I am attempting to implement a solution where by as you scroll through various sections of my site, marked by the
HTML Tags, the:
<meta name="theme-color" content="#535353">
Changes, say for example you had 3 sections, the first had a Black background, second white, and third red- as you scrolled through each section, the theme-colour changed appropriately. So far I have:
document.querySelector('meta[name="theme-color"]').setAttribute('content', '#535353');
However I am unsure where to go from here. I hope you guys will be able to help me out, thanks.
Below code does the trick:
section {
height: 100vh;
display: block;
<section data-theme-color="red">
<p>sesction conent</p>
<section data-theme-color="green">
<p>sesction conent</p>
<section data-theme-color="blue">
<p>sesction conent</p>
and js:
var theme = document.querySelector('meta[name="theme-color"]'),
getThemeColor = theme.getAttribute('content'),
sectionElem = document.getElementsByTagName('section'),
sectionHeight = sectionElem[0].clientHeight,
sectionLength = sectionElem.length;
// set color on load
window.onload = () => {
document.body.style.backgroundColor = theme.getAttribute('content');
// set color on 'scroll' event
window.addEventListener('scroll', (e) => {
var offset = window.pageYOffset,
sectionIndex = parseInt(offset, "10") % sectionLength,
sectionColor = document.getElementsByTagName('section')[sectionIndex].getAttribute('data-theme-color'),
setSectionColor = theme.setAttribute('content', sectionColor);
document.querySelectorAll('section')[sectionIndex].style.backgroundColor = theme.getAttribute('content');
Let's imagine I want to make a social media application. I make a div to hold all my posts. When I start the application, I only query as many requests as will fit on the viewport. I append them as divs themselves. When the user scrolls to the point that they can see n more posts, n more posts are queried and appended to the div.
Or another, an application that you can infinitely scroll and generates random numbers for each div, using similar logic as above.
How can I implement this? I have no idea where to start, but right now what I think I might be able to get away with adding a scroll event. Here's some psuedocode of how that might look, but I'm not sure if I can do something like this (or if it's valid logic, because it's late at night):
unsigned lastY
document.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
// check if there is space to add more elements
if ((lastY - postsDiv.sizeY) != 0) { // yes, there is space to add more elements
// how many can we?
unsigned toAdd =
// (I am very, very unsure if this is correct)
floor(lastY - postsDiv.sizeY) * postsDiv.lengthInYOfEachElement;
lastY = window.scrollY
Is this even a good approach?
You can use element's scrollTop property to check for amount of height scrolled. When this amount gets past a certain percentage of element's visible scroll height, you can add your posts to the element.
In the example below, new numbers are added when user scrolls 90% (0.9) of the height.
let n = 50;
let i = 0;
let cont = document.querySelector(".container");
function generateNumbers(ini) {
for (var i = ini; i <= n + ini; i++) {
let span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerText = i;
cont.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
if (cont.scrollTop >= (cont.scrollHeight - cont.clientHeight) * 0.9) {
i = n + 1;
n += 50;
.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
height: 200px;
overflow: scroll;
<div class="container">
You can do this easily with the Intersection Observer (IO)
Basically you set up your structure like this:
let options = {
rootMargin: '0px',
threshold: 0.9
target = document.querySelector('#js-load-more');
observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
var entry = entries[0];
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
console.log('You reached the bottom of the list!');
}, options);
appendMorePosts = function() {
const post = document.createElement('div');
post.innerHTML = 'blabla';
document.querySelector('.post-container').insertBefore(post,document.querySelector('#js-load-more') );
.post {
height: 400px;
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, hotpink, cyan)
<div class="post-container">
<div class="post"> blabla </div> <!-- this is one "post" with images, text, .. -->
<div class="post"> blabla </div>
<div class="post"> blabla </div>
<div id="js-load-more"></div> <!-- just an empty div, to check if you should load more -->
I am having an issue with page loading time. Currently right now I am running UBUNTU in Oracle Vm Virtual Box. I am using mozilla firefox as my browser and I am working on an etchasketch project from "The odin project".
My problem is the page loading time. The code takes a prompt at the start and generates a grid for the etch a sketch based on that prompt. I have not given it the minimum and maximum values (16 and 64) respectively, however any number when prompted at the beginning that is beyond 35 doesn't load or takes ages to load.
How do I speed up the process time? / why is it moving so slow? / how can I avoid this ? / is there a fix that I am over looking that can make this work a lot faster? / feel free to tackle any and all of those questions!
This is my HTML CODE:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<div class="etchhead">
<p> Choose your grid size </p>
<input type = "text"></input>
<button id="startOver"> Clear Grid </button>
<p> Change color </p>
<div id="grid">
<script src="eas.js"></script>
And this is my CSS code:
p {
color: blue;
display: inline;
#grid {
display: grid;
width: 800px;
max-width: 800px;
height: 800px;
max-height: 800px;
line-height: 0;
.gridBox {
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: lightgrey
And this is my JAVASCRIPT code:
function gridStart(){
var boxes = 0
var selectBody = document.querySelector("#grid");
var addBox = document.createElement("div");
var boxCountStart = prompt("enter a number between 16 and 64");
var boxDimensions = (boxCountStart * boxCountStart);
function rowsAndColumns() {
var selectBody = document.querySelector("#grid");
var gridTemplateColumns = 'repeat('+boxCountStart+', 1fr)';
selectBody.style.gridTemplateColumns= gridTemplateColumns;
selectBody.style.gridTemplateRows= gridTemplateColumns;
function hoverColor(){
var divSelector = selectBody.querySelectorAll("div");
divSelector.forEach((div) => {
div.addEventListener("mouseover", (event) => {
event.target.style.backgroundColor = "grey";
for (boxes = 0; boxes < boxDimensions ; boxes++) {
var selectBody = document.querySelector("#grid");
var addBox = document.createElement("div");
addBox.textContent = (" ");
There are two components to your issue. One is that you are repeatedly modifying the DOM in a loop. You can fix it by appending all your boxes to a DocumentFragment and then adding that to the DOM after your loop finishes. You are also calling hoverColor(); inside your loop which results in adding tons of event listeners that all do the same thing (since inside hoverColor you are adding a listener to every single div). You can fix both those issues like this:
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment( );
for (var i = 0; i < boxDimensions ; i++) {
var addBox = document.createElement("div");
addBox.textContent = (" ");
document.querySelector("#grid").appendChild( fragment );
Here is a JSFiddle with your original code, and here is one with the modification.
You could also benefit from only having one event listener total. You don't need to loop and add an event listener to every div. Just add one to #grid and use event.target (like you already do, to find the div that the event originated from). Something like this:
function hoverColor(){
document.querySelector("#grid").addEventListener( 'mouseover', function ( event ) {
event.target.style.backgroundColor = "grey";
} );
I want to add a class to an element when the user scrolls more than 100px from the top of the element but I seem to be triggering this as soon as the page loads. This is the code that I have at the moment
const content = document.getElementById("content");
document.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
content.scrollTop > 100
Also with your answer can you please explain where I've gone wrong.
Thank you in advance
Maybe what is happening is that content.scrollTop is always returning 0 and your condition is never fulfilled. I've struggled myself with that problem trying to make a fiddle to test your case.
To check if the scroll has passed the beginning of the element plus 100px we need to know where the element starts and the new position of the scroll, we can get both values like this:
var position = content.offsetTop;
var scrolled = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
With these, you can do something like this in your event function:
const content = document.getElementById("content");
document.addEventListener("scroll", (e) => {
var scrolled = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
var position = content.offsetTop;
if(scrolled > position + 100){
Here's the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/cvmw3L1o/1/
I want to add a class to an element when the user scrolls more than
100px from the top of the element
You should add addEventListener to content not document
const content = document.getElementById("content");
content.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
console.log('class added');
content.scrollTop >= 100
#content {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
overflow: scroll;
p {
height: 1000px;
<div id="content">
I am trying to build my own carousel with pure JavaScript.
I'm struggling with picking up the most efficient way to add an infinite carousel option.
For some reasons, every element (photo, generic object) must have an id
The algorithm I see goes like that:
You check if the carousel is overflown (the are enough objects to fit
the whole container)
If not: append to the back a copy of the first element, then
a copy of the second element and so on. (But there will be an issue with the ids, because this object will have the same id)
- If the user is scrolling to the last object (to right) then append
the first DOM object to the array back
- If the user is scrolling to
the first object (to left) then add the last DOM child to array
Is this going to work? Is there any other efficient way of doing an infinite carousel?
I have also heard that it's better to use translate property rather than changing the left, right properties, so it there would be more work for the GPU than for CPU.
I created a simple slider with css transformations as the animation technique and plain Javascript.
var img = document.getElementsByClassName("img")[0];
img.style.transform = 'translate('+value+'px)';
You can test it in this codepen snippet.
A press on a button translates all images in the respective direction along the x-axis. An image on the edge, is set transparent outerImg.style.opacity = '0'; and translated to the other side. You can add or remove image elements in HTML and it still works.
In this second codepen snippet you can see how it works. The opacity is set to 0.5 so it is observable which image switches the side. Because overflow: hidden is removed, you can see how the images on the edge enqueue on the other side.
Moreover it is notworthy that it is checked wether the animation is complete, otherwise the simultaneously added translations would look odd. Therefore a click won't trigger another animation until unless the animation is completed.
img.addEventListener("transitionend", transitionCompleted, true);
var transitionCompleted = function(){
translationComplete = true;
if(translationComplete === true){
you can use this code to manipulate slides. This basically rotates the array back and front
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.parentDiv {
height: 30%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
<button class="fwd"> Fwd! </button>
<button class="bkwd"> Bkwd! </button>
<script type="text/javascript">
const arr = ['red', 'blue', 'coral', 'green', 'yellow'];
let narr = ['red', 'blue', 'coral'];
const parentDiv = document.createElement('div');
parentDiv.setAttribute('class', 'parentDiv');
document.body.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', parentDiv);
window.onload = ()=> {
narr.forEach(color => {
while(parentDiv.children.length < narr.length){
const childDiv = document.createElement('div');
Array.from(parentDiv.children).forEach((child, index) => {
child.style.border = '1px #000 dotted';
child.style.minWidth = '20%';
child.style.minHeight = '20vh';
child.style.backgroundColor = narr[index]
document.querySelector('.fwd').addEventListener('click', ()=>{
if(narr[narr.length-1] === arr[arr.length-1]){
} else {
narr.forEach(color => {
while(parentDiv.children.length < narr.length){
const childDiv = document.createElement('div');
Array.from(parentDiv.children).forEach((child, index) => {
child.style.border = '1px #000 dotted';
child.style.minWidth = '20%';
child.style.minHeight = '20vh';
child.style.backgroundColor = narr[index];
document.querySelector('.bkwd').addEventListener('click', ()=>{
if(narr[0] === arr[0]){
} else {
narr.forEach(color => {
while(parentDiv.children.length < narr.length){
const childDiv = document.createElement('div');
Array.from(parentDiv.children).forEach((child, index) => {
child.style.border = '1px #000 dotted';
child.style.minWidth = '20%';
child.style.minHeight = '20vh';
child.style.backgroundColor = narr[index]
At the moment I'm trying to keep the footer at the bottom with Javascript. This is the result:
document.getElementsByTagName('body').onload = function() {KeepFoot()};
var element = document.getElementById('container');
var height = element.offsetHeight;
function KeepFoot() {
if (height < screen.height) {
document.getElementById("footer").style.position = "fixed";
document.getElementById("footer").style.bottom = "0";
document.getElementById("footer").style.left = "0";
document.getElementById("footer").style.right = "0";
My idea was to take the height of the div container and compare it with the height of the resolution of the pc. If the height of the div container is smaller than the height of the resolution of the PC, set to the div footer position: fixed;
But there is a problem in the script because it doesn't work.
Another question, the script that I created would be fine for keep the footer at the bottom?
<div id="container">
<div id="header"></div>
<div id="content"></div>
<div id="footer"></div>
The function is not being called on load. You can attach the function KeepFoot directly to the body tag like this Instead of calling like this:
document.getElementsByTagName('body').onload = function() {KeepFoot()};
or use my code from below:
(function() {
var offsetHeight = document.getElementById('container').offsetHeight;
var screenHeight = screen.height;
if(offsetHeight < screenHeight){
document.getElementById("footer").style.position = "fixed";
document.getElementById("footer").style.bottom = "0";
document.getElementById("footer").style.left = "0";
"DOMContentLoaded" event only fires when document is ready similar to jquery's $(document.ready).
and, for styles you can use class instead of setting each style using javascript.
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (event) {
var element = document.getElementById('container');
var height = element.offsetHeight;
if (height < screen.height) {
}, false);
#footer.stikybottom {
position: fixed;
left: 0;
<div id="container">
<div id="header">header</div>
<div id="content">Conent</div>
<div id="footer">Something in footer</div>
I thing your function works very well. maybe what is missing is the function calling.
function KeepFoot() {
if (height < screen.height) {
document.getElementById("footer").style.position = "fixed";
document.getElementById("footer").style.bottom = "0";
document.getElementById("footer").style.left = "0";
document.getElementById("footer").style.right = "0";
see this jsfiddle
If what you want is to maintain the footer on the bottom of the page, you must read this. cssreset.com/how-to-keep-footer-at-bottom-of-page-with-css/
You can do it without js.