment out of actual sort function and then passed it in.
$(document).ready(() => {
$('.select2').select2({sorter: s2_sorter})
//Function to do sort on a Select2 Field.
let s2_sorter = function(data) {
/* Obtain the value out of the text field in order to test agaist the options during sort. */
var input = {d:$('.select2-container--open .select2-search__field').val().trim().toLowerCase()};
return data.sort(function (a, b) {
// Access the varible inside sort.
let i = input.d;
// Declare levenshtein algorithm
var levenshtein = require('fast-levenshtein');
// Trim and set to lowercase on the inputs
a = a.text.trim().toLowerCase();
b = b.text.trim().toLowerCase();
// Wieght by those that match character first, and then all with the character next.
if (!isUndefined(i) && i.length > 0) {
if(i == a.substring(0, i.length)) {
return -1;
} else if (i == b.substring(0, i.length)) {
return 1;
} else {
// Input doesn't match the begining of the string, still return strings with matching characters.
return levenshtein.get(a, i) - levenshtein.get(b, i);
function isUndefined(value){
// Obtain `undefined` value that's guaranteed to not have been re-assigned.
var undefined = void(0);
return value === undefined;

Javascript - extract letters from an alphanumerical string via loop

Hello there StackOverflow people,
What I expected:
Removing the numbers of the string "23Ka5X". The loop counts the length and the if statement extracts the letters into an array letterMemory. When no letters are in the string, the message '"oh no numbers!" should be the output.
What I ran into:
I have been working on this for some time now but I can't find my mistake. I don't know if I missed a simple detail or made a big mess.
My feeling and console output:
var letterMemory = [];
function orderMsg(mixedMsg) {
for (var loopString = 0; loopString < mixedMsg.length; loopString++); {
if (isNaN(parseInt(mixedMsg.charAt[loopString]))); {
return letterMemory;
} if (!isNaN(parseInt(mixedMsg.charAt[loopString]))) {
return "oh no numbers!";
I feel like the issue is trying to push any letter into the array letterMemory via letterMemory.push(mixedMsg.charAt[loopString])
does not work how I imagine it.
I would be really grateful for your help!
I found a simple solution via .replace() but I really want to make it work with a loop and if statements since loops combined with if statements were my latest freecodecamp lessons and I want to get better at it.
The fixed code
function orderMsg(mixedMsg){
var letterMemory = []
for (var loopString = 0; loopString < mixedMsg.length; loopString++){
if (isNaN(mixedMsg[loopString])){
if (letterMemory.length){
return letterMemory
} else {
return 'oh no numbers!'
The issue was
The for loop was not executing since you terminated it with ; at the end.
charAt is a function, so you either do string.charAt(index), or you can also simply say string[index].
You are using the return statement within the for loop, so what will happen is even if the for loop ran (without the semi-colon at the end), it would run just once.
One other issue is that the variable letterMemory is declared outside the function so that means if you were to call this function twice, it would use the same letterMemory array.
-end of answer-
Additional read: you can use split, filter and ternary operator to condense the function as follows ..
function orderMsg(mixedMsg){
const letterMemory = mixedMsg.split('').filter(isNaN)
return letterMemory.length ? letterMemory : 'oh no numbers!'
This could be helpful,
function orderMsg(mixedMsg) {
for (var loopString = 0; loopString < mixedMsg.length; loopString++) {
if (isNaN(parseInt(mixedMsg.charAt(loopString)))) {
return letterMemory;
var arr = orderMsg("23s5");
if (arr.length == 0) {
console.log("oh no numbers!")
} else {
Use replace with regex globally, replacing all digits by an empty string:
string.replace(/[0-9]/g, "")
You have terminated for loop in the same line with ;.
charAt() is a method.
Return value after for loop ends.
var letterMemory = [];
function orderMsg(mixedMsg) {
for (var loopString = 0; loopString < mixedMsg.length; loopString++) {
var letter=parseInt(mixedMsg.charAt(loopString));
return letterMemory;
return "Oh no numbers!";
Maybe try using .test to match the letters.
function orderMsg(str){
var result = [];
for(var letter of str){
if(result.length === 0){
return 'Oh no numbers'
return result
For a more thorough explanation:

JavaScript Throws Undefined Error

What it is supposed to do -
url1(pages,"ALT") returns ""
url1(pages,"xyz") returns ""
The error - TypeError: Cannot call method 'toUpperCase' of undefined
This is just for some coursework, Im stuck with these errors. Any help would be much appreciated
function index(string,pattern,caseSensitive) {
if(caseSensitive == false) {
var v = string.toUpperCase();
} else {
var v = string;
return indexNumber = v.indexOf(pattern);
var pages = [ "||Loughborough University offers degree programmes and world class research.", "!!An alternative University" , "%www%Yet another University"];
alert(url1(pages, "ALT"));
function url1(pages,pattern) {
var siteContent = [];
for(i=0;i<pages.length;i++) {
var seperator = pages[i].charAt(0);
siteContent = pages[i].split(pages[i].indexOf(seperator));
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
siteContent = pages[i].split(pages[i].indexOf(seperator));
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
If pages[i].indexOf(seperator)<=0, siteContent is still whatever it was from the last iteration. If that happens on the first iteration, siteContent is still [], and siteContent[2] is undefined.
Another problem: the expression pages[i].indexOf(seperator) returns a number, and pages[i].split expects a delimiting string as an argument. Since the number doesn't appear in your input, you'll always get a single-element array, and siteContent[2] will always be undefined. Get rid of .indexOf(seperator), change it to siteContent = pages[i].split(seperator).
One more: get rid of the else { return ""; }. Add a return ""; after the for loop.
Finally, in the first if statement condition, change .indexOf(seperator) > 0 to .indexOf(seperator, 1) !== -1. Since you're getting seperator from the first character of the string, it will be found at 0. You want the second occurrence, so start the search at 1. In addition, .indexOf returns -1 if it doesn't find the substring. You'll need to account for this in both if conditions.
Side note, as this is not causing your problem: never use == false. JS will coerce stuff like 0 and "" to == false. If that's what you want, just use the ! operator, because the expression has nothing to do with the value false.
My final answer is
Right here:
alert(url1(pages, ALT)); // ALT ISN'T DEFINED
I believe you forgot to quote it:
alert(url1(pages, "ALT"));
You should split the string passing the separator character itself. Your function then will look like:
function url1(pages,pattern) {
var siteContent = [];
for(i=0;i<pages.length;i++) {
var seperator = pages[i].charAt(0);
siteContent = pages[i].split(seperator); //fixed here
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
Tell us if it worked, please.
EDIT: It seeems your index() also has a little problem. Please try the function below.
function index(string,pattern,caseSensitive) {
var v;
if(caseSensitive == false) {
v = string.toUpperCase();
pattern = pattern.toUpperCase(); //to clarify: pattern should be uppercased also if caseSensitiveness is false
} else {
v = string;
return v.indexOf(pattern);
And url1() is finally like this:
function url1(pages,pattern) {
var siteContent = [];
for(i=0;i<pages.length;i++) {
var seperator = pages[i].charAt(0);
siteContent = pages[i].split(seperator);
if( index(siteContent[2],pattern,false)>=0){
return siteContent[1];
return "";
In this case, the first occurrence of pattern in all pages will be returned.

Javascript if value is in array else in next array

I have found a few posts on here with similar questions but not entirely the same as what I am trying. I am currently using a simple if statement that checks the data the user enters then checks to see if it starts with a number of different values. I am doing this with the following:
var value = string;
var value = value.toLowerCase();
country = "NONE";
county = "NONE";
if (value.indexOf('ba1 ') == 0 || value.indexOf('ba2 ') == 0 || value.indexOf('ba3 ') == 0) { //CHECK AVON (MAINLAND UK) UK.AVON
country = "UK";
county = "UK.AVON";
} else if(value.indexOf('lu') == 0){//CHECK BEDFORDSHIRE (MAINLAND UK) UK.BEDS
country = "UK";
county = "UK.BEDS";
I have about 20-30 different if, else statements that are basically checking the post code entered and finding the county associated. However some of these if statements are incredibly long so I would like to store the values inside an array and then in the if statement simply check value.indexOf() for each of the array values.
So in the above example I would have an array as follows for the statement:
var avon = new Array('ba1 ','ba 2','ba3 ');
then inside the indexOf() use each value
Would this be possible with minimal script or am I going to need to make a function for this to work? I am ideally wanting to keep the array inside the if statement instead of querying for each array value.
You can use the some Array method (though you might need to shim it for legacy environments):
var value = string.toLowerCase(),
country = "NONE",
county = "NONE";
if (['ba1 ','ba 2','ba3 '].some(function(str) {
return value.slice(0, str.length) === str;
})) {
country = "UK";
county = "UK.AVON";
(using a more performant How to check if a string "StartsWith" another string? implementation also)
For an even shorter condition, you might also resort to regex (anchor and alternation):
if (/^ba(1 | 2|3 )/i.test(string)) { … }
No, it doesn’t exist, but you can make a function to do just that:
function containsAny(string, substrings) {
for(var i = 0; i < substrings.length; i++) {
if(string.indexOf(substrings[i]) !== -1) {
return true;
return false;
Alternatively, there’s a regular expression:
/ba[123] /.test(value)
My recomendation is to rethink your approach and use regular expressions instead of indexOf.
But if you really need it, you can use the following method:
function checkStart(value, acceptableStarts){
for (var i=0; i<acceptableStarts.length; i++) {
if (value.indexOf(acceptableStarts[i]) == 0) {
return true;
return false;
Your previous usage turns into:
if (checkStart(value, ['ba1', ba2 ', 'ba3'])) {
country = 'UK';
Even better you can generalize stuff, like this:
var countryPrefixes = {
'UK' : ['ba1','ba2 ', 'ba3'],
'FR' : ['fa2','fa2']
for (var key in countryPrefixes) {
if (checkStart(value, countryPrefixes[key]) {
country = key;
I'd forget using hard-coded logic for this, and just use data:
var countyMapping = {
'BA1': 'UK.AVON',
'BA2': 'UK.AVON',
'BA3': 'UK.AVON',
'LU': 'UK.BEDS',
Take successive characters off the right hand side of the postcode and do a trivial lookup in the table until you get a match. Four or so lines of code ought to do it:
function getCounty(str) {
while (str.length) {
var res = countyMapping[str];
if (res !== undefined) return res;
str = str.slice(0, -1);
I'd suggest normalising your strings first to ensure that the space between the two halves of the postcode is present and in the right place.
For extra bonus points, get the table out of a database so you don't have to modify your code when Scotland gets thrown out of leaves the UK ;-)
