How to connect loop data to pdfgeneratorapi with wix corvid? - javascript

I'm generating PDF by using
Now I can show data one by one using this code.Can any one give me suggestion how can show all data with loop or any other way?
This below photos showing my template from pdfgenerator .
This is the code I'm using to generate PDF
let communicationWay1=[
let cstomerExpence1=[
let title="test";
let names="test";
let phone="test";
let email="test";
let maritalStatus="test";
let city="test";
let other="test";
const result = await wixData.query(collection)
.eq('main_user_email', $w('#mainE').text)
.then( (results) => {
if (results.totalCount>0) {
// title=results.items[1].title;
if (results.totalCount>1) {
} )
.catch( (err) => {
} );
// Add your code for this event here:
const pdfUrl = await getPdfUrl
if (count===0) { $w("#text21").show();}
else{ $w("#downloadButton");}
Also I want to open pdf in new tab. I know "_blank" method can be used to open a new tab.But I'm not sure how to add it with the url
import PDFGeneratorAPI from 'pdf-generator-api'
const apiKey = 'MYKEY';
const apiSecret = 'MYAPISECRET';
const baseUrl = '';
const workspace = "";
const templateID = "MYTEMPLATEID";
let Client = new PDFGeneratorAPI(apiKey, apiSecret)
export async function getPdfUrl(data) {
const {response} = await Client.output(templateID, data, undefined, undefined, {output: 'url'})
return response

Just put it in a while loop with a boolean condition.
You can create a variable, for example allShowed, and set its value to False. After that, create another variable, for example numberOfDataToShow, and set it as the number of elements you want to display. Then create a counter, countShowed, initialized with 0 as its value.
Now create a while loop: while allShowed value is False, you loop (and add data).
Everytime a piece of your data is showed, you increment the value of countShowed (and set it to go on adding/showing data). When countShowed will have the exact same value of numberOfDataToShow, set allShowed to True. The loop will interrupt and all your data will be showed.

You would need to use the Container or Table component in PDF Generator API to iterate over a list of items. As #JustCallMeA said you need to send an array of items. PDF Generator API now has an official Wix Velo (previously Corvid) tutorial with a demo page:


Show an image stream to client in blazor server without javascript?

Right now i have the following lines of code:
private async Task SetImageUsingStreamingAsync()
var imageStream = await GetImageStreamAsync();
var dotnetImageStream = new DotNetStreamReference(imageStream);
await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("setImageUsingStreaming",
"image1", dotnetImageStream);
Above snippet gets a Stream, and repackages that stream into DotNetStreamReferance, and then passes that DotNetStreamReferance to a JS function:
async function setImageUsingStreaming(imageElementId, imageStream) {
const arrayBuffer = await imageStream.arrayBuffer();
const blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer]);
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
document.getElementById(imageElementId).src = url;
which populates an html element by ID. This is all fine, and works, but if i want to have a loadingscreen while i get the streams from the DB things get messy:
show loadingscreen
foreach(string in listofstrings)
<img id="somename"></img>
the img element does not "show up", and causes an error in the js snippet if the bool isloading is not changed to false BEFORE populating the images on the site. Which kind of defeats the purpose with a loadingscreen.
Is there a smarter way of doing this? Preferably without using javascript, since i dont really know that language and cannot modify it to my needs.
The above code is a direct reference from .net documentation on blazor(not the loading part, but the stream to image part):
if (isloading)
// show loadingscreen
// Populate a list with image elements...
List imageElements = new List();
foreach(string in listofstrings)
Element image = new Element("img");
image.Id = "somename";
// ...and append the list to the DOM using RenderElementsAsync
// to ensure that it is rendered only when the list is fully
// populated.
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync("setImageUsingStreaming", imageElements, dotnetImageStream);
The idea is to populate an in-memory list of elements, and then append the list to the DOM in one go, by rendering it asynchronously using RenderElementsAsync.
Note: In your original code, you should invoke the JavaScript function setImageUsingStreaming() asynchronously. That is, you should use InvokeAsync instead of InvokeVoidAsync.
Let me know if this helps...
I figured it based on Yogi's answer in the comment section of my post:
there is absolutely no need to use JS here, i dont know why the blazor docs prefer it that way.
a simple sample on how i did:
private async Task PopulateImageFromStream(Stream stream)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
byte[] byteArray = ms.ToArray();
var b64String = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray);
string imageURL = "data:image/png;base64," + b64String;
add the imageURL to an array, or simply declare it globaly to get it in HTML:
<img src="#imageURL">

How do I create an array from Promise results?

I'm using React to build a web app. At one point I have a list of ids, and I want to use those to retrieve a list of items from a database, get a list of metrics from each one, and then push those metrics to an array. My code so far is:
useEffect(() => {
const newMetrics = [];
currentItems.forEach((item) => {
const url = `items/listmetrics/${}`;
Client.getData(url).then(async (metrics) => {
let promises = string) => {
// Get metric info
const urlMetric = `metrics/${metricId}`;
return Client.getData(urlMetric);
await Promise.all(promises).then((metrics: Array<any>) => {
metrics.forEach((metric: MetricModel) => {
const metricItem = {
}, [currentItems]);
where "metrics" is a state variable, set by setMetrics.
This appears to work ok, but when I try to access the resulting metrics array, it seems to be in the wrong format. If I try to read the value of metrics[0], it says it's undefined (although I know there are several items in metrics). Looking at it in the console, metrics looks like this:
However, normally the console shows arrays like this (this is a different variable, I'm just showing how it's listed with (2) [{...},{...}], whereas the one I've created shows as []):
I'm not confident with using Promise.all, so I suspect that that's where I've gone wrong, but I don't know how to fix it.

Deep copy of the Object to add a key : value

I am pre-fetching a product from a database using mongoose with next.js and react-query. I was wondering why I need to do a deep copy of a nested object in order to add a key:value to it. Otherwise it does not work. Let me know what I am not understanding.
await queryClient.prefetchQuery(['productSlug', slug], async () => {
const product = await read(slug);
const existingRatingObject = product.ratings.find(
(item) => item.postedBy.toString() === user._id.toString()
const copyProduct = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(product));
if (existingRatingObject) { =;
} else { = 0;
console.log({ copyProduct });
return JSON.stringify(copyProduct);
The reason is that the product fetched is a Mongoose document not a plain old JavaScript object.
When you convert it to plain old javascript Object, you will be able to add any key to it.
You can add .lean() to you query or add toObject/toJSON to you the fetched document

Firebase Firestore - Async/Await Not Waiting To Get Data Before Moving On?

I'm new to the "async/await" aspect of JS and I'm trying to learn how it works.
The error I'm getting is Line 10 of the following code. I have created a firestore database and am trying to listen for and get a certain document from the Collection 'rooms'. I am trying to get the data from the doc 'joiner' and use that data to update the innerHTML of other elements.
// References and Variables
const db = firebase.firestore();
const roomRef = await db.collection('rooms');
const remoteNameDOM = document.getElementById('remoteName');
const chatNameDOM = document.getElementById('title');
let remoteUser;
// Snapshot Listener
roomRef.onSnapshot(snapshot => {
snapshot.docChanges().forEach(async change => {
if (roomId != null){
if (role == "creator"){
const usersInfo = await roomRef.doc(roomId).collection('userInfo');
usersInfo.doc('joiner').get().then(async (doc) => {
remoteUser = await;
remoteNameDOM.innerHTML = `${remoteUser} (Other)`;
chatNameDOM.innerHTML = `Chatting with ${remoteUser}`;
However, I am getting the error:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'joinerName' of undefined
Similarly if I change the lines 10-12 to:
remoteUser = await;
remoteNameDOM.innerHTML = `${remoteUser.joinerName} (Other)`;
chatNameDOM.innerHTML = `Chatting with ${remoteUser.joinerName}`;
I get the same error.
My current understanding is that await will wait for the line/function to finish before moving forward, and so remoteUser shouldn't be null before trying to call it. I will mention that sometimes the code works fine, and the DOM elements are updated and there are no console errors.
My questions: Am I thinking about async/await calls incorrectly? Is this not how I should be getting documents from Firestore? And most importantly, why does it seem to work only sometimes?
Edit: Here are screenshots of the Firestore database as requested by #Dharmaraj. I appreciate the advice.
You are mixing the use of async/await and then(), which is not recommended. I propose below a solution based on Promise.all() which helps understanding the different arrays that are involved in the code. You can adapt it with async/await and a for-of loop as #Dharmaraj proposed.
roomRef.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
// snapshot.docChanges() Returns an array of the documents changes since the last snapshot.
// you may check the type of the change. I guess you maybe don’t want to treat deletions
const promises = [];
snapshot.docChanges().forEach(docChange => {
// No need to use a roomId, you get the doc via docChange.doc
// see
if (role == "creator") { // It is not clear from where you get the value of role...
const joinerRef = docChange.doc.collection('userInfo').doc('joiner');
.then(docSnapshotArray => {
// docSnapshotArray is an Array of all the docSnapshots
// corresponding to all the joiner docs corresponding to all
// the rooms that changed when the listener was triggered
docSnapshotArray.forEach(docSnapshot => {
remoteUser =;
remoteNameDOM.innerHTML = `${remoteUser} (Other)`;
chatNameDOM.innerHTML = `Chatting with ${remoteUser}`;
However, what is not clear to me is how you differentiate the different elements of the "first" snapshot (i.e. roomRef.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {...}))). If several rooms change, the snapshot.docChanges() Array will contain several changes and, at the end, you will overwrite the remoteNameDOM and chatNameDOM elements in the last loop.
Or you know upfront that this "first" snapshot will ALWAYS contain a single doc (because of the architecture of your app) and then you could simplify the code by just treating the first and unique element as follows:
roomRef.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
const roomDoc = snapshot.docChanges()[0];
// ...
There are few mistakes in this:
db.collection() does not return a promise and hence await is not necessary there
forEach ignores promises so you can't actually use await inside of forEach. for-of is preferred in that case.
Please try the following code:
const db = firebase.firestore();
const roomRef = db.collection('rooms');
const remoteNameDOM = document.getElementById('remoteName');
const chatNameDOM = document.getElementById('title');
let remoteUser;
// Snapshot Listener
roomRef.onSnapshot(async (snapshot) => {
for (const change of snapshot.docChanges()) {
if (roomId != null){
if (role == "creator"){
const usersInfo = roomRef.doc(roomId).collection('userInfo').doc("joiner");
usersInfo.doc('joiner').get().then(async (doc) => {
remoteUser =;
remoteNameDOM.innerHTML = `${remoteUser} (Other)`;
chatNameDOM.innerHTML = `Chatting with ${remoteUser}`;

cloud functions for firebase onwrite not triggering any executions

exports.editData = functions.database.ref('/AllData/hello/A').onWrite((change, context) => {
const after = change.after;
if (after.exists()) {
const data = after.val();
var value = data;
// set of data to multiply by turns ratio
var actualEIn = (value.ein)*200;
console.log('Data Edited');
return admin.database().ref('/editedData/hello/A').push({
ein: actualEIn,
Edit: made some edits to the code as suggested! However, when I deploy it there are literally no logs.
Change this:
exports.editValues = functions.database.ref('/AllData/hello/A').onWrite((snapshot) => {
const data = snapshot.val();
if (data.exists()) {
into this:
exports.editValues = functions.database.ref('/AllData/hello/A').onWrite((change,context) => {
const data = change.after.val();
if (data.exists()) {
more info here:
exports.editData = functions.database.ref('/AllData/hello/A/{id}').onWrite((change, context) => {
const afterData = change.after;
if (afterData.exists()) {
const data = afterData.val();
// set of data to multiply by turns ratio
var actualEIn = (data.ein)*200;
return admin.database().ref('/editedData/hello/A').push({
ein: actualEIn,
Hi guys thank you for all your help! :) I managed to solve this by adding a /{id} at the back!
You've got two things wrong here.
First, newer versions of the firebase-functions SDK since version 1.0 deliver a Change object to onWrite handlers instead of a snapshot, as it appears you are expecting. The Change object has properties for before and after with DataSnapshot objects of the contents of the database before and after the change that triggered the function. Please read the documentation for database triggers to get all the information.
Second, exists() is a method on DataSnapshot, but you're using it on the raw JavaScript object value of the contents of the database the location of change. JavaScript objects coming from val() will not have any methods to call.
You should probably update your code to:
Use the latest version of the firebase-functions module
Alter your function to accept the Change object instead of a snapshot
Use the exists() method on a snapshot in the change, rather than a raw JavaScript object.
Starter code:
exports.editValues = functions.database.ref('/AllData/hello/A').onWrite((change) => {
const after = change.after; // the DataSnapshot of the data after it was changed
if (after.exists()) {
const data = after.val() // the raw JavaScript value of the location
// use data here
