I'm trying to follow the guide to Writing a Loader using Webpack 5.2.0. At the bottom of the page we are guided through a simple Jest test sample. The Jest test checks that the first module object source property is the source that our loader generated. I can verify that my Webpack compiler step generated a module with a name property of ./example.txt. But the source property is always 'undefined'. This is despite stats.hasErrors() returning false.
I'm new to Webpack loader development and I'm not sure what I'm missing. The module structure description indicates this property should contain my module source if it was successful.
Have others successfully completed this scenario with a recent verison of Webpack?
After some time of googling i found that for webpack#5 you need to pass additional options to have source field in output.
source: true
Just to add some context to this answer, in order to make the Webpack5 Writing a Loader, Testing Section work (as it was 10/31/2020), adjust the following. With Lesha's suggestion above, the output line in test/loader.test.js should read
const output = stats.toJson({source: true}).modules[0].source;
That solves the missing source attribute problem. The Jest test will still fail unless you created the example.txt without a newline on the end. Either ensure there is no line ending or change your expect clause to the following:
expect(output).toBe('export default "Hey Alice!\\n"');
I am working through the Odin Project and am stuck on the first lesson where we must build a webapp using webpack. I followed the tutorials here and hereon webpack's website, and I was able to get them to work. However, when I try to set up my own files to build my own project, I can't get CSS to load or a function in my index.js file.
I have the same directory style set up, and have even tried using the exact same index.js file they use in the tutorial.
I expect to get: a webpage to load that says "hello webpack" in red text.
Instead, I get this error: when I run $npx webpack, it says:
ERROR in ./src/style.css 1:0
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
> .hello{
| color: red;
| }
# ./src/index.js 1:0-21
Upon googling the error, I found a stack overflow article and I tried renaming my rules array to 'loaders' in my .config file as this article suggests, but I still get the same error.
“You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type” with Webpack and CSS
Also weird is the fact that some of the code in my index.js file works, and some does not. To elaborate, my console.log and alert works just fine after I run $npx webpack and load the page. However, they function that is supposed to add "hello webpack" to the DOM, does not, as evidence by the fact that nothing shows up at all. The page itself is blank.
My index.js code:
import './style.css';
console.log("console works");
alert("alert works");
function component() {
const element = document.createElement('div');
// Lodash, now imported by this script
element.innerHTML = _.join(['Hello', 'webpack'], ' ');
return element;
You will notice that it is nearly the exact same as the asset management index.js file from the webpack tutorial. I did this purposely to have as little variance as possible between my stuff and the tutorial.
I don't know if it is too much information, but a link to the whole repo as it currently is set up can be found here
I re-setup the file from the ground up and noticed that the CSS stopped working when I went out of my way to change the bundle.js link they had in their example to main.js. While I double-checked to make sure that I made the correct corresponding changes to output in my config file, making this change had the sum total outcome of not allowing my CSS to work for some reason.
What this reason is? I have no idea, and would be very interested to learn why this happened if someone has a suggestion
But on the offchance that one of my fellow Odin learners googles this problem, I kept the example's bundle.js instead of changing to main.js as my output script and it worked fine.
I'm going to update my github now so my original github link will likely be out of date going forward.
Going through your GitHub repo commit history, I see that at some point you named your Webpack configuration file weback.config.js instead of webpack.config.js (the p was missing). This was likely the source of the problem, as Webpack couldn't find a loader configuration for the .css file you're importing.
I'm using webpack 4.26.1 (latest).
The code import('./images/header.csv') produce the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot find module './images/header.csv'
at webpackMissingModule (home.js:9)
My project structure:
'project-dir/src/components/home.js' (im here)
I tried to read https://webpack.js.org/api/module-methods/ but failed to understand what to do except adding random webpack comments which I don't understand.
Also, from the docs, I may be found the source of the problem but I'm not exactly sure I understand it and how to solve it.
Fully dynamic statements, such as import(foo), will fail because webpack requires at least some file location information. This is because foo could potentially be any path to any file in your system or project. The import() must contain at least some information about where the module is located, so bundling can be limited to a specific directory or set of files.
Every module that could potentially be requested on an import() call is included. For example, import(./locale/${language}.json) will cause every .json file in the ./locale directory to be bundled into the new chunk. At run time, when the variable language has been computed, any file like english.json or german.json will be available for consumption. Using the webpackInclude and webpackExclude options allows us to add regex patterns that reduce the files that webpack will bundle for this import.
More than providing me a solution, I will appreciate any answer that covers what is the actual problem with my code.
Thank you.
I have pretty strange problem with webpack and aurelia.
I've made new webpack configuration based on the internet and in official webpack and aurelia documentation. Compilation works, everything seems to be fine. But in runtime, I'm getting this error:
css-resource.js?ada4:17 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Failed loading required CSS file: aurelia-notify/style.css
at fixupCSSUrls (css-resource.js?ada4:17)
at eval (css-resource.js?ada4:56)
at <anonymous>
Originally, I thought it might be some issue related to this comment:
// CSS required in templates cannot be extracted safely
// because Aurelia would try to require it again in runtime
mentioned here: https://github.com/aurelia/skeleton-navigation/blob/master/skeleton-typescript-webpack/webpack.config.js#L70 but it doesn't seem to be.
While creating working example, I made a strange discovery. Everything works, until I load one of CSS files from following dependencies:
<require from="aurelia-bootstrap-datetimepicker/src/bootstrap-datetimepicker-bs4.css"></require>
<require from="eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker/build/css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css"></require>
(Please not the dependencies and error message - they are completely unrelated).
Here is example repository: https://github.com/klinki/aurelia-webpack-issue
(also have a look at tag working-state: https://github.com/klinki/aurelia-webpack-issue/tree/working-state - only one commit back and it works).
I fixed your problem:
new ModuleDependenciesPlugin({
'aurelia-testing': [ './compile-spy', './view-spy' ],
// 'aurelia-notify': [ './style.css' ]
First this is not needed because AureliaPlugin installs a loader by default on all HTML files to detect and process <require> dependencies. style.css is required from an HTML template somewhere inside aurelia-notify. This is handled for you, no config required.
Second this was bad because the rest of your config is set up with appropriate loaders based on whether the CSS dependency comes from inside a .html (assuming an Aurelia <require>) or not (assuming a JS import).
By using ModuleDependenciesPlugin in this way, Webpack did not see a .html origin for the dependency and incorrect loaders were applied.
I decided to try out WebPack on a new project I'm spinning up today and I'm getting really strange behavior from the sourcemaps. I can't find anything about it in the documentation, nor can I find anyone else having this issue when skimming StackOverflow.
I'm currently looking at the HelloWorld app produced by Vue-CLI's WebPack template -- no changes have been made to the code, the build environment, or anything.
I installed everything and ran it like so:
vue init webpack test && cd test && npm install && npm run dev
Looking at my sourcemaps, I see the following:
This is a hot mess. Why are there three version of HelloWorld.vue and App.vue? Worse yet, each version has a slightly different version of the code and none of them match the original source. The HellowWorld.vue sitting in the root directory does match the original source, but what's it doing down there instead of in the ./src/components folder? Finally, why isn't there a fourth App.vue that has the original source for it?
As far as I can tell this may have something to do with the WebPack loaders. I've never gotten these kinds of issues with any other bundler, though. Below is an example of the exact same steps using the Browserify Vue-CLI template:
No webpack:// schema, only one copy of every file, the files actually contain the original source code (kind of important for source maps), no unexpected (webpack)/buildin or (webpack)-hot-middleware, no . subdirectory,.... just the source code.
I haven't worked with Vue so can't really describe how exactly this is happening but it seems to be related to Vue Loader. Looking at the documentation I did not really find anything that clarifies why it would create three different files for one component. But it does seem logical considering that a .vue file might contain three types of top-level language blocks: <template>, <script>, and <style>.
Also, looking at two of those files you do see a comment at end of each file that suggests it was modified in some way by a Vue loader. Either this
// ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/template-compiler
// ./node_modules/vue-style-loader!./node_modules/css-loader
The third file is different but it still does have code that identifies it as being modified by Vue loader. Here is some of that code
function injectStyle (ssrContext) {
if (disposed) return
/* script */
import __vue_script__ from "!!babel-loader!../../node_modules/vue-loader/..."
/* template */
import __vue_template__ from "!!../../node_modules/vue-loader/..."
/* styles */
var __vue_styles__ = injectStyle
The document also says this:
vue-loader is a loader for Webpack that can transform Vue components written in the following format into a plain JavaScript module:
Which explains why you might not see the same type of behaviour with other bundlers.
Now, This might not be the answer you were looking for but just wanted to share what I had found.
This is actually a feature of webpack.
webpack has HMR (Hot Module Reloading). If you look in your network tab, go ahead and make an update to your HelloWorld.vue file. You'll see a js chunk come thru as well as an updated JSON manifest. Both of these will have a unique hash at the end for each time you make a change to the application. It does this so the browser does not have to do a full reload.
For a better explanation of this I would highly recommend reading through https://webpack.js.org/concepts/hot-module-replacement/
So i have an angular application. With this application i have alot of plugins (modules) that i use in my app.
i am trying to minify them which actually works. However after they have been minified (uglifyed) im getting the following error:
failed to instantiate module app due to:
Due to: And then all the modules. (starting by the first loaded then moving on).
Does this mean that i am unable to minify angular modules. (which would basicly mean im stuck with a 1000 line long HTML file).
Explicit dependency injection
Inline annotation
You're probably doing it wrong. As the AngularJs documentation specifies, when you are going to minify your files, you must specify the dependencies like this:
app.controller('$ctrl', ['dep1', 'dep2', function(dep1, dep2) {
// your code here
This way, when the files are minified, the dependencies are not modified. See the angularJs tutorial: https://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_05#a-note-on-minification
No, this does not mean you cannot minnify the module files. You can achieve this.
Check to make sure the order in wich they are concatenated/minnified is correct, if for example module x uses something from module y and x is loaded after y, this will show the error.
If the problem is because of the way the modules are declared, you could install grunt-ng-annotate wich will, when run, change all module declarations to the desired format so that you do not receive the mentioned error.
npm install grunt-ng-annotate --save-dev